HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1976-07-09;: ,l .t., {i '3/7 ; JEST TOR S ITE TTAS I B ' L ITY STUDY s,l,ll ,%" or r ice sq 0nly ty'a(/fo-a;?c T Numbe r ec a PLEASE PRINT Yes Arml ea Urban zln Ar No,tl Rece i ved .N I\,.THtS IS A PRELIHINA'(Y REPORT WHTCH DOES NOT INSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUlLDING PERfiIT. EXPENDITURES HADE IN RELIANCE UPON THIs REPORT ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Lot # Owner o Property No. of Sites //7,fro No. of Acres Block # d2 Range f2.-r, /?3 le 3- Sect lon Tax Lot No. *$ $a{ l,rg e eP e Proposed Use . of Property: Propef,ty S i ze 5 i gnature o ate App I i cantl ert Tota I i Cash .,r C he ck s,lnterest y':0ther (Spec s rSro'a \ x It i.' ,i+,r': cant Buver I Real tor&ifv)zMk/t;. <l-odrfr!Itr,, t'+l,r/u. S.f oPFe/. Legal Access - Road Name 1i, ill; ![: x st ng tructures on Property ri ,t4. .ii I rty Locat ion (o i rect ions) : Will Test Holes 8e Ready?. .},lARK TEST HOLES WI;H OUR FLAGS ? Locatlon of Test Holes on Property:C^rrr'// h I ion of any landmarks a 'dt"$Joi' ate .'ri1. r.!'i ..il.r' Jil er la la vrteroPPof rks ram dma I n onhows tionshio of test holes to 1_ =-.--Ir 'ii,., ,.t, ii' rt'}.",'. "i'r; tl rJ"r' : I'r['!.-i l+ltl$ , .FiIl .r ' 1 lit;". ..,,':l-t}, . ,1.1.1 ii-l:Iri, t.' "'t;i.,.ir' '/Ll'; ,fri ri S/*,v r,i t'(, 0"n dobnl(* HAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: ENVIR A HANAGEHENT Phor e: 687-4065 es t( What C ity? ne le of itsnropertyt Public .V Spring ter 0ther UPP v ec ropose District: llel I , . I,IAIu TO: LANE COUNTY OEPART NT 0F ENVIRONHENTAT HANAGEHENT, 135 E, 5th Ave., Euqene. 0re, PLANJ YesY No 0wnerls \ Consent tri .ii: _ r:t :: { ln t 'fi \ ,.r j.ri ,, t. a XArr*'l C^- {-f-/ v/tl,uq,{A t 4}41 *! {z/, ( /14 76 3t Zh ,il4ff --/*(/,- /2, ..7?o anlA Z^*.*rfl *r/-,Zlr %k fu -ff *?afr AeQ qAL ,j" a,<' 77'^--l'+ ' U 2-t ,0r rl/t /br,.---- 1)*l t^ ^-roul!' (-r,>1Q I 2,*4. I ,-,--A 1-l +) f") x ./ ) Y7/ ou r/- BUILOING PER}IIT APPL ICATION N0"76'5>< ()SITE INSPECTION TAX ,or-?0 I SUBDIVIS, ,IZ LOT:_ BLOCK: APPL I CANT OATE PLANN I }IG D IV IS I ON Zoning 0rdinance Connp I iance: Zone Not I icable No Yes CKID BY: Setbacks f >/. I 2 3 4 5 Subdlvision 0rdinance Compl iance Front Side Exterior Setbacks from interior l ines: 5rOe Rear cOt{ilENTS: Reoui red Accessguitalng Site (Area, }Jidth, Frontage) 0ther (see conments) rT ( ( 6 rofn ) )() () ()( FIANN tNG O IUISION_TETMTPEND ING: Y BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION Plans Submitted Soil Stabil lty (footings) Flood Plain Other (see connnents) TTAPPI I CAT I OM Not Appl icab!e(I () () () 7 8 9 0I No Yesr) TT() () () () () ()CKID BY: DATE COHHENTS: I'ATER POLUT ION CONTROL COH}IENTS: I I . l{eets Department of Envi ronmental Qual ity Standards. I 2 . 0ther (see cornments ) Not Aool i cable No Yes T$f rr otl ( )()CK!O BY:,/&rfu; DATEllla) TO APPLICANT: Your Bu (.) ding / Site lnspection: e approved.b k'o annot be approved at this t ime as indicated on item N0.il Questions and further informa tion on items I through 5 contact the LANE- Qu estions and further informa tion on iteilET N COUNTY BUILDING AND SANITATIO N DIVISION ) Uill be held in this ce unt you can reso ve the p above. L il 4 / c55-28 ( ( Your bui ldin Pnoue1. 597-4065 LANE COUNTY PLANNTNG DIVTSION PHONE: 687-4186 ems nd i cated. ls being returned. ermi t I ication f is bei 135 Sixth Avenue East Eugene Oregon !/40r BUILOISG S'!TE EVALUAT ION X s t contact # t r-E sa ]LE #2 j ST HOLE PREDICTED WATER Predicted Observed Date ,IfI o l-fl o SATURATED ZONE redicted served ate strictive Layer _i,ervious Layer in Etling MEET M]NIMIIM STANDARDS. 1n ON YOUR PROPERTY THE DEPTH tr{AS: inches inches 1n ln SITE DOES DOES NOT ADMINISTRATIVE RULES RNQUIRE A MINIMI]M DEPTH OF: 36 inches to an imperrneable layer 30 inches to a restrictive layer 60 inches to a permanent water t,able 24 inches to a t,emporarily perched water table OTHER REASONS FOR DENIAL inches inches PROFILE Inch L2 24 36 48 60 I Restrictive Layer _i, Impervious Layer _it 1n l-n L2 24 36 60 <^v. 481n 1n 1n PERCHED WATER SATURATED ZONE Mott ling PROFILE InchPredicted Observed Date Predicted Observed Date PLOT PI,AN: Stream .-..rt- Drainage or pond la r.lt.at r.. rll I I Road ---- rest Hole @ \ % SloPe Cut, Bank ./, (rr Fen.ce X-x ,f \3 lv o- l,c '*'slfio 6 -7t olua 5t"-- L-"41t t q 0-4( '/t"- tr t- I ':tn't ' t fu-trs 7/ b' '.ilb./ A l,*( O-72 "l ,Llu l/&q o(t,/0 bl lr I v ,k, - J 'l T tr T tr *rA "t o X -,it 0J ', LOCATION: ZON]NG: rwl. 17 RT PROPOSED USE: Single Family Industrial i-, INDIVIDUAL SITE EVALUATION WORKSHEET' 4/RANGR '- SEGTIONJ_-i-- TAX LOT #Qflt/vJ SIZE OF PROPERTY: AMOI.JNT US$LE AREA: WATER SUPPLY:COMMTJNITY PUBLIC IF SITE MEETS STANDARDS FILL OUT: Type of structure and approximate sewage flow: U {,r.fr7&4 /sto ldilti-family Cornrnercial gpd cpd 8pd 8pdcpd MINIMUM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS : Length of disposal trench require Distribution Method: Equal Curtain drain required: Yes Other: Ins titut ional d ."- '/150 gal.tl Seri a1 No SPECIAL SITE GONSIDERATIONS OR VARIANGE OPTIONS OR OTHER ALTERNATIVES: ur--a 1 Ic74-L26 DATE OF EVALUATION: /1".-,1^.7 -fl ,a d-Z-rL d/+ NAME: $r-tr( 2? ro' Vt*it' .(oL AND A MINOR tg8'rt'v s2t.+' aJ 20 4? ,y r9 \\-\ ?22 | 22.I 0 /' 3 3 .'rt ./. g.st ot a B,i?al lL( Cor, DlE. ONT E El_ l-o = =ACDCC:-7 lL,J IfJi/ I.EJSU E ACF(ES J.rl'ii E Fo 2I \ ! 4 6 lnt ,14,a2'.C .la?ei-*o *t< /tZt, laa4 4/zo \l+$\\ vt.rs' I5Lv [\(,,1r't o29 1 t49'51't- a s () r(, 3 0 7 TO E f. 8000 o19-ol ,rf"l(\l 203' *. tr'. -. 3 2 9t. 2t9 c1.'2 ?t8 a1 ?t5 204 2 ,.w95t l4 ,o'oz(\, ro 6 I4 F lrJ lrJ E,F(n .,G1;' 207 5 2lt 6 208 6 8L;rq;. @ gd F trJ trJ a., o(r roto Yfrl(i,-7A7.4., 209 29r5 76200 6100 It'il:t\FIRST ADD M ONT EBEL.ACF{ES 903 0\ ,;1,'i; L 6400 2 I ao ,90 4 )uo-ak6' 'Eeie.. rr,6 a/.c./ /19/ eet. w.ao. .frSao 2930 MON AVE. 2933,? to24 loo4 ,7a'oa'/ '"' DO9 rooo 90r o oo root 'l b 1 ), i.a6' X'd .16Lr' lllli 1' I t3 2 .eia, 200 v lane county March 6, 1978 Glen Dent 655 North A Str SpringfieLdr Or. 97477 RE: Twp-17R-02sec.-19. 3fffi93 Site Inspection #t76-528 Date of Sit.e Inspect,ion: 8-18-76 Dear Mr. Dent: Init,ia1 investigations of the subject property found lndicatLons of a regional high water table at a depth of 50 inches below the ground surface. This depth was not in conformance w(th the mj.nimum reguirements of DEQI s subsurface dewage disposal regulations and a permit coul-d not be issued. As request,ed, your site inspection has been cont,inued to aLlow lox a winter water check. Field observations indicate t,hat the regional high water table is present at a depth greater than 80 inches below the ground surface. Based on these observat.lons, iE will be possible t,o issue a building permit for the subject property in accordance w-ith the reguLatlonse A11 portions of the site are approvable. A copy of this letter will be at.t,ached to the site inspection for the subject propertye and will becorne a part of the records regarding t,he pro- pertyo If you have any quest,ions regarding this"matter, please feel free to contacE the area santtariane Stan Petrasekl at 687-395I, as lndlcated below. ROY L. BURNS, R.S.e DTPJCTOR I^IATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Sincerel Stan Petra ek R"S,e Area Sanitarian RLB:1ak WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION / I25 EAST 8TH AVENUE / PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT EUGENE, OREGON 97401 / (503) 687-4061 Surname @ ffirse $EtTffi Tax IE 6ae ffi Recei pt No.0wners Consent Yes No Name and Addres s REQUEST FOR SITE FEASIBILITY STUDY THIS IS A PRELIMINARY REPORT WHICH DOES NOT INSURE THE ]SSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING PERMIT. ANY PLANS OR EXPENDITURES MADE 'N RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK: $_l{o. S i tes No. Acres TOTAL Te ne No.Proposed Use P rope r ty Property S ze U n z ng Area Yes No Ex st ng Structures I s Property it n One ile aC ty What Cit Yes No Proposed Water Supp v 0t r Publ i c Di stri ct Spri nq Wel I Soec i fy $ $ cant 5 nterestApp ropertyn Legal Access - Road Name Special Yes Permi t Area No Property Locat i on:(D i rect i ons ) APPROVED NOT APPROVED BEFORE CONSTRUCTION lS STARTED bring this form to the Department of Environmental Management and make application for a building permit. lf the property is a por- tion only of a tax lot, a metes and bounds description of the parcel must be fur- nished. Exact specifications for the sewage disposal system will appear on the building permit. Two sets of building plans and a plot plan will be required. LANE COUNTY DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT I35 EAST SIXTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 Authorized Signature c55-32 A Da te Owne rDat e TRS, TL e Plot Plan 6€ Job Location (mile post) Subdivision FOR SANITARI COM s qo7 6 eu.A csrcf MENTS: Prudo 5to,le InM-e\ fl System Disapproved LajAAPIA<L yu,r.ff ttt4 G d= B lock a \ FOR INSTALLER'S USE: Trench Depth eV! 3A" s I Signature Date x 764o ') lt (\o (\4 a{ \\ Tank Capacity /i2O O Manufactu lVleasured distance to well from tan pC ; l/ k)a*ertromdrainfie Filler Depth Be Tile /- /' t t\ c,i\ b horate e€Zz o g I \,1 rl ss ul I3 o Ui6 r. F{B **e tr,qri d iE Bu],..X-r5ll, <. LiJ z=509z 9REUt"ta * ulF o { N N q I I Iour\ $ri E)ltrA:= \, *\ E2\idc- ig"i o. IJJtr R z(9 6 1-,ol ir <5 -IsI Sca le (.) G'P0C ?r,?; ne INSTALLATION RECORD AND CERTIFICATE OF SATISFACTORY COMPLETION When signed by the County Sanitarian, this certificate is evidence as per ORS 454.065 of'sat- isfactory completion of a subsurface sewage disposal system at the above location. Return this form to: Permit Processing Section, Department of Environmental Management, Public Service Building, 125 East 8th Avenue, Eugene 974Ol I rJ d6S o- qJ qJL c3$ C- a lis (o @c) V 9.=+frot !L,/ O==d: Eoot3 ,-!, (D C)otr3g D c\sosDtr-l c) o 3 o '/zt DT c55-1 ' I-l g'.t N $ \ "$(L dt I L- JOB ADORESS: TRS, TL: ]his. perrn;1 for the referenced property is hereby result in revocation of this permit, citation under p.EUfaf&vf# S> ortt I 2S*0 3?nd Strwt, $Prlagfleld SR l7-s2*19"3, II Subdivision Setbacks and other conditions of approval Lane County's lnfraction Ordinance, and/or other must be strictly observed' Violation can remedies allowed bY law' Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: LC e7m-?9 xt" 7{7-S657{pplicanflAddress: uwner/{66;-sss; uontractor/Address: uontractor,s os # Tls ihlfr, 9$U H. 63rd, Sprlnqf{eld f}k )7477 llrlly Halls$lth IlHrPr* Totat Construction Value: g66,$Zf on ap this permit sr8, gffi Wate rSu ly PLANNtNc orvtsrorrr Zo ning: F.A tvti nrmum requ ired stru side exterior: Speci al lnstru na'ctlons: "Bf, t.rt i n. "r r".o, t?1t"1' o*u, f, B; cente rl i nt "?%"tl'tt" ? , pLtE;rear ProPertY llne: 7 ' PU[, --_7\ + Bedrooms + Plumbi Fixtures:*E Partitioning + ctural setbacks, from: nterior proPertY lines 19,0fr0 iq' ft PlTeR pollurroruuuNTRoL DtvlstoN it'$,trNlnlJPJ.-,o* lor pro perty lines road right-of-way I foundationWeilother water sources For information call 687'4394, Type of Const I nstructions: frctotY bqll For plans information call sf ln- :ruction: Sfl Group: n3 Fire Zone: 3 Use Classification: SfD Frstrrr htlrlt frruplaco^pGrytt rs not tnerr&d rn t[ts pG*rt. pFBvfds rnfefisatloa o*r ii-fi;hiaci -ana' i[oiy f[,''- tn* p"-tt bofor.e lnstallatlsr- between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a call 687-4065 between 8:00 a :il:;rHt,but,.For i ons (see back of?frn{"$ini.t lane countY Directions to site: 0{t l{rydGn Brtdp Road to }*th to lrbfitebGllo (thatcbcllr chr}rgcs tato 32ad rd/or IXr{' } el?el7e DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT BUILDING I lssu ed: COURTHOUSE /r^cNrE nEEl:arN oTrnl Bv: L, schnlrhtr 6l!l- - POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE CONSTRUCTION PERMTT + site lnspection +lnstal lineal feet of d rainfield required; Septic Tank Drainfield--TO- of 10' 5',10' latibnspecifications: lffir'ma[-depth of trenches:' if,* gal. min. sePtic tank caPacitY; Soecial lnstructions:lnl rt plot r.rl 100'For information call Grl between 8:00 - 9:00 a. I s oo f '/\1t'\\o R $ \) o ri\\ * .qy tA= 41Y 4 oN r).., \d/ )t/\Giv) _*-tl- s $' .-, I r'-l,)I .J I \) ,l \- I -_. I'_-;) f-t j t t a I i, 1 I i Ij I I , I I i I l i I I I i ! ; t' --. -2' u',.' I - ri<2--- --;' . -:t -- ,- /' .'ta4Y 11.- !* 4 '7 .. fr-z:? l2{r'--r-'/- Y itJ, l,rr>1 .-- r4Q--V', .-n-: -. -._a," ,- i' -),?3: .*i' .i;-:- : ; I t I I I J I ' ]I I I -t I I I '^1 ^t, 'i' ' ' l,l-' T i I I ,--- \ -; -'1i )il )l\l ": (1 .+ r. *- I , : , I I 'l -J. ',1 i,.I I \ . .- I tl, rl i IL ..- i 't '-L-i, ti: l. -*I I i i I ,l I i I ,ltt