HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Land Drainage Alteration 1999-09-20This permit is required for any site activity in the flood plain and everywhere site alteration consists offifty (5O) cubic yards of material or more an9/or if a drainageway ls affected, withiri'gity llmits and This Side To Be Filled Out by Applicant Permit Expiration Date: ' Cl Date o1Appl ication ?-ZO -qq Site Address State:Address : Property Phone:3 257[ Springfield, Oregon Tax Lot: 7Oetr Journa! number applicablo Land Uso App lication OZLqqUGB Tax Map No: Phone ,.1 Destination:On Project ntity R0 Y ilc ter:Suppl ter tr W EXCAVATION,Oua RAG DING Address Source Location Material tr FILL, Suppl CROSS SECTIONS, J SOILS & GEOLOGY PLAN, DRAINAGE, POLLUTION AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, E( tr tr tr tr tr es and nd REPLANT]NG PLAN COMPANY Nel//e: lhhrzh4 u Frgrveze.tt-,< , PHONE QaP STATE COMPANY NAME: STA PHONE CITY ADDRESS:crw PROJECT SUPEBVISOR: ADDRESS: , PROJECT SUPERVISOR: __---r---_- -o CITY: Co Explratlon Date; 6Registration Number: MOB]LE PHONE: PHON OFFICE PHONE EMERGENCY PHONE: PROJECT SUPERVISOR: CONTBACTOR NAME: ADDRESS: STATE: . l^c I undsrstsnd that I or mv auccossora may. have future p]ans for.my property whlch may bc antlcipated or unantlclpated atthls time. I underatand that suc.tr tutuiC titins mirVresuke permiti'ato tiviropem.ont rpprovatg lrgm inlcrifoi i'pilh?riialunderstand that notwithstanding any q'onrova-!.oi thib Laridandbiiinage Att'eiiiiirn f-irinlt'i-UoAFi,'tfrat it-irri'ti-riJ'i?"- - application of fulure permits.or.alRroValb'tha clty may reyt-w ino iC;ffi[lilii;fiff;#iig]t'fti"rii;uil11dii'li;e xtgsfi?:zl3:!:ffi::1","'ll',h?$I; LH?o;i:'ifi#il,.i1f, FLg,rtii:"1fflgsi1ii,il;tit*"'a:*j*ld;itx,"Jffi;, FET M IJJo- Zo -lF M LIJFJ LU U Z -l Mo oZ oZ s By slgnature, I ttate and 8916o, that I hate.carefully examined tho comptotod .ppllcrtion and. do hereby certify that ell[.riffi'pJH:*,5lrr"^sEiji[$rr"&!i"-,1,':?:ii::r[t',ffi1i,*i1i,1,t*,nir:mf ,.,:lg,li.::[frir:i:rs."{lr.state of oreson portainins to- the wdrk otsdribJi-trereiri. tlnitiii'i-"-riliilriat onri Coni;;cril;tr;inptoyec who are tncomplianco with ORS TOi.OSS will be used on this pro1ecr. The 9ity may lnspect the work site described in this permit at any time durlng a ono yoar perlod follotr,J ciiV;i;tiiff;i}Jripieii6JiTt-n;;;;;b"l;oir"na-rdecrJ'v, iiirie'6rtv,e cole'd.esicratto", ,"il1%$;rltl?X'&t"?1,"" [itr:!':ffi'-fi t""',::u&:ib".i%:,T?ffi't^'.T:iilt1!:iili"."ryd iiiB,:',T,sl"#il[li;.*?il,lx dxdl,tglfi:xr,"the thirtv days wiu be perrdrmed uiirre ciiv-ind ih; a;Gilii'oE i,irrEi'i5'ihe permittee. a tho 8tre6t,the I furthor agree to snEure that all are requostsd st on th6 site at all lc readable from Afo. Signature ul TEf kzgo erruru fuil;L# ?arssy' t to FAX- ccIrlz =o ltFz EfU'zoo 0coFo TEFzoo cDzs TL r,uEv, zo E TEttl5 clz 5 :r' 6 UJEfoul TE i trYfrt Community r.nur * Ditch,-El Culvert, E Natural WETLANDS, Descri X , FEMA DRAINAGE, O Storm, O FLOOD PLAIN, Zonez FLOODWAY, FEMA Cor{munity Panel No.: $20.00 $3o.oo $40.00 $40.00 For the first 10,000 cubic yards, plus 920.00 for each additional 10,OO0 cubic yards or fraction thereof $22O.OO For the fir6t 1OO,O01 cublc yards, plus S20.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof $34O For the first 200,001 cubic yards, plus $6.00 for each additional 10,000 cubid yards or fraction thereof. $30.00 930.00 For th6 first lOO cubic yards, plus $14.00 for each additional 100 cublc yards or fraction thereof. $156.00 For the first 1,000 cubic yards, plus $12.00 for each additional 1,000 cubic yatds or fraction thereof. $264.00 For the lirst 10,000 cublc yards, plus $54.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof. $750.00 For the first 100,001 cubic yards, plus. , $3O.OO for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof. Qao.@ Aj-Dtur2L 0 -/4 -qq Estimated Volume Receipt No 3ss va Date rR 1'**!r Received 100,001 To 2oo,o00 2OO,OO1 CUBIC YARDS OR MORE Received by: Grading Permit fee: Plan Check Fee: PLAN CHECK FEES: UP TO 1OO CUBIC YARDS 101 TO l,OOO CUBIC YARDS 1,001 TO 10,000 cuBlc YARDS 10,000 To 100,000 cuBlc YARDS GRADING PERMIT FEES: UP TO lOO CUBIC YARDS 101 TO l,OOO CUBIC YARDS 1,001 TO 10,000 cuBlc YARDS 10,000 To 100,000 cuBlc YARDS loo,ool ro 2oo,o0o Date: q Receipt No,31bOn D Date: / tr Malntenance: tr Buitdins:Date: Date Date: Date: Maintenance: Date: Date:lssued by:, Rarlt rlred Flnnl lnsttpr.tlanl, Pprm It Numbcr Plrnnlngr Engineorlng: Bullding: Date Date E] Land and Drainage activity as outlined in this permit has been completed in accordanco with the Provisions of this Permit.tr hfiN,?.|}dr?5?t!Po$t %1tlYllJf"t ffYf]inud in this permit has not been completed in accordance tr Land and Drainage activity was performed prior to application for this permit. Date:Accepted by: FEI fvl-rl IJJo- Zo ETF fvlr-lEI =IIJ U Z -rrv -in nZ nZ s ,1/6/1998 Date: , Engineering Uut (a is Side To Be Fil ulc, z IEo lrJulIL ,azo EozofJ .,. I o IU =lrl lIG ;. azoF.(J trlo-U' Z