HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1986-12-11SPRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development Planning and Development Department CERTIFIED LETTER December 11, 1986 Mr. Ronald Bry P.O. Box 1087 Springfield, OR 97478-O2Ol SUBJECT: Notice and Order to compiy with the Springfield Building Safety Codes at 353 South 34th Street, Springfield, Oregon. Dear Mr. Bry; The struetures (a house and accessory buildings) located at the above referenced address, more particularly described as Lane County Assessor's Map #L7 02 31 34, Tax Lot #00500 are, for reasons specified below, attractive nuisances and substandard buildings as described in the Springfield Housing Code (appiicable Code excerpts are attached). Lane County assessment and taxation records reveal that you are the orilner of this property. Section 401 (b) of the Springfield Housing Code describes structures and proper- ties which are classified as attractive nuisances as buildings which are structur- ally unsound and properties having used materials, trash or debris in public view which may prove hazardous to inquisitive minors. The house located aL the above referenced address is open and accessible; a section of the east exterior wall approximately six feet in width and eight feet in height is missing. Miscel- Ianeous debris exists on the property. Section 1001 of the Housing Code specifies conditions constituting a substandardbuiiding. The following items include, but are not limited to, conditions existingat the subject property which cause it to be classified as a substandard building: HOUSE WITH ATTACHED CARPORT 1. INADEQUATE SANITATION The plumbing fixtures within the structure are either inoperative, damaged or missing. 2,. STRUCTURAL HAZARDS A.There are missing sections of the floor system in the open, eastportion of the dwelling. A. 225 North Sth Street o Springfield, oregon97477 . s03/726-3753 a u t The foundation is inadequate or missing in several areas and appearsto be unable to safely carry the imposed building }oads. The roof supports and roof sheathing of the attached carport are showing signs of deterioration and appear to be unable to adequately support imposed roof loads. The rear section of the house roof is sheathing is rotting at the gable ends. sagging at the ridge; roof E Floor supports appear to be insufficient or deteriorated as evidenced by sagging of the floor throughout the house and settling of the front porch. 3. FAULTY IYEATHER PROTECTION A. IYindows and exterior doors are broken or damaged The roof covering material has deteriorated because of age and inadequate maintenance. THe interior walls and ceiling surfaces are deteriorating because of inadequate maintenance and exposure to the weather. 4, ELECTRICAL HAZARDS A.The covers on the main electrical panel and sub-panel are missing. This situation creates a potentiai electrical hazard, 5. HAZARDOUS MECHANICAL CONDITIONS B. The existing woodstove and the chimney serving as a vent for the woodstove are installed without adequate clearance to combustible material. The woodstove must be disconnected from the chimney immediately as its continued use constitutes a fire hazard. Properly installed heating facilities capable of maintaining a room temperature of 70 degrees F. at a point three feet above the floor in aII habitable rooms are not provided. ACCESSORY STRUCTURES Because of inadequate maintenance and/or construction the two wood frame storage buildings are excessively deteriorated and dilapidated. B. C. D B. A. Section 2O2 of the Housing Code requires that structures classified as substan-dard, as described above, are pubiic nuisances and must either be repaired ordemolished. Therefore, this is your notice that you must secure the properpermits to either rebuild the structures (Section 104 of the Springfieid Building Safety Codes Administrative Code requires that they be rebuilt to comply withall the provisions of The State Structural Speciaity Code and Fire and LifeSafety Regulation) or demolish them. Application for permits for repairs to or demolition of the subject property mustbe made by December 30, 1987. Construction or demolition must begin byJanuary 15, 1986. If you choose to demoiish the structures, demolition must becompleted by February 15, 1987. Completion of demolition means that thestructures and property must be inspected and approved by appropriate represen- tatives of the Springfield Building Safety Division. The sewer must be capped atthe property line or the septic tank pumped and filled by a person holding a sewage disposal service license as provi.ded for in Chapter 1340, Division 7 of the Oregon Administrative Rules. Permits to rebuild or demoiish must be obtained atthe Springfield Planning and Development Department, 225 North sth Street, Springfield, Oregon. Please note that the subject property may not be occupied until an occupancy permit is issued by the City Buiiding Official. If you do not take corrective action within the time frame outlined above, the City wili seek compliance with the Building Safety Codes through legal recourse which may inciude Municipal Court proceedings or the City may proceed to eliminate the hazard and charge the costs thereof against the property or its owner as deseribed in section 204 (d)(C)(3) of the Administrative Code of the Building Safety Codes (attached). Any person having any record of title or legal interest in the property may appeal from this notice and order to the Building Board of Appeals, provided that the appeal is made in writing and filed with the Building Official within 30 days of the date of service of this notice and order. Failure to appeal will constitute a waiver of all rights to an administrative hearing and determination of the matter. The City anticipates your courtesy and cooperation in resolwing this matter. If you have question pertaining to this situation, please contact me at the Spring- field Building Safety Division, 726-3753' ly, David J. Building Official Notice of Satisfaction For certificate of Unsafe, substondard or Dangerous Building NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN by DAVID J. PUENT, Building Officiat, City of Springfietd,Community Services Division, as follows: 1' A certificate dated March 16, 1987 was duly recorded in Lane county Records statingthat an unsafe, substandard or dangerous building existed on property known as 353South 34th Street, Springf ield, Oregon , 97 478, f iled on March 20, 1gg7 in Reel 14g1 ,Reception No. 9404356, official recorcjs for Lane county, oregon. 2. A perrnit for dernolition of tlre urnsafe, substandard or dangerous building was issuedMay 11, 1987 to tlte owner of the property for the removal of the deficient building.Verification of tlre dernolition and rernoval was made by the City Building lnspector JnMay 1 2, 1987. BE IT HEREBY I(NOWN THAT THE CONDITION CITED IN THE CERTIFICATE NOTEDABOVE NO LONGER EXISTS. The Legal Description for the property lcnown as 353 South 34th Street, Springfield,oregon,9747B, is more particularly described as follows in Exhibit "A": EXHIBIT ''A" 3 A The North one-half of LOT 4, BLOCK 9, DOUGLAS GARDENS, as platted and recordedin Volume 4, page 73, Lane county oregon prat Records, in Lane county oregon, Dated this 22nd day of June 199S David J ,BU tng off CI Personally appeared before me the above named DAVID J. PUENT and acl<nowledged theforegoing instrument to be his voluntary act and deed. Before me: Notary Public for regon My Comrnission expires:6*L -'/i u0 t.; $J ub:3i s503 5 0307 CTISC.{DE TITLE C ,,t:ri I ?. cercit'icace of unsafe, subsrandard or Dangerous Building,Jotuil: I.tarch 16 , L9g7 ) _ +rd pa-s:ui4;i t r:stt.Ef-f , \ i{ecorded March ?0, 1987 in Reel I1r51, RscepEion No . gl].jilCIz Offi.cial Records for Lane County, Oregon. i D:rrcd TF-*^....*.*-*urH-v ! !illullg I{ovember 30, 1993Rccordedr January 19, Lg94 in Reel LgL4, Reception No. 9.,0*356Official Records for Lane County, Oregon.By and bet:,reen: rhe Ctty of Springfield and Jay Tha,ias r'1 . Easernent as delineated or dedicated on the recortled p1au,l-or: Utilities Atf.:cts: the LJe-stel-Iy 7 feec 5. Easerne-t]c sr:ct Mslrrcetlsrice AgreeruerrL, including che Eerms and provlslonst hcrcof, Dated; ttay 21, 1995 Recorded: Ilay 31, 1995 in ReeI 2069, Ree,epclorr No. g530lb3 Official Records t-or Larre Couilcy, Oregon. h-'or- - Driveway At:CeSS Affects: llorrherry porEion of uhe herein described ran,l B. -4'ny encroachmenEst unlecol:d.ed. easemenEs, vl-olacions of concliLions,coYenanrs and restrlcElons, and any other nactrers utrich r.'ould be discJi:ceci hya col:recE survey. upon youl'requesc, and for a fee o-f $:o-oo, to compry wirh thi-s str-rweye-?-cepElon, and lcs femoval from ctre polrc,v of t_itle insurance you )ravarequested, Ka.F Trcle wilr perforru a sice inspecr-ion and any amlnrim*,-1rsor s.dd,icional er:cepcious co chls Prelrminary Report wil1 be shorinr in nSupplemencal Repofc. ]. Pfoof chac chsr6 are no parLies in possession,possessron, other Lhan above vestee. or cla"imi,ng to lre in lqLtTE; Taxes for t-he fisc.ql ye.ar 1994-95, paid in FuIITotal Amount. $94/ -41 Hep No : I1 OZ 3L 34-00500 Accorrnt No. : L21648 Co<le: l9-OO AFFECTS THE HEREIN DEScRIBED IAI{D AND OTHER IAND $. Any statrrtory llens for rabor or maEerial , includ.ing lien.q forconrrlbutions dtte co che Srate of oregon for unemployrani colnpenr.i.ction and fc,,:'*torkrnen's compensacions, which have norv gained or herg.qft.*r r..y gain prioriryower Ehe }ien of che insured morcgage, which liens <1o noL now appear ofrecord, END OF EXCEP'I''I.ON.S vu jd 9; u0 jl 6SOe 5 0J07 ft q Ht?s'rffI3 l5Trr Dr7.F irso{;1397: tii 8fl.22O" TMTIFICA]E r UNIft, SI'B5TI.1DAN.D M DAilGERflTS BUI[DIh6 H IE, :i".ml,$l$;;!$y,,?rhitr*yr LDftG FF rc rrl. c r rr ir l. TIE EUII-DII$/5rftlrrl.m LGlrED ,cr{ r}f ffiEly c*rrl=lrKlrom AS 3s} sou.rx ytrH ffiil #rxcrier"o. deGft:'*"tit;Is All tt{grFE, crBsTAloAsIr cn qoleno,e EUII_EIIG- Sprclrlcrtty, ItE EJILDtrrG,/srRrEr-(rrE Lfi-eTm rr ri€Erf-_EElrEL .lEmESS _I5 tx vin-lrtcn-r-srn-r,}i rr01s€silil{ I00} s r}rE clrf cr trnrncrte]'D }h.6rxi coE. CASC.T,DE TITLE C 1^.,.:ii-t;|ti rilruI t 'rE r?riflilsD!* ,,HS ..rM,.trr+ tr I I' Ife LE!,AL resmrrriar Fm ri€ pncpEnry ilmi ,s l5f Sur+r]4rx SyRr€r, spnimrrai, -txeo{,- lgtib-,'" ii-'r{H*P4RTIiu-,1*LY DESCRIEED As FcI,J,trs IH F*HIBIT -A.: E.SIIBIT'A' IF -lik4y rI€-trAU: s Lsr 4" Lmc t, DuJbl-As lToz 3/ J 4 | Aq r,r^fr$ lrn rtmio ril v.a-uf, q. pA6E hTru No,t (ooio/,sw..fcjltsnrv frreorr hrt nrcms, iH L,ql€-[odiy,'C**i"--- (nl ?J j!'_Z)'1,, Itr_ g+n rflD r€ FCI].OxIr.r3 FEng(,{s }f,.rtF6 IHTEEET iil s{tD rj F6IPER?Y FIAIT EfEI{ SO IITIFIED: Af,Fi.{r) ruot EsSAtel a3/zg.rui i[Errlg 01rr 3^44 8e$IJ lnv Gcr* ,rro Fr-m}{= y. !/tcrt ,",4t ffi' ffie* ffiffiffi; ". srs6? S,TAIE tr m.E€011. C.a.r{ry cF Llre ) ss. [Etlsurrur Appcrs€D ififfi tc rt ytfitfl,srlD*€ ,rxHfirEEcED ri€ F*rrsI,G -ursriilliir- -luf,{ tE[D. &-ua$,u-fE Hls riu.tlirAf,y IL"T EsmE r: Itr t t I! i,! r i , ,'*, .t:, v (, :.U,.$5 ta. ;j ffso - 35 oJor .ru rAtr lrrrMEERr 1Uo-ry*ffi lrs f,EE trsrelt Eror or, I)t 11 fiut*rr FAX TRAI{SI'IISS/OIfl CASC,IDE TITLE IItr}.IBEf,, Of PBGES: ,IIRAIISMI:trIED EI: ?TATN OFFIC.E I'EUDIT.(so3) 687*2131 }TAIiT OTfICE PAT: (5o3) {85-O3O.i tXIr--llrrrue,SrilElE PrftcFlDU\l .) , 7- ,tt f |-{-1LLL -rJ"' , ulxrl'rs-oRlilltsMrssroil DhrE: *******l}**llttartllltt'i*****rr**+****+*{tJr**"i*ttttlt*******!l:t****i!trrtris HESSAGE: rr.sass C.aIjL (50 3t 6A1-?233 SION NOT CTEN*T,V RECEIVEDrr atrA[sHrs HAril oFFrcE * 1O?5 OAK Sl r EUGEIIE' oR 97eOI-:-:E'(503)58?-2233 * FAx {85-o3J-" rr,o*Errc* * r23C *"ooourxuno*'f;,iirxJ", oo szosi':-;Eiss.-saa7 * FA-E ee7-8211;: T ch 11o 3 s c (o6o, A5 ct5(t Ta ao C,o3 m0Jot m cu2v mo E! iENDER Complete items 1, 2,3 and4. P,. /ou, address in the "RETUBN TO" space on the revarse slde. Failure to do this will prevent this card {rom being returned to you. The return r€c€iDt fee will provide you the name of the person delivered to and the date of delivery. For additional fees the following services are availabie. consult postmaster for fe€s and check box(es) f or service(s) raquestad. t. $ Sno* ro whom, date and address of delivery 2. n Restricted Delivery. rrrr. 'Qo,r c*t&, B. <#,'bg <(d , &. 3. Article Address€d to Q-t u)N 1r?s3 s , 1\*.^ 4. Type ot Service: n Reqistered D lnsuredPcertr+ieo tr coDn Express Mait Article Number ?zYt qua ?// Alw;.7s obtain signature ol addresseeglagent and DATE DELIVERED. 5. Signature - 6.S x'%:WF; ,Y*K- " o35x= i "&'5" ryuatd ar,dYry<ld) t 6PFA er 4)8 I o a Prlnt addrocs,namo, 1 on$retopormit , back Rcquected" UNITED STAIES POSTAT oFFtctAr RETURN PENALTY FOR PRIVATE usE. ${n TO ) and (City, St te, and ZIP Code) llilt CITY OF SPRING FIELE F-\ frE