HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1987-02-11APPLICATION/PERILIT 225 Nonth Sth Street SprtngfieLd, 2regon 97477 Building Ditsision 7 26-37 53 .. RES., -ENTIAL..SPFIINGFIELD "rob Locaticn: C2 3 ooAesessors Map #Ic,z Lot # Svbdioision: O,mer: Addtess:2 Phone: <()c)Date of Appliea Value Deser+be 4tzz Ilot k: S ?'ll-'T Additicn RenoCeL ELectricaL Meclvt:ical DEMALTTTAII OR !,!OWD BUILDI;:|CS Sandtary seuer capped at g,opert:r; Lire Septic tutk Etrltped and. filled trith graxel Final - Itthen abcue itens aye conoleted and uhen dqnclition is comp;Lete'o, "t o"-ture moued and. pretrises cleanei up. Hcmes Blocking od. Set-up Pltnbing connectians -- aa:l)e? od. uater Pinzl - Aftet pcrehes, skirting, decks,etc. an,e ccnpleted. Electtical Connection - Bloeking, set-up and pltonbing connections rn;st be apprc"*bd before requesting el,ectrical inspection Accessory BuilCirq I^t ie the teeponsibi-LilU of_tne penrit hotder to aee that aLL inspectiotts aye nade at lhe prope! tine, that ecch adlyess is reqCabi-efton the etreet, and, tlnt the penrtt catd. ie located at the froni of the orooerht.*Building Diuicion approted pLan shcll remain on the Bunlding sitebt aLL't{mZs." TNSPECTTOIl .'CALL 7 26-37 6 I ( z,eeordey, ) state youz, City desigrnted job ntotber,, wken you be ready for inspeetion, Contractc?s ol, Oumet,s ncme cnd pTnne numberl",,i be made the sane dcg,"equests nade after Z:00 on ttill be nade the nett uorking dag Iour City Desi,gttated Job Numbez, fs INSULA?TON/VAPOR BARRTER ITISPECTION: To be nade aftez, aLL insulaticn a-d. required uqor burie?s de in plaee but before any Lath, gApsltn bcatC ot, mLL cotsering is applied, and. beforeoty insulation is eoncealed. DRWALL INSPECTTON: Tc be made -. after aLL C,tyuaLL is in pl,ace, but prior to cny taping. job aCitess, type Requests receixed of inspec=icn befcre 7:00 e:t arlpERSLAB PLUMBTNG. ELECTRTCAL & WCH{ilICAL: To be made befoie any .uotk ie eooeted. POOTIN} & F)UNDATICN: To be taCeTfter t-iex&enct;;- rcauated. and. forms are etected, but prior to pountng ccncrete. AND9RGRCUIID PLAMEINC, SEWEP, W.ATER, DRAfNAGE: To be made pz"Lor to fil-Lir4 trenches. UT|DERFLOOR PLUI,EIIIG & MECITANICAL : To be nade prior to installation of floor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to ins tlidTTffi-i- o f flo oz, ins ulZti on or decking. R1UGH PLU|BII|G. ELECTRTCAL 4 !,IECH-nit.ar:@wtil these inspections haue been made ond, approued.. ETPEPLACE: PrLor to placiry facinqmaterials and before froning inepel-tion. !@!!!t: l,tust be requested after appz,oual of rough plwrbing, electti-cal & necTnnical. ALL roofing bracing €, ehinmegs, ete. mrct be : corrpleted. Ilo acrk is to be eon-. cealed until this inspectlon hastbeen nade anC approted. After instalTation is \> CURB & APPROACH APPON: After fornsee ez.ecteC but ption to pouning conc?ete. SIDEWALK & DRITTWAIj Fon aLL eon- crete pauing trithin stteet right- gf-?nay, to be made after aLL erea- oating cotnplete & forn uo?k & sub- base nuteri,al in pl,aee. !EN!E: Wen conplete -- Prooi.de gates or mooable sectians through P.U.E. t0 SITE TNSPEC?ION:e.AAhn:1C forne FINAL PLUMBINC PINAL MECITANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL To be nnde aftet, prtoz, tc set up of ITIAS2NRI: Steel beans, grouting aceotdotce uyLth 24L5. Location, bond or terticals in U.B.C. Section lV wooosroltt,LD ccrpTeteA. A l,J^\ ALL proieet conditione, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, conoLetion of therequit'ed Landsccping' etc., mtst be satisfied befote the BUILDIV'? FINAL can be requested.. ?rNAL BUTLDTNG: The Einal Building rnspection nust be requested after the pinal plwnbingElectrical, and Mechanical rnspeetZons itaue on"" ^Li.- irrd-;p;";;"d. *ALL \TANI\CLES AND CLEANOU?S t,tu7? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJaS?ltENy ro BE TL4DE 11.? NO CCST TO cIIy Page 1 of 2 # UGB 4tt v n C-c-- Date: 7 ,rouorn ro n 4f t f l t Const?uction_Lendep . tr z Zone:Type/Cor.st: soLAR ACCFAS REQ.- Oeeteanc| Group: L-co c Bedtoons: Lot Faces -Enet'ct!.t Sourees Titoe Setbaeks lleat DT Ilouse Caraqe Access.Watez. lleater North East [irepLace South llood.stou"e # of Stories Total Height Iopography LOT TWE _ fnterior Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac Iot Sq. ?tg. % of Lot Cooetage West -- Fees -- Building Vqlue & Permit Ihis perrnt is granted on the erpt,ess condi.tion tltat the sciid-consttwction "l*LL', i, aLL r"espects, conform to the Ordinance adopted 5y the CitA o.f Sry,inglield, i-nclll.ing- the Zoning Ct'dinattce' regulating the ccnstmtcticn ,i"d "ZZ of -buildings,- cnd may be suspend.ed or reuokeC at cnA time upon zsic- Lation of dnA prc'tsisions of said 2rdir,ances. TOTAL VALUE s.D.c, ITEM FTG x Value * 1.5 c ?otal Clwges Building PermLt State Date vaLd: Receipt #: Plumbing Permit No pe?son s?nLL consb'ttct, instalL,, altet oz' ehantqe -any nett-c? etisting plthbl,na or dtainage sAste:n in uhole or in part, unless such pet'son is the iegal p"ossea"oo o1"o ,rLlid plr-rbnr"s Lic-ense, es-cept tlnt a pe"son ma'g 1opfinning uork to proper4 ihi.h is or,rned' Leased ot' operated by the dppli- cant. NO FEE CHARGE tiztw,es Residenti,al (1 bath) Sa,ter Plwbing Penit, State Electricql Permit whez,e state Las requires tttat the electrical uovk be done by _an Eleetrical contraetor, the elicttical pottion of this permit stull not be talil until the Label has been aigned by the Elecbrical Contraetor'. IotaL NO.FEE * Neu/Eotetrd, Cincuits Ser"oice ITlM NC FEE 5 Mechqnicol Permit >q Eshanat Hood Ilcodstotse Vent ?@t PermLt Issudnee Mec\wnieel Pemit -- ENCROACHMEN? -- SesitrLtu Deposit Sto"age Maintetnnee Pexwtt 6tsbcut Si.datalk lence Eleetz,ieal Label Mobile Hone PLan EsaTrune?uaDe 1_-ft-s1 I HAW CAREEALLy EXAUINED tle eonrpleted application for pennit, and' do herebu certi.fa thai atl infortnation hereoi is trae and cot't'ect, anl r fut'tk"et' certZiy that any ard aLL uork performed slul.L be done in aeeor- "dance ,,rith th-e- Ot'dinanc"es of the Ci,tA bf Spt'ingfield, and th-e Las of the * State of 1r,egon pertaining to the uork Cescribed herein' end tlnt N0 OCCA- penCy oiZL b"e rnaZe of any" structw,e uithout perrnission of the Bui'lding N- u,ision. I fut'then ierti.ly that otly contz'aitov's and enplcyees uho are in eonpliance uith ORS 701.055 uiLL be used on this pt'oiect IotaL TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:*ls.bo Date JOB N o tlates, Total Chanoee