HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1983-04-08" RESIDENTIAL" z.s North rrn rron"APPLicArr,N/PERl,rr Springfield, )regon 97477 Building Diuiston 7 26-37 53 t! SPFiINGFIEI-D th.1 fnglt of the -property.LaanQ iLCe AX 3.LL :Lnes. ) state youz, City Cesig"r.a.ted job nttr,b er " job aCiress, type af inspec=icnCont"actcrs or A,mers r,ane ird pLane nzmbet P.equests receited befcre Z:00 anreeuests maie ?:00 an t^till be nad.e the ncrt tnrkinE )^.. Iottr City Desigra.ted Job ltwnber fs:x3\5f6 na.de after to set up of a Lnsu a CenetaL PLwtoirw Date: ity of the pernit hoZd,er to see that eL?,inapecCons ee nade at ihe p?opet' ti,na, tl,at each aC,lnese is reaiaii-etitat the Lccated at L ConslptcCca_!ende!_ It is :he rescotzsibil j"om * D.,-' tiu stteet, anCldirg ):.uiciot cpprot:ed p liaunade the sane Ccy, pricr Ir qiTF:rcD:^-r^^r. esccuation, bux !ilp;!r!.: :LU,,Prlc.r::tl..,ttL;u: io ce nccje belore :nytnrk is ccuerei. FCpr:Jq 1 ?qu::pAT:CJ: ?o be ra)ecirer :rencnes ere etcqlated. atiforne ote ereetei, but Dr*iar topou?1.7.9 ccnc?et€. requ:.z.ed oqoz, berte?s @e in oiace but__belbre ory Lath, Wpstn bcayi cr LnLL .coDe"ing is cpplted, azd. beiare0t! .itsulation is concealed, D.q-!vA.LL ;:tSpiCTI:y: Tc be raCetftet, aLL ctguall is in oLace, Duc p"Lor. to cny :aping. WS0!|P!: Stee! Location, bontibeans, grouting or uertiecls inaceon,lotee tnch U,ts.C. Seetion 9!Jl9P!!e,!1_? r!13 iltG I :ayt.a. :t rC ;L :lo be nace priii-toEitiliiG o1fl.oot, ,Jneuktian or Ceeking. PSST 4.itp BEA\4: lo be ncde trioy toL,nstaLLit'ecn cf floor irsuktzcn ordeckLnE. -,tezekee ,\'o ,)o"1 :hese insoeeliars haue beennaie erd. zgprcted. FIIIAL .DLU:/tsI:iC FTilAL ,'.TECIIAXTCAL ?TilAL 1LZC?.?rCAL rnc)DS?0,n: aroLexed. Aftet instaltation "Js CaH n .APPR.C4CI! .4p-c.ON: Ai-tet forns.te eyected. but pr-or to pouz.irgeoacrete. i!?3?r-AC!: ?rtor -.,o plcctr4 l=rJncncte-?LaLs ar:d before jro_.tirq tnapeZ_iLc2. PRAIMG:- ibtst be teouesteC aflerapcro.u,;L of rcugh 2ltt:bing, "irit*:_cat t nectanicel. AL! rcoi-Jrabraing 1- ehitmcys, etc. nusc beccnDLe.red. ;lo ,;crk is to be con_cecled tntil this .trspee:icn iibeen nade cnC ap-otc"*ed. !EllC!: it4ten conp|ete -- pyouiCe gates o? nooable seetions thtoughDTI T ---ALL project conCiiions, 3uch as the installac_ion cf sireet ,!ees, eo:oleiion cf ;herequired ratasccpirq, etc., rtttst irn ,"rilii.na a":olr"- tn"'iui:,Z1itb Fr:iAL 3cn be z,equestec. Xihi"i1:i:'m ,#:*I::z! ,,x:!l:x",;",;;i,",2#:;;,, ;?xzziiini,"n the tinal plwnbins 9rLL 726-3 Job Loeaticn: Assessore jlaD #?cz tnt # Subd.Jtis'r,an: O;ner: L.ldfuess:Phone: -alufrLila0 Describe ltork: Vaiue4-R-trsiate of App Licaticn RenoCeL ac-* Sanitarl seser eqped :t ptcperLT Lire Septic totk p:i:rped ad. filled "tith g-taizi Pinal - i.Ihen abcue itet:s ue ccraleteiqrC L;hen dencLttton is carcLe=e bo "Lrr_ture naued ad. atelt-i.ees eleanei up. Blocking otd. Sex-ug Plunbing connecxicns -- sanev qd. aa:er Ele9trieal Ccmnection - Blcckin4, set_u,anC^ plunbing ecnneeticns "r;st i;L' ceprclia b e foz, e re que s t--ng el ec=ri cal l,ii" "L": iZ"-- .4cce ssa !.,i tsuildir,g Einal - .4f."cr,pct c_kes, akirting, d.eci,-s,etc. @e ccnola:ad. Pt'-:e 1 of 2 |ALL I,IAIIHCLZS AIID CLEAilCUTS !,IUST BE .iuraDo-J!:, .4DJUS?\!!:D lo 3! :.tDE t? lto :3ST TC CI:y r :.:r3!LliLK I )RJr,ZrtA:{: ?or aLL ecn_cr-ece pauirq uichin st"eex right-oi-'fA, to be nade af:ez, all icc-uat-.na conolete I lotn ,,ark I cub_base ;rcteria.L in place, JOB NO -; p-ae 2 SOLAR, .CESS REQ.- LC? TWg _ Inter,!,cr _ Cormer _ Panharuile _ Cul-cie-sac L-CO G+ Lot 5q. Ft?. 1 cf Lct Cooerage I of Stozles !ota1. Eeight lopograghy Plunbing Perrit lotal Penfttt Issuoee Meci",aniccl ?efitit !. Signed Plumbing Permit Ilo person shall eonstruct, install,, alter or charqe anA nea cr eetsiir'-g plmbitq cr drainage systen in uhnle oz' in pott, unless such person is the lbgal pbssessor of a ua1-id plwnber's Ltcense, o-scept that a petson na'1 (9 pt'"nitti'tg xork to propelt'! uhich is ormed, Leased ot operated by the cpPli- cant. Electricol Permit Were State Lan tequires that the electrtcal aork be done bg arz lleetzrical Cont?aeta", the elictrical portion of this permit shzll not be ualiC until the LabeL itas been signed by the Electz'ical Conttactoe. Mechqnicql Permit uatePLan t:c-nt r.er I HAW CAREFULLy gK\MIilED lhz eonpleted cppl.ication fot pennit' ani do heteby certifg thct "L:;'t"i;'-;-"-L' zeteon' is *ue zt'c cott'ec=' zrd' r fwtker cert:Ji :not ong- "ii' tli ;o't' qerJb:med sha'Ll be done in x'cec?- dance .rtch yhe ord.lnen'c'""-if lLn i:y 'c7 "Sprtng|'ielti, .ani =he ,ic';s of =4e Sr.ate o! Cregcn perraininc 'to the aotk Cesc:ibLC herein' cr'L :itc= lo .3cC'J- p/.!tcr rnltl ba rrad.e "l';:;' ti;;i*"- ",itiit tlrm"Jssian of the EuilditE 3t" uision. i f'trthet' """i';?r"Z:;;";"ia-;;;;;cicrs ad' anp-Lcvees ah'o ctz tn ;;;;1,;;"; blttt, cns 701."0ss aLLL be used on this proieet ) .(- L{- r. f ipe/Cor.st:,ec-?20ns:Cceurancu Crout: Lot Faces -lnelau Sourees Cdraae |/at",? J aaa2? Range iiz.eoLace Yaod.state iiest -- Pees -- Building Vqlue & Permit This perrnt is granted on the eupress condition that the said.conscrtc;ion si,a.!L, in ail resoecis, eonfcvn :o the crdirance adopteC bg the Ci-tl ci Spr.)ngfieli, :-nc!ui!ng :he Zoning CrCinat",ce, regulatirtg the ecrstr",c;',cn orj use oi butiiiirqs, cnd n;y be susaerujeC oz'reuckei at cr.'1 tine :i:in !ac- La*-tan of .tly prcuisions of saiC Criir,ances. VaLue aAfraf 'trf tt? PLan Check lee: Y I tL en^14- 14 Lesvrtg !o+.al llangea it.a;t:tes Resi.dantial (1 bath) Scnitany Seuet ',,lctet ,a! l caaaitr:io Res. Sa. ftc, Nzu/Esterd Circuits lanDc"Gu Seroice Dll,nl .t /o o0 U6 ai;:!z:4 hsnzce E?U|S Ezhanst HooC 'rlcod.stote -- LtlLii-AL.1.t::.i - -' Sec"u"ittl Decosit Storege Ila:-nterar"ce SiCa':aLk Lt)I Mobile Hone -natr ttnttttq ltt?.* -Jli) Atr:vuLtt uwe')D 1..o c fr, !enee 1 l) V3