HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-05-16" RESIL;NTlAL" APPLICATION/PERIIIT 225 North ith Street Sprtngfi.eld" )regon 97477 rui.Ldtng Diuision 7 26- 3? 53 tL # SPHINGFIEI-E' -sJob Iocaticn: Aesessots Map # svbditision: Afier: Address: ^o Tcz Lot # Phone: I t-t NeD Descz.Lbe Honk: -46 VaLue she*orLt A( lW^^) a rt -tlnnrgleiu, cl.qrt aa Additicn RenoCeL Cc- Ddte Date of GeneraL Plwnbinq -&t 4-Zdz ELectricaL I l4echotica 1 j, Constmntion Lender r^t is llB reaponeibilill of .tto penrit ho74a' to aee that at'|. inopectiotts oe nad.e at the ptoper tine, th,at 24;;ft arlarsse ,is vsnsnAigIy.-tlp attee.t, @d that the pqnrit card, id ttcated at the frcni of the Wo?ery.*Building Diuici.ot avptoced pl.bz sitclL renain on ti nl,7i;"g'-s'ite at aLL tines. ;CALL726-376g(reeorder)stateyoulCitgd.esigtated.jobmmbet,'joba,1iless'typetequested ar'ti uhen uou uiLL be ready for inspection, coniooloi, oi a,rte,s neme -crzd pizone nzrther" pequests yeeei-.^ed';iLL be rade the sone dcy, tequests" icde aftet ?:00- an-;ll-ir;'rrd; tr*-;;,;;"tri*''aq. of inspec=icn befcre 7:00 et Tnso Iou.r City Desigtuted Job lluntber Is:8a o=/< qTry, TltqD?.6f4rt. erca'ation, but ' ?o be rrutie after pr-Lor tc set up of m :Io be nad.e aftet, aLL insulattcn c.tj Ufr :'.U V L) SoritatnT seaez, eappted ct propetty Line Septic totk p.o.ped and. fi,Lled vith gra:.sel Hcnes BToeking od Set-up Plunbittg connections -- saret d. ualet Electrical Ccnneetion - Bloeking, aet-uD and_ plunbing connections tust b-e apprctieCbefore tequesting eleetrlcal inspec:io:t Accessory BuilCnng fotms. UNDERSLAB PL..]TETNG, ELECTRICAL &tECIli.;trcAL: io be-ffiEfiii-ins t'tork is eotseted. tequired oapot bo*te?s @e in place but--beybre ory Lath, Wpsln bcari orLnLL coue?ing is applied, ard. beforeotg insulation is concealed. pc_crnic & Fou]tpArrc!!,-::"12:, m" B #*ffi;" r:, lLy"aJter t?encnes are esc fotwrs ore erected, but pz,ior to - tLt p";;; t.';;;-tJpirrg.pouz*Lng cc-ne?ete. Final - h4ten abcue itens aye eanpletedqnd uhen Cer.rcLition is canplete br stru.c- tuz,e noued od. prenrises clearteC up. w?ER.D_RlfilAGE: Io be mo,Ce prLor to ftl-.Lirq trenehes. WCIIANICAL::to De marle pz,ior to installation offloor iasulation or decking. P,OST 4-l!-D B_EAM: ?o be nade prioz. toLnstaLtaElcn of floot, insulation ot d,eck1,ng. I I E I,IASONRI: Steel Loeation, bond beans, geouting oz, tserticals in accordorce Llith U.B.C. Seetion 2415. IIOODS?OVE: After installation isanpLeted. wALSMEWAI\tlcAL: t,to aork is Xo be coUez.ed .ffiiTtizese inspectians haue beer" mad.e ard. cpptoueC. FfPEPL.AC_I: prLor to plaeirq faeingmaterials and before fronini inspel_tion. PRA,\NC: titust be z,equested aftez,app-r'oual of rough plwrbing, electni_caL & mechanical. ALL z,ooftng bractng &- chinmeys, ete. must be. comPleted. llo ucrk is to be con--.cecled until this inspectton fuagrbeen nod.e anC apptooed. CURB & APPROACH AppON: Aftet fornsee erecteC but prioz, to pourtng eorerete. STDEWALK & DRTIEWAI: For all con-eyete patsirq uithin street right- ef-teA, to be naCe aften aLL -erea- udting can?Lete & fotn tsork & cub- base rru.ter.Lal in ptace.Final - After pu,ehes, skirting, decl<s,etc. az,e completed. a runm pLUilBTNG a uner MEittAnrcAL 1 unnt ELE:TRTIAL I IENCE: hlten complete -- tuotsiCegates o" mouable sections thtough P. A.E. ALL proiect conditions, such as the installation of stteet ttees, eonoletLon of therequired lancscqing, ctc., rmtst be sati,sfied. before the BUiD;Nc pltAL can be requested- FrNAL BUrLDfilc: The Final Building rnspeetion mtst be requested aftet, the FircL plmbinxEleetnical, otd tiechanieat tnspiiti"i;'t*r; an.n ^oin- ii "pp*ira. Page 1 of 2 ,ALL I4ANI\CLES AND CLEANOLITS TIUS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUST:I1III rO BE I,IADE /.? IIO CCST ?O CPY i D l < soLAR ACC 'S REQ.-d Zone: L-COJOB NO. Bed?ooms: L,ot Faces - Setbacks DT House Caraoe Aceess tlot,th South i of Stortes Total leight Iopography LCT ?WE _ Interict Corqer Panhandle LUL-de-sac Lt Sq. Ftg. I of Lct Cazserage llest ieat lineoLace -- Fees -- Building Vqlue & Permit This pertrrJt is granted on the etp?ess cond.ition that the said consttaction slwll, in all respects, conform to the 7rdinance adopted b:y the City of Springfield, inelud.ing the Zoning C'rdinance, negulctittg the ccnsttwcttcn and use of buildtngs, and may be suspended or reuokeC at c.ny t;.me upon uic- l.a.tion of any prcuisions of said )rdir,ances. Value TCTAL VALUE Fee: ITE:,!X 2 FEE C;LlPGI IS.D.C. 1.5 c Building Perwi,t Total Clarges State z -a2 Res. So. ftc ?awcrey Serwice att,1ca;FZilic F7a'r,ace 9TU'S Ecitanst HooC Vent Fot Sec"u,i Stotaoe Maintenar,ee ResiLential (1 bath) Plunbing Penrtt il au 7' Zr terui C-t r ::u'L t s Total I?J.'4 'r,lcodsto;se PermLt Issuanee Mecianical Penilt -- ENCROACHI'IENT .- TotaL t Clpbcu! Sida;alk ' lence Mobile Hcme Date Paid: t# Plumbing Permit No person sLuZL consttttct, lnstal?-, al-ter or ciunqe anA neD cr e;isting plunbing or drainage systen in;,thole or in pa.r,t, unless such person is the Legal possessor of a ualid plunbet"s License, ercept t|^.at a pe"son nay do pltnbing aork to p"ope?tA uhich is otzed, Leased ot, operateti by the appli- cant. Electricol Permit Vhere State L,att reqttit,es thet the c.Leetri.eal uqrk bc don.c' hu rm .17.e:tt-Lea'1. Contractot,, tne electtical portion of this petmit si"a.Ll not be uali.C untii the i.abel ius been signed bg the ElectricaL Contractor. Mechonicol Permit I'LG|1 Ltonlne?uate I HAW CAREFULLy EXLAINED tle compLeted application for permit, and do ininti iirttfy that aLL info;mation he7eoi is true artd eorrect, atC r furtk"er eertiiy that any ari aLL aork p.ez,forned slnll be done in aeeor- "dar"e vLth th-e" 7yd.inencLs of the City of Springfield, and thc Lo,s of the State of aregcn pe?tainina to the uot'k Cescribed henein, cr'd' llnt NO OCCU- plncy ,ln AL ,*dn of anyy structure Dithout permissi-on of the Suilding DL- uision. I further iertin thet only contraetors and a'nplcyees uho are in conpliance uith CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project i '^r ' r at'nt"t4 iltE' '-e^^D HlVett- ue-.525a Date [, 'vJci; at -" RESID- -.lTlAL" APPLICATION/PERIIIT 225 Nonth ith Street Spriagfield, Onegon 97477 Building Diuision 726-37 53 Job Loeaticn:5?.D ru. 3t,\ Aesesaors Map #oa Stbdioision: Qntet: Aildress: nsL , t) # SPFINGFIELD Ict Iat #otBo Phone:T ,t(/ Desct4be htork: Additian i-t RenoCeL I .^*+0"-4 wr/\r\.vfr-'%o Date of App Lication 1-%-Z-Date: VaLue t'ont?acxolts Genet aL sc. # l.!echar.ie,zL Consttuetion Lend.er It is the respottsibility of the petmit tozdet to aee that aLL inspections ate nad.e at the ?rope" tim., thdt 22sfi .-ririrsss is rea.&bi.e:,:'!oil! -t!P at?eet, anC tlnt the _petnrit eatd is Located at thi fnit of the orooeytu 4 Eoo L- z'eq '1ui!dinE. Dtuiciot aopro"*ed plan shclL vemain on ttza Ell.ii;"lg'!ii"-Lt-'itt'ttrirZ"."' , ?:;ociDt"PE FoR rNsPic?nil.WIJEST:CALL726-3769 (t'eeot'der) stdte uout, city desigrated job nwnbet,, job ai&ess, tgpe of ix.spee=icn i?eouesiea anci ai1en uou uiLL be ready for inspeetton, cont?aetoi" ", a,met,s noneLni aione nunbet,. pequesrs teceii:ed befcre 7:c0 c; :;iLL be made the sdne dcy, n.qrrn"i""rlod.n i1t* zroo an ortll be made the n.st uotkina dau. ?eceLi':ea Deic"e 7:cc Icut, Cifu Desigzated Job Number fs:66oVY:_ cr?, rlrca=^-?a., t, I eceaoaxion, but - forme.,- !!l:l1!A1,?LU:ErycI i.:LC'H.i.;tIC;L: To be matie before cny - tnrk is eotsered. I riqr,ntc t rqu;ntrrcn: ?o be npceI alter t?encnes are ezcauated and. required oapot, bariers @e in pl,aee bat -before dty Lath, Wpslnn bcarC ortb.LL coue?ing is aoplied, and. beforeor4 insuLation is concealed. DRY\|ALL filSPECTION: Tc be madeaftet' aLL C-r,yuaLL is in plaee,but prio" to any tapirq. MASONRI: Steel Location, bond beons, grouting or uez,ticals in aceoz,dorce Llith U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOVE: After instal'Lation is ecnrpleted. CURB & APPROACH Ap.?)N: After fornsue erecteC but priot, to pouz.tng conc?ete. SLDEIIALI< & DRfyiltAy: Eor aLL eon- er_ete paoing uithin sty,eet right-of-tey, to be nade aftez, aLL erca-uating canplete & forn Lsotk & sub- base nctet [aL in place. fU made Laticn hhen conplete -- prouiCe or mooable sectians through ?o be macie after pr.ioz, tc set up of DEi,:O r:D !aaT,?- Dir 7wr*,I WIilAGE: To be naie pioi-to-f;T_Lirg trenchee. I unomprco pLUr.BrNG & r4ECtlANrcAL: -, t3 be moa.e p?io? to insxallation offloot insulction or decking. P;05? 4l!-D B-EA\4: To be nade pnior toLnstallatlcn of floo? insulation ordecking. ROt-tcH ?LU!|BI1\C. ELEC??rCA.L A WCH- AlIg.AL : no aot k-;i- ti beG:,;,.;eurt-il th_ese inspections haue been made @d. aoproueC. FIPEPT-ACE: Pniot to plceirg faeingmaterials and befot,e'fronirfr ,:r"pnl-tion. PRA]IIIIC: ltust be requested aftet,app-roual of rough plwrbing, eieetri_cal & meclnnical. AL!. noofirq btacing E- chittmeys, etc. mtst beeofiPLeted. llo ucrk is to be cotz-cecled until this inspectton las been nad.e anC approued. farms. ote erected., but prior topoun4r,g ccnereta, FTNAL PLUI4BING FIIIAL I,IECHA\|ICAL FINAL ELEC"TRICAL nFNan. gates P.U.8, ALL pnoiect conditions, such ae the i.nstallat:.on of stteet trees, co.zoletion of therequired Landseqing' etc. ' rmtst be satisfied before the autrcinb FrtAL can be requested. PrNAL BIJTLDTNG: The Final Buildtng. rnspeetion mtst be re-quested, cfter the pinal plunbingElectrical, otC Mecjunical Inspeetlions 'illlrue been *in- "*;'ipp"oind. Sani2ary seset eapped ct propetft; Lire Septic totk p;zped and filled ui.th gz,atel linal - l{hen abcoe itens ate ccnpleted and. uhen Cenclition is eomplete b, "*o"-tuye noued ani ptarises clZanei up. l.lobile Ecnes Blocking otd. set-ttp Plutnbing connectt)ons -- sa))e? d. ualer Elecfi,ical Ccmnection - Blockine, set-uc and; plunbing connections m;st bb apprc.^'eibeforc tequesting eleelrteal inspeb:ion Aecessory Bui.LCing pcrckes, skitting, decks, Leted. Fi.nal - Afteretc. a"e comp Page 1 of Z x *ALL l''AllHcLES AND cLEANou?s tlus? BE AccESgrBLE, ADJUSTII1IE ?o BE tiADE AT uo cgsr ro crly ss'$r -Ii JOB NO.)SOLAR AC(^SS REQ.-L-CO * I Zonc: iot Sq. Ftg. tz o7 Lct Cczterage 1 I of Stories Total Height Topogrqhy I?Ei.I TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 c Building Permtt State ?otal Clnrges LCT TWE _ Interior _ Cortter _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac Eedrootns: -- Fees -- Building Vqlue & Permit ?his pennLt is granted on the ecpress cond.ition ttnt the said-eonstrwetion slwll, in a'l.L respeets, eonform to the 1rdirance adopted itiy the City ofSpringfield, ineLuding the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnstracticn and use of buiLdings, and may be suspended or reuokeC at cny tine upon ui.c- Lation of dnA pz,coisions of said Ordinnnces. * !. Signed: Lot Faces -Sounees Setbacks lieat Df House Caraoe No?th East e South tove West x Value )lain PLan Check Fee: ctlltibLN0.FEEI?Ei.t lish*es Resiiential (1 bath) Seuer Pl;tnbing Pettrit State Su.t,el"an ge iieu/Erierui Cit e"tits Ianocrou Sez.uiee totaL Plumbing Perrnit No pe?son sLnLL eonsttaet, instal!, alter or e?nnge any neD cr ezistinc pltnbittg or drainage systen in uhole or in part, unless such person is the Legal possessor of a uaLid plwtber's Lieense, esceDt tha.t a Delson nay dc plwnbing uotk to property uhieh is otmed, Leased or operated. by the appli- cant. Electricol Permit llhere State Lan ?equiyes th,at the electrical uork be done by an Electyieai Cont?acto?, the electrical portion of thia pernit siull not be oalii utltii the Label tns been signed by the Eleetrical Contrcctor. o a);o ? J3 36 ilf.1.' kiunst HooC '/ent Eol l./codsto;se 'erwtt )Ebeut ;iCeualk lobile Hane Mecho nicql Permit Pentn t Issuanee Meelnnical Perrrit -- EI]CROACHI4ENT -- Total Cnanoes PLatT Eeanlne? f HAW CAREFALLY EXLMINED the cornpleted aoplication for pernit, cnd dc hereby certify that aLL irfo:mation heneon is true and. eorreet, cr,C f furthet, certify that any ard aLL uork perforned sLnLL be done ;-r aeco?- dance tLth the 1tdinences of the City of SpringfieLd, and the Lcxs of the State of Oregcn pettaining to the aork Cescribcd herein, cnd tint ll0 )CCU- Pr'.NCy uill be rrud.e of any st?uetur'e uithout permission of the 3uilding Dt-- uision. I furthen eertifi; thct only contractot s and enplcyees ul^.o are in eotnpLiance uith 1RS 701.05s uiLL be used on this pt,oject C ?- ?- 8e f L: .!o -374L A}lOUilT DAE:')7 =o Date