HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Land Drainage Alteration 1999-09-07This permit is required for any sito activity in the flood plain and ovorywhere site alteration consists of fifty (5O) cubic yards of material or more and/or if a drainageway is affected, within City limits and ) ,This Be Filled Oit'by Applicant dtticl(, DirtLy of S;rraru.).. L/6 S3a / -,dSite Address City -7 Permit Expiration Date:Date of Application Springfield, Oregon State: Phone:Property O Address : Journal numbor applloablo Land Usc Appllcatlon : 7taTax Lot:t1-obtq-4str uGB Tax Map Suppllcr: , ProJeBt Supervl Material Phone 80r d E , souroo ORADINO, OU Dtstlnetlon: Address E $@,ouantlty !( tr tr tr tr tr EROSION CONTROL PLANk ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, SOILS & GEOLOGY PLAN, CROSS SECTIONS, DRAINAGE, POLLUTION AN BEPLANTING PLAN COMPANY NAME: , PROJECT SUPEBVISOR: PHONE PHONE STATE CITY CITY STATE- ADDRESS PROJECT SUPERVISOR: ADDBESS: zt pt ?a //i,? *1+# CONTRACTOR NAME: Expiration CITY:ADDRESS: PHO STATE: MOBILE lunderstand that l.or my Buccossors may have future plans formy property.which may be antic.ipated or r{nanticipated-at. inII ti,ii. i'n,ii;rs6;d'ihat auctr tutuie ritans may require permitsahd devilopementrbprovgllflg.m.lhg City of Sprinefield i understand that notwithstanding any a'pproval of this Land and Drainage.Alteration_Permit {LDAPI, that at the timE ot ;;;lE;ii,;;fiiiila;arhts-6i iiproliiiitre city may revlew and rccoirldcr.all lctlons-whlch I or my .uoca.sor. hav€ ;frt;'n-,ii-e;;'€;;u;'nt ia'iiiiluriAF.-i unliritand that the City may a8 a condition of any future-apProval, requir-6 ths . ^ - -undoing, chinging, or modification of any actions which I have undertaken as a result of tho Clty's approval oT Inls LUAr. Bv sionature, I stste and asree, that I hate carefully examined the completed application and do hereby cortify tha-t all iniorfiation herein ie true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performod-shall-bo done in accordance ;itti'i'n;'ddillriijei 6i ttre Citv oiSdrinstield, applicable'City Standard specifications and Drawings, and the laws of the ifii;;i diffi'piniiirliig to ihe w-dri dlsCribedherein. I fuither certity that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 7Oi.O66 will be used on this projea. The Citv mav lnsoect the work slte described in this permit 8t any timo during a one year period following the receipt by.iif Cii./ di nbiiijoitomoteiion of the described woik and speclfy, at the City's eole dececration,.any addhional restoration *Jrt-iiorlrija iolJiuin tie siti to a standard acceptable to itre City. The peni'tittee will be notified in wrhing of any work - iio,ii,,ert-ina wi[ hat€ thirtv l30l days from the date of thq notico to complete the work. Work not compl€tod at tho end of itrd tirirtv OivJ wifl Uo pertrirmed byitre City and the costE will be bllled to the permlttee. L/ are Dete 8ot address is readable fromroquostod at thg proper time, that projea the site at all timec during construction,that all -qr7-7 -02?2 fred; q-141 *rcl/;. nqq-m Slgnature E, ]Uz =o tIJFa .:o tr ttrlll5 t( 6z 5 CI'Fzt! =o F o lrJ CE5a l,rJ TE a z 5fozoo EoFo E,Fzoo az 5o- LlJ CEf flL ul ccf zga FrI tvIIlJlo- Zo -lF M, IJJ = IJJ U Z -l M,o oZ oZ s v brr;!4?*r,r,,L # : g ? / A 5 3 and landto COMPANY NAME: , oFFlcE PHONE_ FAX_ EMERGENCY PHONE: oRegistration PROJECT PH}NE 7 /L- d3A / trE M h ,4t02qoil53F Date: DRAINAGE, 0 Storm,E Ditch, El Culvert, El Natural WETLANDS, Description Nma FLOODWAY, FEMA Community Panel No.: FLOOD PLAIN, ZO FEMA Community Panel No. $2o.oo i $30.00 $40.00 $40.00 For the first 10,000 cubic yards, plus $20.00 for each additional 1O,O0O cubic yards or fraction ther€of. $22O.OO For th6 first 'l 00,001 cubic yards, plus $20.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof. $340 For the first 200,001 cubic yards, plus $6.00 for each additional 10,000 cubid yards or fraction thereof, $30.00 $30.00 For the first 100 cubic yards, plus $14.00 for each additional 100 cubic yards or fraction ther6of. $156.00 For the first 1,000 cublc yards, plus $12.00 for each additional 1,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof. $264.00 For th6 first 1O,O0O cubic yards, plus $54.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof' $750.00 For the fkst 100,001 cubic yards, plus $30.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof. q:2b Date:7/2/77 il'zrt"clt; ?qd' l'afr Date '773ReceiptNo,i.>35?fl Receipt No,3555t) Date Date .1 /rs /qq6,?o 100,001 To 200,000 2OO,OO1 CUBIC YARDS OR MOBE 10o,oo1 ro zoo,ooo Estimated Volume: Grading Permit fee: Received by: Plan Check Fee: Received By: PLAN CHECK FEES: UP TO lOO CUBIC YARDS 101 TO l,OOO CUBIC YARDS 1,001 TO 10,000 cuBlc YARDS 10,000 To 100,000 cuBlc YARDS GRADING PERMIT FEES: UP TO lOO CUBIC YARDS 101 TO l,OOO CUBIC YABDS 1,001 TO 10,OOO CUB|C YARDS lo,ooo To 100,000 cuBlc YARDS Plannid DateEl--engineering Date: tr Maintenance: tr Buitdins:Date: Date Planning: Engineering: Building: Maintenance: Permit Number lssued by:Date Date Date Required Final lnspeetions,' Date Date: o =rv -ErLUFJ I.IJ U Z -lfv --In oZ nZ 5 F -rl M IJJo- Z Land and Drainage.activity.as outlined in this permit has been completed in accordance'withtne provrsrons oI tnts permt. h,11$,?.;;dfr6?t3fdg.,"r%qtlyltJf&p.,y,,tin"a in this permit has not been completed in accordance tr Land and Drainage activity was performed prior to application for this permit. Accepted by, Dat" tr tr UJoz F(L tUoo 1relise8 A.N,IBLESIDE MEADOWS SUDD. This property is located in an arca ofhcavy clay 91""(:Ip"l.i:: clays)- A liccnsc,r cnginecr sh"oilvenry the slability ofthe soils in thc pioposcd ourtdlng arca and makc any rccomrncndations necessary to assurc thc continued stability oftlrcsoil. Acopyofthe enginecr'sreport shall bcsubmitted to rhc Building Olliciai prior toDc&nnlng conskuclion of thc structurc. is Side To Be By City S u(, z Eo lU ]U]L ozotrozoo o trJ =uJ LlJ CE ozotrotrl(Loz