HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-06-15" RESID=1lTlAL" Zzs North rrt, sroni"trcArroN /PERtur Spmngfield, )regon 97477 BuiLding Diuision 7 26-37 53 lcce'-cc t SPIIINGFIELD l"p w "l-? A'\ 6()Oo^, l?u d oB /70 /o.N 4o /5. CC /7o Go rnf 4?u (3@ tSil^ q3 bo dLL Date 28L North 33rd StreetJob Locaticn: Aesessors Map i L7-02-31-37 ras Iot # 03300 bl/DdL-J'.s10n: Addtesa: 281, North SSrd Street Nancy LanceC,mer: DOfrS an Phone: 746-1085 city: Springfield, Oregon 2".n. 97 477 xx t l Neil l-*l ValueDate of App Licaticn Desazbe llorlt: Additicn RenoCel Addition on Bedroom and garage also add one ful1 bath Contracxot,s Aci.dtess Pl"oneLisc. # General Rich-Litt Brri lders , Inc. P .0. Box 567, Eugene 22281,6/ t8/ 82 726-3058 Plunbin4 :.:OW) BUILDI;ICS Sani1onl saset cqped ct proper!:; Zir:e Septic tatk p-aped ct',ti f.!,Lled u-i,th gzaiei !,)nal - l.thea abctte itens oxe cqalexei arui uhen Tqrclrtion is conplete bt str.e-ture noued od. pz,erLaes cLeaned. up. e Hcnes tsLocking otd. Sev-ug PlutttbinX connections -- sare! oC aaler Electriccl Cotzection - Blockirg, eet-uc and. plunbing connections rnist be qprct;bC befone nequestlng elecirtcal inspecJiotz Aceessot3- Suiliittg Firal - After ;crehes, skTttina, ,Jecks, etc. @e ccngleleti. !ca2 I ot J Con s,ptc!lg_1 ewj92_ P lT S onal Finance r-t i8 the responsibi-Lity of-tle peotrit itotd* to see th4t aL! inapectiona due nade at lhe proper tine, that acch ddress is rea:aZiefron the street, and tltat the -pernrtt c-ed ia Laaled at .the fzattt' of the propez.fu.r9uildir4 Diuiciot cpplov-ed pLan slull remain on -,le auil<iing sitc Zt aLL' tikes.' ?R)c DUPE1 Fo4 IysPlc?nil ,19=Ay|ST:CALL 726-3769 (recorCer) state yout City desigtnted job nrai;ber, job aii;'.ess, type of inspee=icnt-e.quested crci.uhen'gou.uiLL beieady fot'inspection, contrdctan" oi a,ners'nane;"d. el-;" number.' -p.equests relei;|Ld. bLlcre'7:00 an'*7LL be nade the sane cby, "equests ncd.e aftet 7:00 on uyill be raCe the nect xrklS daE. Iour CitV'Desigr,ated Job Mnbet Is:820622 -a SIT1 IllS-2!C!:C:t: ?o be nede after L) *.ductf'cn;i; pricr tc set up o7' JO7n8. UIIDTP.SLAB PLA:,$I:IG, ZLZCTRIC,I.L,l NECHA-ilICAL: To be na<ie before anywrk t.s eooered, lC1iI:lG ': F)allDATiCN: ?o be rmCe;fte" tr,rtnc6 a"e-ercatsated. cnd. forns ote erecteci, but priot topourtrq ccncte!€. AND1RG,?AUIID ?LLIMgI\IG, S9WP. ilA!!3, DRAIIIACE: lo be naie prior to iil-Lirq trenciee. UIIDEP.ELCCR PI,UI,|BIIG I !4ECIA$TCAL : lo be naae prior co inetallation of floor insulctioz or decking. PPST 4-ty tseA!4: -r3 be nade prtor to install.zticn of flooz, insulaticn or deckin4. 80!!Gi! -pLnleiilc. ILECTRICAL .3 uECg- ?.qttil these insoectic-r:s hcuo- beer nade arrd. aporoued. INSALA?IOII/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPIC?ICN : ?o be rrude aftet, aLL insulcticn cl. tequired uaoor bsrie?s de in place but befcne @ry ldth, Wpslot bcarC ot rnLL eoueting is applied, and. beforeoty insulation is concealed. DRYiALL IIISPIQICN: ?c be nadeMZt@Fis in ptace, but prior to cny taVin4. MAS)NRY: Steel Location, bonti beans, gzouting or oerticals in aecordozce ttth U,B.C. gection 2415. vC0DS?0',8: Aftet installation ie arwlexed. CURB & APPRCAC| j?".9N: Aftet fornsa,eZCAA@ to pourtra cofic"ete. SIDEI,IALK & DRflEilLl: For aLL con- e"etenA"-ng dtdn street right- of-,xA, ,.o be maCe aftez, aL! esca- oatina cattcLete & font unrk & eub- base natetq.al in place. il tr PREPI,ACE: materials and. before frofing inspn.- tion. PRAI|IIIG: ltust be requested aftet, approual of rough plunbing, eLectri-cal & neci"anicaL, ALI. noofing brae4ng E chinmeys, ete. nust be cottpleted. )1o acrk is to be con- cecled until this i,nsoecticn i,as been nad.e cnC awro,*ed. IIIIAL PLUI4BIIIG FTilAL IECAilICAL EflAf dfEfrof^.?.1.tFU !Ub9..iLriL !!llCE: 'r4ter: conplate -- Pro..tiCe gates o? nortable seetians through D it c ect eondi;iorts, such as che i.nstallation of street traes, ecrei.e;ron of tie' LanCsccpir.g, e.c., mtst be satisfied. belore the tsUILDI:iG ?!)lAL ccn be req'uzsxed. ALL pro,i rcquired fr lrilAL tsurLDrnc: The Final Suil<iin4 rnsDection mtst be reqtesce<i cilet, the lincl ?lanbinz E,/ Eleetz'ieal, orz lleci"cniecL insoeeticns have been ncCe ad'accrcveCm *ALL i4AtlHCLts AttD :LEAUCUIS:tug? BE ACCISS.SLE, ADjUS?:Eilt !0 3E t14.r3 tt lto:isi io cry x x x x T T T JoB No. 920622 soLAR CESS REQ.- R-1 Crot R3 !-ot Sq. 84.9400 7" of lct Cottetage !B9o # of Stories 1 12, ! ?opogrqhy F lat Neu/Ectend Cire"tits Date PaiC: June 9, i.. 591 6 Signed: Lisa Electricol Permit Wete State La requit es tl"a.t the electrical aork be done by an Eleetrical Contractor, the electriaal .torlion of thie cennit shall rot be oaltC until the Label lns been signed bg the Electz"ical Contz:actor. Mechonicol Permif t:5- L-co c ga*,96v.s. AXLS 1ng L LCT !t?S _ fr.tericr X Corner _ ?anhanile CuL-de-sec att,, )na Total Pet,-rrit issltdlce Mecianicel Pettit Lot Feces -Enerou Sourees :!eat or ioase Can aae Aceess Vater leatetNo"th Easc I :',?eO Lcce South 'rlaocis=or:e 'rlo- sx Building Vqlue & Permit This pendt is granted on the eq"ess cond.ition tlnt the said.eonstntction s)tzll, in e1-L :.o-scects, confcrm -o the jz.din^zr.ce cciocte.T b3 ihe :it'1 o1' Spr.)ngfieiC, tnch.uitr;g the ionir,.g Crd.ina,ce, regulcting ;ke ecnst?,aeticn a.d. use of buildinEs, arci nay be suecerd.ed or reuckei a.t ,:.! tine upon uic- Lation of m.y prcuisions of saiC Cr4irances. SQ. FTG 180 10,000 .nanAr :raf t:t Duild.-ng ?e?nlt s2 .00 18. 20 State ?otal Changea 54.08 X cn^1<- Plumbing Permit llo pereon shall consi:mtct, instal!, altet or change cn! r.ea cr ezisting plutnbing or dz,cinage systqn in aloLe oz. in pott, unless such petson is the Legal posseasor of a ualid plunber's License, escept ti':ax a petson na'g do plwbing aork to ptoDertA ahich is oumed, Leased or opet'ated by the a?pli- @nt. 10 .00 AD ?EE C L4,:1, L 1 1 Prbtuyes Residmtial (1 bath) Seuet 10.00 .40 Plunbing Pen;it State Sttt,cl"ange a -a'.1 :i0 C;iI.?CZ Pes. Sa. fta 2 15.00 Tatocroy Seruice 1s. 00 .60 15 .60 :ic.Fr3 t ,,n-^^ OOlt, c hhaet HoaC Vent Fan L 3.00 llcotistooe L0. 00 13. 00 -52 13-C) Stotcoe l4ainzetznco- PesnLt Siiana?.k -- nNc?.cACaiE:!7 -- €nt-a>., ffi I HAW CAREFULLY EXA!|I:IED the conpleted aopl,Jca*"icn for permit, crxi do hereby certify ..itat all- "Jnfo:r.acion hetecn'Js tnte anC cctrec*-, ad. I fatther cet'-if,; thet dnlJ erd aLL uork oerfcnted slnll be Co-e ia aceor- dance vLth the ardinznces of the Ctty of SpdngfieT.ci, and the Lci;s of ine State of Cregcn pertaining lo the uork Cesq.)bed heretn, crC. :ha.t Y0 1CCA- P,!.ilCy aitl be r,aie of anV sitltct',t2.2 ut)thout pezrnission of the 3uiliing A.- uision. I f."Ltrher certii! :ha.t c:tlll cov.t?ccto?s oti znplcyees uho ate i,n canpliance utth CRS 701.055 aiLL be used cn this project u Stgrea-at1r ltt^tt^ta ^tta. *93.60 HobiT-z ilcne eL