HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2002-12-27Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springlield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676Fax S4l-7 26-37 69 Inspection Line Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: 02-00923-01ISSUED: 1212712002 APPLIEDz 0713112002 EXPIRESz 0210612004YALUE: $ 155,488.00 SITE ADDRESS: 2266 00033rd St Spr TYPE OF WORK: Single Family Residence ASSESSOR'S PARCELNO.: 1702193404700 TYPE OF USE: New Residential PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Lot:28, Subdivision: Ambleside, Land Use: Single Family Dwelling, Zoning: LDR, Owner: Tom Wirfs Enterprises Inc Address: Po Box 237 Springfield OR 97477 Phone Number: (541) 747-8704 Contractor Type General Electrical Mechanical Contractor Tom Wirfs Enterprises Inc Bills Electric Comfort & \ \t Height of Structure Water Type: Range Type: Energy Path: Overlay Expiration Date Lot Size: Sq Ft lst Floor: Sq Ft 2nd Floor: Sq Ft Basement: Sq Ft Garage/Carport Sq Ft Other: Phone (s41) 747-8704 (s41) 687-18s1 (s41) 34s-2838 (s41) 34s-2838 Home Home # of Buildings: Primary Occupancy Group: Secondary Occupancy Group: Primary Construction Type Secondary Construction Type: # of Bedrooms: SETBACKS Frontyard Setback: Side I Setback: Side 2 Setback: Rearyard Setback: Solar Setbacks: Street Improvements: Storm Sewer Available: Special Instruction: R-3 u-l VN 3 5.00 Fullv Improved Yes 7 26.00 Forced Air Gas Gas 10,024 1,242 437 690 280 #w Surface Area: REQUIRED PARIflNG Total: Handicapped: Compact: Sidewalk rYPe: curbside 5, Downspouts/Drains: Curb and Gutter Original plans show storm drainage to wetland. Applicant cannot drain to wetland, Ken Vogeney approved all storm drainage to go to street. Notes: Page I of5 I SPRIN Buitding/C ombination Permit Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676Fax 541-7 26-37 69 Inspection Line PERMIT NO: 02-00923-01ISSUED: 1212712002 APPLIEDz 0713112002 EXPIREST 0210612004VALUE: $ 155,488.00 Description Dwellings Dwellings Garage Type of Construction V Wood Frame V Wood Bonus Rm Garage $ Per Sq Ft or multiplier $74.60 $s9.68 $19.60 Square Footage or Bid Amount 1,679.00 280.00 690.00 Value $125,253.40 $16,710.40 $13,524.00 $155,487.80 Date Calculated 12t27t2002 12t27t2002 12t27t2002 Amount Paid Total Value of Project Date Paid Fee Description Residential Plan Check -Mechanical Issuance Fee- + 7Yo State Surcharge + 87o Administrative Fee 2nd Driveway/Overwidth Appl Fe 3 Baths One & Two Family Address Assignment Building Permit Dryer Vent Exhaust Hoods Furnace - up to 100,000 btu Gas Fireplace Gas Outlets 14 Multiple Permit Discount - 2nd MWMC Administrative Fee New Curbcut New Sidewalk Plan Review Residential Planning Plan Review Property Annexed 1997 Residential - Improvement Residential - Reimbursement Residential - Single Family - Residential Improvement MWMC Residential Sanitary IVIWMC Sanitary Sewer SDC Improvement Sanitary Sewer SDC Reimburseme SDC Administrative Fee Temp Power 200 amps or less Vent Fan Willamalane Single Family + l0o/o Administrative Fee + 7%o State Surcharge Residence Wiring 1000 Sq Ft Receipt Number 10114 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 r200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 r200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 r200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 r200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 r200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000001910 1200200000000001910 1200200000000001910 $4s4.29 $r0.00 $82.r6 $93.89 $35.00 $306.00 $8.00 $747.65 $6.00 $9.00 $12.00 $15.00 $4.00 $-30.00 $10.00 $75.00 $75.00 $31.68 $ss.00 $-21.42 $709.81 $160.87 $801.02 $34.83 $332.86 $402.96 $530.16 $r48.05 $s0.00 $24.00 $1,000.00 $14.40 $10.08 $r06.00 7t3u02 12t27t02 12t27t02 12127102 t2t27t02 12127t02 12t27t02 12t27102 12t27t02 12t27t02 12t27t02 12t27t02 12t27102 12127102 12t27t02 12t27102 12t27t02 12127t02 12t27t02 t2t27t02 12t27t02 12127102 12127t02 12t27t02 12t27t02 12127102 r2t27t02 12t27t02 12t27t02 12127102 12t27t02 8t7t03 8t7t03 8t7t03 ['ees Paid Paee 2 of5 T Valuation Descrintion I Building/Combination Permit Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-7 26-37 69 Inspection Line PERMIT NO: 02-00923-01ISSUED: 1212712002 APPLIEDz 0713112002 EXPIRESz 0210612004VALUE: $ 155,488.00 Residence Wiring Ea Addtl500 Total Amount Paid $38.00 $6,341.29 8t7t03 1200200000000001910 Plan Reviews Engineering-Res Engineering-Res Engineering-Res Initial Review-Res Planning-Res Structural Review Structural-Res 08t0U2002 08t23t2002 12t27t2002 12t26t2002 0812712002 Wait VJ 0813012002 Wait VJ 0911112002 ADpr VJ Waiting on revised building plans prior to calculating SDC's. Bob Barnhart has contacted Mr. Wirfs. Applicant plans to come in and complete an application for an overwidth driveway, as per phone call8l28l02 8:45 am. Reviewing Storm Drainage requirement for subdivision. Site plan shows storm sewer to be drained to wetland. Storm sewer CANNOT drain to wetland. Ken Vogeney has approved all roof drainage to go to street. Applicant must complete and sign overwidth driveway application BEFORE BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE. The application must have a drawing attached separate from Building Permit. Called applicant to have him revise plans to comply with solar setbacks. Plans are incomplete in several areas. Called several numbers to contact Tom W. with no success. Will try and see Tom at either Ambleside or Levi Landing and request that he meet me in the office to discuss the submitted set of plans and what we need to do the plan review. 8l5l028zl4A.M. Had meeting with Tom and he will bring required info to complete plan review, S:40 A.M. Called and explained to Tom W. about the need for him to come in to office so Don or myself could show Tom what we need to complete the plan review.8:29 A.M. call Appr LH Appr AD APP DLM Wait BB 08/05/2002 Wait BBStructural-Res Pase 3 of 5 Building/Combination Permit Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541 -7 26-37 69 Inspection Line PERMIT NO: 02-00923-01ISSUED: 1212712002 APPLIEDz 0713112002EXPIRES: 0210612004VALUE: $ 155,488.00 Structural-Res 0812912002 Wait DM To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspection requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. I ,, 3 Site Inspection: To be made after excavation but prior to setting forms. Erosion/Grading Inspection: After all erosion measures are in place. Ufer Electrical Ground: Install ground rod at footing and call for inspection in conjunction with footing and/or foundation inspection. Footing: After trenches are excavated. Foundation: After forms are erected but prior to concrete placement. Post and Beam: Prior to floor insulation or decking. Floor Insulation: Prior to decking. Shear Wall Nailing: Before covering sheathing with finish materials. Framing Inspection: Prior to cover and after all rough in inspections have been approved. Wall Insulation: Prior to cover. Ceiling Insulation: Prior to coyer. Drywall: Prior to taping. Hold Downs Installed: Special Inspection performed prior to placement of concrete. Provide report to City Building Inspector. Final Building: After all required inspections have been requested and approved and the building is complete. Underfloor Plumbing: Prior to insulation or decking. Underfloor Drain: Prior to coyer or placement of concrete. Rough Plumbing: Prior to cover and including required testing. Water Line: Prior to filling trench and including required testing. Sanitary Sewer Line: Prior to filling trench and including required testing. Storm Sewer Line: Prior to filling trench. Final Plumbing: When all plumbing work is complete. Underfloor Mechanical. Prior to insulation or decking and including required testing. Rough Gas: After line is installed and required testing and capped if not attached to an appliance. Gas Service: After line is installed and line has been connected to a minimum of one appliance including required testing. Presure test done at this point. Rough Mechanical: Prior to Cover Final Gas: When all gas work is complete. Final Mechanical: When all mechanical work is complete. Temporary Electric: Approval required prior to Utility Company energizing pole. Page 4 of 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 16 t7 18 l9 20 2l t", 23 24 25 26 27 28 Called Tom Wirfs, reached his answering machine, left message for him to call me. Issues do not appear to be resolved. Need lateral engineering to include the front wall ofthe third garage. Foundation plan does not agree with other drawings. Third garage does not show on side elevation. Need truss layout drawing to verify roof framing. Support for roof is missing at portion ofstair? Keourred InsDectrons I F Building/C ombination Permit Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676Fax 541-7 26-37 69 Inspection Line PERMIT NO: 02-00923-01ISSUED: 1212712002 APPLIEDz 0713112002 EXPIRESz 0210612004VALUE: $ 155,488.00 By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during construction. Owner or Contractors Signature Date Pase 5 of 5 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97 477 541-726-3759 Phone City of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department Public Works Department 0 02-00923-01 02-00923-0t 02-00923-0r 02-00923-01 Residence Wiring 1000 Sq Ft Residence Wiring Ea Addtl 500 + 7o/o State Surcharge + l0o/o Administrative Fee Item Total:$168.48 106.00 38.00 10.08 14.40 Type ofPayment Paid By Received By Batch Number Authorization Number How Received Amount Paid Check COZY HOMES DJB In Person Payment Total:$168.48 $168.48 ( \\o\ _& Job denti Multi-Family per drrelling unit. Service Included: Items Cost G 06.00$1\oI,(I 1g 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Eztch Manufd Home or Modular Drveiling Serv'ice or Feeder a $reoo $!D l s 50.00 ' OB Permits if work is of issuirnce 180 days. 2 Electrical' Address and expire rvithin 180 days ifrvork is suspended for INSTALLATION ONLY B. Services or Feeders Installation, Relocirtion: 200 amps or 201 Date Super-vising Over "B" abo\re or loeJD. Branch lo( :\-91 dq;9 rtro oce{ A\. not included) lation Pump or irrigation Sign/Outline Lighting s50.00 $25.00 $-15.00 Nlinimum Electr'ic Permit Inspecti 1. SUBTOTALOFABOVE 77o State Surcharge 8%o Administrative Fec Limited Energv/Res Limrted Energv/Comm TOTAL on Fec is 5-15.00 * Surcharges 1. O}YNER is being ntade on properrv I orvn is not intended s tV.0-ffi u€SJg Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541:726-37 69 Inspection Line CITY OF SPRIN F'IELI) Building/C ombination Permit PERMIT NO: 02-00923-01ISSUED: 1212712002APPLIED: 0713112002E)GIRESz 0612712003VALIIE: $ 155,488.00 SITE ADDRESS: 2266 00033rd St Spr TYPE OF Single Family Residence ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. : 1702193404700 TYPE OF USE: New Residential PROJECT DESCRJPTION: Lot: 28, Subdivision: Ambleside, Land Use: Single Family Dwelling, Zoning: LDR, Owner: Tom Wirfs Enterprises Inc Address: Po Box 237 Springfield OR 97477 Phone Number: (541) 747-8704 License Expiration DateContractor Type General Electrical Mechanical Owner Plumbing Contractor Tom Wirfs Enterprises Inc Bills Electric Home Comfort Heating & Air Conditio Tom Wirfs Enterprises Inc Home Comfort Heating & Air Conditio Phone (s4r) 747-8704 (s41) 687-18s1 (s41) 34s-2838 (s4t) 747-8704 (s41) 34s-2838 CONTRACT OR INFORMATI ON # of Buildings: Primary Occupancy Group: Secondary Primary Secondary # of Bedrooms: Frontyard Setback: Side I Setback: Side 2 Setback: Rearyard Setback: Solar Setbacks: Street Storm Sewer Available: Special Instruction: \t Heat: ater Type: \$Range Type: Energy Path: Overlay Dist: # Street Trees Paved 5.00 Fully Yes Original plans show storm approved all storm drainage to go to street. REQUIRED PARIflNG Total: Handicapped: Compact: Type:Curbside 5' Downspouts/Drains Curb and Gutter I , 26.00 Forced Air Gas Gas Gas Path I Lot Size: Sq Ft lst Floor: Sq Ft 2nd Floor: Sq Ft Basement: Sq Ft Garage/Carport Sq Ft Other: Impervious Surface Area: 10,024 1,242 437 690 280 DEVELOPMENT INFOR]VIATION Notes: I of 5 Applicant cannot drain to wetland, Ken Vogeney o$ ut rhe 1 Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541:726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-7 26-37 69 Inspection Line TY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/C ombination Permit PERMIT NO: 02-00923-01ISSUED: 1212712002 APPLIEDz 0713112002E)PIRESz 0612712003VALIIE: $ 155,488.00 Description Dwellings Dwellings Garage Fee Description Residential Plan Check -Mechanical Issuance Fee- + 77o State Surcharge + 87o Administrative Fee 2nd Driveway/Overwidth Appl Fe 3 Baths One & Two Family Address Assignment Building Permit Dryer Vent Exhaust Hoods Furnace - up to 100,000 btu Gas Fireplace Gas Outlets 1-4 Multiple Permit Discount - 2nd MWMC Administrative Fee New Curbcut New Sidewalk Plan Review Residential Planning Plan Review Property Annexed 1997 Residential - Improvement Residential - Reimbursement Residential - Single Family - Residential Improvement MWMC Residential Sanitary MWMC Sanitary Sewer SDC Improvement Sanitary Sewer SDC Reimburseme SDC Administrative Fee Temp Power 200 amps or less Vent Fan Willamalane Single Family Type of Construction V Wood Frame V Wood Bonus Rm Garage $ Per Sq Ft Square Footage $74.60 1,679.00 $s9.68 280.00 $19.60 690.00 Total Value of Project Value $125,253.40 $16,710.40 $13,524.00 $155,487.80 Date Calculated 12t27t2002 12127t2002 12t27t2002 Amount Paid Date $454.29 $10.00 $82.16 $93.89 $3s.00 $306.00 $8.00 $747.65 $6.00 $9.00 $12.00 $rs.00 $4.00 $-30.00 $10.00 $7s.00 $75.00 $31.68 $55.00 $-21.42 $709.81 $160.87 $801.02 $34.83 $332.86 $402.96 $s30.16 $148.0s $s0.00 $24.00 $1,000.00 7t3u02 t2t27102 12t27t02 12127102 12t27t02 12t27t02 12t27t02 12t27t02 12t27t02 12t27t02 12t27t02 12t27102 12127102 12t27t02 12t27t02 12127t02 r2t27t02 12t27t02 12t27t02 12t27t02 t2127t02 12127102 12127102 12t27102 12t27t02 12t27t02 12t27t02 12127102 12t27t02 12t27t02 12t27t02 Receipt Number 10114 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 1200200000000000468 Paid Total Amount $6,172.81 2of5 Valuation Description I Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541:726-3753 Phone 541-726-'3676 Fax 541 -7 26-37 69 Inspection Line Buildin g/C ombination Permit PERMIT NO: 02-00923-01ISSUED: 1212712002APPLIED: 0713112002E}PIRESz 0612712003VALIIE: $ 155,488.00 PIan Reviews Engineering-Res Engineering-Res Engineering-Res Initial Review-Res Planning-Res Structural Review Structural-Res Structural-Res 08t0U2002 08t23t2002 12t27t2002 t2t26t2002 08t27t2002 Wait VJ 08/30/2002 Wait VJ 0911112002 Appr VJ Waiting on revised building plans prior to calculating SDC's. Bob Barnhart has contacted Mr. Wirfs. Applicant plans to come in and complete an application for an overwidth driveway, as per phone crll8l28l02 8:45 am. Reviewing Storm Drainage requirement for subdivision. Site plan shows storm sewer to be drained to wetland. Storm sewer CAI\NOT drain to wetland. Ken Vogeney has approved all roof drainage to go to street. Applicant must complete and sign overwidth driveway application BEFORE BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE. The application must have a drawing attached separate from Building Permit. Called applicant to have him revise plans to comply with solar setbacks. Plans are incomplete in several areas. Called several numbers to contact Tom W. with no success. Will try and see Tom at either Ambleside or Levi Landing and request that he meet me in the office to discuss the submitted set of plans and what we need to do the plan review. 815102 8:l4A.M. Had meeting with Tom and he will bring required info to complete plan review,8:40 A.M. Called and explained to Tom W. about the need for him to come in to office so Don or myself could show Tom what we need to complete the plan review. 8:29 A.M. call Appr LH Appr AI) APP DLM Wait BB 0810512002 Wait BB 3of5 Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, SpringfieH, OR 541:726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541:726-37 69 Inspection Line TY rf'FIELD Buildin g/C ombination Permit PERMIT NO: 02-00923-01ISSUED: 1212712002APPLIED: 0713112002E)GIRESz 0612712003VALUE: $ 155,488.00 Structural-Res 08129/2002 Wait DM Called Tom Wirfs, reached his answering machine, left message for him to call me. Issues do not appear to be resolved. Need lateral engineering to include the front wall ofthe third garage. Foundation plan does not agree with other drawings. Third garage does not show on side elevation. Need truss layout drawing to verify roof framing. Support for roof is missing at portion ofstair? To Request an inspection call the24 hour recording at 726-3769. AII inspection requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. I Site Inspection: To be made after excavation but prior to setting forms. 2 Erosion/Grading Inspection: After all erosion measures are in place. 3 Ufer Electrical Ground: Install ground rod at footing and call for inspection in conjunction with footing and/or foundation inspection. 4 Footing: After trenches are excavated. 5 Foundation: After forms are erected but prior to concrete placement. 6 Post and Beam: Prior to floor insulation or decking. 7 Floor Insulation: Prior to decking. 8 Shear Wall Nailing: Before covering sheathing with finish materials. 9 Framing Inspection: Prior to cover and after all rough in inspections have been approved. 10 Wall Insulation: Prior to cover. 11 Ceiling Insulation: Prior to cover. 12 Drywall: Prior to taping. 13 Hold Downs Installed: Special Inspection performed prior to placement of concrete. Provide report to City Building Inspector. 14 Final Building: After all required inspections have been requested and approved and the building is complete. 15 Underfloor Plumbing: Prior to insulation or decking. 16 Underfloor Drain: Prior to cover or placement of concrete. 17 Rough Plumbing: Prior to cover and including required testing. 18 Water Line: Prior to filling trench and including required testing. 19 Sanitary Sewer Line: Prior to filling trench and including required testing. 20 Storm Sewer Line: Prior to filling trench. 2l Final Plumbing: When all plumbing work is complete. 22 Underfloor Mechanical. Prior to insulation or decking and including required testing. 23 Rough Gas: After line is installed and required testing and capped if not attached to an appliance. 24 Gas Service: After line is installed and line has been connected to a minimum of one appliance including required testing. Presure test done at this point. 25 Rough Mechanical: Prior to Cover 26 Final Gas: When all gas work is complete. 27 Final Mechanical: When all mechanical work is complete. 28 Temporary Electric: Approval required prior to Utility Company energizing pole. nsnections 4of5 Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541:726-37 69 Inspection Line OF SPRIN FIELD Buildin g/C ombination Permit PERMIT NO: 02-00923-01ISSUED: 1212712002 APPLIEDz 0713112002E)GIRES: 0612712003VALUE: $ 155,488.00 By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certi$ that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described hereino and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, BuiHing Safety. I further certi$ that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the perm it card is hcated at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at an times during "*w L >7 Ou- Owner or Contractors Signature Date 5of5 1212712002 12:19:42PM City of Springfield Development Services Departm ent Public \ilorks Department Oflicial Receipt 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97 477 541-726-3759 Phone Receipt #z 1200200000000000468 Date: 1212712002 Line Items: Amount PaidJob/Journal Number Descriotion 02-00923-01 02-00923-0r 02-00923-0t 02-00923-0t 02-00923-01 02-00923-01 02-00923-01 02-00923-01 02-00923-01 02-00923-01 02-00923-01 02-00923-0t 02-00923-01 02-00923-0r 02-00923-0r Plan Review Residential Building Permit 3 Baths One & Two Family Furnace - up to 100,000 btu Vent Fan Exhaust Hoods Dryer Vent Gas Outlets l-4 Gas Fireplace -Mechanical Issuance Fee- Temp Power 200 amps or less + 7Yo State Surcharge + 8% Administrative Fee Willamalane Single Family Address Assignment 31.68 747.65 306.00 12.00 24.00 9.00 6.00 4.00 15.00 10.00 50.00 82.16 93.89 1,000.00 8.00 Page I of3 cRec€ipt.rpt J a t212712002 12:19:42PM City of Springfield Development Sewices Departm ent Public Works Department Official Receipt 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97 477 541-726-3759 Phone Receipt #z 1200200000000000468 I)ate: 1212712002 02-00923-0.1 02-00923-01 02-00923-01 02-00923-0r 02-00923-0t 02-00923-01 02-00923-0t 02-00923-01 02-00923-01 02-00923-01 02-00923-01 02-00923-01 02-00923-01 02-00923-01 02-00923-01 New Sidewalk New Curbcut Multiple Permit Discount - 2nd 2nd Driveway/Overwidth Appl Fe Residential - Improvement Residential Improvement MWMC Planning Plan Review Residential - Single Family - Sanitary Sewer SDC Reimburseme Sanitary Sewer SDC Improvement Residential Sanitary MWMC SDC Administrative Fee MWMC Administrative Fee Residential - Reimbursement PropertyAnnexed 1997 75.00 75.00 (30.00) 35.00 709.81 34.83 55.00 801.02 s30. l 6 402.96 332.86 148.05 10.00 160.87 (2r.42) Page 2 of3 Line Item Total:$5,718.52 cReceipt.rpt t I @ t2/2712002 12:19:42PM City of Springfield Development Services Department Public Works Ilepartment Offrcial Receipt 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97 477 541-726-3759 Phone Receipt #z 1200200000000000468 Date: 1212712002 Payments: Type ofPayment Paid By Received By Check Number Confirm No How Received Amount Paid Check COZY HOMES djb In Person 5,118.52 Total:718.52 I Page 3 of 3 cReceipt.rpt og ELE Multi-Family per drvellin Service Included: unit.ob B DES : Permits are non-transferable and expire if work is not started within 180 davs Address Snpen' on Super-vising Ele 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Mamrfd Horne or Modular Drvelling Service or Feeder Items Cost Sum I $ 106.00 t, $ 19.00 rvork is suspended for iNSTALLATION Y B. Services or Feeders Relocation 200 amps or 201 amps to 40i aprps to I amps "B" above D. Branch N,or Extension Per 5ro $50 Limite $50.00 s45.00 : IVlinimum Electric Permit Inspection Fee is S45.00 + Surchargcs or E. NI J. SUBTOTALOFABOVE 7%o Stfie Surchitrge 8%o Administrative Fee oo TOTAL LEGAL DESCRIPTION\1ul\q3+ o+-lm 180 days. Installation, l. Constr Contr. $ 50.00 51.v) PMENT CHA^. -E WORKSHEETCITY OF SPRINGFIEL- SYSTEMS DEVELO (/) E]noUilr!Fa oH& I 070 l09l 1092 1093 1094 r055 I 056 1079 1078 Inc. SIZE: O SF LOT SIZE:too24 sF JOURNAL OR JOB NI.]MBER:02-00923-O DISCOUNT RATE 5OVc $0.00 $80r.02 CONSTRUCTED TO CITY STANDARDS $801.02 24 COST PER DFU 16.79 $402.96 $s30.16 B.IMPROVEMENT COST: x x $933.12ITEM 2 TOTAL - CITY SANITARY SEWER SDC ADT TRIP RATE NUMBER OF UNITS COST PER TRIP NEW TRIP FACTOR 9.s7 I l7 r.00 .81 ADT TRIP RATE 9.57 NLIMBER OF UNITS I COST PER TRIP $r6.8r $ 160.87 NEW TRIP FACTOR r.00 B. IMPROVEMENT COST: x x x x x x 3. TRANSPORTATION A. REIMBURSEMENT COST: ITEM 3 TOTAL. TRANSPORTATION SDC 1.4 27 t0.00 NUMBER OFFEU's I COST PER FEU $332.86 $332.86 NUMBER OF FEU's I COST PER FEU $34.83 $34.83 SUBTOTAL OF MWMC REIMBURSEMENT, IMPROVEMENT & CREDIT MWMC ADMINISTRATIVE FEE B. IMPROVEMENT COST: x x MWMC CREDIT IF APPLICABLE (SEE REVERSE) 4. SANITARY SEWER - MWMC A. REIMBURSEMENT COST: ITEM 4 TOTAL. MWMC SANITARY SEWER SDC r.09SUBTOTAL (ADD ITEMS I,2,3, & 4) SUBTOTAL $2,96r.09 ADM. FEE RATE 5Vo $ r48.05 98.56TOTAL SANITARY ADMINISTRATION FEE: TOTAL TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATION FEE: 5. ADMINISTRATIVE FEE: x $3,109.14TOTAL SDC CHARGES DATE 8/28/2002Steve Tem in SDC COORDINATOR -ftfiIf:r - \+{J-a-+\*+<- \J^ {-rr^\ Gt -'6' + &n a-0"----!^- E+fir\- a&-c,.,.-^-=-1y \ lnrc*UJs r*7/"7- DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNIT CALCULATION TABLE MWMC CREDIT CALCULATION TABLE: BASED ON COUNTY ASSESSED VALUE NUMBERoFNEwFXTURESxUNITEQUIVALENT=DRAINAGEFXTUREUNITS FOR CAT,CULATE ONLY THE NET ADDITIONAL NO. OF FIXTURES DRAINAGE FIXTURE I.]NITSFIXTURE TYPE ( *New - #oLD ) x IJNIT EQUIVALENT BATHTUB (2-0 (0-0 (0-0 (0-0 (0-0 (0-0 (l-0 (0-0 (0-0 (0-0 (0-0 (0-0 (0-0 (l-0 (0-0 (0-0 (0-0 (3-0 (0-0 (0-0 (3-0 )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x .J 6 DRINKING FOUNTAIN I 0 FLOOR DRAIN J 0 INTERCEPTORS FOR GREASE / OIL / SOLIDS IETC,-1 0 INTERCEPTORS FOR SAND / AUTO WASH IETC.6 0 LAUNDRY TUB 2 0 CLOTHESWASHER / MOP SINK 3 -1 CLOTHESWASHER - 3 OR MORE (EA)6 0 MOBILE HOME PARKTRAP (I PER TRAILER)t2 0 RECEPTOR FOR REFRIG / WATER STATION / ETC.I 0 RECEPTOR FOR COM. SINK / DISHWASHER /ETC.-t 0 SHOWER, SINGLE STALL 2 0 SHOWER,GANG (NUMBER OF HEADS)2 0 SINK: COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL KITCHEN -1 J SINK: COMMERCIAL BAR 2 0 SINK: DOMESTIC BAR I 0 WASH BASIN 2 0 LAVATORY I J URINAL, STALL / WALL 5 0 TOILET, PUBLIC INSTALLATION 6 0 TOILET, PRIVATE INSTALLATION J 9 MISCELLANEOUS DFU TYPE NUMBER OF EDU'S*( 0 -_-..1Q-)^20 0 TOTAL DRAINAGE FTXTURE UNITS =*EDU (@uivalent Dwelling Unit) is a discharge equivalent to a single family dwelling unit (20 DFU's) set at 167 gallons per day 24 $21.42 t.42 IF IMPROVEMENTS OCCURRED AFTER ANNEXATION DATE, CALCULATE CREDIT SEPARATELY CREDIT FOR LAND (IF APPLICABLE) CREDIT FOR IMPROVEMENT (IF AFTER ANNEXATION) YEAR ANNEXED CREDIT RATE PER $I,OOO ASSESSED VALUE YEAR ANNEXED CREDIT RATE PER $I,OOO ASSESSED VALUE I979 OR BEFORE $4.92 1990 $2.06 l 980 $4.83 l99l $1.64 198 I $4.77 1992 $1.45 l 982 $4.64 t993 $1.31 I 983 $4.47 t994 $r.13 1984 $4.30 I 995 $0.97 I 985 $4.09 1996 $0.82 I 986 $3.78 1997 $0.63 1987 $3.41 1998 $0.41 I 988 $2.98 1999 $0.22 r 989 $2.s2 2000 $0.04 TOTAL MWMC CREDIT = 0.000 $0.63 x x VALUE/ IOOO 33.999 CREDIT RATE $0.63 =IM 7L 66 .. Job Address_'ZL4CQ b3M CityJob # Affidavit For Sirc Iavestigation euestionnaire Foundation Sub-Grade Approval for Residential Building Site in AmblesidiMeadows - 1o Addirion Subdivision The undersigned hereby affims that the excavation, sruchral filI and moistrrestabilizadon methods for the building site at the addrress shown above was ouierved bytrre or an authorized employec of my firm and thst the following is tme: 1. The foundntion sub'grade is capable of supporting a mininum of l500.psf, and isadxguate to support the building proporcdfor this site. 2. The moisture content of the excavation was adequatelymaintained during the siteprcparation Process aud was adequarcly coveredio stabitizea moisture conteutprior to any sienificant change rmoisLrre coDte't of the sub-grade. lo3lrnityServiccs BuildingSafety CITY OF SPRINGxIELD, ORECON 225 56 Srreet, Springfield, OR g74Tt pt;.72/.,37sg 3' The site is adequately grade.d and dr:ained to prevent the colloction of water in theexcavated area during construction 4. Naae of Ucensed h,ofessional (prinr) @- o^o tYhu '''..,''" ; .. :l.i;'t, i,,l't.'.,t l , , :,.1 FR0r'1 FRX I.JO. : Cor:rrnunity Services Div, Building Safery Job CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 2?S 5n Srceq Springfield, OR 97477 Dh.72G3759 7-3 E,D ELD AMBLESIDE MEADOWS SUBDTVISION-ISE ADDnIoN City Job # - Dew dze end depth of the excarnation and/or ftll? OD Ttis form hay bc rrsed as a tcmporar5r ve,r{fication to allow construcdon to condnue on the job sitc untll the corsultant's etamped atfidavit on the slte soil compaction and stabilization b submitted to the city. Thisforumustbe conplacdbi a licensed desigt profecsiooel (cnglneer or architect) or hls/ber adhorlz.ed employee, and submitted to the bulldlng trseector prlor to requgtlng Ctty trypecfiouslr - placing foundation concrete- 11fu irnrortarrt thrt all quesdons be snflrered completelyforthefoundetion dte to be approved tor cunsfuuctiotr" Ouaer end/or Contractor .z-a :ZT . F{Orv-uF _ . 1. Dateof the dqsigr professional's site eveluation? Aro 7 1po o.t 4, vaoL Z IIss the design pnofessional reviewed a copy of thc gcotccUnlcat information foT th" subdivision that wss provided with th€ bufldlng perdt? yes*tto- lf not, please contact this offce lor a copy ol the report \hu'&sign professiotul' mut be fa,miliar with tlu gcotec-lnical Won urion beiore comphting this form. 3.t- Questionnaire for ProfessioualsSite Was existing non-stnrcarral fill or eq>ansive soil encountered on the lot?Yes-NoXt If 'yo", what t5pes, &pths and locations? What measur€s wcre dT p remcdy the soil coasiti-ou (include type of engineered filI used to stabilize the soil)? t Dec. ?7 ?g@2 E5:49P1'l PZ FROM FAi{ t{0. Community Services Div, Building Safery Job CMY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 2ZS 56 Sueer. Springfield, OR 97417 Ph.126-3?59 Dec. ?7 ?gA? 05:49Pli P3 (r,'7r?tbl- City Job * Is rhe site as prcpared adcqwtefl indcquate E to EaiDtah constant moisure content in tbe sub grradEl Note: Verificatbn of nuisutc stohilizationintlu sub gradi is a requirement of tlw geoteclmtcal rePort, ard nwt bc afirned before constructioa can cofltt ttg. If inadequatc, what tneasures arc needed to provide coDstrnt moisuuc conteDt in tbe sub grade Is the site as prepared adequtc pinadeEnte fJ to support the proposed stnrcfi,rrc? An affruutive ansr+,Zr is requisiu to proeeding wtth constructbtt If lnadequate, whet addidonal riork ls needed to provlde adeguatc foundation support? 4. Did the desip prtfessional wihess placement and conparfion of the angineercd fiII, or ls there a special inspecti,on report for{tcoping llom e quallfied agency? I widrcised Placetnent fr Special Indcomprction rePort E 5. The design professional inteuds to rrse the following rnethod for tnetdtetton . of perforated per{mcter foothg dnrtns: The design on the attached drawing provided by the design professiond ...... n The method shown on the origrnal constilction drawings tr The tlpical 'Foundation Drain' drawing attached to permit tr ts Comments: Note; City inspectors wiU inspect insnlled drains priar to cover upon request... Call: 726-3769 to schedule inspeoion. t"/L ) FPON :FA).i r10. : Community Services Div, Building.Safery Job CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 225 56 Sneer. Springfield. OR 97477 Ph.'tz6-t7lg Dec. 27 260? @5:5OPN P4 ?" ?P CityJob # r.ow-point crawl spsce dmins srre rcqufud to prwent the build.up of exces moishur inside the foundetions durtng (and after) ootrstrrrctiotr" Ihis drair q1y be-instelted +tter foundadon placeuent gqlv lvith the exerees perilbdon of the desim orofessinnal. a- Thc design professionril has dct€roined the followiog; TIu crawl spacc drain b requiredwlun ttrcfoundation b irutallcd..-.. n Ttu low-point drain ,* i installed aflerfomddion placenunt witlrout a s i gnificant nwisare buiW- up problcm w ithin tlw fotfution .,. ......... f} (Tlu low-pokt&ainmay be installed at tlw oJ constuaion) N-t b- Has the design professional obsemed and approved *u installation of tlw required low pokt drain?......, Yes, _No L_f "yes", wlere is tlu low point drain bcated wtder ttu building and whcre does rt terminate. at this tirrv? (rust be an approved bcatiory i.e. street gutter, storril sewer, sump pump anddischarge line to tlw smq otc I Thc desiSu professional nust deteruriue whet}er the approved permit drawings have adequate foundation srccl. Is aly additionat foundation steet requlred thatis uot shown on the forindation drawings for the buildhg? Yes X" lrio -. If "ycs", deicnbe addt ional sleer required(or provi& druthg). Tlu fotlowing statement must be sigrwd by ttw indivifunt doing tlu obsenatbrx andpraviding directionJor ,he excarytion and sitc prepardtionwirk on thc ptoperty, J pl & be.ott@la1, roifrA erc. FROr'1 FA;,( r{O.Dec. ?7 ?OP.? O5:51P11 P5 tl:trto t 3bP The wrdcrttgned ilesign pmlcstbnal (or authofized enployce) afrigse tlut hatsheobsened required molsture stabiWty procedures 9n *tsi, sui-oia ora,rci i;;errox'crc accornplisheil beforc -an1 clanges occurrd in ihe notstuie conteru o|th, io-grade under and around the building (vhere expaaslve iotx nor cncoarhred). Theundesignedfiither &ests that the sub-grade, * pr"p"r"a, is dcryate iirrpiii *, -baildkg proposedforihis site. ' -q--- --' - Addittonal commepts: Gty Job # (Note): A copy of this times. rcport shall bekept on site wlth the approved plans at aII This report shall be followed by an affidavit, signed and staop€d bytbe dung.!professional under whose auspices this report was conrpletcd,affrming tbe informationherein. The signed/stanped affidavittogether ecopy of this report sball bewith submitlcd to rhis to requesting framing inspectiou for the.bui lding. Title Q*itq. P. B. License Communiry Services Div. Buildirrg Safcry Job CITY OF SPRING}'IELD, OREGON 225 ln Srccr, Springjietd, OR 97477 ph..th6-175g N v The geotechnical rcpon for the Ambleside Meadows - lst Additioa Subdivisioarccornmends immediate moisture stabilization of exlrcsed "*p-.i"r *u-g1lcli, and thatexpansive soils be o:=jl-llt{ *d rcplaced *itn ,r r"""tiz io"to of f,rI compactcdto at least 95% of ASTM D698 for foundation p*pa*t"" ruu .rpoa also recommendstllat messures be taken to Preveat water from collectiug in or around the foundation areasdtuing and after the consruction pfiocess, an! that poritir. ,ir, ar"io.g, be provided tore&rce the infirtration of surface water ioto tr" "r$*i;,;i;.}:f_:,=Y.t *q"l turther emphasizes t* e" finish gradc of landscape soiradJacent to the foundatiou shourd be at least z+',.auo"e-tne?xllsive bearing soils, firmlycomPacted to reduce the infiltnation of water at the surface. Tie adequacy of f,ll soil ;:i::$"ffi:d thc building must be verified to the satisaction of the o".igo 4