HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-08-11:ie 8=r Lan y Authori za,ttor:.fort Construction of Sin le Famil IDJ i:I*i;"i'""u F-sJi6 CE USE ONLYFOR l- 913I 9.3. I0217 BLOCK PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY lil Residentiat fl rndustrial Commercial PubIicLOT I rd St., Springfiel d 97477 CITY ZTP N YON Rd. to N. 33rd to Cul-de-sac on Ln Bri a ooDESCRIPTIONPROPOSED WORK - BE SPECIF B Proposed Exi s ti WATER SUPPLY# OF EI,IPLOYEESOF STORIESOF TELEPHONE NUMBER 745 36821074 T St., Springf J t623#ield 97477 OiYNER,S NAME AND ADDRESS NOLD BUILDERS TELEPHONE NUMBERS NAME AND OSR v\ I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAI'IINED THE COT4PLETED APPLICATION FOR PERMIT, and do here)ry certify t-hat all infomation hereon ls true and correct' ed that I have the following legal interest in the property I f:rther certify that any ed all work perfomed pertaining to the work described herein, and that ther certify that registration with the Buj.lder's is noted hereon. and that only subcontractors ild CIIECKED THTS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY. 8-4-86 SIGNATURE \-<-s DATE he chase rlr aulhori dofownerdrecorconl: ra(agentn ofStateordtrlancegLaneofandIawsthethe OregonofbedoneaccQ !daur:e Lh Coutyshall I fur-thout the theof Bui Divisionmadebeo:ructure wl pemission IdingOCCUPANCYNOani 'tooRs 055 that t the for ebasfsfulatn dforce e tfec a9 e xempt xempti15Board1nrequiredby I READHAVE ANDth70ORS.0 bewill onused thi s ect.arewho n wa projconplianceenployees YOUR AUTHORIZATION I]AS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: Date Use Date: 2r COM}IENTS: Date: ,"* RA ,ronrAL I co}lltENTS I) D # tr WZ a4 ?- an B. P. fSANITATION: s. I. l+ BtrdIE. NgTAU..A @+tz READ THIS SECTION CAREEULLY. CO!!.\1ENTS: Installation Speci fica Lineal Feet of l)rainfield Installation Record Issued? [ v." ! N" - . // Maximurn DePth ,7q' of rrenchesGallon Tank Parcel "r,9J3-lJ-O'4tarl I pmllNrnc,zzoNrNG: Minimum Setbacks: CL Parcel, #.}. </terlor >) re 13.€S, APPROVED BY LANE COUNW rGNEE (per ORS 456.805 1 ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687.4061, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION PERM ct4..25 R% A t/Et'r Dwel I i lt Nt/lu^pQ SETBACKS AND OTIIER COTiDITIOSS OF APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTL! OBSER,VED. VIOLATION CAN RDSULT IN REVO- CA?IoN oF TIIIs PIRMIT, ClTATIO:i UNDER PROVISIO)JS Oi LAN.E.OUI1Y.:; INFRACTION ORDI\.{..CE, AND,/OR OTHER RE}IEDIES ALLOWED BY LAW. I,iHEN READY FOR IN'SPECTION, CALL 68'-1065. A }1INI}1U}1 OE AT LEAST 24 IIOURS ADVAI;CE NOTICE FOR INSPEC' ffiiI1*:il:.;:}]::i:'.l:f;;::.:,:3J:::,;"oo::T':ol:T:i';']::.i3::.::,.:IE}l8 BUlLDING DIVlSION: REQUIRED I NSPECTIONS Foundation Inspection: To be nade after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when alInaterials for the founiation are delivered on the job. iihere concrete fron a central mixingplant (comonly termed "transit mixed") is to be used, materials need not be on the job. Concrete Slab or Under-al(:tr Inspection: To be made after aIl- in-slab or under-floor buildingEErI-i:e ecliiFnmtl--EonZuft, piFlnE-EEEEssories, and otner ancillarlr equipment items are inpface but before any concrete is poured or floor sheathing instalIeC, in-Iuding the subfloor. II3Illg & rnsulalion I!:-pesj.e!g, To be made after the roof, all framing, fire blocking, andbrac:ng are in ?1ace aad a1I pipes, fireplaces, chimneys, and vents are complete and all roughelectrrca]" and plumbing are approved. A1l wall inqulation anC vapor barriei are in pJ-ace. Lath and,/or cypsun Board Inspection: To be made after all lathj-ng a i-te iE6r Fu l-T s-Tn lTrc e -E uE-E-e f re a ny p I a s re r i n g i s app 1 i e d a n6and fasteners are taped and finished. 5. FinaL lnsPection: To be made after lhe building is complete and before occupancy. APPRoVAL R5oUIRED. i'o work shall be done on any part of the buil.ding or structure beyond the pointindj-cated in each successive rnspection without first obtaining the ipproval of the b;i1dj-ng oifrcialSuch approval shall bs given cnly after an inspection shall have been made of each successi.ie stepin the constluction as j,ndicated by each of the inspections required. NOTE: AI1 building Permits require inspeclions for the uork authorized, such as but not limited to: A. Block wall: To be.naie after reinforcing is in place, but before any grout is poured. ThisIiE-pecII6fr is required for each bond beai pour. There uilI be no approval untii the plumbineand electrical inspections have been made and approved. B. l^lood stove: To be made after completion of masonry (if applicable) and when installatton iscompletil Installation sha1l be in accordance with an appiovea, nationally recognized Lestingagency and the manufacturer's instal]ation instructions. c. Ilobile Home: An inspect.ion i-s required after the mobile home is connected to an approvedEEwEi-rc7-Eptic system for setbac)i requirements, blocking, footing connection, ti.eaowns,skirting, and plwbing connections. 1. Footings and piexs to conply with state foundation requirenents for mobile homes or asrecomended by the manufacturer. 2. -uobil'e home minimum flnish floor elevation slialI be certitjed when requLrel by a flood-plarn management Ietter. 3. Ilobj-Ie home Liedowns, when requj-red, and skirting shall be installed and ready for inspec-tion within aL least 30 days after occupancy. Tredowns and skirting shal1 be-instalLeiper enclosure. D. Swiming Pool: Below grade when steel is in place and before concrete is poured. Above grade;Ien p@1--is instaLled. APPROVED PLqNs I1UST BE oN THE JoB SI?E AT ALL TrL,Es DURrr-c WoRKING HOURS. THrs pER.MiT wrLL ExprREIF WORK DoES NoT BECIN WIIHIN 180 DAYS, oR IF I^IORK IS SUSpENDED OR ABANDoNED FoR ItoRE THAN l8O DAYS.SUSPENSIoN oR REVOCATION ;{AY ocCUR IE' THrS PERMIT wAS ISSUED oN THE BASIS oF INCTMPLETE oR ERRoNEoUSINFORMATION. L _.i ANYONE RROCEEDING PAST THE POINT OT REQUIRED INSPECTIONS HILL DO SO A! THEIR OWN RISK. and qypsum board, interior before gypsm board joj-nts SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEI{AGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS : Permits shal1 be effectlve for one year fron the Cate of issuance. Upon ccmPleting the construction for which a permj.t has been issued, the permit holder shallnotify ehe Lane County Departien! of Planning and Comunj.ty Development bi submittj.ng theinstaLlation record form. The Department sha1l inspect th. construction to determin; if itcomplies aith the rules contained in this divisi.on. rf the construction does comply with suchrules, the DepartmenL shall issue a certif-icate of satisfactory complet-ion to the'p-erniti holderIf the constructlon does not compl-y uiLh such ruIes, the Deparilrent-shaL1 notj.fy tle permitholder and shafl requrre satlsfactory completion before j,siuing the ccrtj.ficat;. railure tomeet the requirements for saLisfactory compLetron urthin a reasonable time constjeutes a vio-lation of ORS 154.505 to 454.745 and this ruIe. Setbacks - Subsurface Sewage Disposal Septic Trnk Drainfield IrnLtrior property lrnes Edge of road rrgnt-of-way Bul ldirig fOunda tion HelIs. other waLer sources t, t i'\ r0' 10 ' 10, IOOI I n€ untg APPLrcArroN No243Z- FEE SI-IEET VALUATION ITEM PRIOR-REV ISED DESCRIPTION REQUIRED FEE AMOUNT PAID AMOUNI DUE lnvesVDbl Fee PIan Check Mechanical/Plumb Fixtures Septic_ft. Water ft. o,6 ffi M (34,9-o 1s l, I q6g,v? FEE I zr,oo L zgml l1,so I rr, so I l?P.m tb@ Wlftslo)e 46.718lo doo"12,*\i Building/MH (osYre,*. t1tils7 @e)zn,* J'SCE'{5 z'?4.m Zl,oo I rq t,?s 10, | 13,55 Z50.b3 PLAN CHECK TOTAL , \ Dept. of Commerce surcharge(&)6Al,50z 2t,18 TOTAL *qs.o I AMOUNT PAID AMOUNT DUE Revisions calculated by oate o8r-lLX( ,t q,l(/ |I Land management Division, Public works Department't 25 E. 8th Ave. Eugene, oregon 97401 Planning Floodplain Address Other Septic surcharge DEQ surcharge I 'C, (, Kt ti lt ttr.:r U sl tfti ((, il[E G, ,(, ritr K' r$ t(,i\ i... ii ii !a {.. l-i l.J li i' 'i' .ti i; 5t 1' I t.l ".r r'i [, i i:;: [:. Li i:i .J: [j ,r ': ,i1i1'.1i'ir...,].r i:]ll.i.i....lli.l:i;!:, i*i.tiill;: iU';].+'i ,i:'I", r:!::'i:/l' ... ' " .. I i:: i:r fr i ..., ii i.i ):i F ..l. ,J !L . i ji I r'!,:i .:- i., .r "i r::' ,.\ L:! i:., ,1 ,::i ,.. ;..ti t::' I l:'; 1", I...i.i i i.rl..li: tP i...lii.;::l ilj :r i i::'i-:i.li,ii:i l'4i:, .:i*ii:.:ppp l::, i; I' ii i.. i:r .:. I L. i] /riil-.t.irii i'.i.{li,l i::'irl::. Ii,'i'l[$ iI il.t ! 1. 6' :'i::. .i -. ii ,::.. i"l t... i.l i:l i:'j.t i..j:i::. ;::t .,:i I i:.; i"t,j iji l.] i..j :i -i,:i: i:j':1 j ;jl l- iJ i:;i :1" i::.;:l ,il,i: i il , r:'r i.i i'i.l J ir! t' ii ii.l.t fi i i-i ,r ,1 i' :: I' . , :: i, i.. i' .r. i.i i.r [] l:i. ;i: i_: l::: 'i r:i i '! t'i i..i jr ij !' i i,l i'! I i Ll {:j "t, 'i j. ! i lr {1-r 1 i.1 .1.1....rr..r l': r'l .i. l1j ' (( ,i . ij,..i ($ l)r '] _ai. I !:: l'r.: i :,I i l:;, . ,,-" i:-' a'l 1..: -.. ;\ I l' i ' ". i ':: 1.: !::'. r :_.r.... : Ii !t.i .1.,,.J f l r_ ,l i rr:, I [i ;.] LJ l:i i ) i'i ii I'l [,' [:. i..-!"ll: r.r, lL-L.rlr | '---,li! -:' ;i \($t [t]! $ (s 0n0 ($ l-I I \$ :,j',, I i' L' , j.ri ilyl..l l i'.::...r,t| .t.rir-, ii''I I l-l I ':.il_. l !:.r:_Jt,!.' ,:.s i:' ,'1 l,r i.ii,:i;",ii r:li Etr iT € lo g 3 .q!ot/ d; h 3q N t t- sI e gc:2o a 3 , HE E] "i + I ACTIVITY INFORMATION SH EET COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS t,lILL BE REJECTED! ilI' - I K,Or.-rOt*D B*. He..a t Cn+ 'T t' E\r.ee* MAILING ADDRESS PROPERTY Ot,lNER MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE ffi HOME TELEPHONE # _3_rTL q13 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS hl, t3*s ( IF DIFFERENT F 3 ruae 6i PAFIEEL NUMEIEFI REQUIRED INF0RI,IATI0N) (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxation or from tax statement) T -"At*-368a ffi \ HOME TELEPHONE # t-T #? MINSE]P MNGE TAx L0T(s) 0R PARCEL #ZON I NG t? SMTMN MilNSH.IP MNGE SEETIOI.I W ZONING MilNSEIP RTNGE SEETMN W ZON I NG TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP:ACRES 4 SUBDiVISI0N ( if appl icable)Ctter.-tdor,:r A6.1re Lor I sLocr $..rr \J Vro*g €- 6 DIRECTIONS TO SiTE:ro. d H.ct Y}hT7 (zc -Dc--f,qc fu ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** ZONE/LAND USE: t4-33 LAND MNAGEMENT DIVISION / 1?5 E. 8th AVE., EUGENE, OR 97401 / 687-406I f, 5 REQUEST (s;tate exact'ly what you plan to do) n€ t7 t.AND MANAGEMENT RURAL ADDRESSING 125 E. 8th Avenue Eugene, 0regon 97401 LN NO MN NNCEMTNT OIVISION Ooorrrlrn.nl ol l'r,hllc W.rkt ntg 1g 1MAP NUMBER TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION TAX LOT SUBD IV IS ION llenrlo Aeres LOT BLOCKNAME PARTIT!ON PARCE LNIJ14RER Jtttttttlrttltttrtrtttrrtlrttrrrtttlrrttttttlrttrt!!ttrtttttttttrttllltlrlltlrlltllllr'tltr!!lrllllfflrllrlllltrL OLD ADDRESS li/A rt $orth 33rd street rln fi 1d ZIP ZIP NUMBER STREET NEW ADDRESS l{orth 33rd fl +reet NUMBER CITY rtlrtrttltttttllattrttttttrtrtttttttttttttlttttlttrarrtttrttrttt!!IrtttllMlrlrltfllrlrlltllrlllfltllllrrllrl BUILDING TYPE Si ng'le Fami ly Dwel I i ng Mobi I e Home Commerci allIndustri al Bui 1di ng PERMIT NUMBER Temporary Placement TYPE OF STRUCTURE Publ i c er0rh nnnnn COPY TO: {r*r r,," fl Raa..rs Fjle (bv TRs) f] t,re Di strict Post 0ffi ce App'l i cant 0wner fJ o*,u. **t as per C1d tsaremond at City cf ilnringfrelr 9&.h5 STRE ET