HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-06-23.. RESIDENTIAL.. 2zs ltot th stlt streeAPPLrcATr,N /PERI,rr Springfield, 1regon 97477 BuiL&Lng Diuision 7 26-37 53 i SP'IINGFtEL.D VN ,-d LN$X- )Job Locaticn: Assessors Map # lf ] 3t 2 I Subdiri.sion: (a\Amer:I*nAddress:Phone:(o- Zip: C1 l<-I UL Desa,i.be llot lc: Va'l,ueDate of Application. ) t-t Jlqa W*tl \,CAdditicn RenoCeL LLq General 2-i(O q Q ['[-\'n:-()t \( \ C\\0'r \ ( i,!eciuniccL CP, JIAW) tsUILDi:]CS Sdni2ag seter capped ct propert:i Line Septie tatk pwed crui fnlled uith gratzl linal - i,4ten cbcoe itees ore ccncleced and uhen Canclt tion is conzplete br s*,r.ic- tute noted, a.C pretr"aes cleaned an. !'!ob")Hcnes tsLocking od, Sat-tg Plunbing connectians -- sate? od. uclet 'pcrei'.es, sidrt.Jng, decks, Electr.ical Ccntect.lon - Blockirq, set-uc ani plunbing conneetions r;st be e?rc,;eC bey-ore requesting eL eclz.tcal insp ec! io:: Accescorg Suiliir4 Final - After etc. @e catn ConslrrglicnJerule!_ SITE I!IS?!C?]C!I: ezcamction, but ?o be nad.e after pri,cr tc se! up of It id lhe reegonaibility of the pentti,t iutl,er to see ihat aLL inspectiona are nad.e at lhe propet ttarc, that 22sfu .2,1,#ss6 is ten;,,.bie fron the st?eet, dnd, thct the permtt cad is Located at the fzpttt of the propez,tu*luildir4 D')uiciovt acprot:ed gLan sfuLi renain otl the Buiianng Sitc dt aLL't+mes.' PI?)CIDUPE, Fo4 IIISPE*ICII .4:0.lESfrCALL726-3769(recorCer) state yolt? City designtted job ntttber, job aiitess, type of insoec=icn requesxed cxi uhen you -uiLL be ready for inspection, Cont?detcts cr A,neys- ncne ind phone r;tnber'. Pequests rzceit:-ed bei'cre- 7:C0 ,ziILLL be rm.de the sane dcg, "equests nade aft* 7:00 on tiLL be nwd,e tke ncct xrkinE da:i.Eaotrs I forne. UIIDEP,SLAB .DLU!,EI:IC, ILEC?RICIL 1 WCHI-|IICAL: lo be nade bey'ote cny wrk is couez,ed. FCCTI:IG 1 ?0tlNDA?ICtt: ?o be rmie;fltet t";A;; ae-e.canted and forns are erected, but ai"ct'to pouzlrq ccnc?et€. ANDZRGR)U\|D ?LL'!.!lt $tC, SEWP,'ttl?!R,pRNiu@- Lir4 trenehes. UIIDEP,FLCCP !'I-A$NG 1 \4IC!]ANICAL :@o1floor insuktion or deeking. ?oEr 4!LtsE4!4: To be nade prior toTGffiof floon insuiticn ot deeking, ROttGililQEl1G. SLEC:RICAL ' :,.**il*€*t I'lo '.totk is co be cou-eved. u Tthese i'nspectictts itaue beer. ncie ard, qporased. ncterials ty'Desigr,ated Job Nunber Is INSALATION /VAPAR BARRIZP, IJISPTCTIC\I : ?o be nad.e aftez, aLL insulaticn ed. udpot bavie?s @e ta plaee bat befcre otg l,ath, Wpfln bcatC or rnLL eouering ia dpplied, ard. before ary i*ulation is concealed. : Tc be nade ,!,n olace, but pr:.or to anA td?inq. MASaNW: Steel Location, borai beans, gzwuling or tetticcls in aecotd.oleelrLth A. B, C. Seeticn 241.5. ,IOODSTOYE:*-,.^-^)Aftet instalTalion "Js CURB 4 .4PPRCAC|] APP.CN ee erecteC but prior After fotnsto pouz-ing cone"ete. SIDWALK & DRf',EtiA!: For aLL con- c""-te ?aDGC;ffi st?eet night- of-ta!, to be maCe after aLL ezca- oating catolete & font uork & sub- base natetq-al in place.Prtor to plceirg fca.)ng and before fronir^g inspee- aftet Lwrhing,2 Lectri- IL noofing & chinmegs, ete. nust be . ccntpleted. ]!o uctk is to be con-.eecled until this insoection iu.s 'been nade anC appro"-ed. dTtrt r af ,nmf rr? PIIIAL I4ECAilTCAL e7ilAf ?f?anof41 t iQn oe ?eouesxed !!:ICE: it4ten conplate -- PtotiCe gates op nouable sectians +-htqagh P. U. E. n'LL pro;ect eonCi:ions, such as ;ize installation of atz,eet i?ees, ec.=iecion o! t;e required Lanlsccoirg, atc., nast be satisJ'ied cefore the AUILDI:IG F!)IAL ccn be reqttested. *ALL i4AIIHCLES AitD CLEAttCUtS \UST tsE ACCESS|BLE, AD;UST:E:I! ?0 3E AX !,.i ::O ::S: :2 CI?y I ?IllAL ilILDINC: The Pinal 3uiltiing ltnspection nnt be teauestei cller !h.e !,l,rral ?L:t11iira Sleccr.Jcalt qti |4eehcr.tccl Itspeeticns i;arc leet ncCe yi =c:rcted. ---g - vJ v OC urr W Zone: r-at Sq. Etg. 1 of kt Cooerage_ I of Stories ?otal 1eight ?opography Penntt issuance ]4eciuniecl Pe"nit -- ENCRCACil\4E:!? -- latal Charaes ' ,Vobil-e ilcne 3ed.voons rJ Electricql Permit l{ltete State La requires t|.a.t the electr.Leal aork be done by an Eleetrieal Cont"aeto?, the electrieal portion of this pennit slwll not be ualil until the label ltas been aigned by the Elech.ical Contractor. rn| 0w? fntericr Cornet Panhanale CuL-de-sac Mechonicql Permit VTet Dac2 I HAW CARJFULL'I IXLAIJED tie conpleteci apllcction for permit, cnd da hereby certify that aLL ttfo.,:m,alian heteon is tmte and cortec*-, end f farthet certiiT thet cny ard ali aork aeriorned slnl! be Cote in aecor- dance ',rtth the ArCincnces of the City of 1or)ngfield, and. i;he Lcaa of ti..e State of Cregan pertainino to the do"k Cescv-)bcd herein, si than X0 1CCA- PAilCI ail,i be na,ie of qtlA tilucture uithouc petnission of the 3uilCtng N- vieion. f furxhen eertii''1 thst otLg .ontrecto"s qi anclcgees uho ote in eonoliance aith CRS 701.05i aiLL be used on thie project =e Ir\L s JOB NO I(SOLAR, :ESS REQ.-L-co d Lot Face€ - Teet P,L !^..-^Aceess IT!:4 F!C X Value Building Volue & Permit This penrut is granted on the er?"ess eordition tlu,t the said.constntction siall, in cll rescects, eonfcrm to the Crdine*ee adooted. by the City oi Spdngfield, rnclul.rng the ioning Crdinanee, regulcting ;he ccnstr'cticn ad. use ci bu'.Ldtrqs, ar.d. nay be susgend.ed. or reuckei e.t ,:/t! tine uron uic- Lation of a4 prcoisions of saiC Crdirrznces. ..1 70?A.L I/tLUE io ni 1 < - Euilding ?ez'arLt C CState ) ?otal Chntgee q C:ARGE Plurnbing Permit flo person slall constract, instal!, altet ot change cn! reu cr esisting plwnbing cr drainaae syststt in ahole or in part, unless such person is the Legal possessor of a ,talid plwnbet'a Lieense, e&ee9t ti"a.x a pelson nay Co plur,bing aork to prope?fu ahich ie ormed, Leased or opet'ated by the appli- cdnt. Resid.enti.al (1 bath) Seuer D7.,*i;-- D---; + .:t,,'!.\ )-, Res. Sa. fto. N a,t / Z xt erd. C itctti t s lanocrou Setwice irf."/NC FXt tr 'ne-^^ ArylI I q *h.a$t HacC Vent !@1 ilcotistove Storcae i4air.:erarce 5i<ia,tal.k dlLttTCTAL At!)UilT DUi: a Signeri /^- !:.pe/Corst: Ses"ti-tu Seeosit L'// FIRE D,\11^'Gi': fI:IORT oil EtECl'li'ICIL Ii "tZAll'D Iiire Departmenc Duilding DcParL$enE SEructural Damagc- to Building l,.rTIi i 2z 3 -f - t2- FRO}i: TO: SUDJECT: x"tAcldress or Locatlou of butlding Narue of o\r1lcr Type of btrildi.ng Estinratcd valuc of buj'.!.ding (I,lr+e 1,1ing, S t:l. ,\f arc irousr:, etc.) c 00 Estlniated 1os: to buil d j-ng fr,o, oo o Date of fi;:e ,b-17 -yL LocaLlotr oE damagc in buil'ding ct**./I 5-Lg (Rc,of, liaIi, Iirltcri-cr,Interior, c tc. )I Strtrctura]. r:eakness as a result of fire (I;urncC rai ters , Ilc:at,ls ,iofsts, etc') ,( Elcctrica]- llazar<) I a (1,lir.'irrg, Ctuilets, ctc.) S ilincd ,