HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-07-05il Jo I otittrl t;,]J O,I JSAJ Otl JV :.t!Vtt :'lU OJ iU:lliJ,Snf0V '::l'l0ISSilCJV lltl J,ittt'l 3,LnONVilIJ INV S?'lCllNVl! '['tV, eu?quata tDu?r o\t ,,r!:tri111"H ,'{T",tr?,Xr1:l,;l"',;tof:irlY,13"fr'!?;f trrr;:r1';;l:;;ri .pa1eanbaa aq uoc Zvplt gylclng o'41 d,totoq po1teyoe aq iorut "oqo 'AutilccepuoL paay.nbel .q? !o-uo11o1duoo.'oao,r7 7aadla to uoTqol7oqau'L aW sD lono 'euo77t'puoo loaload 71v 'a'n'd. qdnoaqq suo?loae -alqDoat ao ea7o6 air?Oo.rd '- apldtt!@ uaw :gCNg; 'actyC u1 TDanaTDu oEDq -qns , 4aal. uo! 2 oqaTdwo Au1.7oa -Dora llo aaqto apwt oq o1 'fixt-to 4q8?d loorls ulttt?o Qu?aoil ale,ro -uoo xxD atol :IvltStIEo y x'lv$lols 'alalcuce ao?td lnq pa+ceao e,m :Not;dv Hcvou&Iv , sUnC ,Bgl,dag puo opau uiocq. EW, Yeriggdsu! Blttl liluii paitoi', -uoo aq 07 oa lncrt oN 'po7ayfuoo' aq lsrut .c7e 'eficuur;rlo g h4ooaq fi+toan iN 'loo?uvrloaw ? lDo-.1qoal? ,6u7qtm7d q0noa to Tcaoaddotolto papanbet aq qoql :m 'ito?7 -oedeuT AuTuoat aaoteq WD ElDaralat Aupot b.r1otyil 07 .to1-r.t :fimi 'paooaddo WD aPatt roag doDtl euoTioadeut asoql 7?7tn panaaoo oq o1 s? l[oft oN :'IVCINV -ilc:tH ? ivJiu,D?1l 'CliIE:n'.ld. ll2itou 'ht74oap no uollvlncul .roo1t to "orylglr"!.o1 ,rc1ad oPru oq o& :lwgg qyi ,I6;Ocl .Du74oap ro uo??elnout aoo1.f to uo?lolloTou? o? ao?ad aPortt aq oJ :,IVCrNVllJgN ? CNrS;!n1<l 8007dA90fin -7il or aoTtd apan ro'"t"*ot'ffi 'u1.fi'il'ffifiAg' CNIAnnid qiinoa?usoNn 'IvJIUl,CtlX lvttH TVCTNVilSSN 1VNr.t ctufiiln1d'tvilH .?lalouco dutanod oq aor.ad lnq lpaloaaa aao suuot wD PaloaDor!y!:.w:-33!!o?dt ag ol, :NollvqNnot , tilIJaan .P"aoaoc 8? ,[ilofli tiun aaolaq apou aq o.L :iijiffiiifr 'sanot fiugtnod oq suuot ,xaqly 'gPiu@- :aio&soootta? uo?lDlxDleul aalty u '9t tz uo?loas 'c's't rt*a oouDwoooD u? l7Do?laan,ro Du7lnoa6 '.oygaq puoq 'uoTloool laals :1mfr 'hniloq fiuo oq aoTtd 7nq ' aovld ul s?JlDotfin!-_UD_ na1lD oPilt aq cl :NoiJSgdsNI 'l'.Ml,Uo .PaTDacuoc a1 uo77w1nau7 fiW oaoleq puo 'paTTililo e't 6ut,naoo TXwt no ptoog umedlid 'tqqo7 liuo oaoteq 1n4 aotld u7 o.rD e.ra?.r{Dg .todoo petinba.t WD uc?lrln*u? l7D aa7lo ePan eq o6 : NOI,LCS]SNr u1ruuvtl Uodvi/Nor,rv1nstr to dn iae oq ,to1.td ta7to apar aq o1 lnq 'uo?|pdpoxa :NOL0S.ISNI eilS 9Ua0h of roqwty qo7 poqut6goan 1i173 anoS ts OO:l oaotaq uct;oadcuT to .fiop tu14,ral: ltcu oql apru "q X7?n uD 1O:t oTto epcu eleanba,t 'ficp auos "q4 aPa! aq 77!!l prdlac24 eleenbag ..tc(Wu a"oraa p"i auJu alattrp .ro s.toloD.t|uoc 'uoTloodeup {ot liPoa! aq 1fia noli ue,ia P' P'adlil ,eecapvD qo! ,,raqttmu qo! paTa$|oep fi17x.rnofi a|ole (,raPtooo{) 69lc-9zl'l'lvc;JssnDsu NoI&JS]SNI UOt SiinOSCOUd .or1"Zffi,1,al1rr',i:":;^of,rrf ig "#"#i""1?'oi"!"'*1:,::r"a";:;r";fi;"2fr"11,{r",;!'i a.go?Dar o? Gsao7rs qoco 7Dl7 ,awyq teCoad aq4 lD opDu ono euogqoadauT llD lDtt7 aoa o1 .reylot! |1tuad sq7 to fi7177q1ouodea,' aq? e? ?I 'Pc7aTduco anD 'o7a '$loap 'Au7$rg.t1e 'oa4oacd o1ty - 7cu77 fo??*rg faossacoy xol1oaCeul lDolnioala dulteenbaa caolaq peao,tddo aq llnu ouolloorwo 6ulqtm7d puo in-qaa 'Au14oo7g - uo?loauu'cC 7oolnloalg JaiDat puD na$?a -- suo?Toauuoo Eu1rym74 dn-qzg puo 6u7>1ooXg 'dn pauoaTo eaeTucrd WD Parcu ornl -cnt1s ao aqeTdwo s? uoll?louop uat4n puD pcp1ilwc a.to aua41 aac{P uaq - 7Du?J Taco,tE W?o pely?t puo pedrr.tl >ytoy clTdas eut7 filtedo,td p padiloc aaree litoit'uog odlrSur:I)J 1 caril T TI Tqunrd TBIauos anTDA :>broil aglnoBao oaN L_l to aqog.Lalr- 6-p\st! luru/q xa?o@a uc?4?Wy ?3 +S :ceartPPv:auoqd :.loutp :uo?8?d?Pqr7s 12Z.oLl tdws,,,oosaaov0 il tql iei :ua?lDoql qof :olq 99U-9Al uo?s?a?o ^u1pLtngtlfz6 uo^aio'PTatt\uYdg , +aaa+s 4+9 q+"tov gez firruaad/, r,vcr1dav lVlrN{0lsJu.. li ''.ao0a -(rlSHgNlUds aa tr tr u tr e@z llouee Cd"aqeP. L. North llEast -Wootlstot:eSouthililHoat SOLAR A ss REQ.- [at ?acea - c+JOB NO. ?otal Height L-CO Bedrooms Topography LOT ?YPE _ fntetior Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac Iat Sq. Ftg. Z of Lot Cooeraga_ ! ol Sturtes Fees -- Building Volue & Permit rhie penrtt ia granted on the exppess oottdi-tion tha-t the- sgi.drcondtruction i,iitt', in all ieepecte, conforn -to the htdinance adopte'l liy the clty o! Spil"gyi,"ti, inctlding' the bning Cvdinanc_e, regulatlng the ccnstructicn "ira ""oL of Luildinge,- and nay \e- euapended or ?euokeC at cn! tine upon vic' la.tion of any prlcttiaions of aaiil 1rdituncea, TOTAL VALUE PIG { t Value , s.D,c. 1.5 x Sigeed: Receipt, ll: Date Paid: PlanBuilding Pe?mit Total Clangea State Plumbing Permit No penson shall constt'ttet, inetall,, alter or clnnge cnll nel cr existing itiitLrrg or drainage egetaz in ultole ot in pant, unlees such person is the i"gil p"our"r"on o1"o oZlid plr^bur'a Ltceneb, escept that a pe",on ^av 40- ptGathi wrk to property ihi.h ia ooed, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. NO.PEE * Pirtures Resi.dential (1 bath) Seuen Plunbing Pemit State Electricql Permit Whete State Lau requires that the electtical uorkbe done by-an glectnical Conttaetor, the el)ctuical porbion of this permit alull not be valiC until the Labet haa been aigned by the Elecbrical Conttactot" NO. .ob d'D *Total -6D Na,t/Estetd Cincuits Seruiee FSE CIIARCEITSM , a Mecho nicql Permit bhanet llooC Vcodatooe Vent For Petfitt fssuantce Neclanical Permtt -. ETICROACHMENT -. Seaurtty Depoait Storage lhintenance Permit Ct*bcu! Sida,nl,k Fence Electrical Label I'lobtle llone PLan Ercntner uace 'rBtol f IHVE CAREFI)LLy EhAMINED the completed application fo-r permit, and do ieiety i.nlttfV that aLL info.rtmtion hereii-ie tnue and.con,tec.t,. amC I furtier certiiy that any ard aLL uonk perfor-ned alalL be dote in aecor- "iince *ith th'e" 1rdinanc"es of the City of bpfingfield, .and the la";e of tha stiTZ i|l orlgon- pirtaining io the uotrk Ceebri,bcd herein, cttd''tltht No ocCU- plnCy ,itt b"e ,,a\e o1 di,y" "tru",ture ui.thout penniesion of the guilding Di- utaion. f further irriL?a lhat only con-trac'tora and mplcyeea aho are in cmpliance i;tt ons ?01.-05s rtill be- uaed on thia proiect ,r,tttttf Ailn ,Nq nrll, a * Date FireDlace ITEM Ualon lfotal Charooe ,{ mv efNflv Luu)(gV wvI "/T ,4rl^'ryr 1.1{ww N"il-4 '{\/A %ffwv {4% y,W a- TvwTTvq 'sutca{v\l+L+ ch hnf % r,"t z^-{A ts S'aCn I uszf-xsffanwD )ma /<L rloc-J +"ru/Lrf,.,rqron q W(ut/ {N VA.( f bvW % +q su-at{vYt-lt9 {D^W+**b^t,'W ry) P>*l.1ffd :L \rr,.1^rJ !\r --ar-tO1Z Eroot W,lt-,{O'l -o ->g St*Jl \i-ts^or+ OA t-,'.rq,I /a) v5."7 wYw'?",1flqvl ut*"4- ;try+ff Jo u+n obtgL o+ '1/rl4 ,,@ V ,',\' TLWW € a{sraLl a GU u( ( \Ae$wfru ()t {fi frr)% T*Y.) ln'[W( .NW T. tffiud 2t6 C{. T\xe suDfr, Tpn'UAU 'fi}t^q oJ ?f7y {. /tu)t++^^-0\//rq t4 trTu lryT ^1^WN 9r,^- t,bl ffq -..,t_el- /s/b yluJtu/4{?'q ww ryr@fllln q W { lenrvr a+ -Tuury/-q w{n YW thVY 4;ilKrt 'v t' ae re C'TY OF SPR OFEGOA'h SPFlIN(iFIELD DWELOPMENTSEPY'CES ADMINISTRATION PLANNING / BUILDING PUBLIC WORKS M ETROPOLI TAN WAST EWAT ER MAN AG EM ENT Hay 16, 1990 CERTIFIED LETTER Ms. Janice Johnston L379 L/2 Sunny Drive Eugene, 0regon 97404 RE: Housing Inspection At 620 South 34th Street, Sprlngfleld, 0regon Dear Ms. Johnston: At your request, a Housing Inspection vas performed at the above referenced addiess on May 3, 1990. The inspection revealed conditions vhich do not meet the minimum rlquirements of the Springfield Houslng Code and are potentially hazardous. The belov listed items must be repaired and/or replaced vlthin 30 days from the date of this letter. AII applicable permits must be obtained prlor to beginning the vork. },IECHANICAL 1. provide six inches of clearance from the vater heater vent to eombustibles. STRUCTTJRAL 1. Missing and disconnected rain gutter dovnspouts are creating soll eroslon that could possibly undermine the foundation. ELECTRICAL 1. Remove unused water heater ftexible conduit and provlde a blank cover for vater heater electrical junction box. Z, provide an approved blank cover for the unused breaker openlng In the electrical service Panel. 3. Provide ground fault circuit interrupt protection for ungrounded grounding type receptacles or replace grounded receptacles vlth ungrounded type in the bedrooms. If you have any questions, please phone me at 726-3790. lncerely t sa Hopper 225 FIFTH SIBEEI SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (503) 726-s7s3 Bulldlng Technician services are desired, and complete itemsComplete items 1 and 2 wheno3 and 4. P 447 891 930 Begistered Certified Express Mail E lnsuredn cootr tr Ms. Janice Johnston 1379 + Sunny Drive Eugene, Oregon 97404 Article ress to or agent and - Addressee x L 7. Date turm 38 1989 RECEIPT + Delivery from address in the address. 2. AShow to whom side.to do this will cardTO" Always obtain signature of addressee ,APT UNITED STATES OFFTCIAL RETURN () ?A 18 MAY POSIAL SER\/ICE IAL SP I992 OLYMPIC (c t PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE, $3OO Print Sender's name, address, andZlP Code in the space belowl>TO Prlnt your name, address ln lhc space below. Complete ltem3 1, 2, 3, and 4 on the lcvette. A(ach to front of articlo lf space permlts, othorwiso afflx to back of 6rtlclo, Endorse Erticlo "Rolurn Rocoipt Raquested" adJacent to number. SENDER I DATE:4 -zt, '7 o JOB ADDRESS:brc Szrr:,ttn 2r-[-]ur Ske.* OIIINER": owNERS ADDRESS ,'7ocs St,l.SI Prol (,WtaA[< q 7310- tzo APPLICAI{T' Srr\1'r c €- *lI€ . { nhr,rS*an APPLICANTS ADDRESS:-7 ci 7-.S,D orz- Q a FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY--PLEASE I}ICLUDE TELEPHONE NUMBER:4t t-zu3 h *r- I CiTY OF SPRINGFIELD lJeparthent of Plann.ing and Der tpmentBuiTding Safety Divfsr!n 225 North sth StreetSpringfield, 0regon 97477 726-37s3 (Bus.) 726-3769 (Insp.) HOUSING INSPECTI APPLICATION I SPRINGFIELD t1 -N lv'lt-e i- A $35.00 TNSPECTTON FEE rS REQUTRED AT TIIE Trl'IE oF APPLICATION THIS APPLICATION FORM MUST BE SIGNED BY TIiE OI,\,,'NER OF THE PROPERTY TO BE INSPECTED. Sbe othrt*J SIGNATURE OF PROPER.TY OWNER FOR OFFICE USE ONLY DATE OF INSPECTION:RECEIPT NU}{BER: DATE OF REPORT DATE PAID:t-\-7b -Q o DATE OF CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: CO}O{ENTS: Department of Veterans' Affairs NEIL GOLDSCHMIDT GOVERNOB OREGON VETERANS'BUILDING, TOO SUMMER STREET NE., SALEM, OREGON 97310-1201 )6 Apri"l 24, 1990 Ja/Y/c€ l=. Jot/tus z-o tJ Per our conversation, your have perm'ission to have the homelocated at 620 south 34th street, springfield inspected. WARREN WILLIAMS Property Management Special ist INVEST IN OREGON'S FUTURE _ HIRE A VETERAN