HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fire Damage Report 1982-09-28FD-l6 FIRE DAMAGE REPORT OR ELECTRICAL HAZARD DATE ? r/.{? TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Bu'il d'i ng Depa rtment Springfield Fire Departrent Structural Damage to Building I Address or 'location of buildi ng < ? f 33e Name of ou,ner *\ /'ner ,4 , *l//'so Type of building Estimated value of building Estimated loss to building 11ing, Store l^larehouse, etc .id 2o ) Date of fire q-dtr-?^ Location of damage in bu'ilding Tl*, ^ rr--/' (Roof, L,Jall, Exterior, Interior, etc.) Structural weakness as a result of the fire Auf -) o l.L, (Burned rafters, Beams, "lgists, etc. ) Additional pertinent'information Electrical Hazard n-*1-. o (l,Ji ri nq , 0utl ets , etc . ) ( dur,ESjqned r , STATE OF OEEGON FIBE REI IT OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSEAL l. CitylFire Districto 2. Address of Incident County o LA ISO Class No. o zip.qzLia-Dept.(3. Date of Alarm: Mo.o Dayo Yr. o Day of weekoTt]E-Hour of Dayo 9143 How Reported. AtARAltbuE- 4. Occupant and/or Business Name 5. Where was occupant at time of incident Property Operating:r Yes X No -6. Name of Owner Elaee L. ELLrs,ott Address tt57 -tJ -33'Telephone No.-t47-49,+t ?. Fixed Property 11sso ?t,rELLt4/' Property Complexo (l-Family dwelling, tavern, open lot, street, etc. ) Mobile a (Multi-use ecupancy) Takeno I E(fixiGUtstJ^1 Et-f, R.R. ca, mobi.le home, ctc.) 8. Type (Fire,explosion,(Extlngulshed lLe, lnvesttgalion,rescue. IlEt aid, washdown, etc.) DO .{OT rN THIS SPApr R5: V FrRE DEPT ' sf 8'l -/3o5 colfTRoL.NO. (It ALI\RM NO. Date Time and Location of Alarm or Incident A. .MOBILE PEOPERTY INFORMATION Make Model Serial No.License No. & StateYear 9. 10, 11 t2. 13. 14. No. of Preconnects Used: lYz".oI-2Y2". 15. Mutual Aid:o Given - Received - Name of other.Depts. Used No. and Size of Ladders 16. Time Back in Service Tota] Timeo iotal Wall Framing u)Floor Construction Exterior Finisho u)Roof Construction Manhours Floor Coveringo ?ax)" aeaE Roof Coveringr M*au17. Approx. BIdg. 18. Interior Finish tge. ).. u) 19. Ground Area Ft a 20. Floor or Level of Origin'l{ Number of Storieso 21. Closest Point within 22. Equipment Involved(List ZJ Twne of Material renited o * Cloth Form of Material Ignited o *Linseed oi I soaked cloth-"- tt .p. 96, Ilammable liquid, plywmd, grN, cotton fabric, etc.) (INulation, exterior sidinS, dut, clothing, mattress, etc.) Room of Origin o * Garaoe 'Room :t Center/Flcclrievel at NW corner of interior store Isnition. -- Form of Heat of Ignitiono'k Spontanerrus ignition ariy type of htng., prcesmg, mechanical or elec. equipment invotved) (Spark, match, elec. ilc, friction' etc.) :k 0wner placed a drop clotlLin area of oriqin/a carbonlzed cl inker. tvoical (Brief statement of circmstances or actloE cauing fir: Child playirA wlth fire, themostat failed, pillow on bseb€rd heater, et4.) detectiono Time to control or blackout fire Most Probable 24. Ignition Factors. ne 25. 26. 27. Estimated time burned before Description of fire on arrival action before arrival Year Make 28. Extent of Flame' Model No. Extent of Smoke .Aeen AealrJ Gar.ncc: (Contined to object, r@m, fl@r, building)tA)tOE.JAl 30.ExtentofWateroamage@ExtentofFireControlDamage(Confined to object, r@m, fl@r, buildlna) (Conftned to obj . BLla Control Stageo 5,lac 'l J*'o- ect, r@m, fl@r, buttdira) (Overheated, moulder, Ilme) features, or protection deficiencies contributing to fire spread NcS CeqeCd Da \, atr Flauu neL€ |4ATEPtAt-. to object, r@m, floor, 31. Describe contents and structural ilp*v4 F<teL toa4 Extension - Weather - fnvesti'o =Yr-H,tP 7l-qq. 32. If fire extended beyond original occupancy give address * to oickuo outslde 33. Foreible Entry Used: Yes - No X Door V/indow 6+ho. - 34. Estimated lVind Velocity t) 35. Pictures taken: Yes MPH Direction Weather Condition Lr ?nnt No -- By Whom 7.il-NeusQnte 36. 37. 38. Date How Reques66 Prtaui IB-A lE-ll ta-D r,-Alr,-rrl sr ct cm zo-A 20-H zz-A 2Z-B 7!3-A :z;lt-H z4 z5 28-A 28.8 30-A 30-B 30-c 35 37 El,l-4{}-10 (R 6-?91 z2 23 (Beport Continues on Back) By Whom 38 40 sPca9r52-€l{ Telephone No. of Situation Foundo Yes X No t r-! Detection and Alarm 39. Fire discovered by whom OLJ lJ L-.{Address 40. Alarm transmittal delayed:r Yes - No )( If yes, why? 41. Detectors present in bldg:' Yes - No X f., area: Yes Telephone No. No - Type of detectors (Smoke, heat, etc., and syEtem or slngle station) Activated:' Yes - No -- If no whY? Did detectors alert occupants: Yes -- No - If no why? 42, Auto sprinklers present in bldg.: . Yes - No - In area: Yes - No - Type of system Sprinklers activated: . Yes - No - If no why? 43, No. of heads opened . - Did sprinklers control fire:' Yes - No - If no why? (Partial, complete, deluge, ctc.) 44. W'as automatic to Fire a Local Watchman 46 47 48 53 54 55 56 17 58 59 60 6r 63 64 65 66 Casualties and Da 4b. Number of Deaths: Civilian. - Fireman . - Number of Injuries: Civilian ' - Fireman o - (rf is indicated, complete Casualty Report - Form l0-C) 46. Estimated value of building'0 (Building only) . s *l4,QQ0 Oa)o Title Contents and Equipmerrl o 6 'k8 r 000 . . Other o $= tt 5, 190(ltems within bldg.) (Prop. outside ol bldg.) 47. Estimated Loss to Building 48. Amount of Insurance: Buildingo 49. Inzurance Agent 50. Adjuster Signed by Contents and Equipmento a & Contents and Equipment.c J-1. Address 2-Q17 u) t L/.*4;u>t F Eue?elephone No.343 -54/t .Co's rt)Date z-:r 45-D43-B 45- It-40 USE THIS SPACE AND/OE SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT FOR ADDITIONAL NARRATIVE OR OTHER INFORMATION \6. 0ther2 1979, 80FLH Harley Davidson Motorcycle = $3,500. serial #3G-226-31 H 9 1963, 55cc Honda Motorcycle = 400. 1974, Ford P i ckup, Ore GHE 044 = 2,1+A0. * Changes and Additions by:n, /r-.o,/ z/ rlfr*t.f";* i"t"t, -r#.-m" ttr," i sP.59152-814 ( q5-LIl-A qz-F sz-t)44 45-A (* (