HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1978-03-13u&6fsPR- TRS, TL JOB LOCATIO Partitioning LANE COUNTY PERMIT Acreage or Lot Size Contractor's O.S. # ( ) Completed Subdivision Lot Block- APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRE qq OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRE CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDR Phon Mail permitto ( )Applicant ( )Owner ( )Contractor. ( )Prefertopickup. Call-(owner, etc.) when ready Phone- Phone- e STFUCTUFES NOW ON THE PROPERTY I THIS PERMIT IS FO # B ED ROOIVIS-# PLUIVIB I NG CO NNECT IO NS WATER SUPPLY-- SEWAGE DISPOSAL- S.I. # THlSPRoPERTYlSWlTHlNoNEMlLEoFTHEclTYoF.PLUIVlBlNGBY I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate, and that I have the lollowing legal interest in the property: -owner of record; -contract purchaser; - potential buyer; - realtor or agent. I further certify that (if not the owner) I am authorized to act lor the owner ot record, and that said owner is aware and approves of this action. I hereby agree to comply with all applicable Codes relating to this permit. Fee Paid $-Signatu re Date () NEW ADDRESS () FACILITY PERMIT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT.( ) SPECIAL PMT. AREA. MlN. ELEVATION: - SAN ITATION BUILDING Type of Construction -Group -FireZone Use Classification Comments: Comments By Date:By:Date [Vlinimum Septic Tank Capacity (Galtons) Drainfield Required - Lineal Feet Maximum Depth PLANNING REOUI REMENTS SATISFIED. By Date Date lssued: ZON E SETBACKS: FRONT SIDE FACING STREET (FROM C/L) INT. SIDE YARD REAR (FROM P/L) LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 125 EAST BTH AVE., EUGENE, OREGON 974O1 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE C55-13 BLDG. pERMrr - WHrrE; BUTLDTNG - GREEN; pLUMBTNG - GANARy; sANrrATroN - coLoENRoD; oFFrcE copy - wHrrE PHONE:687-4394 tree I Hspecron SITE INSPICTION. AppnovcoDDrsAppRovEoDDare Rruanx s A NDATION INSPICTION Reuanx s D r sappnovro Dare Z - Zl- E< lruspe c FRAMING I NSPEC Re uanx s Acc-erzfee !J--Dr slppnoveo oorr /5AttL fq rxsprcron lU * a LATH OR SHEETROCK Ap pnov r o Rrxanx s I NSPECT I ON Dr sappnoveo Darr I nspecton F I NAL I NSPECT ION Accee rcP Dtsappnovro Reulnx s fte f3 /(Lr oart l{ 4l *1t81 tNspe cr ".-k) &*- CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Reaov ro lssur Reuanx s Nor Rerov ro lssue Drre I NSPEcToR TBS; TL Acreage or Lot Si Contractor's O.S. * APPLICAN T'S NAME AND ADDROWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS CONTR ACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESSMail per mitto ( )Applicant ( )Owner ( STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY LANE COUNTY PERMIT _() Completed Subdivision Prefer to pick up. Call (owner, etc.) when ready JOB LOCATIO Partitioning # ) Contractor. ( ) Lot----_- Blo ck Phone ' Phon o Phone- liHIS PERMIT IS FOR U/ATER SUPPLY THIS PROPEBTY IS WITHIN ONE MILE OF THE CITY OFI hereby certify that the above statem ents are true and accurate, and t_contract purchaser ; _ potential bu yer; .-- realtor or a gent. Irecord, and that said owner is aware and app roves of this action. I hereby a Fee Paid g # B ED ROOIVS-# PLUIVIB I NG CONN ECT IO NS SEWAGE DISPOSAL S.I. # PLUIVIB ING BY -hat I have the following legal interest in the property: -owner of record;further certify that (if iotir,u o*n..t'i'am authorized to act for the owner ofgree to comply with all applicable Codes relating to this permit. ( ) NEW ADDRESS () FACILITY PERMIT Signature ON DEPT DateTO TRANSPORTATI _(SANITATION Minimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons)Drainfield Required r_inear-peervvrrv,J, rvraxtmum Depth BUILDING Type of Construction _Grou p -Fire Zone se ClassificationtLommentsComments: B Date PLANNING RE OUIR EME NTS SATISF IED. BZONESETBACKS: FRO NT LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRON MENTAL VTANAGEMENT, 125 EAST B Date Date Date lssuedSIDE FACI NG STREET FROtvt c/L) tNT SIDE YARD REAR (F ROM P/L) 8TH AVE., EUGENE, OREGON g74O"I DING AT SITE c55-1 3 aLDG. pERM,r - wH rE; "",.::.:i::::J::JJ'J.:i Kil;:l:ITATION - GOLDENROD; OFFTCE COpy _ wHtTE PHO :687-4394 il \ TL l, lcrt Plan q$,lt Job Locitlon (Addr Permit /l / t, 3{c')!BS{ Qll,) / , l/ llttc c Permlt /l For tor For Perult Permlt ,/ao. For For For CANf ir,ou A1 ioh''bF Fe atc e l'*- tt/' - 0ate PermitSubdivision Lot Block T( 1t, b I-T r5t .\1 trg t I I I '-ls- b\ !---t--" E-s Jt <* )t J 22.b n0 $ Zr' r'-v(t d6, PYrt,ust- o_,/ cI :() \ <(J\}>>P &O.oq..q. c74-L50 Vlclntty Map N a,"l .t r .i)r r ,ta --* 2D lY, -() ,, -- ( ) G -)-j I ae,O t J<''.?\) F' I?b @? -J-"- ,E) o- -t ,flrb*r.rl/47 5.a{'C AJ,* @ I T 7' ) U , @- @ ALL ?xb c o oN 5'/'r 4 Co*&a &*r€e F|OP € GLAE S iocf r N 7 !,- g Xb Cc, l'em iruaflp E ftaAEe ,t< g SuPPreT TaosTs {ro{eD 6otttcRGT€ sttPPonT pDS ' ,1" Co*t cne=-Ti peiue in?o AN D u ND€.R v4 @-e*Il 6eAc.ix? &,ttru gb Lou 7 /Z"A X g" Dc€p CAe pora1. t I I 5D st{t-t&[rr, r,-8-a -l)-zQ !i r,rritto, Directions Job Location -75 +(LE INFORM ATION SHEET .--, p/oa. K 77,b ( ) site Feasibirity study for septic Tank. Number of sites_ Partitioning#.---=-- ( ) Completed Test holes be ready. ( ) Pending Subdivision Lot APPLICANT ,S NAME AND ADDR ESS rOWNER'S N AME AND ADDRE SS, if different ma licant'sCONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS'p il permit or results of site feasibility study to (X) guitaing permit Acreage or Lot Size ) Prefer to pick up. Call STBUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPE ilxt g PROPOSED USE (this permit) WATER SUPPLY t FLD ;/7 Applicant ( )Owner ((owner, etc. ) when ready ) Contractor €D B loc p,non"7/b'5 7LA Phone Pho ne Contractors O. S. # /.> existing or proposed well, etc. lf public, name of system) (existing or proposed septic tank. etc.) S.l Address J, SEWAGE DISPOSA PLUMBING BY !,+ (X) PROPERTY IS WITHIN O NE MILE OF CITY *t****++*************+***********i+****OFFIC E USE ONLY B ELOW THIS LIN( ) Facility permit Necessary ( ) Special Permit Area. Minimum ElTBACKS: /,) -.f rv New Addr:esstw.Front Side Facing(FRoM cErureRlrrve 6 n/Su rveyo r lem with Street F BOAO) lnterior Side Yard (FROM PR Rear OPERTY LINES)To Planni nglB ui lding I nspector/San itariajllf fo0Jrcant appears to have a probyour asststance will be appreciated. Response By Permit Processing Section By DEPARTMENT OF ENVI RONMENTAL MANAG EMENTpermit processing Section 125 East gth Avenue 687_4394 c55-12 tvlston I n-)a -)I v ) **++*****+*+***i*+i+********+ I*l**** * **+*+* I lot Plan Subdivisior- Lot_ Block <- ^srl I nnrr Job Location (Add Permlt // Permlt Permi tlt O oi€ Pernlt /l PermLt Permlt /ao' )t J 22.b s $ For For For CaNf iNu A'l ior., trF F€ arc c. l"* lq' i Tr- \ 18-o ?--oG 7Tlca. TL fiffi)-. 1r For For For ,tl oll t + **ltri\.)\ 6-- --:- ts Gntet\ , L*,,9, 6& CJ 7 () ,/Z{ t'v(t nlC Phursz- c74-t50 Vlcinlty Map N So*rr+ ?4M'"pLAi-E I (n tf _lr \ sqO l I t I I ) r L E )