HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-04-02.. RESID^\TIAL.. APPLICAIz.tN/PERIIIT 225 North Sth Stz'eet Springfield, )r'egon 97477 BuiLding Diuision tt ZO-d / DA rob Locaticn, S tl N AS.J spnzffutd OtL Recei SPFIINGFIELD- 0^r-\ '-/ --rAesessote Map #1a *tbdiuision: Plurnb i- I,lechanic Ias lot #a- rl'I^-o OtJ Date: Iour Cifu Desigr'ated Job Nunber Is:Qcoz tl \t.iJc\\ It io the reepoto.ibility of the permtt holder to aee that aLL inspectiotts ee nade at the propet tin€' that 24sft t4ipsss is reaiabi-e frat tlte at?eet, and tllat the p*nrtt catd ia located at lhg frcnt of thg,ptaperty--*Sui!di.W bioision approxed pT.an.slnll remain on tlp Buildinq Sitc at aLL tines. 1ROCEDU1E FOR INSqECTIOU ASQW:S!tCaLL 726-3769 (recorder) state youz, City designated iob nzonber', iob aCi.ress' laee- 9f inspec=i-^cn nadgfol,inspection,contraeta"sirasners-ttaneZndp7anenumbel,.P'equest8receiuedbefcre7:00an:'iil be nade the edle dag, ?equests ncde aftet ?:00 an mLLL be rade the nest:mtking day- Blocking otd Set-uP P|,unbir4 ccnt'tectiona '- aa)e! od uater Eleetrical Ccmnection' Bloektng' eet-uc . and olwnbinq connections tast be dP?Tctea b; A"i " reqiesting eleclrLcal insp ecli'ot Accessor.; BuilCing Pi.nal - After pcrehes' skirting' decks' etc. @e conPleled' A*ter: ll -rg cloAddtess:Phone 7 7/zip: Additian {'-'rtoB VaLueDate of Deseri.fu l,lork: t- tli D "^r^'.;F Jl ,^4._rC,()LA ,!*FA eLtt'Cct {-{*IleIzt1t tra tors General ectr -2{Lc-c-- 7(olL S c 1an <-ec t,: Pemti,ra,l SI?E INSPEC?I1N: To be tmde after %caodon'ffi prtar tc set uP of fonns. K7l TNSULATT)N / v APO R BARSIER-.!!LE!E!!p!:txt - rnauar.ed ttapor batryiets ue in place bui belore ary Lath' wPslem bcotC or rnLL cbuering- is applied, and before atg insulatibn is concealed' |TAI DRYVALL TNSPECTION: TC bE MAdExW*Y;lofr'*""' SardtotU seser capped at pt'operQl Lire Septic tank par,Ted ann filled trith Szatel Pinal - tfiten abctse'Ltens are ecnpleted and uhen danolltiot is eonrplete o? stzac' tut,e moued artd. prenrLses eleaneC up' DEI.lOLIT UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. EL;ECIRI=CAL E WCW-\UAL,: To be nade before anY ffitZi-froered. x x I rnaCe atl. to ?o ttenclee, No these irxpec*ions hnue beer, IIAS1NRI: Steel Location, bond diffiigrouting or uerticals in a..orlddzo" LlLth U.B.C- Section 24L5. WOODSTO'IE: After installation ie @G4.. Hcmes "ffloor inauktion ot' decking' POST AND BEAM: ?o be made Pt"Lot' to ffiof floor insulation or d.ecking. ettRB & APPRCACI| APP.ON: After fonns 6e erecteC but Prior to Pourn'n4 conzrete. SIDEWALK q DRI'"FV4Y: For aLL eon- crete pansrrtq L)LtnLn st?eet t'ight- nf-tnu'. tu be maCe after aLL erca- iLtl"Z'"*,ptete & forn wrk & eub' base "rnaterial in Place'nade crtd aPProoed. FfP.EPLACE: Pt'Lot to plaeirq faeing ,";;;|ffi and befot'e franing insPee- ti,on. FRA!'IIIIG: t4ust be requected aftet' ffiiouit of rough plwrbing' .electnt'- HL & ^ec?n ica1. - AL! roofittg Lio"irrs & chinmeYs' etc' rntst be i*uioa. lto ubrk is to be con- .Z-nit"a until this inspection lns 'been nade anC aPProued' FIIIAL PLUIIBIIIG PINAL I,IECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRTCAL IENCE: h4ten conPLete -- PtouiCe'ffi o" io,table- eeetions tht'ough P.U.E. -.--ALL aro.ieet conditions *nqii n"d. LandsccPing' , suc!^. as the "1nstalla?:-on of s'-reet tlge-1.'^ co:nletlcn of the cte., rmtst on "otr"yrol';:';i";""1i;- BUTLDIIIc FrtiAL can be requested' X FINAL BUILDING: The Final auildiw Inspection mtet be requested after the linaL Pltttnbitrg 'ri)2"t,ZZii-'li ui'in",i"Zi i\i{'Zf i'i t-"" been made ard'apptoted' *ALL IIANT1CLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE'ADJUSTIIEN! TO BE I."4DE 11.T IIO CCST TO EITY Page 1 fl,rb, L, 6rtq orvt t N, :\3 I 7 ,,ourrn r"nu I JOB NO. Lot Sq. Ftg. % cf Lct Cooe?age_ # af Stortes lotal Height Topogrcphy ?otaL SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Crc u,/, Intericr Co?ner I'antlandLe CuL-d.e-sac ;) -- Fees -- L-co c Bedtoons Lot Faees - !!eat Wat Lace to"'e Caraqe AccessDfHouse North East South llest x Value TOTAL VALUE q S.D.C. L.5 x 67 o Date Paid:,/3 Receipt #:5.63 Signed: Building Vqlue & Permit This pernn t is granted on the espress condttion that the said constraction sLwLL, in all respects, conform tc the Crdinance cdopted 6:9 the City ofSpringfield, incl-uding the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnsttacticn cnd use of buildtngs, attd nay be suspended or reuokeC at cnA ti-me upon uic- l,ation of anA prcuisions of said Ordiranees. * Building Peynrit Iotal Cltangea State FEE CHARGE Fistutes Resil.enti.al (1 bath) oo ,75 /s.zs Plumbing Permit No pereon stnll constzttct, inetall., alter oz, cVwnge dnA net cr e*i.sting plwnbing or d.rainage systm in uhole or in port, unless such person is the legal possessor of a oalid plunber's Ltcense, ercept that a pe?son nag do plunbing uork to prope?t1J uhieh is otmed, Leased or operated by the qpli- eant. Plwnb[ng Petntt State Na,t/Eaterd Cipeuits Z €o Sez"uice o I 8e 7b3 Electricol Permit Wlet,e State Lan requiz,es tlnt the electtical aork be done by an Electrieal Contza.etor, the electr.Leal portion of this permit shall not be oalil untilthe label \ns been aigned by the Electrical Contracto?. Petmit oo NC F?D CIlARCE bTtant HooC /dro Vetlt Pot Hcodstotle ,7.' 5,7 * Mechqnicol Permit Peztnt t fssucrzee Meclnnical Permtt -- ENCROACHMEN? _ Permit Cutbcu! Sidewalk L Mobile Hotne T1TAL Ai4)uNT DuE: */301/ r HAw ,AREFULL, lxAnrNED the conpleted. appr.ication for perrnit, and. doherebs eertifu tn"t "1t-i"lJr-it;5;";Z;"i"-is ttue aruc eorteet, anc rfu?thet' eettifv that ang "i^ "!t iiri- p"nr"r-ed srnll be do:te in aceot_dance vith the ,ndinancZs of the cita ;f bp"L.yof1:Ji, .r,a*tiZ Lc:,:s of the* state of o,eqcn nerta'ining-'t. iiiiir"\eee,ibed her.ein, end. *nt No occa-PAttcv t'vizl be nace o7 orv" "trr",iirz-iiti)"t permission zf tie-su;tding Di-uision. r further .b"tt.fii tnii--;;1y';;;;ir"ctors and. enplcsees aho are inconpliance aith oRS ?01.b"ss ritt tn'uila ";-;h;;i"ziZ,"i"o""" II Fireptl ll ITEM Mai-n l<(-LtqT)j Cal,uo?t Accessoru PLan check Pee, 5 4t>"t-1 ,4n) /5ao Maintenarcc !ence