HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-05-03" RES!DE,{TlAL" C OMB I N AT I O N APP LI C AT IO N / PEP,I4T T 225 North 1th Street Springfi.elC, 0regon 974?? Building Diuision .AA 4BF'/ 60-o / Do sPRINGFIELD ftrftlStor.re lS trO +1, Date: Tcs Lot #l#tl iob Loeaticn: Subdiu.Jsion: Assessore l,tap # Amer Address:Phone: f-1 trr)k r T-ltrLt- 6ecrr ilra{Sloue Descrrbe l'lotk: 5:3-82t LlE1,60 I u f-t lleu tdditicn ValueDate of Ltae. #Cot ractots Addtesa DL^n ^ Genetal PLunbing ELecty'ica'L 7 Constmtction Lerder It is the responsibility of tlte perwit hoTler to see tltat aLL inspections @e noi.e at lhe proper ti.n€, tkat each acidtess is teadabl,e fron the street, ryd tlat the penrit csd is Located at the fTcnt of the propertg.*euilding Diuisiovt qpro"^ed plan slall remain on the BuilCinq Site at aLL times. P cmn', n o rl ln sn o o#, enp SI!9 MSPrCli1?!: lo be nade after ffia":fri pricr tc set up of forns. UND,RSLAB PLUMBING. ILECTRICAL & MECHAIIICAL: lo be nade before uqffiG-i6,tered. FC)TTAG 3 F1UNDATfC\'|: ?o be tmCe @t1,ffi-escaoated ard forns ate erected, but prior to pou"ing ccnc?eta. I}ISULATICII /''!.POR ]AP3I!R IIIS?IC?IO II : Io be nud.e after aLL insulaticn ed. requi.red uqor bwie?s de in place but befcre ory Latn, glp*rn bcatC ot' uaLL aoering is cpplied, od before ar.y insulati.an is concealed. U!]D9,1G.10U!!D PLAil9INC, SITER. U,ITIP, DR4J\\AGE: To be nal.e priot to fzl- @'iGnches. DRY|iALL I\ISPECATON: Tc be nad.e -,. after aLL cryaall is in plcce, but prior to any tqing. I'IASONRI: Steel Loeation, bond. @grotrtittq or oertieals in aeeopd.ance dith A,B.C. Section 241S. UI]DEPFLOAR PLU!,B fi G I' I.IECITANI C AL :@or fToor insulatioa ot deeking. POS? 4N! BE4M: lo be nade Pr'[or to ffitGlffof Jloor insulation or deckitt4. POI]GH -D!U:|BI!\C. ILECTRICA! & .\4EC!]- A-NICAL: No .sork is to be coxered GiiTthese inspections haue been nade and. approteC. |I.D.EPLACE: futor to placirq facitzgnatertals ard before frantng inspec- tion. ?Ril.lfIG: !,tust be reouected after ffil of tough pltrrbing, electri- cal 3 neclunieal. AL! r,oofirq bractng t chtnmegs, etc. mi.st be ccnpleted. llo ucrk is to be con- cecled until this insoecdcn has been nade anC approted. *1 ,ooorro,rr,tAl@.After instalLation is CUFB & APPPCACH .4PP.0l!: Afte" fonnsee erecteC but priot to Pottrirt4 conc?ete. SIDfiTALX 8 DRT,TIAI: Fot aLL con-a6@ffi; street rtght- of-t'ny, to be naCe after all erca- uatina eorolete & fora wrk & sub- isase ncterLal in plaee. ?IIIAL PLUMBINC FINAL I,IECHANICAL IINAL ELENRICAL ALL pro;ect conditions, such ae the instaLlation of st?eeE t?ees, ec-c!;;icn-cr: ;he required Lard.sccping, otc-, tmtst be satisfied belbre '"lle tsUILDI::C Ff:lAL 2an ie recuested'. 7IN,4L tst)ILDIItC: Tke Final Euilding fnsoeetion mtst be rewtested cflet lie linal ?7.wtb:,ng Electrical, arti ileciur.ical Inspeet';.ons havc been nade attd approved. *ALL I,IAIITICLES AND CLEAIIOUTS IIUST 3E ACCESSTtsLE, ADJUSTITEN! lO 9E I44DE i;T NO CCST ?O :I?Y i5 :b :. ' lpb I 7 ,rourrn ro^u job aclress, tEpe Pequesis receixeC zc+tYout Citl Deaigr,ated, ,Iob ltunbet of inspeciicn beJ'cre 7:00 ol Sdtit@y sa;et ccpcei :t p=cpetfii line Septic totk g.ittrpeti ot filled :ith Blocking otd Set-'"w PLwnbing ccnnecticns -- aa)e! srC aater befoz,e requestzng el,e::rical Acceseor; ButiitrE liral - Af'"er =creV.es, sk'Jrting, decks, etc. are eanrai.etei. se*-uo F:;e 1 of 2 l7 :tncs: ;r4ten cotnolete -- fuotsiCe L) g"r* ot notsable sectians through nP.a.E, I I r-.lll l u T Er E T 'iJcb Nwbe?: A ZC'I IC Referetcce ilunbers:L-C)C i Bedtooms:'Zone: )ecuqane! G' ,Lot Sq. Ftg. % oi Lct Ccoerage l# o1 Stortes Total Height . Iopogruphg LCT ft>-. _ fntericr _ Corner _.. Panltonl.Le -_ Cul-de-sac Lot Faces - .- Fees -- ITEI,I Building Vqlue & Permit This permtt is granted. on the erpTess cand.ition ttnt the said consttaction slta.Ll', in aLL rbspects, eonform to the Ordinance adopted by the city 2fSp,iigfield, inc1udtng the Zoning Crdi-nance, ,egalcting the ecnstz'ucticn ,ird "ib of buil,din4s, and may be suspended or v'ettokeC at cny time upon uic- 'l.a.tion of cnA prcuisions of said 1rdinances. * BuiLding Per\trtt State Total Clwrgee pr.Ileat Access Lace th Setbacks House x Value i,lain ff,a,ac"- Ceport AccessorLt TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 x Fee: Date Paid Signed: Receipt #: Plumbing Permit No petson stnZl consttuct, install' alter ot' ctnnge -anA neD-cr existing ,pltinbirq or dt'ainage systan in uhole oy in patt, unless such peTson is the iegal pbssessor of a oalid plw,bet"s License' escept tlnt a -p?!son naA q? pfintl,.itg uork to propertA ihich is ottned, Leased or operated by the appli' cant, FEE CIIAPGE Seuer Ti.ctures Residential (1 bath) Phnbing Pendt State Electricql Permit Whez,e State La,t requires tl"at the electrical uork be done by an EleetrLeal Contractor, the electrical pot'tion of this permit sVnlL rat be ualid until the Label has been signed by the Electrical Cont?acto?. t'l0 EEE * Nas,/Estend. Circudts Service State Total i1lM FEE CI]ARCE Mecho nicql Permit, bhanst HooC Vent FaL Wcodstot;e /s PermLt fssuancz llechanieal Permit -- ENCRCACH].'IENT -- 5-2f,2-,nn;n- Pcrmit r HAW CAREFULLy EYA!'IINED t|trc eonrpleted application for permit, and do hereby cez,tify that aLL infor,rnation het'eon is ttae and ccwect, cnd f furtker eertify that ang ard aLL uot:k perfonned sLnLL be done in accot'- dance uith the 1rdintnces of the city of Springfield' and the Las of the* State of oregcn pertaining to the uork Cescribed herein, cnd tlnt N0 }CCU- PANCy uiLL be made of any structure uithout permisei.on of the Building Di- uision. I further certifg tlnt o,*1LA contractoi's and mpLcyees uho ore in conpliance ul,th oRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this proiect TctaL Cuzbcut Si.deualk kzbeL Mobil.e Hcne T)IAL AM)UllT DUE:* L ITELl LJctet, ?otal Clnraes Seaat"Ltu Deoosit Storaqe |laintetunee !ence