HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-06-26B63tt3"Ktr)llJ {llAL" 225 North Stt, Sto"ffPLrCnrtoiw/psnwr SprLngfieLd, )negon 97477 Building D|tsision 7 26-37 53 SPRINGFTELD % /t -: 7;o Date: +SJob Loeaticn: Ta Ipt #Aasessore #Map Svbdioision: 0tmer:a- r llsAd.dress:Pl,one:r 7City: Descr'ibe Hov,k: \oon&olto n So, mobi'b hore- value ,8 /.€OO Nan Date of App Licatian L { Ec}Nc}nch) Add.itian GeneraL PLwnbi,ng L Construet'ton Lenden It io the responsibility of the penrit holder to eee that aLL inspections ate nade at the prope! tine, that ec.ch address is neadable fian the etteet, and tlnt the permtt cad ie Located at the frcnt of the WopertA.*Building Nuicion appro"^ed plan shall yemain on tlp Building Site at aLL'tvrnes. PRoC!DUPqFo4IaSPEcrI0N-E!-8.uESr:CALLtWeeordet,)stdteaouyCitgdesignatedjobnutilber'jobaciless,|uPe.ofinspec=icn requested atduhen you uiLL be ready fotTG-pffin, Cont?aetcrs ot, A^meys nane end plane number. Requests receixed befcre 7:00 cn t'iLL be nade the sane day, ?eErcsts mcd.e aftet ?:00 an ttLL be nnde the nest twkinJ day. 8+ o qIout City Desigr,ated Job Nwnber fs: Reatt'-no,;l Tn cn onlt' nn a Page 1 of 2 I I DRYIIALL TNSPECTT)N: Tc be nade after aLL dryuall is in pLace, but prior to any taping. I'lASQIlp: Steel Location, bond Eefrilgrouti.ng or oerticals i.n accordotce LlLth U.B,C. Section 24L5. WOODSTO',/E: cctnpTetA. After installation is conlrete. SIDEWALK & DRfIDVAI: For aLL con- Crete paoirq uithin street right- ef-rnA, to be made after aLL e.cca- oating caaplete & forrn utotk & sub- base rnaterLal in place. CURB & APPBCACH APP.)N: After formsd'e erectAffiiilo" to pouriitg Sanitary seuer capped at properQi Line Septic tank punped a,-td fil,Led nith gz,axel Final - llhen abcue itens are canleted and uhen danoliti,on is complete o! struc- ture mooed and. prenrLses cleaneC up. lulobile Hcnes od, set-up connectiona -- sa,re? d uater Connection - Bloeking, set-uo and plwnbing eonnections rn;st be apprcved before requesting eleelrical inspecliott Aecesso?i BuilCing @ationoffloor insulation ot, decking. P)ST AND BEAI4: To be made pr"Lot to Gstd\dlan of floor insulation or decki,ng. R0UGH PLUTBII'|G. ELECTRTCAL & tnECH:- ANfCAL: No uork is to be co.^ered .ffiiL th.s. inspections haue been nad.e and approued.. PLPIPLACE: Pt"i,or to placirg faeingmatenials and befoz,e frani.ng inspee- ti.on. FRAilfNG: l,lust be requested aftet apptotsal of rough plwnbing, electri- cal & nechanieal. ALL roofing bractttg & ehtnmeys, etc. nrast be . cotnpleted. lto ucrk is to be con-. cealed until this inspectton las 'been nade anC approoed. SI?E INSPEC?ION: To be nwde after e4;aoatton, but pt iot, tc set ip of fonns. UNDERSLAB PLUMBTNG, ELECTRICAL & I,IECHAIIICAL: To be made befoz'e ang uork is couet,ed.----.-\ FOOTINI & EOUNDATICN: \To be maCe @uatedard forrns ate erected, but ptior to pour"tng ccncrete. lwtse!?ulp PLUWING, gEyE8,_ yLlE&wfil-lirq trenches. UIIDERFLOOR PLUIIBING & MECHANTCAL : I N LaLAr r 0 N / vA?Q R BA g8 rE! r !st!!!19 !1 DEI.IOLTTIOII OR |:OW) BUILDI\ICSIo be made after aLL insulaticn and required oapor bort ie?s @e in plaee but before any Lath, Wpsum boatC or tnLL couering is applied, attd before ary insulation is concealed. - After pcrckes, skirting, decks, etc. dre compleled IENCE: When conplete -- ProtsiCe @ei or motsable seetians tht'ough DfIF ALL project cat&itiow, such as the i-nstallatl,on of street trees, co:aletion of the reqtt,ined Landscaping, etc., tmtst be satisfied before the BUfLDfNG FII\AL can be tequested. FINAL BUfLDING: The Final Build.ing fnspecti.on rnot be requested aftet the .tiral Plwnbi.n-g Electrical, and Meclwrical fnspeetions h4re been nade and. approtteC. I *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS T,IUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJIJSTIIEII! TO BE I'L4DE /.T IIO CCST TO CI?Y t Ll1 I Lisc. #Contractors Ad-dvess u tr FTNAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL o - - n ..,1'v.{o l{L Bedroons: Lot Faces - DT llouse Caraqe Access, Not,th s East 2"Fireplace South I !r,Waodstoxe rnwlws. % of Lct Cc,senage # of Stories Total Height Iopography LCT TWE ,/rnt"oioo Corner Panhavtdle CuL-de-sac West (aC:> D^^- I?EM SQ. FTC x Value Main twaZta 9.fu;,F14 tz ts# c,eaan <t(1. Catpont i 44*;<D{z 74*u Accessotu trrrA.s\^r*6\\\ Y \irn: TOTAL VALUE \ 5(\\:- (uelue)cn^1E- \b.s' I lplan check x .GO I Building Volue & Permit This penrtt is granted on the etpress eond.ition ttnt the said_consttaction s?nLL, in all respects, conform to the Crdinance edopted b:y the Ci-ty of Sptingfield, including the Zoning Crdinanee, regulctittg the ecnstr"Lcticn and use of buildings, and may be suspended or reuokeC at cnA time upon oic- Lation of 6ny prcuisions of said h,dir,ances, * Building PermLt Total Charges State No pereon shall consttaet, install, alter or elwnge oay net, cr eristi-ng plwtbirry ot d-tainage systan in uhole or in part, unless such person is the Legal possessor of a oalid plumbet,ts Lieense, escept tkat a pe?son na,g do plmbing aork to property uhich is oumed, Leased or operated by the qppLi.- cant. NO FEE * Plumbing Permi Receipt #: Signed: ITEM Fistw,es Resid.ential (1 bath) Seuer CHARGE CES State Surehaz,ge Plunbing Pernrtt 6 Electricol Permit Were State Lan t,equinei'ilffttfi?.t"ctrieal uotk be d.one by an Eleettieal Contractor,, the electrical portion of this permit sltall not be oali-C until the Label lns been signed by the Eleetyical Cont/,acto/,. Permit ?otal N0. a*2 Neu/Ertend Circuits ?anpcrog Setoice Hcodstoise rTEM FEE Itl i Dvn ,t Mechq.nicql Permit blwnat HooC Vent Fo1 PemLt fssucnee Mechanical Permit -- ENCROACHMENT -- Sec,n'itV Deposit Storage Maintenance Permit ,rcT Ctttbcut Sideualk Pence LLeetrledL LabeL .ru Mobile Horne 7go- Total f HAW CAREEULLy EXAI,ILNED the eompleted application fon pertnit, altd. do hereby certify that aLL infonnation het,eon is ttue anl. coz,rect, anC f furtket, cet,tifg that any ard. aLL aork perfotmed slnll be dane in aecot- danee tLth the Ordinances of the City of Sptingfield, and the Laas of the* State of 1regcn pertaining to the uork Cescribed herein, e*1d tlnt No )CCU- PLNCy ULLL be rnad.e of any struetute ui.thout pernission of the Buitding Di-) uision. I further certify that onLy contTactot,s aiid anplcyees uho ate in qzeanpliance uith ORS 701.055 uiLL be used on thie pz,ojeet TO?AL AMOUIIT DUE: *?77,fO Signed b!6-w \ Franace PTtlIs Total C*araes Stata - G;za-Bt(