HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-03-23i@ .t" RESI[ {.lTlAL" 22 s Noy,th st n s;t,niPPli cA-"--'tN /PERl,rr Spz,ingfield, )regon 97477 Building Dtuision 7 26-3? 53 sPtlNGFlEl..D-. Iout, City Desigra.ted Job Nunbet, Is: Signed: Date: '|-LZ- tt) res Su General Plumbi Llechanical Reouired l-ec tr c ]-an I^t i8 the respoaaibi-Lily of -tle petmtt hold* to aee tlut aLL inepections ee nade at lhe Etope" tine, that ecch address is reqCabi,e tfq-tln street,. and that the-pdntt_cdrd ie Located at the froni of the propertg*Building Dirsicion appro"*ed plan shall remain on tlp Bunlding s:,te at aLL'ttmes.- PRO2EDUP\FoR=IySPEC?I1N,WyEST;CALL726-3769 (recorder) state yout, City designated job ntmber, job aCi.z,ess, type of inspecli-cnreQuested ar.-d uhen gou uiLL be readg fo_t'inspection, cont?actct,s o1 a,ne7s nane Lnd plaie numbet. p,equests ,nLeli;Za b'e1cre'z:00 ant"iLL be nade the eane dcg, ?equests mcde aft* 7:00 an ttill be nad.e the nest:ntki$ dag. Job Locaticn: ?-eAssessore Map #Ic,t Lot # Subdioision: 0rmer: Addtess:Phone:(. Desctlbe l{ork: value fu/). @Eome j F/-ft/ Date. of AppL ication Add.itian RenoCeL S lectr Pege 1 of 2 lj)f roorruG & FoUNDA?rcN: lo be naceA | ;ftelAEe?tcn;;-a - cauated and forms are erected, but prior to pou"Lng ccncl,ete. I UNDERGPOUTD ?LUMD rNG r_jpr,tEL_ W,ATE!, I Lirq trenchee. UIIDERFLOOR PLUI,E ING & MECIIANICAL : ?o be na.d.e prior to installation of floor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAI|: To be nade prLor tofriiilTfildof floor insulZtion ot decking. ROUGH PLU,EII]G, ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No uork is to be couez,eduntil these inspections haoe been nade and approued, FIPEPTACE: PrLor to placirg faeingma.tetials and. before froning inepeb-tion. FRAI.IIIIG: ttust be requested after approuaL of rough plwnbing, electpi- eal & neclnnical. AIL roofizry bracing & ehinmeys, ete. rntst be cotrpleted. Ilo uctk is to be con- . cealed until this inspectton has 'been made anC approueT. DRWALL fNSPEtrr)N: Tcdfi4idT@uatT;s in but prior to any tapins SI?E INSPEC?ION: To be nwde after e.rcauation, but pt"tor tc set up of fomns. UNDERSLAB PLAMBING, ELECTRICAL & WCHI-\|rCAL: To'be na.de befoie any .twk ie eotseted. TNSULATTON/VAPOR BARRTER IIISPECTIOTI :Io be nade aftet, aLL insulaticn alzd required uapor boriers @e in place but before ory lath, Wpsltn baarC ot, tnLL co,tering is applied, and. beforeay insulation is concealed- OR Sanitary saser eapped at propertg Lir.e Septic tank Vatped ard fi.Lled trtth gz,atel Pinal - hlten abctte itens aye ccrnoleted and uhen d.qnalition i.s conrplete'or stzuc- ture noued and. pz,enriees cleaneC up. Le Hcnes Blocking otd Set-:tp Plunbing connectiane -- saiey otd uater be nade p'Laee, MAS1NRU Steel beans, gzouting aeeordorce ryLth 24L5. Location, bond oz, oez,ticals in U.B.C. Section WOODSTOI,/E: 6npf;teA. After ins talT-a.tion ie CURB & APPR1ACH APPON: After fornsue erecteC but prior to pouring cone?ete. SIDEWALK & DRf',WAI: Por aLL con- Electrieal Ccnneetion - Bloeking, set-ua ard plwnbing connecttons mist be apprcued before z,equeating electrical inspectiol Aeeessory BuilCing Einal - After pcrckes, skitting, decks,etc. are eonpleted. crete pcuittg uithin street right- of-?eA, to be maCe after aLL eaea- ttating conplete & forn wrk & sub- base matertal in pl.ace. FTNAL PLUIIAITIG FINAL IIECHAIIII1AL FTIIAL ELECTRTCAL ?ENCE: ta4ten eomplate -- ProuiCe gates on nooable sections thz,ough P.A.E. ALL project conditions, such as the i.nstallation of stl,eet t7ees, eonpletf,on of therequited LanCsecping, etc., rmtst be satisfied before tke BUILDINb FI!iAL can be z.equested. ?INAL BUfLDfNG: The Final Building Inspection mtat be z,equested aftez, the Final PlunbirqElect,ical, otd Mechanical fnspeetions hqre been nad2- ird'ipprirrnd. Ir *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANCUTS MUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEI]? To 3E I,ITIDE IT No COST To CI?y l--t Na,t u tr AccessDTI!cuse Lot Faces - North uz5t East %'Fire South llest <// ITE14 SQ, FTG x Value Main Csaae Carport Accessot u ,A- v,*A.@-o'o TOTAL VALUE (DcLue)S.D.C. 7.5 c n-+- D-:5. Signed: aP tt? Building Penlrit Iotal nh.rges State Plumbing Permit No person slnLl consttuct, instalT-, alter oz, elwnge anA ned cr ecisting plurnbing or drainage systan in uhole oz. in part, unless such person is the Legal possessot, of a oalid phtrnber's Lieense, escept that a pe"son mag do plwnbing uork to p?operty ahich is oaned, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. -"5 N0,FEE L tlAlllJL Seuer Ftbhres Resid.entia.L (1 bath) 6e c9Plwnbing Pernrlt State Electrico I Perm it Where State Lan reqtires th.at the electtical uork be done by an Electrieal Contractor, the eleetrical portion of thio permit slnll not be uali-C until the Label lns been signed by the Eleetuical Contz,acto!. Na,t/Ertend Circuits Tantpct oy Set uice era, CD ?otaL rTlM NC.FEE CIIARCE 4 Mechq nicol Permit khanet HooC Hcodstoue Vent Pa Pemdt fssucnee Mechanical Pez.nrt t -- ENCROACIIMEN? .- Seeuritu Deposit Storage I4aintsnance Pemit Cutbcut Sida,salk !ence El-eett ical Iabel Wb H*"4.aeq/5*oru-u #.zS,/fi>, 7a>2a 5-2f, Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Couenage_ # of Stortes Total Eeight Topogtaphy TotaL soLAR AeJ:EsS REQ.-L-co d L Bedtoons: LOT TWE _ Intez"iot' _ Corner _ Panhan-d.Le Cul-de-sac lleat Receipt #: Building Vqlue & Permit This pennt t is granted on the erpress condition tLwt the said. eonstmtctionslnll, in a,LL respeets, conforn to the Ordirwnce adopted by the City ofSprtngfield, including the Zoning Cvdinance, z,eguLating the ccnstmtbttcn and.use of buildtngs, otd may be suspend.ed oy reookeC at cnA time upon ui.c- La.tion of qnA prcuisions of said Oydinances. f HAW CAREFULLy |XA\IINED the contpleted applLcation for perrnit, aad. do hereby cet,tify that aLL infolrnation hereon is true and eotz,eet, anl. I futtker cet,tify that ang ard aLL uork perfor-ned stnll be done in accot- dance ttLth the ordinences of the City of SprtngfieLd, and. the Lc;s of the* State of )regcn pertaining to the uotk Cescribed hetein, end tlnt N0 )CCU- PANCY ttll be tade of any st"uctute urithout permission of the Building Di-uision. I further certify that only contractot's and enplcyees uho are in conplianee uith )RS ?01.055 uiLL be used on this proiect5as,4mre> fu 3 e-e;ae--7,?- 45 ,@p 5 aF,Par> .7 ./5su rr.c€ . ,TOTAL AITOUN? DUE:*/6?.2€ 71 ,*44^- 3 2J o JOB NO. Ccraq€ ltltt /1/.4^ -ADDRESS_1382 N 33RD ST DESCR:SINGLE WIDE MOBILE HOME _OWNER_ ROGER MUELLER 2837 FRIENDLY EUGENE, OREGON 97405 7 4L-437L -INFO- NEW RESIDENTIAL 11_50 BUILDING DIVISION JOB# 9, 06 -LEGAL-LOT BLOCK ACTIVE 9.75 r_5.00 L5.00 t-5.00 1_05.00 90032 90032 90032 90032 9003 2 6349 6349 6349 6349 6349 _VALUE- 800 WIR POK POK IO NOTOK POK OK NOTOK NOTOK POK IO OK OK OK OK L70230340530L 900326 / 96030s -ENERGY- -STATS_HEAT]-_FE 2_ 1 BLDG ZONE LDR H2O- E STORIES FLOODPLAIN NRANGE-E BEDRM OCC GRP R3INSULATION ]- UNITSPATH- SQ FEET CONST TYPE -CONTRACTORS- GENL- CONTRACTOR PHONE- PLMB_OWNER ELECT-OWNER MECH- DESGN- QUAD AREA SEQ-REQUIRED PERMITS- -------FEE--SURCHARGE--DATE-_RECPT--CAT-__----VALUE OO].-OO].-PLAN CHECK FEE OO2-OO2-BUILDING PERMIT OO3-03].-M H PLUMBING OO4-032-M H ELECTRICAL OO5-01-7-M H SET UP OO1-0s5-FINAL SET-UP 002-002-FoorrNG 003-002-FoorrNG OO4_024_WATER LINE OO5-OO3-FOUNDATION OO6-OO3-FOUNDATION 0 07-01-4-SPECTAL OOB_024-WATER LINE OO9-OO3-FOUNDATION 0l_0-002-FooTING 0t_L-002-FoorrNG 012-014-SPECIAL 013-01_4-SPECTAL OL4_OL4_SPECIAL 015-014-SPECIAL O].6-014-SPECIAL 017-014-SPECTAL O1B-014-SPECIAL 0l_9-01_4-sPEcrAL O 2 O_01.4_SPECIAL O 21.-014-SPECIAL 022_OO 3-FOUNDATION 023_042-ROUGH ELECTRTC 024_052_MOBILE HOME ELEC NO MOBILE MOBILE SET N.W. CORNER TOO ILL, NO PROGRESS THIS MONTH ??? UNABLE TO DO WORK, DO TO ILLNESS TOO ILL TO WORK THIS MONTHIN HOSPTTAL/NO WORK DONE TO ILLIHTRING TO COMPLETE WORKIN VETS HOSPITAL EVERY OTHER WEEK NO WORK DONE ASTHMA IS TOO BAD THIS MONTH WILL TRY NEXT MONTH CANNOT WORK-TOO MUCH POLLEN IN AIR STILL LOOKING FOR LOW INCOME HELP STILL VERY ILL ON BREATHING MACHINE ALL MONTH TOO ILL TO WORK THIS MONTH TOO ILL, LOOKING FOR CONTRACTOR NORTH SIDE FOOTINGS OK 3l-3t- 31_ 3t_ 3t_ 0.00 0 .75 0.75 0 .75 5 .25 0 800 0 0 0 SEQ-MINIMUM INSPECTIONS + REQUIREMENTS-- --EXP DATE---ACT DATE- OO1.-O5O-MOBILE HOME SETU OO2-052-MOBILE HOME ELEC OO3-o53-MOBTLE HOME PLUM OO4-05s-FINAL SET_UP 900827 SEQ--TNSPECTIONS -COMMENTS------- -----DATE---RSLT--INSP 900827 91_ 0 2 01_ 9L0226 91-0326 9LO425 91_0s 2 8 91092s 9l-l-0 2 8 9LLL26 9LL206 9t_l_230 920L27 920302 920331- 92 05 01_ 28 38 38 2B 3B 38 23 2B 3B 38 3B 23 23 23 23 920602 0K 23 920629 0K 920730 0K 23 23 920828 92 r- 0 0l_ 92LO29 9211- 1_8 92tLL8 9 2111_ 8 OK OK OK POK IO IO 23 23 23 3B 50 50 0 2 5- 01- 4-SPECTAL O 2 6-01.4 -SPECIAL 027 _O ].4-SPECIAL O2B_01.4-SPECIAL 029_OT4_SPECIAL O3O-014-SPECIAL 031-O]-4-SPECIAL 032-O]-4-SPECIAL 033-O]-4_SPECIAL O 3 4-O ]- 4-SPECIAL 0 3 5-01- 4-SPECTAL 036-102-].BO DY EXTENSION -RY ILL, WILL TRY & POUR N] MONTH PROGRESS THIS MONTH TOO ILL TO WORK THIS MONTH TOO ILL TO WORK THIS MONTH TOO ILL, TRYING TO SELL HOME HAS BEEN IN HOSP FOR 2 MONTHS STILL ILL - NO WORK DONE THIS MONTH NO WORK DONE THrS MONTH, TOO rLL VERY ILL, STILL TRYING TO SELL NO PROGRBSS, COULD NOT WORK BLOCKING UNDER SLIDE OUT SICK, WILL COMPLETE BLOCKING 92L228 9301_28 930329 930429 930525 93 0 81-0 930827 940 3 04 9407 29 950328 950329 960 3 05 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK NPRG 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 59 59 AGREEI{EI\IT I, Roger Muellerr €rf, applying for a building permit to site a mobile home on property located at 1382 N. 33rd Street Assessor's Map* 17-02-30-34, Tax Lot 5301). I plan to live at the existing house on the property until the mobile home is delivered and made habitable. I intend to then move into the mobile home and convert the existing house to a shop. I agree to bring the house located at 1382 N. 33rd Street into compliance said house vill not be used as a dvelling unit after the granting o occupancy for the mobile home by the City. , i. ffi g., nal )J () te r SPFlINGFIELD clTY-oF', DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (50s) 726-s75s FAX (503) 726.s689 November 4, 1993 Ms. Clara Evans P.0. Box 25 Svisshome, 0R 97480 Re: Property Located at 1,382 North 33rd Streetl Assessor's Map 17-02-30-34, Tax Lot 5301 This letter is in response to your phone call of November 2,1993. The zoning of the above referenced property is Lov Density Residential. This is the City's single-family residential zoning district. 0n1y one dvelling unit is permitted on each lot in this zoning distriet, except for corner l-ots vhere duplexes may be alloved if these lots are 6,000 square feet or }arger in size. The above referenced property is not a corner lot and only one dvelling uni t is permi t ted. The above referenced property is currently ovned by Roger Mueller and contains a 1,976 mobile home and a house. Mr. Mueller obtained a building permit to place a mobile home on the property in 1990. At the time of the issuance of the building permit he signed an agreement vith the City stating that the existing "... house vould not be used as a dwelling unit after the granting of final occupancy for the mobile home by the City.rr A building permit usually lasts for 180 days and may be extended if certain conditions are met. Mr. Mueller has been in iII health for quite some time and has not been able to complete the siting of the mobile home. Through his attorney, Mr. MueIIer and the City reached an agreement to keep the permit active if he contacts the City every month concerning his progress on the building permi t. If you decide to purchase the property, a permit vould be required from the Building Division for the completion of the mobile home setup. In addition, the existing house would have to be converted to a shop as required in the agreement above. If you have any other questions concerning this issue, please call me at 726-3777. S ince M. I(arp Planner III AI"I"OIINEYS AND COLJNSLLOIiS n l'i-n\(/ NIlLO R. MI:Cl IAM 400 SOLJTH PAIIK BL,ILDInUG IOI LAST BRONDWAY EUCENE, OR 97{01.3114 COITRESPONI)IlNCI]: I:O. UOX I 1620 ItuoiiNE, cR 974.111-1820 'lELEli ION[: (5C]) 4S5-022c FACSIMILE: (503) 636-6564 February 11, L991- Cindie Mott Development Servj-cesCity of Springfietd 225 Fifth Street Springf ie1d, oR. 9 7 47'7 Re : Rogez: I{uel ler . Case # 9103 6 Dear Ms. I{o"t: This }etter will confirm the aqreement reached between the Ci+.y of Springfield and Roger Mueller concerning the property Iocated at 1328 North 33rd Street, Springfield Oregon. The lccation at 1328 North 33rd Street was visited by abuiiding inspector on Friday, February L, 1991. As a result ofthis reinspection by your building inspector, whon we understand was Tom Marks, you have determined that Mr. MueIler has not allowedhis building permit to expire. Your inspector was abl-e to observe evidence that Mr. Mueller has not abandoned work on the proposed i-nstallation of a rnobile home at 1328 North 33rd Street. H,.-IRAN G I-ONG \TATKiN --)N ARNOLD & LAIRD, PC. As a result of this inspection, you have agreed thatMueller stil} hol-ds a val-id building permit. For that reason,have also determined that Mr. Mueller is not in violationSection Lra.A20 of the Springf ielC psrTglopnont Ccde. Mr. you of Mr. Muel-l-er has agreed that he will continue work at L32BNorth 33rd Street on a regular basis, to the extent that his health and his finances will- permit. Mr. Mueller has also agreed that hewill call for an inspection every 30 days, whether or not any rrork has been done. l4r. Mueller understands that an inspection of thefootings is necessary prior to any further additions of concrete. IvIr. Mue]ler has not changed his intention of ending his projectwith only one residence on the property. During the course offuture inspections, Mr. Mueller will, to the extent that it is necessary, ident.ify with the building i-nspector what. specific stepswiIl be necessary to satisfactorily complete the project bytransfcrning the current house into a non-residential use. OITFICES AI-SO IN S^l,lllr.l A\:l) ltosll8ulto IjnRR. I LoNG WaTrINsoN ARNoLD & La i, P.C. Cindie Mott February LA, i99a Page Two Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. We are pleasedthat it has been resol-ved successfully for al-I parti-es. Sincerely, ,'), /4/1) -,/z Milo R. Mecham cc: Rog:er MueIler Ofl:iCI)S Ai-SO lN SAt-liM r\ND itOSliULJIiC