HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-09-18.. RESIDE TIAL.. APPLICATIOII/PERIlIT 225 North |th Stt,eet Spt tngiield, 1reqon 92477 Butlding Diuision / zo-J / bc Job Locaticn ABsesso?s \tap #271 t. SPFlINGFIEI.c, q,a LW N q 4 L4 Ta* Iat fl Svbdioision: A.nter: Ct4t Additicn Le icnc Datc of Apolieeticn. It- ?-rs-g Deseribe h,ork 5 L,t)o o eu b Date Value Aal]"ese 74 T#65Phone: ?Lwltb iLectrica'L 't--;-: --1 ! : is lhe resconsibility of ti'e oermit izoiiet' to see tha! aL! insoecxions ote nad.e at ihe ??oper tine, tha.t €cch .-;;Fess is reaTzb--;:'o\,xhe at?eet, atu4 thdt the penrtt eatd. is Lccated at -rhe frant of ti.e ofoDert!2u!!ai:4 H.ui:ic:z actrot:ea;L'cn silc.L-t rencin on iiia a,r.:ie;ni- sJ", ", aLL ximas. 'r^^aD.r5r ?AD 7'reb=@it- ------tll .EZ-?'!!ST;CALL 726-3769 (reeord.er) stcte you" Cixy desigt=ted job nr.r;ber, .iab cci.ress, tv=e oj zrscee=icn1oucstea anc uien uou -uiii be teariy ict insccecicn, Contracccns ct G.ze:s ncne'"na;no", nunoer.' .1"qo""=, reZeil;ez'c'e;cte'z:g3 ;'-"L be naae xhe sane dcy, ?eql,esas nccie ci=c: ?:0C e:, uiLL bc na:ie dte nczx.sorkix:'czt. Saoa bbIcur. City Desio'r.axed Job liumber fs:o.titnl Trsran:a cTis Ua".N; I i--: J.,'i:J;:_-1.',,.' ?o ce ne<je cixer ) aca,E;;, '"ut pricz, tc se:- up of Jctme. - u:|D!.qsLA? !LL':.Br;:G. ZL:::PI:,.,r I I :.3Ci:..:.;:iC;:: To be made be;'ore cnt,u ffi7i6ucted. ?o be naie alxer aLL insulaxicn cti rcouzted. oaoor bcriers @e in place but be!'ore @ry Lath, gypsun bcarC or tnLL eouering is qolzea, atta before otE insulation is concealed. t -., J o ur - r i. t / t',t | :t-' : E.-l : :( J :.: i..---": ! -.i -..li,'. i,l.r-I-Ii.'.' J? Scnitary seuer cqcei ct otoozr;g Litre Septic totk p'r.:ed ard. fiLLeC trith nzatei lincl - lthen abctle itets ate cc::tzlexei ani then ie:zclition is co:=Le;e ," s:--rr- xule noue; anc pterrLses cleanei u?. l P1CT.fi;c 4 FCU\ID,\TIC|1: To be np.Ce ajte-.. xuencnes are ezcauated ar"C. fcrm;; are ereexeci, bux prior topourira ccncreca. DRY\iALL rilSP9C?!0t't: Ic a1'tcr aLL ctyuail is in but prior xo any taoing. be nade Diace, - u!:D:RG?3,-':;t pLU:.pri::. sl,E?. r,,.4Tr.?. )Di;t:ii.@-Lirg yrenehee. I,lAS1lll?f : Steel Location, bond beaxs, aroutino or t)erticcls in aecoy<iotce LrLth A.B.C. Section 2415.Le hcnes l llll nraFf aa ) tT tr, tu nt.. Lv.-2Jtt\j O t.,a',lh.tlV^-. FTilAL PLUIIBIIIC FIIJAL I{ECHAIIICAL FINAL EL'CTRICAL I,ICODSTO\IE: ;;t D;;;a.After installation isrobinffiof floon insulctian or deckina. 1 Pcsr NtD EEA\!: To be natic D?ioy to ) AsxaL;A;n of floor insulation ot, dccking. r pnucl pl.tp.)f,: ?TECTIiICA: t l:rc!l_ I A;,ILAL: nO UOtk LS to oC coL^et,ed uzxil these inspeetiors itaue beennoie arui aooroued.. 1 f*wucti Pnto, to olceirn facino) AceiA; arul bcfore'iro,ini ti"o"Z-tion. f fp.t:flc: Itust be nequesteC after ) app"ouat of rough plwrbing, e-Leetni-cal E nechznical. ALI roofitq bracing C ehilmcys, etc. rwst be eonpleted. llo ucr.k is to be cort- . cecled until this inspeetion llr,s' 'been naie anC apptoued. CLTPB 8 APPRCAC\| AppON: Aftet formsat,e erectei but prior to pourtng conc?ete. SfDEWALX t, DRIlTlr.lY: For aLL con- crece pauing uithin street right- of-taA, to be naCe after aLL eoe.a- uatinq eanplete A f&n wnk A sib- base natertal in pLace. ?EI!CE: hhen conplete -- fuoviCe gate; of, nouable aections thnough P. U.E. K k)oo P^-- !-;D ?-t I lc:co ALL project conditions, suck as the ;..nstallaxion of st?eet ttees, co-oletion oi t'ne required Larisccpitg, ctc., naat be eatisficd before the BULLDI\;C FI1IAL can be requested..l l l l FIilAL BUILDING: The Final Electrical, otl. Necitarieal Buildittg Insoection mtst be requestei cfter the Fina.L PZwbizg Inspectaons iavc been nad,e arui approvei. Blocking od. Set-up Pltnbing connections -- aeue? d, ucter Elecfi,ical Ccnnection - Blockin_c, ae;-ui and pLunbinq conieetions m:st be o>rc:ei be f ot, c neque s ttng e7- e c:ri c aL it:sp e'c'= io.. Aceesso\* Build'-n4 pcrehes, skirting, decks,Firal - Aftcr etc. ale eanp P4e1o!2'ALL ttAt:EcLES AND CItANOtng ilUg? BE ACCESSTBLI, ADJUr:!:|E TO 3E t.ltDt L? t:O als? T0 Cry Address: ( jenerei 44*do(- Jonstrteticn Lxruie-r io6 ,u".9hDb t(p SOLAR AC Ess REQ.-r--co c* Jne:OecllDancu GpoJ= ot Sq. Ftg. . cf Lct Caterage of Stories otal P.eight 'cpography _ Interior _ Cor.ner _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac Ipt Faees -E:na??, Sorr.c"s Tuto Setbacks Df House Ca"aoe llo?tii Fas f Sot;th Uest Be:xoffis: heat C toxe x VaLuc:t:t '=in Building Vcrlue & Permit Ihis permit is gz,anted on the e$p?ess condition tlat the said.eonstntction sltall, in all respects, confotm to the Ordinance cdop.teC b1t the Citlt of Springfield, ineluding the Zoning Crdinance, regulctittg the ccnstntcticn otd use of buildings, otd may be suspended or reuokeC at c.ny t;.me upon uic- Lation of cny prctsisions of said Ordinances. IOTAL VALUE ac-U.L. l.O: Euilc:.nq Permit State ?otcl. Changes Plan Cheek Fec: l)axe Pa.-d Reeciat # Sigted: a! a: ^= =-'i ara'a1 / i |-!L I e+--^ e.,n^i^-^^ Plurnbing Permit No De?son slnT-L constntet, instal!, alter on cinnge Gnu nel cr c:isting pltnbir4 or drainage systen in ;,thole or in part, unless sueh cerson is the Legal oossessor of a oalid. plwnber's License, eucept t|".a.t a De"scn nat ic p,Lunbing uork to p?ope"ty uiticn is ouzei, Leased or operaxei by the cp>Li- I I I c^ ELee Electricol Permit irinere stete Las reouires x'rcx the eleetrical uork be done by cn ii.ectyteci Con'traezor, tize elec=rical coyxior: o: th* pernai shc.Ll nat be ::a!;,c utt:--- xhe 'tabel has been signec by xhe Electrical Jontycetcy. I ...".............ffi lr ri I /tin /s.o o /5- dD ! .:,.-: ->-- \ iutechonicql Permit -|:ast HooC Pet*Lt issuznce Mecitaniczl Pertn! -- E,',' CR,OACEI,:E!:T -- - ,i +., n^-^ --' + -|i+, ?otal Cncrocs esalk Ia.bel ile lla ne PLan LIOL' r HAw 1AREFULLy ExAilr,NED the con.oleted aoolication fon pernt:, cnd dchereby eertif_y that aLL info':n,cti'on hereon is ttue o*i.Zrr.."', *rL ffurther .certif"- that artV ar.d aLL uotk perfozneC siuLl be done ';., ,".on-rianee wLt.ll the oriiinences of tiTc ctty of springfield, and. th: Lc-;s of thes_tate of oregcn pcrtaining to the uork ces'eribLd h""n.n, cnd t;ct t;c cccu-PA\ICI uitl_ b^e nyde of anu st?ucture uithout permissiot of the Si;td;.nc Oi_DLsLon. I lU"thet certif;; thet otly contractor.s a;d e-zplcgees uho ar'e i;.:eotpliance Dith ORS ?01.055 uiLL be used on this projec't AL A,I.QU\I? DIJ!:'/s oo [Ete 7 a