HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1981-07-20PUBLIC WORKS CIIFY C)3-' SPF,I}.TGFIEI.,D sPRINGFIELO. OREGON 97 477 July 20, 1981 .* 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753 CERTIFIED LETTER Mr.0rville Long 300 North 3Srd Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Dear Mr. Long: A recent observation of your property located at 300 North 33rd Street, Springfield, 0regon reveals that it is in violation of the following City Code: Section 6.04 (b) of the Springfield Comprehensive Zoning Code (copy attached) . A patio cover was erected on your property in violation of the required 5' side yard setback area. The patio cover must be removed or re-constructed so it conforms to the 5' setback requirement. Therefore, by ten (L0) days fron the date of this letter (Ju1y 30, 1981) the above described conditions must be corrected in order to conform to City Codes. Unless you comply with this requirement or show cause why it should not be complied with, further action may be taken under the Codes of the City of Springfield, Oregon. We trust that your conpliance will make such action unnecessary. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Division at 726'3753, Dave Puent Building Inspector cc: Ronald B. Clark, Superintendent of Building Joseph J. Leahy, Assistant City Attorney DPl1s attachment a Sincerely, BID SPECIFICATIONS FOE:SI{A.RON B. LONG 300 N. 33rd St. Springfield, Oregon 97 478 Ph: 726'0498 These specifications are for bid purposes only' Some modifications mayberequiredshouldbidsexceedavailablefunding,orshoulda biddingcontractordiscoveranomissioninthespecifications.The finaidraftofworkitemspecificationswillbedevelopedafterthe bid selection. Itistheresponsibiiityofeachbiddingcontractortonotifythe Housing nehabiliiation Specialist upon finding a work item not included in the bid specifications. srrouia the Housing Rehabiiita- tionSpecialistagreewiththecontractor,srecommendation,each contractor from .,it orn bids are being solicited will be notified of the change and allowed to adiust their bids' contractors are responsible for hauring away ail debris created by construction activitY. Contractors may suggest alternate materials, methods or design' contractors must bid ali items on the bid sheet and any alternative' Total ail bid items at the space provided at the bottom of the bid sheet and complete other requested information. Return bids to homeowner. A1l work must comply with the applicable State of Oregon Speciaity code. AII permits and inspections are the responsibility of the contractor. Upon completion of repairs, the dwelling must compiy with the City of Springfield Housing Code. Contractors may contact Biil Schaub, Housing Rehabilitation Special- ist, if questions arise on bid specifications. 1 STRUCTURAL REPA1RS Remove lower three feet of shake siding and subsiding on the north and east sides of dwelling, one third of the way along west side of dwelling beginning at northwest corner, and at southwest corner of living room extension adjacent to entry porch (See attached substruc- ture report). Repiace mud siil and rim joist at these areas. Remove and replace rotted floor joist ends at north side of dweiiing to a point 6 feet inside foundation wall. NOTE: Excavation may be necessary to obtain access to northwest crawlspace area due to plumbing drain iine. Install new support girder and new post and pier supports at joist splice point. Replace entirely 5 rotted joist at northeast section of dweiling. Replace entirely 3 rotted joist at southeast section of dwelling. Repiace deteriorated subfloor (approximately 106 square feet) as indicated with diagonai markings on substructure report, Remove and replace cieteriorated subfloor in iaundry room. Treat rim joist below south side of living room to stop and prevent fungus growth. Install new crawlspace we1l, frame and door constructed of pressure treated wood or concrete. Remove anci reinstall insuiation where repairs are to be made. Ventilate crawl- space in compiiance with section 2516 (c), SSC. Install new subsiding and shake siding matching original siding at areas where original siding was removed. t Remove existing lean to storage area on west side of dweiiing, and breeze way roof structure on north side. Replace siding and trim where lean to roof was attached to match existing materials. Reframe new breezeway between storage shed and dweiling, Submit sketch showing structural members and breeze way design. Roof covering on breezeway is inciuded in item # 4. Install support beam (strongback) across family room ceiling joist to adequately support and remove deflection from ceiling. EXTERIOR REPAIRS 4 Remove existing roof covering to sheathing. Remowe and replace deterior- ated areas of soffit and fascia. Remove chimney to below roof iine andsheath over. Instaii 20-year-rated, three tab, fibergiass shingles.Install new fiashing at all roof penetrations and ad joining roofs orwalls. Install metal edge covers or 1x2 trim at roof edges. Ventiiateroof in compliance with section 3205 (c), ssc. InstaII half-iap, seivage ro11 roofing on breezeway following manufacturer's installation instruc-tions. Install seamless aluminum gutter and downspout at main dwellingand breezer^ray. Direct downspout output to street curb with yard leaders. Replace broken glazing at kitchen and family room windows. Install newslider section in famiiy room window. Remove existing window sash inmaster bedroom, bathroom and center bedroom. Instail new mill-finished,dual-giazed repracement windows with screens at 2 window locations.NorE: All windows instalred in sleeping "oor" Lust compry with sscsection 7214 concerning egress,/rescue requirememts. Aii repracement 5. 6 windows must be instailed in a finished manner including any necessaryinterior and/or exterior trim. Any trim used must be painted or- stainedand sealed. rnstail new, solid core, exterior door aL front entry. Instajl newIockset, weatherstripping, and threshold. Furnish or^rner with two keys.Instail mill-finished, aluminuln storm door with screen at front entry.Paint or stain and seal front door immediately upon installation. After exterior repairs are complete, clearr, scrape, sand and generallyprepare exterior surfaces of breeze way and main dwelling to receivepaint. Protect windows, rclof covering, shrubbcr.y, etc., from paintoverspray. Appiy two coats of good quality, exterior iatex paint. onetrim and one body color may bc' seiected anci applied. INTERIOR REPAIRS Remove existing bathroom plumbing fixtures and wail and ceiling covering. Reframe bathroom to allow tub/shower to run in an east,/west direction and to project into existing closet space in adjacent west bedroom. Reiocate and instail nerv vanity and toilet. Instail fiberglass tub/shower unit through exterior wall; r'eframe and reside. Plumbing, electrical repairs and floor covering are included in separate items. Instail new gypsum board wali and ceiling cowering; finish with a lieht texture, Apply Lwo coats interior latex enamel paint. Include floor pian of proposed bathroom reconstruction with bid, Install new, modc'rate quality medicine cabinet with mirror over vanity. Vanity is to be constructed of smooth birch plywood with a stained and sealed or painted finish. vanity top isto be piastic iaminate with four inch backspiash anci steel sink. One piece molded sink and counter top combinations may also be used. Install underlayment and moderate quality vinyi in bathroom and laundrl, room. cost of vinyl shail not exceed $15 per square yard. Install cowe or wooden base and metal transition strips. Install ne*, nroderate quality pad and carpet in iiving room, hail way, master bedroom, cente:. bedroom and family room. Cost of carpet shall noL exceed $15 per square yard. 10. After instailing new support beam at farnily room ceiling, palch ceiiing where cracked to match surrounding finish and appiy two coats of good quality interior latex paint. Patch hoie in paneling at location of removed electricai sub panel in famiiy room and trim out. 11. Install new smoke detector in haii way following manufacturer's installa- tion instructions. 12. InstaII locksets at doors to bedrooms and bathroom. PLUMBING REPAIRS 8 q 13. Replumb reconstructed bathroom to properly vent, drain and supply new 7. piumbing fixtures at their new rocations. Instail new washer_iess,singie-handled faucet at la'alory. Instail new singre-han<i1ed, r,r,a.sh_er-less faucet, tub firler, diverter and shower head at new fibergrasstub/shower. Instali new "A" grade, "American standard,, or equivarenttoilet with new wax sea]. tnstatt new shutoffs and suppiies to roiietand lavatorl.. Reroute water suppiy pipe presentiy iocated on the froor of raundrlr roomto beiow iaundry room fioor revel to eriminate tr.ipping hazarci. 14. 15. ELECTRICAL REPAIRS rnstall new' weather-tight eiectricai service panei aL prese:pt exterjorlocation. combine sub panel presentl-rr located in family roorn. Rewirereconstructed bathroom on a GFCr. rnstali two nerv outlets. Reloc:ate anciwire existing wail heater in bathroom as necessary. Install new, switchecilighL/fan in bathroom ceiiing. Vent fan Lo buiiding exterior with a metalduct. Rewire breezeway light, switch and circuit to storage buiiding.rnstaii switch and light in storage building. Instaii new laundry roomentry light fixture, wiring and switch. Secure dryer outlet. Rewirewater pump with approved materials and methods. Remowe 220 volLextensioncord at electricai service panel and install new exterior ZZO outlel.Rewire hot waLer heater with #10 protected wire. Instail boxes Lo containsplices at hot water heater wir.ing. Install spark sieeves and co1,erplates rvherr: missing at aii outlet, switch arnd light fixture iocations.Reiocate outiet over baseboard heater in famiiy room. Instaii Z addition-al grounded outlets in famiiy room. Instali new iight fixture (ail6rvance $20) at kitchen ceiling. TOTAL BID PRICE: SIGNATURE: ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE NUMBER: PHONE #: STANDARD STR UCTURAL PEST CONTROL INSPECTION REPORT INVOICE NO. 562II (Wood'Destroylng Pests or Organlsms) This is an inspection report only ' not a Notice of Completion. AOORESS OF PROPERTY INSPECTEO ELOG NO 300 STRE EI North 33rd. CITY Springfieldr 0r DATE OF INSPECTION 1o- B- 85 Termite & Dry Rot Repairs A LICENSED PEST CONTROL OPERATOR IS AN EXPERT IN HtS FIELD. ANY OUESTIONS RELATIVE TO THIS REPORT $lo(t.O BE REFERRED TO HIM. Andy's 425 S. 7Is, Sr., Springfield, OR c 746'8612 TYPE OF LOAN: FED V.A. t' STATE G.l. D FHA tl FARM HOME D CONVENTIONAL tr rNSpEcroN onoEFEo By (N^ME ^No ^ooREss) Bill Schaub -r'ingf ield Housing Authority SELLER'S NAME ANO ADONESS BUYEFI'S NAME ANO AODRESS OF PARTY THIS IS A SUB.STRUCTURE TNSPECTION ONLY. SUB FLOOR LEVEL & BELOW. WE ASSUME NO LIABILITY FOR ANY OTHER PORTION OF STRUCTURE UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOTED ON THIS REPORT. NOTICE; DIAGRAM AND EXPLANATION OF FINDINGS (See back side for recommendations) Thl! raport l! tn oltlmatc only. Beclua. ol lho posElblllly ol human orroi, ANOY'S TEBMITE & ORY ROT BEPAIR CO. wlll not bc held rssponllblo for any d.maga or lnt6rtr..3n on thc dlagram end oulllno! condltlons ln our oplnlon lhet aro 16latlvo to wood destroylng orgenlsms ln tha baSomont rndior balow tho llrsl lloor leyal, but could lncludo olhor rrarr It rcqulrad lor loln purpsc!. Thl! rcport l! lhc rolo oplnlon of thl! company only and not s Guarento€. Olhor geraonr, comptnles or agonclss mey hav dllforont oplnlons, llndtng! or rccommendrllons lor whlch wo rcccpt no lllblllty or rosponslblllty. Tho bld for ropalr!, whlch eccompany lhlr rrrcrl ars lor only thos6 ltams aet lonh ln thl! roport NAME ANO INSPECTEO NOTICE: BY rnd not tholr tor ESTIMATE DOES Addrtpnal ilms or raErs [iod- LICENSE NO ooo 3tn Origlnrl Rcpon X Slgpr.mcnrar ncport D Numbar ot e"g"c J- any tutur. rapon ot lntpactlon. NOT INCLUDE PAINTING, PLUMBING, OR LEVELING _ NOT RESPONSIELE FOR CRACKS THAT MAY DEVELOP. @trrclons mlv b€ .oqured bY lho Ctrv, State. Coontv. FHA, vA o. lho Bant, whrch may nor b€ on on lh6 ropon and woutd bo an odd[onol cho.go ovor lho b|d gDm ror NOTE: H3,L1"flffi-:rT,l.patios are shown as rererence points onlv and are not included in SDR- a S's,tt +rtol aa. - G' ai8 ro,'t, t4 J6Ptr s;h >r!rdq il . SD?-S $,1' ( f-tl l,ar7\ lf ') ppfaot lr{e lX S€ i N)r^ lt (J.5 Ow.:t,C{ot/ru( \\ \ Ge rolq :ts\ Ec 3c'fNoT rrr.r...{,os\ (.t.Yl;t;..ufi,)r 50R -3C' Sttt.ll0Rtl1o' Ct, s€fJ nt t>tllt CodeYerCodeI v""Sce Diagram Below See Diagram Eelow lvr"Code See Diagram Below SOR Structural Damage Rot IXSTSubtsrranosn Termites EX Existing Vents SDIDTDampwood Termites I Structural Damage lnsect I X Proposed Vents SF Structural Damage Subfloor I ICWBWood Beetles !x lnadoquate Clearance CA Carpenter Ants I Excessive Moisturs conditions !IA lnaccessible Area \r FT Fungus growth Tr€atable tr'X CD Cellulose Debris Ex FI Furthor lnspection needed L Plumbing Leak I FG Faulty Grade (l6s thsn 6" ctearancelf,EC Earth-wood Contacts Other I Other t Other '/ /'' '/ ?ntr o S\q\ ,/ ,// // v5 Tor l.-l oR- a-c I tir - a FolIt To,,t, sl u"I LqL fTt/<- sDP -A',?l /ot< {) Dlrs. Lons n?Ptot tac( Gp ) \ EM RECOMMENDED CORRECTIONS Remove and replace approx. -7 3 fn"al ft. of damaged Av6 mudsill1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10, 11. 12. 45. xxx'x * x-x- Remove and replace approx. 7 3= tineal ft. of damalqd a,xk header Remove and replace approx. 1 3 feet of S h0 he siding. Remove and replace approx. A{ damaged joist end(s) aX% x. G ' Remove and replape approx. 7 damaged full length joist(s) J.* R r.l a ' lnstall appro*. HO n of new beam to support joist splices. Remove and replacs approx. -lineal ft. of damaged support beam lnstall appror. \ "t new piers and pier blocks. Remove and replace approx. damaged pier posts. Remove and replace approx. /O6 sq. feet of damaged I \/ subfloor. 13. - Piece in missing vapor barrier in approx. -foot area. 14. X Straighten existing vapor barrier as needed. 15. - lnstall a gravity flow drainline from subarea approx. -lineal feet to street. 16. - lnstall a subarea sump pump and approx. -lineal ft. of drainline to - . '17. - Trench subarea as needed, to drain or sump pump, as needed to alleviate standing water condition. 18. - lnstall approx. -yards of 14" round river rock in subarea trenches. 19. - lnstall approx. -yards of 3/q" round river rock in subarea low spots. 20. - Excavate subarea to allow proper access and clearance, approx. -cubic yards. 21 . - Trench subarea as needed for access. approx. -lineal feet. 22. - Make access to inaccessible areas. as needed to allow further inspection (cosr of any damasc found nol inctuded in bid). 2a X Further inspection needed in damaged areas where indicated on diagram (cost of any damasos round nol inctuded in bid). 24. - lnstall approx. feet of metal flashing to correct earth-wood contacts in - porch. 25. - Vent dryer to outside to prevent damage from fire or condensation, approx. ----feet. 26. - Repair foundation cracks. 27. - Chemically treat substructure area to eliminate Subterranean Termites. 28. - Chemically treat substructure area to eliminate Dampwood Termites. 29. - Chemically treat substructure area to eliminate Powder Post Beetles. 30. - Chemically treat as needed to eliminate Carpenter Ant infestation. 31. - Chemically treat substructure as needed to control dryrot fungus Spot -. 32. X Replace underlayment flooring in BnThR-o*.- approx. 6><tO area. 33. X lnstall new linoleum in Bq-tke.oor,^, approx. 6xlO area. 34. \( Reseat toilet on a new wax seal. 35. X lnstall X replace bathtub shower kit. 36. - Caulk base top - of bathtub. 37. - Regrout stall shower,tub walls as needed to prevent leakage 38. - Replace leaky shower pan in size - costs not included, refer to 39. - Replace or - install tub-shower door in size _. 40. - Flepair or replace damaged bathroom window in size _. frames size _.4'l . - Replace damaged basement window --- sills 42. - Cut ofl base of stairjacks at and install concrete pads. 43.Remove and replace damaged stair -- lacks - tread at size _.Plumbing leaks noted at - homeowner should call plumber to repair (costs not included). lnstall approximately lineal feet of concrete block foundation _and footing at _. 44. Remove all scattered wood-debris and form boards from subarea, L H- lnstall a il vapor barrier over entire sub8rea surface. lnstall new crawlhole frame X and vented door Sub area insulation prevented a total inspection of subfloor joists, sill and header, and support beams Any damage or infestations that may exisl in these areas is not included in report or bid 46.lnstall approximately of - inch concrete flashwall to correct earth-wood contact at47. X Lower exterior grade level to correct earth-wood contacts at Cltqle approximatety 3cr tineat feet. 48.Shorten siding to correct earth-wood contacts at - approximately feet49lnstall approximately lineal feet on non-wood skirting at size _.50 lnstall _ additional vents through rim joist through foundation wall _.51 Unblock existing vents as noted. Rescreen existing vents52Replaceexisting vent framcs. 53 lnstall vent wells (to be made from pressure treated wood).54. )( tnstail I crawl hole wells (to be made lrom pressure treated wood)ss. Ys6. 'x 5 ! T , Rexc.l,- d P<?lore Ct ll r.t.t I a ,.7 b I,J., Qoox Rl^;r.? SPRI fiG trrtrtI \LL)D COI.{P VT FORI./LAI f^.N lJJUD r COI,IPL\IIT ADDRESS NAT1JRE OF VIOLATION: \Int7E.UAIL. COt lP LAIi{;\.rYT: ADDRESS RESIDENT oiv-|iER: ADDRESS INSPECTIONS: ADVISED: ZOi.iE: PREVIOUS COI.IPLAI}ITS AT THlS ADDRESS? YES NO PH# $d,oo. $lqt- N{ "{I-oc,m'- .wp'lnrs \rrr %19*btc {>C>G* L 4/ \l:\Ked, \o \ 3c C CDcnV'cr -.:.c.d\) \)-\L)\) \n.of,-6uaAns:r-,-L \e,-, t;oo^--9N \e- N!-xnn' o u e-\ C^-}t)ger-b- 'r oQe\tool -co\nle\ c.-€- c*-Nrc\ q-o u u\*\ for office use only: 1ST NOTICE .I"\D ORDEP.: 2ND }iOTICE .\]'ID ORDER: LETTER FP.ONI CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFiCE IIU)IICI P.\L COI.JRT CITATIC}; 0uTC0)1[ PHONE: - & G e)\