HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-03-15z2s North silr streeMPLraTr1N/PERMrrSpringfield, Onegon gZ4?Z Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 .. RESIDE._ rIAL.. SPFIIn|GFIFI F PRI96t, Z gJobLocaticn: 7o,z bt #3o?o 46aeaao"e Map ll - oz-3 Subdi uLsLOn: €LEVAoer:c. c) Addz,ess:st -/86 7 7 ry'?lone: AUiticn VaLue #(- * 7;G- s -9Date of Appliatian .? _ /.87-o o Deec?ibe Hotk: EZo dl{oo Date: # 2 Z"3-/{- /S - bD Ao t .-+o"d t> At J<, v "2, GenetaL seuer eapped .t p"ope"ur- Lit:e Septie totk p-"iryed attd, fnt,Led, tith gza;sel iiyl,- Wez abcue itens are euolexed.o;d uhen {er.tclttion f," oorrpZ"lZ";;' :;?", _ture noued atd. prerriees "tZ"iZ -ir.""',.- Sanitant Pltnbing eormectio,ns __ aa!)e? aC ucter EleSdcal Conneetion - BZoeking, aet-ucozd plwnbing conneetions ,o"t t".'oeJr"i,Zaoei cre requeeting eieclz"tcal t ""p"b:io"'- Aecessory BuiEing tittal - After;cre-t:es, skitting, d.ecks,etc. @e conpleled. Blocking od, Set-up Page 1 of 2 Construe,Eon_Lerulgl_ forme FINAL PLUMBIIIC FINAL ELECTRICAL p?oPer thre ,tlat ecch .-iirgg6 Vga)aii2 nzot$sv, runber. Iout City Desigrated, Job ilLtnb€? fs:E ? oz j_ob aCitess, t.gpe!,equesxs receixed of inspeelicn befcre Z:CO ,zt t/: ?obe,prior tc rurie aftez,set up of ,wrk is cooeted. ffiffi!#i""1:",21#Iy1 *" eteeted, but p"io" toPo?t?Lng ccnc?ete. ffi'",floor insulation or de"tiiol--'" "'' P!-Sf 4t!! ,EEAM: ?o be nade 2tlor *.ol,nsta.LLctian of floot insulatiorz otaeckL71€. until these inspectiors '^,,zue been nad.e 6nd. cpptouec. PIPEPLACI: h.inr to okcirs :,acrina naterials and. before'i'r"@ing t ""pul_xL0n- FP,AllIllG: !'fust be reqtested aftetappr9ual 9f "oltgh plttnbing, e-Lectri_eal & neclwnical. - AL'|, ?o;fi?1gbractng t chinncys, ete. nust- becontpLeted. ilo ucrk is to be con_. cecled, unttl ihi! inspectian has 'beetz rul.e uC apptoued. r tztq trenches. !ilSOAn!: Steel ioaation, bond,Deorut,- gzouting ot, uetrieals indc-e_o-?d0zee uixh U. B, C. Secti.on2415.r DWALL_INS?ITI1N: ?c be naCe f!:: 1LL dtyualZ is in ptace,oux p"io? to dry taping. fi r,tooosro,n: I /\ I c.firpleted. After instalZation is cuRB e APPR9ACE APP1N:ee erected but ption conevete. Aftet formsto pourt)ng STDXWALK t DRT"WAI: Eo- all ccn_erete patling trithtn stpeet r4gh:_of-txA, to be naCe after all -ecca_ oatl.ng carplexe i lorn wrk & sub-fu.se nater.tal in ptace. I rntet, MEcitANrcAL IENCE: llhen compZete -- pyouiCe gates o? nooable sectians thnoughDtra ALL proiect conditiow, such as tlte ins*.allat:.an of street treee, :o.=oletion of t'neteqited Lard.sccping, etc.' rmtst be satisJ'ied before the BU|LDING FL,taL ean be reqteexed.. ?INAL ilILDING: The Einal Buildnt.g Inapection ,ruet be "equested c.fter the Final Plunbing Electrical, otd Meclarical inspections hava been made ard approueC. |ALL ITAIIHCLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUST BE,ICCESSIBLE, AD,IUSTIIETIT TO BE I,I"4DE AT lIO CSST TC CIIY / /l l 2 SOLAE.{CCESS REQ.- Zone: ^*u JoB No. rZo&l ,l L-CO Bedtoon's Lot Faces - AceessHouseL. Lace % of Lct Cooetage lotal Het,ght Intetio" Cornet' Parhanl.Le Cul-de-sac Lot Sq. Ft-i- -- lees -- x. F?GTfrEfuI r'&ain ..t TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1,5 x Date Pald S;-gneti: Building PernLt Total Clanges 6tdte CIlARGEDt'7 li-ztutes ResLdznti,aL (1 bath) Seuet'Scni cant the do Pl'anbLng Pentit State Nal/Eeted Citeaits Sentice es tl'at the eLectrtcal uork be done mf"fri: if" i"tri;z,i' ;;,i,;;"' "1 tn; " .p n*'t't shzll ro ;;" 1;b;1' L;' t "; u': s"ZZ- u:! t n e E L e e tri c aL c ona act o 7' tmrePocItcreE lLeetrLcalbguntiLbe Stdte F!ENC bhast Hood. V€nt Fot /s o o llcodsto:se /o H) {,do L t<,0 Mechonicol Permit PerilLt Issuorce Mechanical Petmit illcRaACHySN? -- Sec.trr) Perqrit 5i<i.aaalk TOTAL A/UOAil? DUE:'ii.c 0 Curbcut PLan lratnnet I HAW IAREFULL| EXA\\INOD the eonroleted appl'Leation for pennit' and' da hataAt, aarrifu th"at "ti"i.ri":*iil, iereoi is inte and ccrrect' ani r '[i"7i'*"2'iilifa'iiZr'""a- aii aLL 'sork perfomted shalL be do:'t'e in aeeon- 'd;;;;*"r;,; tiL' o"ai""iz"- "f ;i citv of bw"insfield' .and the La;s o7' the ff_rZZV- i"L;,;;"-i;;,ai;;iq to the uork cescribed here.tn, s?d that N0 1ccu- pA$c:/ titl be rrud.e oi i,y" ,t o.i:tuye vttltout pernrisaion oi the Builcing N- tision. r futthet, "n"tii1-1- tt^.t o"ty eon-t"alto?s ad atqlcyees aho *e in Lonplian e ul.tn cas 701.-0bE aiLL be used on thia project Mobile Hone Jlgnea {. I I I Tea--