HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-10-05Recei,ll u'5b Dato: Iour City Designated Job Nwnbet' Is:q ottb time, that ecch addxess is readabie , iob aCdrces, tYPe ol imPe':!ictt P.equestv receite,l befcre 7:00 cn ES (lt: ne ra I P l urnbing l.lechanica u cc E. r iJ:il Strtrerv til ec t- r Lr lil t'l It ie the reaponcibility of the permit ho-ldet to aee that aLL incpec-tions ate nade at tlp proper fi*,-ti,i-itre'et,'anC ttit tne-pe"rit-card ie. Located at -!h.e. front of the--propet'ty' ',ui,itdi",J-i;it"to" "pi,;;;"1 iki.stu;Ll renatn on ttrc Buildinl siL: ,tt all tines' pt?ocgDupE FoR INSIECTIO|. RgQUESTrcaul 726-3769(recordet,) state yout' city cosigruted iob nunber' requestcd and uhen v";ffiiai-jor in"pection, contractors o'r asnera rnme and plone nwtbcn' .sitl be nade the ,*n"-ii,-"Zqrrniii-^Zde aftZr ?:00 on uiLL be nnde tle ncrt tnrkittg day' Sanilary seuen caPPed at Pt'oPe Septie tank p',cpcd arul filled uith gra'tel Final - l{hen abcue itens are ecnpleted and uhen :lenoli,tion is complete or stru:- ture moueC and prertises cleaneC up. .rll rr l,ill'li:'F,t' , rl rQ Lire ..RESIP(NTIAL APPLICA',tz)N/PBRMIT 225 North ith Street Springfield, }regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 5s SPr|INGFTEL-I)- Job Locaticn:2 Zn ?c,s tnt llAcsessot'c MaP il *bdiuision: -+'rA-mer: /1 ( +U Ci QU 4 - N6i4 Address Plone zip: o a477 larrs - l.{ 7-b 1o{otr^ bn Datc of Applica aon 7 -18 -qb vouaf ,ldditicn qf Q {A- zowa"Lt dd Ain,,r1 QnLloS,u brde BsIrt t: lleouired f n anaoti.ans w forme. UNDER!;LAB PLUTIBINC. ELECTRTCAL,q MtC'irVl'Cltt: 'Io be made before anY Git-7i-i6uered. FOOTINC 1 FOUNDATICI: To be naCe Tfier tnerrcies are etcaoated arul forns at e erected, but Priot' to pouring ccncrete. lNpERCzAtnp PI,UM DRAIIIACE: 1'o be nale Pt"Lor to JLL- TQ-iiZnches. UIIDERFLOOR PLUI.IB Ii[G & IUIEC!|\'II ]!41 : of floor insulction ot decking. flV Posr AND BEAM: To be made Prior to L) A;;;tt;;t;of floor insulabion or deckiru;. F V ROUcil +f;fl+s#xfi E\'ECTRI9AL 'e Hfl€rl l,X I m: No uork is to bc aou*ered - GTTTthese inspections haue been nwcle arul approued. FIPEPLACE: Ptior to plccir4 facing mcteiaG and before froning inspec- tion. PRAIIING: ltust be requested aften ffiiof,at of rough plttrbing, electri- cal & mectanieal. ALL rooling bracirq 6 chtrmeys, etc. rntst be completcd. llo ucrk is to be con- cec'Led until this insPection las been nade anC aPProued. SI?E INSPECi'IqN: To '6aoiiiS['5G prion FIIIAL PLUMBIIIC FINAL MECIIANICAI, FINAL ELECT?ICAL rNsuLATroN/YAPOR tt.4RRt ER I tlsPilllpN: To be maCe after all insulitlon a:a required oapor baniers dte in place bui be|one any LaLlt, glJptnm boarC or wLL couerinq i.s altylied, and bel'ore ay insulation is aoncealed. be made aften tc se! uP of w L)R :.:OV95 r--71 DRYWALL .\NSI'EC*IION: Tc ba na,lc I N | ;n;;nz,,r""o' i.ts .in ptace,u but prion bo anY ttt1'ing. MASONRY: Steel toctttion, bontl t666lgrout'ing or vet'tiaals tn accotdaitce Dith U.D.C. Se<:tion 241 s, WOODST7'IE: After installation is ccmpleted. CURB 8 APPRCACI\ AP|IQN: Aftet forns a1"" e^^b;Iilt p"t"" to Pouning concrete. SIDEHALK ,$ IrRIt'El'l!,Y: Fon all con- ;retenat 6Gttl; street night- of-unu-. to bc made aften aLL etca- oLt'tn-g- cdnpleta & i'otr;r lurlt'k & sub' base nnterial in Place. hrhen conplete -- I'r'ooiCe or nooable sections thnough e ltcnes Blocking atd Set-uP Plttnbing connections -- aa;e,1 atd uater Electrical Ccnnection - Blocking, set-ttc and plwibing connections mtst be aitprcted befone requbeting elec lttcal inspea lion Accessot'g BuilCing Final - After etc. are comP pcrckes, akirting, decks, leted, !t!eE'gates P.U.E. Etl w Pr,-tr 1 of 2 t.t, ilAiltnr,Es AND Ctt;ttftOit'tc ilt[r nE tlcclS{ilRl,E, Atl't!tsl:!!:it? to 8E l'fint t'? llo r'!5T TO Cr',:Y Describe L'orli: ALLpro;iecbconditions,suchctsLleinstal^Lationofslt'eett\911.:to'pletionofthe requirecl Landsccpi,ng,'Lt.l., *rut be oati.aficd bcfl:re-the BUILDINC FINAL aan be requested' F,NAL BUrr,DINc: The FinaL Building rnapectiotr mtst, bc requested alter the Final Plwnbing E t;; ;';";;;|:' oi un" m"|i"i r i" pi " ttois'hau e b e en nade ard approu e c'@ SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-JOB NO L-co d ;aonc: Bedroome: Lot Faces - Lot So. Ftc. 7 cf Lct Cc[eraQe LOT TYPE _ Interi.cr Corne" !lea P. L.llouse ! of Stories Total lleight TopograPhY Panhandle CuL-de-sac th t -- Fees -- ITEI'I SQ, FTC X VaLue Building Vo lue & Perm it This permit is granted on the erpress cond.i.tion that the saitl'consttwcLion elnll, in all t'eapecta'- i,i'1o'*'to th-e. 0rdinance adop.te'{ \iy the City of iwilbftita, inc|luding'til 2)"tL"g crd':'nanc-e, regulatirtg tle ccnsttwcticn and use of buildinss' ";;;^;;-L;'"" 'iiin"ana'or rZuokec at "'.tv tine upon oic- lation of any prcolsions of said 1tdinances' ,l TOTAL VALUE S.D.C 7.5 x Duilding Perrtt sa PLan 5-zv Date Paid State Total Clnz'ges 7v 1T'Ett NO,T'TT:CIIAR(;E Plumbing Permit No percorr shall constmet, inetal!'- alter ot change.GnU nev.cr eristing i-tiild or drainage "'i"tl" t" inol. 9l in part, unless such person is the Legal possessor of " il-tii p\*,i'ni'" ti"nn"'e, escept that a person nay do ilhi&i uot'k to pr.pnlty',iniih- i" oonnd, Leased or operated bv the appli- cant. I'i.stto'es Residential (1 bath) San Seuen Plwnbing Pernit State Nau/Ertend Ctrcuits Electricol Permit l{he|e state tnr,t requires tl"at the electrical uork be done by -an Electrical Contractot,, the efecirTlc"t ponlii"- of this,pernit shall not be ualiC until lie Label -lus been signed bl the Electrical contPactor' 4enr4< 4/6va5'5*Zt'y'rzzrza Seruice l) Stcte. Total' NC ocLa CIIN?CE Mechonicol Permit I Vent Fot Ucodst oite Perwtt fssuence t'leclnnictl Perrtt te A -- ENCROACHMENT .. Sectri.ty Deposit Storal1e Maittt,enan.e Pcrmit Cutbca! Sida,taLk Fence ElecLrical ta.bel Mobile llane t ll : Signed I HAVE CAREFULL. EXAMINED tle eotnpleted application fo-n permit, and do n;iitv L"nll.fy tnat alt-iniiiatibn hereoi ie true and eorrect' and I 'frnli""n "ertli"fy that aiy ald aLL u91k pa-nfomed elnll be dote in accor" danee urtth the ondirai;"nr-o7ihn city of springfield,.and the La;a of tha state oJ' hregon p"*t"iiiig- to the oo\k Cescribbd herein' cnd llnt N0 0ccu- 1ANCI uiLL be nn,1e of' anry" structure uithout permi,oaion ol the Building D.i-- uieion. r furthet' """;:;7:J-;i;l- i'lv- cont"oc'tona ar'd .enplcyees ul, are in Lripl,l.""""'u;tt ons zol.'o-ss wtLL be- ueed on thie project iltt'',1 11,tl; lotal 7,7= I ^_ Eehalat lloo,7 ,/e-3-*fra6-- 1 lLr CITY OF ONEGON 225 PITTE SlTEBf, SPRTNGPTBII), OREGON 97477 INSPBCTION REQIIBST: 726-3769 OPPICB: 726-3759 JOB /; Permlts are non-transferable and expirelf vork ls not started rrlthln 180 daysof lssuance or lf vork ls suspended for 180 days. 2. CoNtrRACTOR INSTALIATTQN oNrI ,Rc ru?tt)S Electrlcal Contrac lor 'fr Address )7tr2 ct Phone 3y3-72F 7 Supervl sor Llcense Number U-5,*0 -S Explratlon Date Constr Contr. Number /'755 Z Explratlon Date - 7/ ture of s Name Address E ct OSNER INSTALI,ATION The lnstallatlon ls belng made onproperty I onn vhlch ls not lntendedfor sale, Iease or rent. Oyners Slgnature: DATE: 3. COIIPI,ETE PBB SCIIEDTI,B BELOS A. Nev Residentlal-Single or Multi-Famlly per dwelling unlt. Service Included:Items Cost 1500 sq.ft. or less Each addltlonal 500 sQ. ft or portlon thereof Each Manuf'd Home or Hodular Dvelling Servlce or Feeder $ 8s.00 $ 15.00 $ 3s.00 B. Services or Feeders (10 Branch Circuits included). Installation, Alterations or Relocation: 100 amps or less 101 amps to 400 amps _401 amps to 600 amps _601 amps to 1000 amps over 1000 amps/volts -Reconnect 0nly $ C. Temporary Services or Feeders Installatlon, Alteratlon or Relocatlon SP'IIN(;FIELT' BIJCIT,ICAL PBNilIT APPIJCATION City Job Nunber -1- e=* ,lrra 1. LOCATION OP INSTALIATION ,17gr '/, s;ag Sum 00 00 00 00 00 00 200 amps or less $ 35.00 201 amps to 400 amps - g 40.00 Over 401 to 600 amps _ $ 80.00 Over 600 amps or 1000 volts see rtBrr $ 35.00 $ 50.00 $ 1s.00 $ss $eo $e0 $130 $300 35 lng Electrlclan )4&D. Branch Circults d Nev, Alteration or Extenslon Per Panel phone 7Z/- .52 lO One Circuit Tvo to ten Clrcults Each Addt,I ten orportion thereof above E.Miscellaneous (Servlce/feeder not included) -Each lnstallatlon Pump or irrigation $ S0.OO Sign/0utline Llghting- g 36.00 Slgnal Clrcuit or Ilmited energy panel_ $ 36.00 SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE .52) .i- 5Z State Surcharge - TOTAL g:', , SC) 5 RECBIVED W ,.1/, 3)