HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-05-26m!' - A^ CO STRU,-;IoN /ptecEMENT PERMIT CO}IPLETE THTS BLOCK PLEASE USE BLACK TNK AND PRINT. FOR OFFiCE USE ONLY Applicari Pernit # f] rwo Copj-cs of plans Irwo Copies of plot plans f]l,techanicaf Check.Iist !elumbino Chec]:list flptan Check rnfo Sheet TOI{I.ISHIP -/7 RANGE02 Vs./Ti<=4EDIVIIJ'I!,/,PA .f zfdli cahl o LOTIPARCEL7 bLocK ?24d ZIP S FiGesiderr t-i a1 I commercial [-l rncus trial flruutic fr #oF TER Existin g Proposed TELEPHONE NUMBER R ease pr DATE z) I IIAVE CARE}'ULLY EXAMINED THE FOION R PE RMIT dand hcro by t'tha a 1n Drma on conher andtr ue co rathatcerti fy a1and workany rforre be donePe an accordance h th llancesord i o CounLane nda Lh ofL.r,,!s SLal:of :)t\to workthe Or,: \ j.ibedde scr 1nhere rtandthaNOOCCUPANCYwi 11 nadebe o ruc reany th out the pe rmi ss oron the IdBui D vi ons1 Irlg fur Lhothrhregj-stration Buithe lder rdBoa fu1 andforce fectef as red oRs 055701requby iftha t rhexr'mp ba for on no1S t.i dreonheandthalexenptj.subcontractorsonly and wholoyeeemp 1nare compliance oRsth 70 be onused this HAYE READ CIIECT.EDA}IDprojec THISICATIONAPPLTHOROUGHLY #,,,-u, f cortra;tc: il aoo.t PLANNING ZONING:Zone Pa '", ,ror,, & I cL, =id,. P^r'.t \ {//4-dtterfor ts, Parcel ,rr"8O ,//a'.</ rF-f,r Qr-/ l'lirrimum Setbacks: Conments r 1n {-6nFLOODPLAIN:In flood hazard area: EI llo fJ ves, see atrached sheerfl nunar,ADDRESSING: GRIDCOORDINATE N E A SAI{ITATION: s. r. # Date: Date: Date: Install,atiori Record rssucd? ! v.u fl No InstalLation Specifications: Coments: GaI lon Tank Lineal Feet of Drainfield Maximun Depth of Trerrches Date: F PLANS EXAMINATION:,rp. ?L)Group FT Use Corunents: Descrip PtSq Fixed Pee/ Unit Cost4* Floodplaj-n Fee Subsurface Fees Building Fee Sewer,/Storm Drain/Idater Plumbing Fj-xtures Mechanical Plans Check Fee State Su TOT FEES PATD BY: ---G;=- + $ s $ $ $ $ t40 +L? 4t%TOTAL VALUATION $Waa*-Ap By Date: 5-Z(-fir PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDING OFFIC oRs 4 s (r rAre LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENIAL MANAGEMENT / 125 EAST EIGHTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 c74-Lg4 sEE PEVERSE 6-F/ , ) , l1 and f ur the ,a IILa ccrti fy1SINIS 055 I T,.,. o 52F-4 CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT SETBACKS AND OTHER CONDITIONS OF APPROVTi' MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN ^CSULT IN REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT' cITATIoN uNDER pRovisions oi LANE bouNTy,s iHrnncuon oRDINANcE, AND/0R orHER REMEDIES ALL0i'JED BY LAll. \ri I{HEN READy FoR INSpEcTIoN cALL 687-4065. A MINIMUM 0F AT LEAST 24 H0UR ADVANCE NoTIcE FOR INSPECTI0N REQUEST MUST BE GIVEN. Have the foltowing .information .*qy'i_'p;;Tii numoer, iou uai"".i' iipt ot inspection, when it will be ready' t;;;';.r;-;;a fnone numbei, and anv special directions to site' BUILDING DIVISION: REQU IRED IIISPECTIOII 1)FOUNDATION INSPECTION : are delivered on the J ob. be made after trenches are excavated Where concrete from a central mixingTo materials need not be on the Job. plant (commonlY termed when alI materia'ls for the foundatjon "transit mixed") is to be used,and forms erected and 2)CONCRETE SLAB OR UNDER-FLOOR INSPECTION: condui t. p'i pi ns accessoil6Ti'E-ffiEFar' oi iiooi inbat[lng instal'led, includins (r ) (?) To be made after il1 in-slab or under-floor bui'lding service equi pment, equ l pment items are in Place but before anY concrete i s Pou red 3) FRAMING & INsuLATIoN Ir!s!!!1CI!: To be made after the roof, alr framing, fire blocking and bracing are in p'lace and aTt-pipesffi,ina","ni,-arecomp.leteun.iuii",,ghEi..t'icatana[.lumbingareapproved.A11 wait';huuiation'and vapor barrier are in place' 4) LATH AND/oR GYPSIJM B0ARDI-Ns!!!f-l-g!-: To be made after a11 lathing and.gypsum board' interior and exterior' is in p'lace but berore uny pr*ffiiig titipiita .i [Eri..-sy;;il ;;;.;-joinis una"iisteners are taped and r'inished 5) FINAL INSPECTI0N: To be made after the building is complete and before occupancy' AppRovAL REqUIRED. No work shall be done on any part of the^building or structure.beyond the point indicated in each successive.inspection wiitori iirst outainins-i'h."upi.orui ot il,"-urirairg oiti.iut. -such approval shall be given only after an inspection sr,aii tire been made..oi:6uin rrtte.sive step-ii-ttrelc6nstruction as inoii:ited by each of the inspections requi red. N0TE: All building permits require inspections for the work authorized, such as but not'limited'to: A. BL0CK l.lALL: To be made after re.inforc.ing is in p1ace, but before-any grout is poured. This inspect'ion is required for each bond beam por.. ihere-wiil be no.pp.or.i-unti1 tlre-plumbing'and electrical inspections have been made and aPProved' B. W00D sT0vE: To be made after complet.ion of masonry (if applicable) and. when installation is comolete' Installation shal'l be in u..o"oun.e with an approved nationally recognized testrng agency arrd the manu- . facturer's'installation instructions' c. I40BILE H0ME: An inspect.ion.is required.after^the.mobile home is connected to an approved sewer or sep'tic system tori seiuaik'requirementll-ui..ri.s, footing-connection, tiedowns, sk'irting, and p'lumbing connecti ons. (l) Footings and piers to comply with State foundation requirements,for mob'ile homes or as recommended bY the manufacturer'(z) UoUiie y,or. *inirm finish floor elevation shall be certified when required by a floodplain ,unig.r.nt Ietter.(3) r,roniie fiome ii"do*nr, when required, and skirting shal.l be installed and ready for inspection w.ith.in at least 30 days Jltu"-o..upin.y. Tiedorvis and skirting shall be installed per enclosure' D. SWIMMING p00L: Below grade when steel is in place and before concrete is poured' Above grade when pool is installed. APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS' THIS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE IF I^IORK DOES NOT BEGIN wITHrN]S0 DAYS, 0R IF r^l0RK rs srlspEryqEQ 0R ABANDoNED tqB {qBq_THAN .I80 DAYS. SUSPENSIoN 0R REV0CATIoN MAY oCCUR IF THIS i;tRliit irnS rss[io'oN'iH'r-aAsii or trucottpLrrE 0R ERRoNEoUS INFoRMATI0N' ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POINT OF REQUIRED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT HIS OtllN RISK SUBSURFACE ANO ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS ci1 lary the subf I oor. Septic Tank Permits shall be effective for one year from the date of issuance. Upon complet.ing the construction for wh'ich a permit has been^issued the permit holder shall notify the :lii*u;;:iil"lql+,t*ii+ilillii;:illlifrffili*niilHiin;xillii,,ffiili**.lrtri,![i;l'Ii,,*, satisfactory conrpletion before issuing tt,e-ieriiiicate. Failure to meet the requirements for satisfactory completion within u."utonuOt" time c6nstitri.t u violation of ORS 454.605 to 454.745 and this rule' Setbac ks - Subsurface Sewaqe Di sposa l From: Drainfield -TOT-Interior property lines Edge of road right-of-way Building foundation l.lel'l s, other water sources l0' l0' 5' 50' l0' l0' 'I 00' I TRS, TL Job Location (Add Pernit /l For Pernlt /l Permlt Pernit ForPlot lrlan Permlt /l For Permi ttf For For For Subdivision Lot Block \n \\) <i\ -/\)S F' CI, c\. eJ,h, r;)\Nl.t\ f /1\ b' c74- 150 Vlclnlty Map DT ) s\ t lane county HOLID SLIP 6l!r _t!7 APPLICATION # rC 95I-8I LOCAT I ON tcH NAME ADDRESS The above application js ing held for the following reasons: \. vouR pR\posrD srRucruR\consrnuct\.oN oF YouR P .\ Pr-lxs PRovroED FoR AS TIIE THE TYPE OF e/rno.recr ARE Nor REAoABLE oR cLEAR ROPOSEO PROJECT. Pnov rDE pLArs (rwo srrs) een rfucxe o sHEEr oF rNrorHAT r ot{, As H tcHL rGHTEo. lT xAy BE To youR ADvAitTAGE ro "a\ AsstsrAr{cE FRotl THE pRrVATE gEcroR (oestcxen, DRAFTspERsox, Erc. ) ron rHE pnEpAnfrror oF THE pLAxs FoR youR pRoJEcr. 6l RoesonL. McGucx t tt 05-l \-8r DATE \ Si GNATURE I NFORI,IAT I ON OR CA LL I NG I NCLUDE YOUR BUI LD I NGAN APPO I NTt'ENT, BE AccEPrED. 58 L E r NFoRr.,rAT r ox/cr lu WtLL FOR NOT PL EA SE 7-\o6r OFFICE HOURS PH(]N E This application will be held until If the'informat'ion required above has not been f'urnished by that-Gte Vour appljcation will be cancell'ed. Buildin.q fees paid for permits cancelled under these circumstances will be prorated according to the work that has taken place as of the date of cancellation. BUILDING & SANITATION / ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTI4TNT tZ5 East $th Avenue / Public Service Building / Euqene, Oregon 97401 I (503)687-4061 R v. a c ?//2 lone countythe fol 1ow'ing : ]6l - Name and address of property owner. Name and address of the person who prepared the p1 ans. The scale on al1 drawings. An accurate description of the building use. Plot Plan to include boundaries and dimensions. d djmensions, distances from boundalies and other structures. z?, location and distance to boundapies and other structures. k, drainfield and replacement area or sewage system hookup. Location of water supply. Locatjon and dimens'ion of util'ity easements (jf applicable). Location and dimensions of vehicle access to the site; *and off street parking. Locati on of al I s i gns ( 'if appl i cabl e) . Township, range, section and tax lot number (and metes and bounds descrjption, if not an entire tax lot.) Building Plans to include: I . Foundati on Pl an :a. Size and location of all footings, posts, g'irders and access openings b. Size and location of all foundation vents. Floor Plan of each floor and basement: I 2 3*4 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 *B 9 North po'int, proPerty Ex'isti ng structures an Proposed structures si Locatjon of septic tan 2 a. Use of each spaceb. Location, size and type of all doors, w'indows and openings. ^ c. Direction of door swing. * d. For alterations or aaaitions, show floor plan of new and ex'isting building. 3. Elevations of all sides of the bu'ildin gs. a. Show depth of footings, foundations an d piers. b. Show f i ni sh grade at bu'i 'ldi ngs.4. Cross Sections-minimum of 2 at right angles to each other.a. Show construction mater 'ials and methods b. Show hei ghts of a1 'l f l oors , cei l i ngs and roof s . 5. Detai I s a.--TTearly show sizes, materials, connect'ions and construction method. b. Fireplace and/or wood stove drawings and details ('if appl icable).c. Manufacturer's truss design for each truss used. d. Show R-factor for foundation, floor, wall and cejling insulation. 6. Framing Plans-show size, directjon and spacing of all floor, ceiling and roof framing members, beams,headers and col umns. 7. Mechanical Plans and Details to include:a. Iocation,-siTe and material of alI air ducts,ajr inlets, air outlets, ventila- tion air openings and combustjon air openings and ducts.b. Location of all fans, furnaces, heat pumps; and *boilers, condensers, absorp- tion units, refrigerant compressors.c. Rate input and output capacity, in Btuh or Khl, for all furnaces, heat pumps; and *bo'i 1 ers , condensers , absorpti on uni ts , refri gerant compressors , uni t heaters, heat exchangers, etc.d. Location, s'ize and ma.terial of al1 products of combustion vents and chimneys.e. Rated CFM at all exhaust fan, supply air and return air openings.*f. Location of all air dampers and fire shutters.*9. Details of method of attaching fire dampers to construction as well as size and gauge of materials. Cl ari f i cati on : *I n addi t'ion to other re quired p1ans, these plans are requ'ired vrith commercial/industrial p1ans, urhen appl'icable BUILDING AND SANITATIOi{ DIVISION / ENVIRONHENTAL MANAGEI'IENT DEPARTMENT COURTHOUSE.PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING / I?5 EAST 8TH AVENUE / EUGENE, OREGOI{ 9740I I IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND OR CANNOT PREPARE THE ABOVE PLANS, SECURE OUTSIDE ASSISTANCE FROM THE PRIVATE SECTOR pxoHE ( 503)687-4065 MI+IIMUM'PLAN REQUIREMENTS [Tw, ets of plans are required to s' All Plans shall include: #l'l'oz''::^A tpA*arcOu-IITY- INSPECTION 0 RECUxt) E,S tI tC-lt E XT DE S S E I NTERI REARLFRONT U R L Y P DIRECTIONS TO SITE 44,e.1 SI ADDRES PE ITN iNG / Approved u,/ Correcti on D i sapproved_D a te ZLZL=f./I n s P e c t o r CONCRETE SLAB / UNDER-FLOOR I NSPECT ION Approved Correction- D'isapproved IDa te I ns pec tor uNorFf LnB / PLUMBING GRO NDWORK INSPECTION Approved Correction Di sapproved Date I nspector ITOUGH PLUI'IBING INSPECTI ONApproved Correcti on Di sapproved-Date Inspector FRAMING INSP TION Approved Correcti on --Disapproved Date 4-Z/ -F/-Inspector I_NTUtrTION-7 VA Approved i POR BARRIER INSPECTI I ns pec tor LA_TH-T GYPSUM BOARD INSPECTION Approved Correction -Disapproved - Da te Inspector FINAL PLUMBING INSPECTIONApproved Correction- Disapproved Date I nspector FTNAT-uIASTE DI SPOSAL SYSTEM I NSPECT ON Approved t FI N Approved Correction D sapproved Date BIL HOMEaWnsp"rto, o&& Insp ector ON BUILDI Co rrec t'i 1 Sappr0veon CENTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCYApproved Correction Disapprroved Date--------_-TEI4PORARY CERTI FICATE OF OCCUPANCY I nspector Form C74-L97 4l 7) 11