HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-05-11..RESID-ENTIAL.. COMB IN ATI CN APPLT C AT TO N / PYPJLI! 225 North 1th Street Spz'ingii.elC, )regon 974?7 Building Dioision 726-37 53 SPRINGFIELO :cc2'- Date: ltY 7Ll \\ N.--l-rr 7I ?3 o-7 oO Subdiu-Jsion: Asaessore l,lao i "iob iocaticn: eddtess: fl! il, e+{&Ohn-. ?w*rtn ulilL Deecribe Hork: Value too.cL tt :le!) dl5-Date of AppL icatio-n Additicn RanoCel General Canstmtction Lend.er rt is the resgoncibilitg of th,e pentr-t izold.et '"o see that aL! itaVections @e na<ie at 1he ptoper t;n., thdt each cdltess is reai..b1.e fron the st"eet, afll, trlat the pa*tt catd is Lccated at the fzrt-t of ti,.e prooetrg.12uilCitq D|tsiciot apprcveti pllan sl,c.Ll nemain on the Buiding Site'at eLL' ttnes.' PROCIDAPE.FOq IilSPEgfCil SIQLES?: CaLL-li (recoz,der) state yout City Cesigz,zteC job nztnber, iob aCdress, t;1pe of inspee'.icn requesieci ari aten gou ;iLL be readg for ir,spection, Contvactars cr Anne:s nane anri phone ntnbo. Pequ€sis receixed beJ'cre- 7:00 anttill be natie the sane dag, reqtests ncd.e aftet ?:00 6n vtLL be naCe the nest:-ntking- day. 8zo4/o"Your Citl Deetgra,ted ,Iob lh,onb* Is: DE!.!0LI?I0!| CR. JtC"7) -2'..; Soilag eaxt ccpcei :t ptoce:tg ?,ine Septie to* pttrged ai, filizd vith Fincl - ,!,4ten cbcue iians @e ect:alezed e:d uhen Caclition i,; con=Le=e Zr s*ztc- tute noued oi pretises cZeanei up. Hcnes Blockinq and. set-'tp Plunbing connecticns -- aa)e! anC ualet Electriccl Ccnnec;ion - ?Lcckir4, set-uo and. plunbing connectians nrst be q2ra:ed befot e reques'"ing elee=rical ix,spec=iotz Accessotl- BuiiCnng Fittal - After xrehes, skirtir4, decks, etc. are canolated.. Sf! I:ls?tni1il: lo ee ,pde dftet escantatian, but pricr ';c se! up of fcrne. INDSRSLAE PLUI4|'|ilG, ZLZCTRICAL & ilECllllfCAL: ?o be nade before cng llork is eouered. EC1?flC t F0ANDA?IC\:I: ?o be nade MffinA dt,e;"eavated anl. forns ate erected, but pr.iar to pourir,4 ccncteta. UI!D9RG3CU!!D PLUI4BING. SlITR, 1,1,4?ER. DRAI\IAGE: ?o be naie prior to fz.L-Lirq trenches. UTIDEP,FLCOR PLAI,B III C I, :,lgcgAilI C AL : @o7 fToor insulctiat ot Cecking. ?OSA AND tsEAM: ?o be nade pior to -^- installaticn of floor insulation or deckitg. ROAGH PLU!,BIIG, gLEEiPICAi & !,IECH- AflfC).L: ilo 'ork "-s to be cctereci ur: 'these insoections hdue been tud,e atd, cooroueC. PI-o-E?LACE: Hor to plccir4 fasinsnctetials anl before fruning irspec- tion. FRAilllG: ltust be reouected afler approual of rcuoh plut,-bing, elecfr.i,-cal d nechantieal. AL! rocJ'irqbraitq 3 chinmcus, etc. rrusx becctoleteci. !1o ucrk is to be cqt- ceiled unti|, this insoectian has been rade od. app oted. ?.rcrtf r6f ^^t /t.t { E^D : l Do E, ttrca?adf art . ?o be rade ai'ter aLL insulcticn el. rcqu'Jred uqor ber'te?g se in olzce but befcre ary Lath, ggpsun bauC ot znLL coueting is cpplied, otd. before any insulation is concealed. DR!ilALL I?lSPItrf)N: ?c be nade after aLL cnyuall is in place, but prior to any tapirq. nESOllR!: Steel Loce'"ion, bad beans, gttouling or oerliccls in accctdorce vith a.B.C. 9ection 2475. ,]CODSTC'/Z: - ccryLexad. After installation is CURB ,3 APPPCACI! APP.CI!: d,e etec;AW@or Aftet fornsto paring eonc?ete- STDY{ALN a tRf',ElAI: Fcr all eon- c?ete pauirlg ttith:,n street mght- of-uzA, to be na.Ce after aL! ecca- vatiag eanolete & forn wk & zub- base nctertal in place. ?IIIAL PLAMBIIIG ?IIIAL :4ECHANICAL ?f .l^ I ??ifrof ^. t :ENCS: 'thet conplate -- fuouiCe gdtes or mouable sectians lhtozgh Dlt? ALL pto;ect cot".di=ions, s"rck aa the instaliatton oJ's^eec trees, cc-c!;;ion cf =h.erequired Lanesecoir-g, atc-, tmtsc be saxisJied beiore tl,e 3llILDIiiC FlllAL :an le rectesced. ?II|,4L tsUILDMC: The Finai. Suildlng Insoection rrust be re<rtestei cf:zr:he linal ?l-uncinggls4gTical, anc !!edu::"Jcal insoeetl-cns ','"auc been naie ari'acprcuei. ,ALL ,'.IA\IfiCLES AIID C'EAIICUTS ltusi 3E AC',S,I3LT, AD,TLIST!:9:I! lO 9E :.UDE i.? NO CCS? ?O :rY o i;;e 1 oJ' 2 2q asnen: ltAA. i fnES, 6.rrv BPrarJ city: &*.ut;'41-rilJ , A(, zic: ?7477 tr T r Etl 46?Refet,er.ee )lunbers:L-COC #:icb Iot Sq. Ptg i of Lct Ccuez,age_ : # of StorLes _ Total Height fopogru'phy l.lain Euilding PermLt State ?otal Clarges Gtc LOT TYPE _ Interic? _ Corner _. Panlnruile .,,1 S^ ^-^ Bedrooms: Lot Faces - ..- Fees -- Building Vqlue & Permit Thi.s perntt i-s grcnted on the express condition that the sail constrwetion' s?nLL', in aLL rbspects' conforn to the 1rdirwnce adopted la tt" City qf Spz,in4iield., :.ncluding the Zoning CYdinance, regalating the ccn-stmtcticn d'ra "s-n of buildi.nqs,- and mag be suspend'ed op ?euokeC at anA time upon oic- l.a.tion of altg prcuisions of satd h'dir'arrces, Setbacks DT House Caraae Access. Sourees Not,th Eost l.'1?eD LACe South liest f-u x Value TOTAL VALUE S-D.C. 7.5 x Date Patd: />-{. Si$red: ITEI'I N0.TLL CEAPCE ?tbut es Residential (1 bath) Sani Seuer Plumbing Permit Ilo person shall eonstruet, instal|-, altet ot'ehange-cny netr-c? ecisting -pltirXittg or dtainage sAst*n i.n utnle ot in part, unless auch person is the iegal pbssessor oi a oalid plwrbet"s License, eccept tlwt a -pe?son tna,J 42ptintlig uork to propertA uhich is otmed, Leased or opterated bg the appli- caltt. Planbing PenrLt State Sutcharge N €1,t / Ert end. Cir cui t s lanpctey Sernsice Electricol Permit where state La requires that the electrLcal uork be done bg an lleetrieal conttactor,, the elietrical pontion of this pentrlt shall rot be oalil. until the Label ?ns been signed by the Electrical Conttdcto?, !otal * ilc.FgE CIIARCE Ezhast HooC. Yent Fat llcodstote Mecho nicql Permit Permit fssucnce lleelnnicel Permrt -- ENCR2ACHLLEXT -- Permit Cutbcut SidataLk L I.Iobile Hcne L N!OU!]T DUE: */r- ?ctaL ciil-Bz Date certify certify uonk penfor+ned shall be done City of Spr.Lngfield, and the , uork Cescz'ibed henein, cnd1regcn pertaining L be nade of any and dotedLeLicationUArgXLUINEDCAREFULLYpefi|rlfot'aPp Icndtrueandccrrect,hereontthaLLahereby accor-that aLard Lanafurtl""er theLanstheofdancethethOrdinencesoftlnt0ccu-NOtotkeStateof But)DL-theuLstructurethouof LdingpermissionttLP/.NCv I 1nareukoandcotitractorsvLsLon.I that enplcgeesLsfurthercertify 7 on thisLth701nDcuiLusedbe'?.ance p?ol,coilP Y * ,TEi.! Cd1,Do?t Aaoa<gantt t(>oq) VcXpt Total C'lcnaes Storaqe I.laintettanzce !en=e #-tl-8"