HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1988-07-20L{re s-/,,<GG ?-/7 Lane County Authori za,ttor:. for' SEPTIC INSPECTIO N FO R -OAN REVIEhl FOR OPFICE USE ONLY Applicatio Permit # L7 o2 OUT OF 19"3.#3 0B S'-'BDIVISION/PARTITION (if applicable)LOTIPAjr('x:BLOCK ?ROI,()SED USE OF PROPERTY X nesrdential l-l rndustrral n er-,uri"Cc,rrulerc ia I ATIO}J ADDRESS ZIP 2780 North 33rd 97 47 7 -L866 S L- 1':'Y S 0r S f t l-s to N. 33rd,l-st house on the right hand sideI-105 t,o Marcola Road left to 31st Street dwell ield of road, yellow and white house SEPTIC INSPECTION FOR LOAN REVIEt,^J DiSCRIPTION OF PROPOSED !iORK - BE SPECIE1C DECI,ARED S VALUE = OF BEDROOI'IS 3 # OP STORIES na oI. Ei'IPLOyECS none Proposed Existing l./A?ER SUPPLY Public TELEPHONE NUMBER 7 4L-2045 OiINER I S AND ADDRESS ob address above Mail ob address above Same as theGu& Darlene Butterf ield CONTRACTORIS NAME AND OSR ermit to the owner at the as t, TELEPHONE NWBER Same TELEpHoNE ivuM-ER- Same DATE Darlene Butterfield 4td rv f:rther HAVE EXAMCAR.EFULLY THEINED CO}4PLETED APPLICATION PUR_t4Il'oR ,loalrd h.)rtce rh aIIrat",ri.folra hereonon IS true correand ct thatand I thehave foI inte re tn91ega1 IN the ofownerproperty cof,d cortrl !,lrcliase zedT agentIcertithatal1andworkshal Ifomed befyanyper done n tluu,rda lnance Laneof W andCo Lawsthe theof Statety of OregontoworkthehedescribedrethaandNOtrtainj"ng wiOCCUPANCY nadebe Ictirre thethout lonpe mi ss of IdiBui.Di I fur-ronvisqhen9rthethatcerEifyregitrationthBui lderthe Board IN full force and fecit 70ORS 055byrequi red that f theexemP for ebasishereonnotedandthatildsubcontractorsonlywhow701oRsfnemployeecompli055beonrhiIREADHAVE ANDect.proj THISCHECK.ED THOROUGHLYAPPLICATION YOUR AUTHORIZATION ITAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: Parcel * re ar Date: Installation Record Issued? ! x." I u" laaximum Depth of Trenches te: ! pr,eus EXAMTNATToN: COM}IENTS: I N TCO}$lENTS FN TNSP ON RFOIII RFN 7-18-88 RLH I seuttRrrou, s. r. f B. P. * Grour':-- use Parcel Size na READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. SFPTIC fl pmtlurncrzzoNrNG: Installation callon Specifications: _ Tank Lineal Eeet of t)r'iti r:f-ield cL, "id.- j-nterrcrr- FOR lOAN RFVIFI^l--NO spFCTAl pl ANNING AcTT t'linimum Setbacks, C", ,ron Zone na Partition # ?-znj@ r oRs 455.805 (1) )DATE LANE COUNTY OE ENTOF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION,687-4061, 125 EASTSTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INE'ORMATION cL4-25 R* NeMs-Grea;;-E;I;O I rd I authori t1 of 1S a T wHEN RE.tDY FCR I:;SPEC?ION, CA:,1 687-.1065. A IlINl}lUil CF.iT L!irST 2{ IIOLRS ADV,l::aE NOTICE FOB INSPEC- albNiECe.._ESTS-llTST]rI-ciVss.--llerriltrc rollowing in:ornarroD.rcadyr lermit nunher, job address- lype of inspection, uhen it wiII be ready, your name anil phonc'.unber, and any special Ciiccti.ons to site. .! SETtsNCKS A}iD Oi:I:i CC::DITIO:;S OF;\PPROI,,IL UUST BE STRICT:.J OiS!RI,'.D. \TiOLATION CA]. R.SULT IN REVO- C.',:IO:i OF:ltIS i,::lii\lIf, CIT;TIO:; t-l:,:DER PiTOVISIONS CF LirNE:!rJ):i'i'l INIiRACTION OFD:);.i.SCC, ;rND,/OR OTllSR REiiEDIES ALLOI{ED BY LAW. BUILDING DIVIStOi': RqQUIR!D IIiSPECTIONS : -.FbundatioD lnspectron: To-be$ade after trE[ch6 areexcat'atea] and forms ereqted and when aII r-T;;l;ffio-i- rhe-ETndition are delivered on the job. lJhere concrete f rom a central mix j.ng plant (comonly termed "transi,t mixed") is to be used, naterials need not be on the job. ( 2 concrete sLab or Under-i1oor InsDection! To be made afler alI in-s1ab or under-floor building !ffie.lfipmmt,- rcnEuIT, pilInq-;a*ssories, and other ancillarjr equipment items are i.n place but beiore any concrete is poured or floor sheathj-ng insta.Lled, .lncluding the subfloor. Eraminq 6 Insulacion tnsgections: To be made afler the roof, all franing, fire blocking, and 66;al]1? fre-rn--rT5ce mE-a11-!ip-es. fi.replaces, chj.mneys, and vents are complete and alI rough e.Leccrical anci plunbing are approved. A11 wall insulation and vapor balrier are in place. 4. Lath andlor Ct'psun Bo?rd Ilspegtionr and exterior, is in pLace buts before any pl,astering is 3 To be nade after all lathing applied and and q!,psum board, jnterior beiore gypsw board joinbs - an<i fasteners are taped and finished.- 5. Final Inspection: To be made after the building is conplete and before occupancy. APPROVAL REQUIRED. No work shall be done on any part of the buj"ldj.ng or Structure beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection without first obtiining the approval of the building official. Such approval shalL be given cnLy after an inspection shalI have been made of each successive step . in the cooslruction as indicated by each of lhe inspeqticns required. NOTEr ALI building germits require inspections for the work authorized, such as but not linited to: A. Block l^Iall: To be maCe after reinforci.ng is in p1ace, but before any grout is poured. This ii'-sp*EIo-i- is required f or each bond beam pour. There will be no approval until che Plubing and electrical inspections have been nade and approved. B, wood Scove: To be made after completion of masonrl' (if app)-icable) and when inslallati.on i's ffipletE. Installation shall be in accordance with an approved, natj-onalIy recogni,zeC testing agency and the nanufacturerrs installation instructj'ons. C. Mobile Hone: An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an apploved GEw6?-oi'-eptic sysqen for setback requirements, blocking, footing connection, tiedowns, skirtj.ng, ana ptmui;bg connecLipns . . 1. FooLings and piers to comply. wj,th Stat€: foudat\gn requirements for mobile homes or as ,, recompnded by the nanufacturer., Z. Mobile home minimw fini\tr flock elevation'shalt be certified when required by a flood- plain nanagement letter. 3. ilobile home tiedowns, ehen required, and skirting sha1l be installed and ready fcr insPec- tion within at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirting shall be installed per enclosure. Swimi ng ,hen pool Pool: Below grade when steel, is in place and before concrete is poured. Above grade-TE-instalted. APPROVED PLANS }IUST EE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TI!,IES DURTNG WOR(ING HOURS. THIS PERUTT I{ILL EXPIRE IF woRK DoES,.NoT BEGIN },JITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF WOR( IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR I'IORE THAN 180 DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCAT1ON T4AY OCCUR IF THIS PERMIT WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFOR]"IATION. ANYONE PTOCEEDING PAST THE POIIiT OT REOUIRED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT TIiEIR OWN RISK. SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATII,IE SEI^'AGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS: ]. Pernits shall be effective for one year from the Cate of issuance. 2. Upon completing Lhe construction for which a pernit has been rssued, the permit hoLder shall notify the Lane County Departnent of Planning and Community Development by submitting the irstnllation record foln. The Departrent shaIl inspect the construction to deLcrmine i.f it compLies wi"th the rules contaaned in this dlvisjon. If the construction does conply uith such ruIes, the Departnent. shail issue a certlficate of satisfactory compLetion to the permiti holder. ff -the constructj.ijh*troeb not-ctmpLy iii'th- sucf iuiesl-tfie- DepalthEnt'slibJ.I ndtif y the p6rm-it ' holder anC shall require satrsfactor), completion before issuinq the certj.ficJte. Fdilure ta meet the requ-i.remenLs tor sJtisiacLory complctron Hlr-hin a re:sonable ti.ne constrLutes a vio- lation of oRS 454.605 ro.154.?.15 and th.is ruIc, !.S!j:E - Subsurt-acc sryc Drsposal Scptic Tank Drainfield l-!or: Irterror prol)ert/' lrnes i0' iC' Ecl,le oi road r1?irt-of-way l0' 10' Buiiiinq !o!n.lat:on lC' it.lls, other uatcr sources 50' 10C'IlJ U, V\ \ \=.\ \ \.\\\ (lh-\F= 'o a\ \ /,(, Y Qr€f \ house Shecl //4 n'e/( ( UL 0 c4 Vtfla,( oa ( \ gJ rc ( --_r+ f,'l' * /L'v e ({-', ( 3^Se r{'eld &18o P'33 I N 33 ,t ? ? r' 'R .AS L XO ff ffACEMT{' BGIOM hvrHdtubrkw,r. EXISTING BUILDINGS ONE EI Please complete all lines inside white boxes, if possible. .9.-lSO N 33rq OWNERS AODBESS -/mTCONTBACTORLlcan3a I 1 tg L1 GS -7 -2 ztP 8r!I q-7'-171 anC q 1,tl1 * Dlrectlons to slte from Courthouse IL' l05 +o 8;**.,,+,{ +o N.33 r;ovL* Llrtlo.rr r tsJO h,,, t<olZ\ A"+. \c. Ld NUMBER (Found on r.r m!p! ln rhG Arg3m.nt & Turrton D.pL)q# Jk __ak l/4 Scstlon Tsr Lot t/4 Scction Tu LaI ADDFESg 3tMAP\'PiARoEL -fffifi'p- Rangc -;s.-rd 7 Erffi;- Tfim-firp- ffi -Ei6;i- MAIL PERMIT TO: 7q7 FOR MOBILE HOME PLACEMENT ONLY No. of T'ip-outs - No. of Bedrms License # Model Year Size Land Management Dlv..tat can aot be held reeponelble lor cvaluatlonc or rccommondatlo[s bared on falae, lnaccurate or lncomplota lnlormatlon t= t-r{l"n +o S l* 4