HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-05-15Pqte 1 of 'J APPLI CA\:*)N /PERI|IT 225 Not'th |th Street SprLngfield, Oregon 97477 Building Diuision 726-37 53 .. RESIDtrNTIAL..SPRINGFTELDIT .rob Locaticn:/0 Tar Lot #Aesessore LlaP il &tbdiuiaion: Ormer .t, 3 -/s rybPhona:T/-/Address: zipCi Value n4 - 3(-r g Date of App Licaticn Desc)&be h'ork: Itdditicn RenoCeL :.lobi aont ra Ceneral ec E.rica I U6Y (. //r(/ 7/* 3r 4 0'n P lumb ing I.lechanica Supe It. ie lhe ft,otn theteuildinS l-Elec I t (' ! it t-r to see that aLL inspections a.re nade at the ptope" tine' that eceh addtess is neadab"eresponcibility oi the permit holdet' stre-et, anC that the pernrtt eaPd is D"Juicior apptoted plan sfu:ll remain Located at the frcnt of the -propetty.on th€ Builtliry SiLc at aLL tines, PR11TDUP _q FoR= IySPECrr1Il ,8-1-Q|fEST:CALL 7 requested and ohen gou uiLL be readA J'oP'*'iil te nade the sane dcy, r'eqtiests mcde 26-3769 (recordet,) state yout' Citg desigrnted job rutnbet', Lnspection,Contractars ot' 0ttners nane and phone nunba,. aftet' 7:00 an uviLl be nnde the ncct aorking dag. Your City Desigr"ated Job Mtrnbe? fs: job a&fuess, tYPe P,equests recei"'ed of inspeelioi befcre 7:0C ct Reauired sDcctl'.cns l-1 uNDxRcRoultD PL1MDTN:-. strytP, w.1r-83' t, I DRAIilAGE: To be male PrLoI' to JLL- Lir4 trenches. UI\DERFLOOR PLUTE III G & I.IEC!] AN T CAL : of floor insulation or decki-ng. POS? AND BEAM: To be nade Prior to iGldT\ffiVof fLoor insulation on decktng. RoUcH PLUIIBTIrc 6@T, MECH= ANICAL: No aork is to bc aoua'ed ffiiTth""" inspecliors haue been nade and approoed, m E SI?E INSPECIION: ?O bC nade after ;v TNSULATTON/VAPOR |tARRTER tllsPECTroN=: I l\l ro be na,le after aLL insulcticn at'd* rcquined uapor batriers ate tn p'lace bui belore any Lath, gApsun boarC ot tnLL eouet'ing is applted, and. before ay insulation is concealed. DEI.IOLI?IO!! OR Sanitaty eaner capped et propenty Line Septi.c tank purtped and filled uith gra:;el Pinal - l{hen abcve itens are c*tpleteC and uhen Canolition is conplete ot' sttu:- ture moued and. ptemises cleaneC up- Iulobile llcnee Blocking od Set'uP Pluttbing connections '- seoet at:'d, uatet' Electt"ical Cc,nnection - Blocking, set-u: and pltnnbing connectione trust be apprcued. before requeatoing electrieal inspecliot Aceescor'! Bui.tCnng eiiat:iiou tut prior tc set uP of forne. UNDERSLAB PLUMBINC, ELECTRIC,lL 8 W1nLtltCat: To be nade befot'e cnY ffit-liZooened. FOOIING & FOUNDATICN: Io be rmCe DRYWALL INSPEC?I)N: Ic be nade aftrn-aTl&wit Tts in place, but prior to cny taPing. MASONRI: Steel Location, bond iSfrilgrouting or oerticals in aceordance Lrith U,B.C. Section 2415, WOODSTO'/E: ccnpT;T;A. After installation is CURB & APPRCACH A?PO!: After fonns qt ;;r,ectA-Fu;V;lo" to pouring eoncrete. SIDEI,TALK & DRIIIEWA!: Por aLL con- cz,ete palrfrAtfin street right- of-&:A, to be naCe after aL'!. etca- uatinq conplete & fonn uork & sub' base nwterial in Plaee. afiei lrenches are fonns at'e erected, pouring ccnerete. etcaDa ted and but pnior to ?Yiot to PLccir4 and before frantng ?inal - After etc. ate eanp pcrchea, skirting, decks, Leted.FIPEPLACE:nat;iA;facing inspec- tion. FRAI'IINC: ttust be requested aftet' appz,ooal of rough plutnbing, electri- cal & meclwnical. AL! roofing bracing & chinmeys, etc. rntst be contpleted. llo ucrk is to be con- eealed until this inspecticn has 'been nade anC appro.*ed. IENCE: hhen comPlete -- Pt'ouidejiles or mouable sections through P, U. E. A.l.L prrt,j,tct. cnrulit'iorts, riuc:lt Qs Lhe'installat:ion of street treee, aonytlction-of the ,oqr.irnil Lanrlscr:yring, cta., mtst be satisficd before the BUILDINC EINAL can be teqw:st:d- FINAL BUI.,DINC: The Final Building Inspection mtet be tequested after the Pinal Plwnbing Electrtcal, and Mecharical fnspectic.tns haue been nade ard appt'otted. FIIIAL PLUMBTIIC FINAL I4ECIIANICAT, FINAL ELECTRICAL x *ALT, IIANITCLES AND CLIiANOUTS IIUS? RE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEIII TO BE I1ADE AT NO COST TO CffY Date: tr @ JOB NO.soLAR ACC_ESS REQ.-L-CO C Ileat DT IIouse Carage-Aecess North Ra tast lt FirepLace South l Iloodstoue Iot Sq. Etg. % of Lot Cooeraga # of Stories Total Height Topography LC? ?YPE fntericn Co"ner PanlwndLe Cul-de-sac llest tl [ot Faces - Bedroons -- Fees -- ITEI4 FTC x VaLue Building Vqlue & Permit This permit is granted on the eEpt'e\s eondition tlnt the said.construction sLwLL, in all respects, conform to the Crdinanice adopteC by the City of SpringfieLd, including the Zoning Crdinance, regulctittll tlte ccnstt-ucticn and use of buildin4s, and mey be suspendeJ or reuckeC at cny tine upon oic- lation of any prouiaions of said Ordinances' llain TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. L.5 c * Building Permtt '*l}ate PaitlState Total Clnrgea Signed ITEM FEE CHARCE Plumbing Permit No pet,son slnll constntct, instal!' altet oz' change cny neo cr existing ptuntlng or drainage systen in uhole or in part, unless such pet'son is the iegol pZsse""or of a oalid pl*rber's L'ieense, escept that a pe:'son nay 42 pti$rt't:"g uork to property uhich is o,,med, Leased or operated by the appli- eant. Firtt*es Residential (1 bath) Sani Seuer Plunbing Pet'itit State Electricql Permit where state La,t requires tlnt the electrical uork be done bg an Electrical contractor, the elecl;tical portion of thts petmit sh,z/.L not be ualic until the Label lus been signed by the tlectrical Cotttractor. a2-:;2 Total EED 226e 3 Neu/Ertend. Circuits Setasice NE'CIIARCE ,t Mechonicql Permit llcodsto;se Vent F@t Ezhanst Hoo,C gTU, S Petnit fssuanee Mechanicel Pernrtt -- ENCROACHMENT -- Seaarity Deposit Stordge Maintenance Pcrmit Ctttbcut Sida,talk lcnce Electrieal la.bel ,r a? Mobile Hone .IOTAL AMOUN? DUE:.72,re ReaeipL ll: trr-s= r HAW CAREFULLy EXAI,IINED the eompleted application fo-r pennit, and do neinty certify that aLL i-nfotmation heteoi-is true and cotrect, and. f furthZr cent|iy that any ard aLL uot:k penforned sltall be dote ia accor- 'darce ,,vith thZ" ordtnancZs of the city of Springfield, and tha La:':e of the Site o7 Oregon pertaining to the wik Cescribed herein, cnd tlnt N0 OCCU- iLncy ,1tt bL oaie of any" structu,e ui,thout permisai_on of the Bui.lding N- oision. I fu,the, ebrtiiil that otly contraciors aiid enplcyees aho at'e in eo;tpliance uith CRS ?01.055 wiLL be used on this proieet O\4 7.24 Date ?otal Signed ) Zone: U, NO. 1,,/af an Tctal Clnraes b