HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1989-12-20t. t!.. RESIf '' ITIAL.. 2 2 s North rrlr r,rrnnor"" cAmaM/PERI'ff r SprLngfieLd' 1regon 97477 Building Diuisio.n 7 26-37 53 SPFITNGFIELD- Job Location: Tat lat llAssessore Map ll Subdittision: Oumer: Phone:Address: City: l&Sd^f 8.ao tas--- Describe Nork: Date of Applica Valuet ttdditian RenoCeL General P lurnb ing nical ec trisa to see that aLL inspections are nade at the ploper time, that eceh cddrees is readabie job aCitess' tYPe Requests YeceLtedP?OCEDUPE FoR INSPEC"IION .!!=0.|!EST:CALL 7 requested and uhen liou aiLL be readY !ot''*^iil be nade the eane dcy, nequests made inspection, It ia the Lhe propertY. aLL tines.Located at the front offrom the s slwll renain on tha Building Sitc at*Buildinrl of inspee)ictt,7e signat ed j ob ttutnbet',26-3769 (recordet') state your City befcz'e 7:00 c:tncne ind plone nwrberContraetors or Atners on uvill bo made the nctt uorkin'i dayafter 7:00 13SIout' City Desigr,ated Job Nunber fs: holler LSeavd BUI,I1!t oR Sanilary sesen capped at property Line Septie tank pwped ard filled uith grattel Pinal - lfiien abclte'Ltens ate ccntpleted and uhen Catclition is canplete- o" st?uc- i,ui. ^or.d anC. prenises eleaneC up' e llcmes Blocking and set-uP Pltnbing connections -- a'1)€? and uater Electrical Ccmnection - Blockittg' aet-u.p, ind pltnbing co-nr:'ections ttt"tst be dpp?cDec i,e foin e requ-e sting elecirical inspee lio:t AecescorY BuilCing Pi.nal - After pctckes, skirting' decks' etc. ate conPleted' SITE INSPEC?ION: excatation, but ?o be nade after ptioz, tc set uP of To made 'barriers are in Place La!;h, gyPsun boatd or is applied, and before ', is concealed- forms.required oapo" UNDENSLAB PLUMBING, ET'ICTRI=CAL & l,lEcLtl.llrcAt; To be made before any GiTEAottered. but before any L couet'ingtnL @ty insulation F\ITING & FOUNDATfCN: To be naCe after trenchea are eccavdted atut Tor u *. et'ected' but Prior to pouring ccnerete. DRYI,IALL INSPECTION: TC bE MAdE ;fier atT-fiwatTte .in Place' but priot' to anY taPtng' MAS0NRY: Steel Location, bond iZffiigrouting or oerticcls in Loio"la"ir"n LvLth u,B.c, section 2415. WIIDSTOVE: After i'nstallation is cc,npT;tA' Tfu-f,i6nches. '"r floor insulation or decki'ng' Afte:' .fonns POST AND BEAM: TistiTTitlon of To be nade prior to Lation or cuRB & AP?R-O4CI\ AP:!0N: are erecteC but Prtor to pourtngfloor insu concretedeckingffi #ffi'",1"2i,".!"Lni,i,i- .'f-.;lr;r', to -be made after aLL etea--rltiil'"*Ptete & forn wrk & sub- base'naterial in Place' L: No iipections hatse beertunt'these nade and. aPProtted.. faeing i,nepec-FIPEPLACE: matertaLs Prior to plccir4 and befote froning tion,hhen conP lete -- PtooiCe FRATTING: IUfuSt bE aDDroDaL oI rougn iil a neclnnicaL. reauested after olitr,bing, electri-'ALL roofing nooable secti.ans tl*ough P, U. bracittg I ohinmcYe'etc. mtdt be \CL. cotrrple , aealed tad. No wnk is to be con- unti,L thi,s tnspection las 'been made anC approtted tte "instaLlation of stveet trees'co:pLciion FINAL can of the ALL aroi ect conditions' requi.red" LanCsccPing' c sucl':. as the BI\fLDING be request tc. , tmts t. be satisfied before FI,IIAL PLUMBING FINAL MECIIANICAL FINAL ELECTRICI'L Buildi.nglnspcc.tiott^mtT.!""#":o"ofi:;.t* InsPections haoe been 7ltp l'{.nal Plunbing FINAL BI)IL'DINC:( ) Electrical, anL The ti.naL Meehani.caL IAI,L I,,ANIICT'ES AND CLIANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBT,E, ADJ USTIIEIJT TO BE I'IADE r'.T NO CCST TO CITY Ptge 7 of. Date: t--l Ndt,t ,l ectr Lity that L-COG*soLAR ACCESS REQ.-JOB NO. lleat P. L,IIouee Caralle Access Not,th East l Fireplace South l Iloodstoxe l,/est ll fnterior Corner Panhandle CuL-de-sac crr^7 Bedrooms: Lot Faces -LO? TYPL Zbne: Lot Sq. Ftg. 7i cf tot Cooerage I t .of Stories Total Height Topography -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This permt-t is granted on the efpress condition tlnt the sciid-constnaction slnll', in aLL iespects, confonn to the 1rdinance adopted tiy the city gf Springfield, including the Zoning Crdinance' regulat'lng tlrc ccnsttaettcn and use of buildings, and may be suspended or reuokeC at cny tine upon oic- Lation of any prcoi.siona of said 1rdinances. ?OTAL VALUE Signed: F?G x s.D.c- 7,5 c Building Petmit ?otal Clarges State Date Paid: il: Plumbing Permit No pereon slull construct, ins!al!-, alter or clnnge cny neD cr eristi-ng _plinb't-ng on dnainage systet in ulole oz' in part" unless such pereon is the Legal pbsaee*or. ofa ualid plunber's License, etcept that a pe"aon naV 49ptwntlig uork to p"ope?tA uhich is oumed, Leaaed or operated by the appli- cant. CHARCENO. * Fistures Residential (1 bath) Seuer Plwnbing Petnit State Sut,change Neu,/Ectend. Citcuits Electricql Permit Were State La requires tlnt the electrical uork be done bg an Eleetrical Contractot,, the electrical portion of this petnit shall not be oaliC until the Label has been aigned by the Electttcal Conttactor.Setwice State ?otal NC,['EE CIIARCE Mechqnicql Permit bhanst IIooC Vent F@t llcodstooe l, ir l,r ll,'1.l llill Perwtt Issuance Mechanical Permit I -- ENCROACI.IMEI!? -- I Permit Cttrbeut Sideualk Fence L tabel Mobile llone uate r ilAW .AREFULLy EXAitItlED. t-he conpleted, application for permit, and don^er{v certify that aLL info:matibn i"ini1"'1,, tnue afu. "Z"iiiti '_ra tfuz'bhet'.certify that ony ora^all uork-p;;iomed srnll be done in accot-dance tith the ondinanci: "l "l: ctty.Z|'bprtysfiia, ""a*tiZ -r,oas of the |l?.t^?.ot-9,gson p,entainins to the wrk ceslribzh iiiLii., "itfr| No occu-PANCI uill be nnCe oy anU structune uithout permissi_on L1 tii nuLUing Di_,ision. r fu,ther "L"tt.?a tnil-;;i;;;;;;;ctors anct enployeee uho are incazpliance uith oRS 701.b-\s uiLL be"usei-oi thts iriiiii-'"-"" ", ,( ,TO7'AT, AMOIJ\IT DITF. ' * Signed Date l r-----