HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-03-04..RESIDINTIAL.. zzs North rro rro""APPLicATr0N/PERI4rr SprLngfield, 7regon g?4ZZ Butlding Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFIEL.D as ?% ) s.oo ,GO /5. LO ict-o-dA J Siqred ,*c- Date: 3 -q^ 8 3 "f/. iob Locaticn:a8s n./7 Aasessore ,Vao ll )?os bt # Subd.l.u") s;-ca: };ner:G.8s- Phone > /7'{t ct 7 7 .ldd:ess veo9. '(r-t*uC re&*,-, f 7@1"^rJt*..,*- - Descibe h,ork: AC.d,iticn Date of Applicat 83 l-l /4a-r-.o, vatue 4 /oo , CeaeraL 6-<-,t-^r<,2-' tfntl nD t.^tE^ Sanilary seset cap;ped :t Wcpetz- Line Septte tank p-.czed zrL fillei ."rith gtaiei. lincl - lthen abcue itens ee ecnciecei dnd. xhen TancL--;iozt is ecn:Lele br s:z:i:-tute naueC ai tpen--ses cleaned u:. Le -icnes tsLocking otd. Set-tp Plwbing connecticne -- s€1te! d. actet Electrical Ccnnectiott - Blcckin4, set-u, anti plunbing eonneeticns r;st bb rppro"*ed. b e i'o r e re que s t.Jn4 e ?. ec : ri cal insc e c : io,,: Accessotg Euiliitq Eina.L - Aftcr:cnekes, skiz,ting, dec2-s,etc. @e ccnclelad. !a22 : Or ': Consjrr.ticr_-Le*kr to be nade aftetpricr tc set uo of your CitA Desigra.ted Job lhtnber fs:g3 //3 ,/ ?o h ia the Jron thetBuiUitg t respotsibi-Lilu of ttr peott! hotd,* io see tlet-al'|, inspection:t @e tlad,e at )he ptoper tL,tt€, that aach aC,rnesa is rea4abiestreet,, ad:hax the ?e]rdt catl. ie Lxated at the;.rcnt of the iooetat.' )iuiciot qVror:ed ptatt sitcll yeaain ;;-t; E"liil."i' sii"'Lt.f,tt',#,2;:' P!?oclDUPE F1R rltsP'c?rc\l Elqwsr"CALL 726-3769(recotder) state yout, city cesigra,ted job nmber, job ac&ess, type of instec=icnrequesxed at:i u'ten tcu ;tLL cb reaiy fon inspecci"n, ciio"ti""-on a-zets r,ane Lrd pLane n;;rtbet,. pequests receited befcre 7:0c ;tlZL be naae the sdte icy, ,"qr"""i'^l*i;;,ii* z:co qn viLL be,*;;;l:.;;L:;;"i:,;.rt;r. -1 uilprRcpott:tp ?lu!.!?llg+_gryi2_.r.4i:i" t],-J lirq crenci,ee. uJtpFPta11:q ?li.B1tc 4 :4tCxAnrcAL, B+i;€pps1II|?::o ce mace p"acr to tnscallation of tr r.\cc,roleled. ftoon ineuktian or Ceeking. - -\ l0ST AilD 3EA!,1: Tc be r.ade prJot '-oinsxalZanicn of floon irsuia.tic-n ot Ceeking. F.jilc:l ?!I!e!:!G. lazc:pICAa I :.ttci-).iliil.L:ffi utttil these inscec:iors hate beernaie crd. zootcu'ed,. F!?ZPL.ACI: Pm)ar to pi.ccirg fccl.ngncserials cd. before ircrir4 insoee- .qRA.llI)lC: l4ust 3e rec.uested afler ap_o_nou,;L oi rcttgh plw:bing, electrj-cal I nechanica!. ALI rcoi-Jrg bractng E ehitttneys, etc. rtsc- be . cottrpleted. llo .;crk is to be con- . cecied until this insoee:icn ha,s'beet nade cni appto,-ed. CAfi E APPRCACI! APPCN: Ai'tet fontsae eyeeteC but prior to potn4,rq conc"ete. SfDgWLLK & DR[,,TIAI: For aLL ccn- crece pavirq aixh.:.a street rLsht-of-lai, tc -be naCe aft,-2, a7-! Ltea- uatino conolete & fotn ,,:ork & sub- base rcterial in place. cr?c J:rcDt-'.rr. escarratwE; forms, uilDgRSLAS PLUt,EIyc, ZLic?lIC,1.r. a;.ttcilt;!ics@n,t t,rork is ecueted.. PCOT3C , lOUltDAliClt: lo be ::aCe - aiaer i?eic/les are escanated arti fcraa. cte erecteC, but pic? topourtr,4 ccnctete. requl.ted uqor berieta ee ia olaeebat beJbre ay Lath, Wp&n bcazC crrnLL couering i,s cpplied, crd. beioteoty insuktion is cotzcealei. DRYiA-LL illsPlctfg)t: Tc be reCeafter aLL irguall is in olace,but prior co cny iaping. I4ASC!|P!: Steel Location, bond beans, gzouling ot uerticcls in accordorce ,.nth U,ts.C. Section 2415 . After installatiozt,)s r II FITIAL PLU\,ISI:IO FI;IAL :4EC.|AIICAL ?TilAL ELECIzIC;L IZNCE: Hhen eonplete -- ?roviie gate6 o? novable aections thtough P. U. E. nu^) '{p hr- .ALL !'tAllHcLZS AttD cLEAilours lltls? BE ACCESJTtsL|, .4DJUST:E:I! ?o 3e:.!t,DE !'-? !:o::sr:c cry K CArrr\J\t^^ffi[A p,r-ror]"UAr-r {- hE+^Il"* ALL pt'oiect eatdiiions, ;uci as the :-nsrallacton cf sareet ttees, :c-=!exior. cf ::hercquired Lattd.sccpitg, cte. , tnust be satzsi;-ei belore the SUiiDI:ic l!|iAL =cn be reges;ei. PI\IAL BUILDMC: Tne Fi.ncl Building Inspection nust be ?equested zller tV.e iir-al Pltnbingllectrical, oti llechanical insoections }tlue been nade ard'c=ercoac. :{ -/ r) ( *loss r tr ?zee 2 I JoB No. g3 SOLAR. -CESS REQ.- Ccta:ancu Crotl L-CO G+ tsedtcons Date Paid: Reeeipt H Mechqnicol Permit r -1 c- :r-&u r.<. L 't 7 cf Lct iaserage_ ! of Stor.es ?otal ileiEht fopog"qnq Plumbing Pe{tit ?otal Aances PermLt Issuance Mech,anicel Per,r'Jt Plumbing Permit No ?eteon slall constt'"uct, inslall,- alter. ot ehaage-atty nea.cr et;'sting oltntbitto c? drainaqe "i"tL, in ,siwie or in port, unless such person is the iZi:it"'io"-t}";;-;7; uLlii pt*inr's Ltc.ense, &3"pt that a ?etso-,nax d3 ptGa;ig xork to propnit'g ihi"a i" otmed, Leased or apez'cted by bhe d??Li'- @rtt. Electricol Permit We?e State La,t requires tlnt the electr')cal aork be do,ne by -an Eleetrtcal contt:actor, the elictrtcal porlion of thia Termit slnll not be ualic until the Label ius been signed by the Electr"tcal Contractor. lnerou SourcesLot laces - .ieat itouae ,,-e"dae Aceess 'r/d.te" iaaieL)r .tange rLEasi South ilest P Building Vqlue & Permit Thispeni.tisglanted,ontheeaptesseond.iiicntt,atthesaid.conettwccionit tt', ln ail t'Zsoects, confcrn'to th-e lrdinance tdop.ted i2iy the Citl ci ip*':""g1':nla, .n"'-,rctng'tiL':L"""g CrCinallc.o-, regtlcti.t'g ike ecns,t-:te-l:-":.,^ ""a "o'" oi Lutlciings,- and ney ce suspe,aeC or reuckec 'at cr'! t"12 'i2'n uLc' Lat.on c7' 'ny prcutsioas cf seiC Criirances' -- Eees -- JQ.;:}TaLue a^6'f .,,.1,f1):.1L i4rAa s. D. c. State ?o+-al Cl.age3 x CAPGE ?uild"Jng ?ennt liit:res 1es*iztrtia.L (1 bath) 3a,itanJ Seuer ',lcre! ,| \..?:i0 1es. So, ftc Nau/Eztetd Circtits larpcray Sentice ,-t: 1 ca,:1!;4 7.ttr-tce 2TU I S *l@lst :laoC Vent lot llcocistoie //{,oo /f.eo ,ae ii-uo -- a.lc.a_AL.a.1::.i - -- : ect?..De=oeit Tctal Ctarees ZT.ectrtcal Iabel FLan i:cnittet,Date I HAW CAREFULU SLAyllED tle com.oleted aoplica'tion ior petnit' cnl da hereby certify tlnt aLL i,nfo:natibn herecn Ls t?ue ar-C. can'ect, anL f farth-er cett,-j'y that any ard. aLL ;ork periotned shalL be done it accor- dance ttLth the- 0rdintncbs of the City of Springfield, and' lhe Las of the State of 1regcn periainino to the uo?k Cescy'ibcC herein, crd. tirct ll0 1CCU- ?AIICI uitl b-e ,rpZe of atzy structura uithout penrJaaion of ihe 1uilding D.i- oision. I further ienii3 that otly contTactcrs o;-d. e:tplcyec-s ai"o ate tn cazpl:lance uith CRS ?01.055 aiLL be used cn this ptoject Storaoe i|alnterctte Pet-nLt Sile,salk TCTA! )u"lOUltT DUE:l it,00 )iobile ilme t _ Izierict _ Corae" _ Panitaraile _ Cul-cie-sac t.//