HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1985-01-07\ #" RESlbu-NTlAL" APPLICATION /PERIIIT 225 North Sth Stv'eet Springfield, )regon 97477 Building Diui-ston 7 26-37 53 SPRINGFIELD Iour Cifu Desigr,ated Job Numbez, fs Date General ELectrical Conslr,uclion_4ende! . Reatl'-na,1 It ie +-he responsibility of the penrit hoder to eee that all inspections ane nade at the prope" time, that each cdltess is reaCab'-e frotn the street, and, that the permtt eard ia |-ocated at the front of the propertu.*BuiT.ding D,iuicion approxed plan shcll retnain on the Building sitc'at aLL' tikes." PR)CEDUP\F04 INSPECTI)N.4IO.UEST:CALL726-3769(recorder) state youz, City Cesigrnted job ntmber, job aCiz.ess, tgpe of inspec=icn neQuested and ahen liou uiLL be ready for inspection, Contractcrs oi A,mers nane and pinne numben. Requests receit:'ed befcte- 7:00 c:,'tiLL be nade the sane day, requests nade after ?:00 on uyill be nade the neat totki$ day.a500tpcns e Hcmes Blocking otd Set-up Plunbing connectians -- sar)e? atd. aater Electtical Connection - Blocking, set-up ard. plwnbing eonnections rn;st be apprcted befot,e requesting eleclrical inspeelio,"t Aeeeseory BuilCing Piral - After pcrehes, skitting, decks,etc. are conpleted. Page 1 of 2 Job Locaticn: Assessot,s Map #Icz Lot # Sttbdiuision: Asner: Addtess M\ffid-10}tux- ICRD+'"ES_ a{"Additian R,,, Date of App Lication' RenoCel va.,ue.3?5 ? IlAechanical tnl u-4 forms. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & SITE INSPECTI)II: lo be nade after eccaoation, but pz"Lor tc set up of TNSULATT)N/VAPOR BARRTER iltSpFCTr)N : Io be made aftet, aLL insulaticn a:td reqwired uapoz, bmtiers @e in place but before otg Lath, Wpsum boarC or unLL coztez,ing is applied, and before ang insulation is concealed. DE\I)LTTIA\t 0R t10wi Sanitary seaer eapped ct properag* Lite Septic tank p;atped and. filled uith graxel linal - h\ten abette itens at,e cc,npleted arid uhen derncliti.on is cornplete or stnte- tttre noued and. prenrises cleaneC up. MECHtilircALa ro bi idiEefore any uork is cotset,ed. Pj1?ING & F)UNDATICN: Io be nwCe;p;;'Ams ate etcaated and forns ate erected, but prior to pout Lng ccnerete. 7 ulo*cpoulD pLuw_!!!tz lEwie_ !!!E&J Lirq trenchee. UIIDERFLOOR PLUTIBTNG & MECIIANICAL: o1 floor insuT.ation or decking. P0ST AND BEAM: To be nade pr.tot, toinstallatian of floor insulation oy decking. ROUGH PLANBTilG. ELECTRICAL & IIECH- ANfCAL: No uoy,k is to be co,-et,edffilTthese inspections haue been nade and approtted.. DRYWALL INSPECTf)N: ?c be made V1tezJnTT@aTTt s in pl.aee, but prior to cnA taping, TUSONRL: Steel Location, bond beans, gz,outing ot, oerticals in accordorce vLth U,B.C. Section 2415. Pyior to plaeirg and befot'e franing After installation is CURB & APPRCACH APPAN: After forrnsee erecteC but prior to pouz,ing concrete. SfDEIIALK & DRT',EWAY: For aLL con-c"et; pil@Atffi street right-of-teA, to be made after aLL exca- uating conplete & forn aoy,k & sub- base materLal in place. IENCE: h4zen complete -- ProoiCe gates or nooable sections through P.U.E. p wooosro,n: L,Al ecnrpleted. ETP.EPLACE:mat;iA;facing inspee-tion. ERA-\I:ING: lduet be requested after apptooal of rough plwrbing, eLeetr.i-cal & meeVtanical. AL! roofing bracing & chhtmegs, etc. rntst be eonrpLeted. llo ucz,k is to be con- , cealed until this insoection has'been nade anC apptooed. FMAL PLUMBIIIG FTNAL MECHANTCAL FINAL ELEC?RICAL ALL proiect conditions, such as the installation of street trees, con.oletion of tierequired Landscaping, etc., tmtst be satisfied befone the BUILDINC FMAL can be tequested.. n FrNAL B.urL_DrNct rh? Final Building. rnspection nilst be t,equested. after the tinal plmbing \_,/ ElectricaL, anC Meehanical fnspeetions ltque been mad,e and'approueC.r I *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOI]TS MUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTIIEIII TO BE I.I,4DE !,? I]O CCST TO CNY ( il r 7 ,rouorn uo n Pau^_ang\r:EOQ ,trNllONV 7V,LOJ 7D+o,1 ;3 z-/v% qoato,td s?111 uo pasn aq l1?a 990't0l SA0 4qta aauotTduoc u? arp o4a saaficTduo puo s.rolcDnluoa fr7uo +ctt+ fiJ?+,rcc aa4q,m! J 'uo?sao -tq buVpTtng a4+ Jo uoVss7.uaad +no41?a eanlcnals huo Jo apan aq yl?tt IcNVd -ncCO ON 4Dt4+ W, cuaa,ta4 paqubsap 4.ro& aql o1 0uTutcqaed uc1aag lo aqoqg a41 to srDI eq+ puo 'p7aV!6uVadg Jo fr+?C a4+ Jo sacucul.p,tg aq+ ul+ut aouDp -aoooD u? auop aq l7a4e pau:aojaad 4ao& X7D y"to fruo qoql frlVi"tao aaqqan! 7 pm '4caaaoo WD ann+ s,L uoa.ra4 uoVqout:otuV 77D +D4+ fitVqaac fiqaaaq op ptlD '+Vuaad ,roJ uoVqooz'1ddo papTduoc a1i7 OENilffXE LI,I1,IEWC 1AVH I aau?u.ort uold :pau51S saoo"tpag * # auov aT?qow TAQDft 7Dc.L,t7.oa7a acual 41Dc|aP?S +ncqfii1 +ytaad acuDuz4u?Dltl a0o,zoqg psbda-dy.t"tnoag _- ,TNENHCVOACNE -- 4Jd V T7J gEt 'cfi l!ullod lo)!uDrl)ow +?u.Iad TDoauD4caN eclDngsl 1tw,n4 aoolsPool! ?ooV ?efD4r't L@l luaA .t?,un ??.Do aq +ou rfi',"itrTf;o*,:0irtri2"",i71.2'r11,*1r:,i2'Zr;1"2733"r*r, 7Doa.r+aal7 uo frq auop aq 4noa ZDc?a+oa?a a4+ qa4+ sa,ztnbaa oDI alD+S anary I !tured lD)lrt)ol:l I TDlOJ alels s+1nca?O Wa+rg/aEN aoul4ras * a+D+g 4?udad 0u7.qum74 -?1ddD a4+ frq paqaaad.o no pasDal 'pau^.to s? 4o7qn F4aadoad oq 4aoa b"?5l.ff;d op fiow uos;ad D +D4+ 4daooa 'asuao1y s,aaqwnTd p?lDa D Jo "rossassod ToDaXa4+ s? uos,tad 4ons ssaTun 'q*od ut ,Jo a7o4o ut. uaqsfrs a0outo*p ,to k4qum7d buV7stza nc aau fiuc abuot1c no aa+iD .ilDqsul clonr+suoo 77otqs uosaad o1,1 trurrod oulg*nld aanas ?1DS (q+Dq. L) LDl?w?asaa sadn+xu a9uvH)gat ON NAJI eab,:a6 7o4o7 a+'v+s :aal +ul.Lrad )urplVng s 9't 'c'o's ENIVA '].VJOJ -cvouodnawzqnuc+D?a4oaan";"|Zfff"Xo,l""oi*'r\i'izLi;;ir:"TJt""i:,7 uc?+cr1,t+suco aqq Arry4oTnbaa 'acuDu?pa7 buluog aqq 5utpnToui ,p7a{bu.tadg Jo fr+?C a1+ ng pa4Copc aouDlt?p.tA aq+ o+ uttoluoo 'sqcadsa,t 77o u7 .77o4s uo?lcnf,lsuoo p?Ds aq+ TnF uo?71ryoc ssaad.&a alll uo paluoab st qauted sV47 l!urrad B onlon 6u;p1rng anTDA x NAiI lsa/,1 alolspook 11+,"7o5 acojdaaTtr +sDg. 1,l1aoil 'ssaoov a6o,to3 asnoH 1d s4oDq+as - saoDl 1o1 oDs-aP-14) aTWDUuDd -.lau.to3 -aoVaaqul -gdru ioI hqCaaSodoT l4bTaii 7oqo7 saVaoqg lo S e5oaaoca pl tc % '5+t .bs +ot *,c 03-1 -'O3u ss v uv'10s 'oN 80r 7 alpo saDJalc ?D+ol, ob,ruUc*ns a4fug (\ s.nLa aocu"o\l