HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-05-16"tob Locaticn: Aesessotc Map il lct Lot I Subdi'ision: Oumer: Addyess: City: Date of Applica VaLue Describe lt'otk Additicn RenoCeL t rac to S r ..RESIBtrNTIAL.. APPLr CA|*rN /PERMIT 225 Nonth Sth Street Sprtngfield, }regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 lt SPHINGFIELD- Date General Plumb in l.Iechanica1 [']lerrfricit l'I( !iltt OR Soitary seuet capped at ptoperty Lire Septtc totk pwped attd filled uith gratel Final - $lhen abcoe itens are ecmpleted and uhen Conolition is eonplete or, st"ur- ture mooed ard premiaes cleaneC up. Hcnes Blocking otd Set-up Plurnbtng connections -- aa)er anC uater Electrical Ccmnection - Blocking, set-ut and plurnbing eonnections rrust be apprcu^ai before requeeting eleclrtcal inspeclion AccessoPi Building pcrekee, ekirting, decks, Zeted. Final - Afteretc. ane eomp It ia the neaponsibilttg of the permit holdet, to see that alt- inspections at,e nade at the ptoper time, that each addyees is readable J'norn the styeet, anC that the petmtt ca?d is Located at the fnont of the propenty.*euilding Nuisictt apy.t,o,*ecl plan slu:tl remain on the Building Sit; at all'tines.- Supc'rvisin li I P1OCIDUPB FOR INSPECTI0II RIQUEST:CA requested and ahen 11ou uiLL be ready '-'iLL be nade the sone dcy, requests LL 726-3769 (recorder) state yout, Ci ty for inspection, Contractoys cr Asners Cesigrated job nutnbet,, job aC&:ess, type ncme end p;Lone nunber. Requests receiued of inspec=ioi befcre 7: C0 c: ncde aftet 7:00 on uiLL be made the ncrt ',tot king day B I E x w SI?E INSPECIION: 7o be nade aftereacalr;;lG;ffi priot, tc set up of forns. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & WCH{IIfCAL: ?o be made before any t^rotk is eouered. PO)?ING & F)UNDATICN: lo be rmCe after trenches are and FTIIAL PLUMBIIIG PINAL I4ECHAIIICAI, FINAL ELECTRICAL Your City Desigr,ated Job Nwnber fs x I N O u t Ar r 0 N 1 vAlo R B4!8f,88J ltf?ElUp tr To be made after aLL insulcticn atd requined Dapo" betrie?s ole in place but before any Lath, gypswn boaiC ot, tnLL couering is applied, and before oty insulation is concealed. DRYIIAI,L INSPECTION: ?c be made;Fr;;-m-ew;t T-is in place, but prior to cnll taping. MASONRY: Steel location, bondiifri]grouttng or uerticals in accotdance tith U,B.C. Section 2415 . wo2DsrovE: ccnpTetA. After instal'Lation is fotns ate erected, but ption to poutittg ecncreta. UND\RCP)A\ID PLUIyIDINL SEttEP. W.A?ER, DRAfIIAGE: To be maC.e pnior to fil-Lirq trenchee. UIIDERFLOOR PLAIEING & I,IECITANICAL : oy floor insulction or decking. ?OF! tA! B$A!a: To be nade prior to TGliTTilGTof ftoor insulation on decking. ROUCH PL,U!,IBIilC, EL,EC?RTCAL .q ilECilA nntCef,: No "tork is to bc aoDeretT ffi|Ttho"" inspectiot:s hatte been mad.e and approued. f!:r.E?WE: tYior to plccir4 facing,nat;;m; and before frarning inspeL- tion. FRAI.'!ING: l,tust be requested after @ou"t of rough plur,bing, e'Lectv,i-q,l & neclanical. AL! r'oo!'iztg bracing E chimeys, etc. tntst be eonpleted. llo ucrk is to be con- cealed unttl this inspeeticn lns 'been nade anC approued. CUR\ E AlPrpAQ! }!ruN: After forns at e .r,.r,iA'6:rt pfrot" to pouning concrete. SIDXUA\,K & DRIIlEllAf: Por aL! con- w M'l' wg crete paul.ng iltnii street night- of-*:A, to be nade after aLL erca- oating cornplete & forn vprk & sub- base matenial in P|ace. IENCE: ra\ten conplete -- Proui.de gates or inoodble sectians through P, U. E. ALL project cond..Ltione, such as bhe.ltvtallation of street t79e_9, conpletion-of the requiPe"d Laniccping, etc,, mtst be satisficd befone the BU|LDINC FfNAL can be requested' PfNAL BUILDINC: The Final Building fnepection mtst be tequeated after the li.nal Plwnbing ttnot"li"ol,- aiC uechanic,tl rnspeetions'hsoa been nade ard appt'ooed Page 1 of !*AT,L I4ANTICLES AND CLEANOUTS IIIIST BN ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEIIY TO BE I'I4DE A? IIO COST TO CITY \U I LN"Did-rniiatddd.rLr rt OO 3 /O !leat5eterAceessP. L.House Lot Fdces - c Zone JOB NO.soLAR AC9J SS REQ.-L-CO Bedrooms: Lot Sq. Ftg- ,1 cf Lct CcDet'aqe 4 of Sto?ies Total Height ToptographY LOT TWE _ Interi.or Co?ner Panhandle CuL-de-sac -- Fees -- Valuex. FTGTTEI.I I'lain TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 a k FeesaDate Paida7Reeeipl; l!: Silyned:{7 Building Volue & Permit This pennit is g,'ontoion the erpl'esl toP,ilio" ttut the said"eonstraction slnll, tl,n alL respects, conforrn Lo ^tl\e. \rd-L^no';ce ed"opteJ biy the Cit! of springfield, including tl'L'zo'tng cndi'a"c,e' iZ'J"iit't"g bltle ccnsttacttcn ' cnd. use of build.ino.s'. o''d ^"y be" suspende'7 or r-euckeC at ctty t1'me upot oLc- lntion of any prcllslons of sai'd ordinances' Duildi.ng Pet'mtt StaLe Total Clnrges CHARGENO,ITEM Fi.rtutes Resi.dential (1 bath) Seuet' 276= Plumbing Permit N2 pereon "tu!.1_,:o-::r:,""1;,il,t?rll:r"it":.";,";"i.Y"o,1r2i!" i?,ir"i"liZi,tiin ,rn glwnliw or drai:1s1 l,Zlid rr*,bnr,s LicensLl' elcept thal a p-et,son ma'g do Leqal possesso" oI d L plunbins aork to o."rJXii""l'i;;"i'";;;e' tZLtiZ" operated bv the appli- cant. Plwnbing Pernit State NO. Z?-5-2Neu/Erterd Cit'cuits Set'uice 2?-s? Electricol Permit vhere state Las requires tr.at the electrical uork be done by an Electrical contractor, the electul"c"tio'tl'i" of this i"t-Lt shall not be oaliC until ti, lZlL[L" Lnn" signed ly ttte Electt'ical contractor' Total State ? CNARCENCDNDITXM Ezhanst HooC Vent Fatt llcodsto.oe e , Mechqnicol Permit Permtt Issuanee l.lechanicel Permtt -- ENCROACHMENT -- Secari Permit Cvtbcut Stda,talk ELec OTAL AMOUIIT DUE:.4r{z.sr f ilAW CAREFULLy EXAMINED the conpleted application fo-t'pennit, and do h":;;L; i'i7rry-7n".i "tt-;"lo" "tibn het,eoi is true and. eorrect, amc r finll"n" in"tiiy that onv i"'d aLL uo.t'k pelf-otned a?nLL be done in acco?- 'dir.e ,,rLth the" OrdtnaitcLs of the City of bpringficld' .an'1 th-e La;s of the state of 0regcn p"rtoiiiio io the uoik Ceseribbd hcrein' cnd that N0 1ccu- PI,NCY uiLL be naCe o1'o7,g' tt""oi"i uitio't perrniseion of the Suilding N- tsieion. r fuTther, "nii'rii tnil- irly- oontro.:'tons aird enplcyees uho are in L*rptr:or"n uith CRS 701.'0'55 uiLL be used on this project /22-# UO"LE Date Total P I Mobile Hme Ir ORDINANCE NO. 5483 (SPECTAL) AN ORDINANCE VACATING THE NORTH 1.3 FEET OF A 20 FOOT DRAINAGE EASEMENT IN THE CITY OFSPRINGFIELD' LANE COUNTY' OREGON AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, the springfierd city couneil has decrared its intention to vacate a portionof a drainage easement in the City of Springfield as described belov; and VHEREAS, such vacation is in the best interest of the city in carrying out its pransand programs for the general devel_opment of the City; and VHEREAS, Iavful notice of the proposed vacation vas published and posted; and IIHEREAS, the Springfield City Council met in Council Chambers, at 225 Fifth Street,on Monday, the 17th day of JuIy, 1989, at the hour of 7230 p.m., to hear any objections tothe proposed vacation and 0 persons appeared to object; NOII, THEREFORE, THE CITY COI'NCIL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1: The Council finds that legal notice of the hearing vas lavfu1ly publishedand ['ostEd-l- tEat objections vere made at the vacation heiring held; tirai publicinterest vill not EETmpaired by the vacation of the north 13 feet oi a 20'foot drainageeasement; and that said easement vacation viI1 be to the best interest of the public andincrease the benefit of the property involved. Section 2: The follovi ng described portion of a drainage easement in the City ofSpringfield is declared to be vacated: The North 13 feet of the South 20 feet of Lot 38, Block 1, of 01d Vindmill Tract asplatted and recorded at Page 24 of Book 13, Lane County PIat Records in Lane County, 0regon. Section 3:The findings in the attached staff report are hereby made part of thisordinance. Section 4t The Civith the Lane County Clerk, Lane County Assessor, and Lane County Suiveyor. Section 5:- It is hereby found and declared that matters pertaining toof a Fortioi-6Fthis drainage easement are matters affecting the public h6althvelfare of the City of Springfield and that this ordinance shalI, therefore, immediately upon its passage by the council and approvar by the Mayor. ty Recorder is directed to file certified copies of this ordinance the vacation , safety and take effect ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 17th day of July, 1989,by a vote of 4 for and 0 against. APPROVED by the Mayor of the city of springfield this 17th day of Ju Iy, 1989. 't-o FoRM L-.IATE: C}FI-JICE CtJ CITY ATTORNEY C:I'iY CI. iFRiI'',iGFIELD r \* ATTEST: cor er ATTACHMENT 2 0rdinance No. 5483 Page 2 VACATION REQTIEST STAFF REPORT AND FINDINGS APPLICAIIT City of Springfield - Jo. No. 89-06-101. REOTIBST Assessor's Map L7-02-3I-31, Tax Lot 3400 (Lot 38, old llindmilr Tract). Location 310North 33rd Street. The ovners of the property are Mr. and Mrs. David Sanders. The request is to vacate a portion of the folloving drainage easement: The North 13feet of the South 20 feet of Lot 38, Block 1, ot ofa LrinImill Tract ,"-pi.li"d andrecorded at Page 24 of Book 13, Lane County Plat Records in Lane County, oiegon. DrscussroN A drainage easement vas placed on the south 20 feet of Lot 38 vhen the 01d l.IindmillTract subdivision vas platted in 1947. There is an existing Br storm sever line tothe south of this property vhich is currently handling drainage for this area. The Sanders applied for a building permit in April for a 250 square foot addition totheir home. I'Ihen staff revieved the building permit request, ih" record shoved thatthe drainage easement had been vacated and replaced by a 7 foot public utilityeasement. Since the plan for the house addition shoved a 7 foot seiback from thesouth property 1ine, staff issued the building permit. Hovever, a neighbor of theSanders called the City to state that the Sanders vere building over In easement.Upon further research by staff, it vas discovered that the Iegal description for thevaeated drainage easement rras incorrect. Therefore, both the original 20 footdrainage easement and the 7 foot public utility easement are still fn place (SeeMap# 1). Permanent structures are not permitted to be constructed over easements.Because the Sanders'addition vas built on the drainage easement, a stop vork ordervas placed on the construction of the addition in June. The Sanders are avaiting theoutcome of this hearing to proceed. PAGE ]. Sanders Vacation Ordinance No. 8483 Page 3 SPRINGFIELD DBVELOPT{BiIT CODB CRITERTA Section 9.030 of the Springfield Develdpment Code establishes Vacation criteria that must be met in order to approve this request. The following findings address each of the criteria: (1) THE VACATION IS TN CONFORHANCE IIITE THB HETRO PLAN INCLT]DING ADOIFTED STREET PI,ANS AND/OR CONCEPTUAL PI,ANS; The Metro PIan is a general plan vhich does not specifically discuss easements.The property in question is in the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan, a documentvhich is more explicit than the Metro Plan, but also does not speeificallydiscuss easements. Easements are typically required during the developmentprocess through the Springfield Development Code. The Springfield Development Code is in compliance vith the Metro PIan. There is an existing Brf storm sever line to the south of the Sanders, propertyvhich is currently handling drainage for this area. The south 7 feet of the 20foot drainage easement and the concurrent 7 foot public utility easement vil1remain along the south property line of the Sanders, property. In addition,there is an existing 7 foot publie utility easement along the north property lineof the lot to the south allowing a total of 14 feet for service vetricles lseeMap* 2), The vacation of the north 13 feet of the 20 foot drainage easement canoccur and vill be in conformance with the Metro plan. (2) TEERB ARE N0 NEGATTVE BFFBCTS ON ACCESS, TRAFPTC CrRCUr,ATr0N, AND EHERGENCYSER\ICB PROTBCf,ION, OR AMr OTEER P(EIIC BENEPIT DERMD FROI{ TEE EASBHENT,RIGET OF gAY OR PI..AT. 0n June 23, notice lras sent to aII utilities over the Lane Utilities CoordinatingCouncil's rt0ne Calltf system concerning this vacation request. No response r{rasreceived by the city from any utility. There viIl be a total of 1i feet ofeasement area for vehicles to service the storm sever line. The vacation ofthe north 13 feet of the 20 foot drainage easement can occur and will have nonegative effect on aceess, circulation, and emergency service protection, or anyother public benefit derived from the easement. CONCLUSION The request to vacate the north 13 feet of a 20 foot drainage easement is consistentvith the criteria of Section 9.030 of the Springfield Development Code and that lega1notice of the public hearing for this request his been proviied. RECOHHENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council approve this vacation request based on thefindings in this staff report. A(f,ION REQTIBSTBD Adoption of the attached vacation ordinance. PAGE 2 Sanders Vacation \, MAP# 1. EXISTING 20' DRAINAGE EASiNNEII T AND 7'.PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENTS F CN EL- to ro -(a '3d *2. ./21./1 r o 3a-4 -r IJ O J o_ -(f CNto ssl o?ll o as \ ssttt sh oas \ '22'.1o"2/z.t' r 2'3 o o\ ) / 0 .22'3A ,f .\i\ .rh\oh $\af\ s f\ o os\ ,,ri ,{,go'/4'tl .+4 Sru 2d./' o l I 4900i f\ <+ .d cf) co+Lo o= OJ(J E() E -o LO $s 7/'F 1I LrJ IY I I 6 /2{.4' 3800 .4 9/2 o }.. u93900 o\ '30 ro/ i c;s il 1\q tsl..f ' ./2d.4, 4000 * 82" 11"u - /t1./. 5000 ci\ . 4loo 4Z rt' \h \ 8o \l ,\ist\ St\ at\s\ 59. lt' 4lol 28. /o't2 t25' 3400 \I ./al. i 3700 360 II 5' $3500 \ tri \ 5' 3s/ iq\3600 \\ 40 -7o +o tif' 3300 \.. 2t N nft DRAINAGE EASEMENT h $ lg I \ /^d 3ro o 8e.7' UBLIC UTILITY EASEMENTS 3000 t8 ./88./' x 4200 5'42C^2 I \ MAP# 2 REMAINTNG.EAS o F U) El.- ro ro r82,'3o -8. rd O J o- ro CN ro o ,o tl ,(.go'/4't{ ,+4 'r2, 24./'/7' cr'22'30 ,'30 I*\ 3.o\ o\ \ ss\ sh oos \ o\ ( / 0 fd tsq s f\ o os\' 7rq sq; ( t4200 \ ,\s .chs ./?1. 4900i st\ o cf) @<f, Lr) oz. O)og(oro E .F() !(,l!(oc) o- F LrjII I I6.4' /24.4' 3800 ox 9/Z ,u9 3900 o\ to'322 o \ a;b It ,/244 4000 1\q l.ist\ s ,$\ \ 58. 4 rol t2 \rI\ \ \ x 8o' 4z rt' 4 roo5000 ,t8ro11 ',t1 ' ./r1 ./' \q\ \ .. /25'. 3400 2\O, R /at. 3700 3601I 5' 3500 \ f\ \ 39 25'. 3600 a. \\\ et' 40 i oi\ zZf' 33OO' . "i 2t t\ 8' I t9 / /^d 3ro o AS7'NTERANGAEEMEDI UBLIC UTILITY EASEMENTS . 3000 T 18 ,/88./' /1 4202 $\ 3200 20