HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1982-02-11.. RESIDENTIAL.. C OMB INAT T O N APPLI C A! IO N / PEPJLIY 225 Notth ith Street Sprtngfi,elC, 2regon 974?? Building Diuision a6^ 1a--/ dO-O / Dd J-,-"- lu,,** {rl.at tuc ,fu- * SPRINGFIELD Siqned: Date:.t Assesaor.s tkp i 11-02-11- 2q Td, Lot # A--{ Suitdittision: t2 L/, 3iob Locaticn: rl )A,Jae?: t 'LAdbeas:Fhotte Daecribe l{otk:tq lled 'L€Z- [_l Valual-- tl -fz- L /l Date of Addifion cenenl, B-t ,t..t..i -i )v- I-t i8 lhe teapaaetbi]it-g of _tr9 parnit hotd,a'tu aee that aLL itrspectiona @e rade at ;tE r"q* tine, thdt ecch a/l,l-ess ia tendnb:.efrdn the sireet, ed, tat the pqltib cad ia Ledted. at the froai of ttu cra*rt..EdAi.H Dioictbn apro.*ed plbt slnll ffin q_.1f ,tuidbh Site'at aLL' tiiaee." PnOC LlPq POR, IySWOruil tHAyESi1j: !a! *a:talr*a*) state yout City ,l,eaigzatad, job aaribet, job n,r,lnese, tgpe of inspectimte*teated qa.yhen you dLT ba rady fon itt4ecCon, cont"dctars it a,rna?e-naae-,na pUne runbs,' e"qrnsta rele;i:La bllbre'zt-oO-r.tllill be nade the eante d4' rcquoats tnc.na aftie ?:00 6t tttll ba iade the nezt wtking'4q. Iour Cifo Deetagwtd Job tttnbo fs:f> o r/s- Sortlag ea;et cqoei zt pro-efi; Line Septic totk g.nEed cl fiLZed uith gzael litul -,Lken aitoue ixzns ee caapLeted ani uhen donciition ia carnleta o? stmg- atz,e aooed oc prt-,tztaaa cibanei up. tr _l l Mobile Hqnee Blockitq od. sat-.tp Plunbittg connecticns -- sa)e? ctC. xa.-et ElecLrical Ca'mection - Blcekirg, set-uo otd. plrnbing connecticns n;st 'ta qprc"^Zri befote reqteatiag electieal ircpebciort Acceseor; tuiZdnng skirting, decks,tctchee, Lzted. E [] l l Final - Aftc! etc. ee cry IfrSIIEAITON//APOR BARRIF|R IISF1C?IOfl : ?o be trad,e aftet aLL ittzuktiat ed.tquirA oqor b*ll,rien oe ia place bat befate oq lath, gillpsun bod. ot u,LL ovxing ia qpliel,, od. befote o1g inst lattbn ie corteald. lo be radt aft* p?iol. b ect 14 of rypFasLAB PLAAAING. E|fiTRICAL & NECittilfCAL: lo be nad.e beforc oq ucrk is cottetd,. F2OTflC ?' F1ANDATTCN: To ba naCa aitet Erencheg dpe eiea)axcd oxi fanta oe erected, but p?io? topurirq ectc"eta. UND.EGPOUND PLAMEING. SgflER.'|ATER. DRAI|IAGE: To be na,.l.e prtor to l;-L- @ncnee. I]IIDEPFLOOR .NLA.IBTiIG N :{ECAANTCAL : to be naie prtot xa insxallaxion of fLoor inatktion o* decking. P1Sl AtlD SEAM: lo be nad,e prtor to Gtatal of floor iwuli;Lon ot deeking. ROUGS PLUIBTilG. ?LEERICAL ,1 IEEH. ANIC!.L: iio >v"k is to 'oe co,-ereti- un these ittspec?iota hatse bean nade o1d. WtoteC. PT-aEPLACE: futot ip 2Lccirq :,catt7ncterials otd. before frartng inepeb- tton. ,tRNEllc: I.fiBt be reotested, aftetqprcaal of rough plw,bin4, electri-cal & nechutieal. ALI toofittg braing ! eizimteys, etc. ntl;st be conoleted. llo acrk is to be con- "eiLed ?ntil this insoeetic.n has been rade otl, appzvr:id. fona. EflTAL PLAABTfiG ?INAL MECEANICAL ?IffAL ELEC?RTCAL DRYINL II\SPEC?!1N: ?c be nad,eaft* aL7, dt$,,all ie in pla.ce, irut p?io" to o'ry taping. IWONRI: Steel Loeation, bottd. beants, grcutittg ot oezticcls in aecorla@e ?,ttth a,B.c. Section 2475. I I \IOODSTOYE:a@e.Afte, instalLation ia CURB E APPROACE AP.O.ON: oe erecteC but prJor Afiar fonsb pourin4 eoravete . SIDWALK d DRT,ZilAI: Pot all con- crete pauittg vLthin s'c;reet right- of-bEA, to be twCe after aL! erza- uatlng catrplete & fott wtk ,9 eub- inse nsterial in place. V Wt 'then mnplate -- booil.e gates o? novoble sectioas tlttottgh DilA *ALL I"tAttHcLES AND CLEANOW7 MUS! BE ACCESEItsLE, ADJAST!{ENI io 9E !44D8 tr N0 COS? ?C :*y ALL ptoiact eottdttiow, atch as tla iaetallqtion of s*eet t"6es, cclrolctiott of ;iereqtired iad,sccpirg, etc., naat be eatieJaied before tl,,e wfi,Dr;a rdat :i iL' re'lueawa- trN,4L BarLDrNc: The Fi.nal ?iaing_ rnsoectiott mtst be requeatad af1er :he Fin-al ?tuttbingETectrical, aC. lleeirazical fnspect-iona 'tsoe been ^"a" -ra'qpn i"i. F4e1of2 -Saaz *At"-fril /. l). tl u t_l T t]il EI //{ Page 2 Refetence llwnbers:Jcb Monber: Zone: r-at Sq. Etg. % ci Lct Ca:erage # of StorLes lotal Eeight iogogrqhg Bedrooms: L1r rwU _ fnterict _ Cormer _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac Ene?du Sou?ees TvpeLot Eaces - Setbacks lleat Df House Gdraqe Access.Wdter, !!eate! RaWeNorth Finst b lreD Ld.ce South woodstoie West SQ.EIG ValueiTEM Gedce C@Dort Accesao?u ?O?AL VALW S.D.C. 1.5 c PLan Check Fee: Date Paid: Receipt #: Si4r,ed: Building Volue & Permit This pertmt ts gTanted. on the eapress eondition tlnt the said constlaetion slnll', in aLL rZspects, confomn io the 7tdittance adopted lU tte Citg qf ipi"ayr:"U, inctitding- the Zoning Cvdinorc-e, regulating the ccnstmtctica *rd ;Z o7 -nul.tabqs,- utd nay be- suspended ot ,eool<eC at ary time upon uic- latton of oty prczsisions of said ordi:"'at'ees. * Buildirry P@tLt ?otal Cha.rgea Stite Plumbing Permit llo pereon slall conetract' inBtal!' altet ot clange GlA neo ct ec'isttng ;:l,,;IfA oi drainage sustar in ultole or in part, unlesa sueh petson is the iii&, pb"""""oo o1" o ultld pt^t*'s Lic-ena-e, ea:ept tlut ,a P?""T na! *.ptfitthg uork to Wope?ta uTrtch is ottned, Leased' oi operated by the qpPli- erlt. FEE CHAPGE Fistu.teg Resid.qltial (1 bath) Sarlel Plutnbtrq P&rLt State Elecjr*lssl Permit l,lh.eye state La nequites tlat the electtLeal uotkbe done by,ur. Eleetp'Lcal Citructor, the electrical portion of this _pemrit sl&LL not be oalid tmtil the Label \as been sdgned bg the ElectrLcal cont"dcto!' * N a,t /Eat end. C'it ct d t e S*oice CAARCEitc.F9E F,ll,nece ETU'S Erhanst HooC Vent Fot Wcodstozte Mechonicol Permit I',lechanical Perwit -- ENCROACHMEIIT -- Secur[tu Depoait Storaae llaintenance Pcrnit - Curbcut Sida,talk /!. fl)Pence Electtieal Label Mobile Hone f HAW 1AREEULLL ELAMINBD the cornpleted applieation for penrit' dd do iii"ti "iiiify-in"i aLL informat-ion heteoi- is aae and correct, attd r fitrthb ce*ilfy that ong atd aLL uork perforned shall be done in aceor- d";;;;-'rrt; "t'n" o"'il"i'."es of the cita'of bprlngfield" od th9 Lans of the St"7L "f or"gon pertaining to the wik Cese?ibed herein' cnd that N0 ,ccu' -piacy i:nt l"n ,oZn oy iy" etn etuye utLtlo,tt permission of the Bui,iding Di- iision. I further .-n"ii1g th-at otlg contracto"s and anplcyees oho d?e in ca-ltpliance aith CRS ?01.055 uiLL be used on thls proiect PLan Enafi.ner A-r\^V> Doie * I DateSigned. 1'0tAL ilt4Otl\T DIIE : *4r Pendt Issu@1ce