HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1985-09-06" RES,DLIflA[., 22s North sth streeaPPLrcA?mil/PERMrr Springfield, Zregon LZ4ZZ Buildr,ng Diuision 7 26-37 53 1 SITE INSPEC?I)N: To be nade after J e-""urtf"", T;t pricr tc set ip of t ie lhe tesponsibili,ty of tlw pemrLt holl* to aee that aLL inspeettotts ee nade at the pto?e" ti,ne, that each ad.dress 'ts rea)a'^i"'"q tlo stteet, atd, tlwt the pernrit eard is Loeated at the fwttt of the property Suilding D,iticion approxed plan sltcll remain on tlu Building Site at aLL- t[mes- jonstmtction Lender ?)CEDUPE F1R INSPECTI1II REQUEST:CALL726-3769(yecotder) state Aour City Cesignzted job zquested and ahen gou uiLL be ready foz, inspection, Cont?dctcrs ot, )umers none cnd p'none '.LL be made the sane dcy, requests mcde after ?:00 an tiLL be made the nest wrkirg day. Iour City Desi.gr,ated Job Number Is: cor@rete. f,t^l^F. gates P,U.E. SPF',,VGFIELD AS ntonber,, job aCitess, type of inspec=icn nunbet,. Requests reeeixed befcre 7:00 c:i o B'l a utto1ncpou:to pt'uueruc.. sst"yz, vMIS' I opl.IttAGE: To be nade prLor to ILL- Lir4 ttenehes. "fTo be ma.de Prlor to Li fToor insulztion or decki'ng' ffiW. Aftet installation is CURB & APPR=141H APP,9N: . of!?:-,11*" ffi ereieC but Pniot to Pourlng ANDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & l,EcuLlttcl.r: To be made before any ffi7i-iasered. POOTING & FOUNDATICN: To be nqde M trffies are *catsated ard fortns are erected, but Prior to pout'Lng ccncrete. To be nade Pri-ot toPOST AND BEAIi:- - == : iinstaLLatton o,7 |Loor iwulati'on or decking' No uork to be been faeing LnSDee- tiort. TNSIILATTON /VAPOR BARRIER I|]SPICTION : io be made after aLL insulaticn a-d required oapot betiers @e in pl.ace but before ory Lath' Wpslon boa.t'C ot tnLL coueting i,s appli-ed, attd. before aty iraulati,on i,s concealed. DRYWALL INSPECTfON: Ic be made Mffi@trts.in ptnce, but pri-or to anY taq1,ng. LIASINRI: Steel Loeation, bond ilffilgrouting or vetti'eals i'n i""orldfr." LtLth u,B.c. section 2415. '#W#W; "Jfi","',1n1l-"^';:i;"'-'t, Le nace after aLL etca- 7"#""i ""*tete & fim wrk & sttb' base ncterLal in Ptace' When conPlete -- Protsi'de "i ii"i"iti "eetians tttt'oushlW':ff ii,1;:'ff:'::fs';:;"'cal & mectwnt'cao' ^"rii.--k"i tn bracirtq s."h'!"!i:r,n., ,o On "*-3#!i*i:ii;ffi;;;;" tle insta.Llati.on of s +nePi tTees, ii'e- eutr'DINC co:aletlcn -o! FI!\AL ean De tequested' filus t be sati's fi.ed befote the Fi-nal pLw".bine t'tte lhe Ei'nal I4eclaricaL -:=I un*t PLur4BIrlG ING t! lob Loeaticn:t S2{esessoys Mao #?c.t lpt # tubdioision: 3r 33r,043 Additicn RemoCeL Value Dne?: I 1 ,,ouorn ,o u oJ ilaa{"*n<- Cdress i.ta Phone: Descz"Lbe h,ork: U/41;bl ^ 3o - DEI.IOLITIA!] OR Sanitary seuer eapped at propetfil Lire Septic totk p'"lr:ped cnn filled urith gra:;el Final - t{hen cbctte itens ate ectpleteC and uhen Cet'tclit'Lon is cornplete or st"ul- tute nooed oi, PremLses cleaneC uP' e Hcmes Bloeking od Set'uP Plunbi.ng eonnecti'ons '- sa))er a'l aatet Electrical Conneetion - Bloeking' set'ut-, ;"d;l;ti"g eo.nnect'Lons rnist be 6Pw@ec i, " foo " reqiesting eL eelt'i cal insp e c !i'o;': Aecessorri BuilCirtg Final ' After pcrehes' skirting' deeks' etc. @e conPleted' I fiNAL I4ECHANICAL O ';i::,Y:H'6tn I 1 FINAT, ELECTBICT'L rALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANCUTS YNST BE ACCESSIBLE ADJUST!'IEIIT 10 9E yaDE l'T lto C}ST TO CITY Pn'?e !=fo t-' il- tr L-\,t.r v H SOLAR A S S REQ.-tr PLan Iotal ,,^yy CAREFU-LLy |LAMTNED th.e eonpleted !3.i7!a t",tlfa-tn"t alr infornntlo, 1nn"?llication for permit, and dofut'thet' .eet tify that "a ";;' ;1;";:;r:i";7."\ Ls t"ue anc correct, anc I, dance vith the- zvdinances of the clt, ;r"{11"d :4lt be done in o""lor-" ttrt; ffr';;1:k3:"t^l,yii't;'i#1,!.1"o"o,spt'i.nsfietd, ard the !a;s of the zfr?:;;:'ri#:;,,!";?:tity;ry;Ax;:-ry"#*;:#*:!x{_ -/- tf No.JOB FacesLot D f, West % of Lct Ccoetage LCT TYPE I*tericr cotalel Panlan'dle Cul-de-sac fat Sq' Ftg' TotaL lleight TopogrqhY x. t iu TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c Date Paid Reeeipt #: 5LgY.eA: Building Penrit Iotal Cltanges Stdte fHn FtlFN0.FEE Fistures Residantial (1 bath) Seuev, llatet' Plumbing Permit No pe?eon stnll constrttct, instal!,- alter oz' elwnge,cny ne\-cr eristing pthtLng ot drainage sAstqn inthole oz, inpatt, unless suchperson is the' Legal possessor of " rZ-tii'p1,*a*;" l;"L"tL, er"npt th.at a pZ'"on '"! 12\ ptir^Ai.hg aotk to proper4 uhich is ouned, Leased ot' opet'ated by the "ppl; \ea/tt. I Plunbing Perrrit Nets/Eztend Circuits Sensiee Electricol Permit where state Las requires th,at the eleetrical uotk be done by an Electrieal cont"acto", the eleetrical portion of thts petmit shall not be oalid until the Lahel lws been aigned bg the Electrical Contractot', Total ,1 * IIlM NC.rLL fuhanst Hoo,1. Vent Fan Vcodstole /5,ao ,@ -- EIICROA CHMEN? -. * Mechcrnicol Permit Perln t fssuanee Meehanical pemit Penrit Cu?bcut Sidet:aZk Mobile Home DaE: a Suo Signed Date South