HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1979-01-16OTPARTI1ENT OF INVIRONI'iENTAL I{ANAGEMENT PSB, I25 EAST 8TH AVENUE TUGENI , OIIEGON 9740'I Cl ty -'t , .r-: !J ' i -l)ti losllcrtloil fl alq4e:78 Arrlgncd lkrstrr - Recetpt f -,owner--Zaay { 5ignature/Address 'q? LN)._\J/) -'-.Job Adrlress Torn:hlp, Ranger Sectlon, T.x Srrbdlvlslon tot l(\ __8lock Appl ication for Structures now on the Property !fropolcd use ol ProPcrtY:ldcnt a | /-:/ Cqnnerctal /*l {rl l]l ruuttc Aff idavi t_: I,hereby certify that this information is true and lccurate. ease pr nt If this application is for an agricultural bu 'lding it wil'l be used for purposes a'llowed by the State Building Code and Lane County Code Chapter I0 (zoning) and for no other purpose I have the following legal interest in the prope of record;contract pu rc ha ser;lessee;holder of an exclusive option to pu T authori zed t6-TEt-Tor the own €Ft is -k-nowl??geab Tel or l,ihen perm i t is ready noti fy I i c.rnt /://-/ Contractor ry- s I i cation. rty: rchase i phoneAk*HZi- 0ate O*ner Corr tra '6 zl zl /:/ Phone Phonec tor' Contractor's 0SR#Plumbing by uu I{u I t{Rt tt 6t THiS LINE If Conrnercia'l Residential: cdo. f of storles I of bedroorr # of employees -- f of unltr S0S; /]/ Ex'ist ing , BP # /] Proposed, SI # thtr {ss.t SI test holes ready Sq. Ft. orfae Percrlp-tl{g I of Sltci Va I ua t_! sn Fee $ Total Valuatlon: Plumblng flxtures at Serer/xater conn. at 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of 0ccupancy c4 $ $ $ each each aI $---LJ castr /:{ Ctwr.l I Received by -*i2@ ,.IiTER S UPPLY; :c;)cf,rLD EXISTING ,' i: ,{ ii lhl s] p,LI-[D: Subtota l TOTAL $ $t&-$ PERHIT PR0CESSING Zone #Parcel #Parcel Sizn Minimum setbacks:, front Cornnents To be typed on Permit cP&l Type- Group- t side int.; rear t/ By Da te Use Classificatlon To be typed on permit t-l stFa Pl ans to CP& I I.lPc _ set(s) _.__ set(s ) Fire Zone By Hold Sl ipto PCC Da te PhoneFor plans 'information call (area inspector) Directions to site Da te Requ i red Date Compl eted Dnte to PCC C. Do u/ €" fil,r, rtz SITE INSPECTION Ap pnov E o Rrurnxs / / DrsappRoveo fa Darr I nsptcton FOUNDATION INSPEC APPRov E D DrsappRovEo f-a oorr f'Z- /-l /Ir,tspEcron Reuaaxs FRAMING INSPECTI Ap pnov E o Reuanxs Dr slppnovEo o^',, l-$r-z It'rspt cron o^ LATH OR SHt Appnovro Rruanx s I NSPECT I ON Drsnppnoveo [-1 Dart 2 -1" -7V lnsprcron FINAL INSPICTION Ap pnov r o Rruenx s * ft.a<Ad-*-Z DrsrppnovEo n oarr fr-*€--/8/A?E-lrrsee cron CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Rraov ro lssur Rcuanx s / / Nor Rrroy ro lssur f-Darr I ruspecroR -=- -! tb#- {/rc-sft TRS, T 2 JOB LOCATIO LANE COUNTY PERMIT Acreage or Lot Size Contractor's O.S. # Partitioning #----{ ) Cornpleted Subdivision APPLICANT'S NAIVIE AND ADDRE ss OWNER'S NAIVIE AND ADDRESS CONTRACTOR'S NAIV{E AND ADDRESS Mail permitto ( )Applicant ( )Owner ( )Contractor. ( )Prefertopickup. Cait STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPEBTY--...=---=-=-- PERIVIIT # 0 Lot Block- Phone- Phone- Phone IHIS PERI\,IIT IS FOB--- - + 5EDROOMS-* PLUMBING CONNECTIONJS. Date - lliATER SUPPLY SEWAGE D;SpOSAL--- i s.l. # THlSPRoPERTYlSWlTHlNoNElVllLEoFTHEClTYoF-PLUfu{BlNGBY I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate, and that I have the following legal interest in the property: -owner of record;contract purchaser; - potential buyer; - realtor or agent. I further certify that (if notlhe owner) I am authorized to act lor the owoer oirecord, and that said owner is aware and approves of this action. I hireby agree to compiy with all applicable cojes reiatint to this permit, Fee Paid $-Signature I NEW ADDRESS il FACILITY PERMIT TO TRANSPOR]ATION DEPT,--- () SPECIAL PMT. AREA. lvllN. EL.EVATTON: ___ SANITATION Minimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallonsl Drainfield Required - Lineal Feet l.4aximum Depth BUILDING Type of Construction ____Group Use Ciassifir:ation Comments: ire Zone {-omments B PLANNING REOUIREME ZONE Date NTS SATISFIED By SETBACKS: FRONT SIDE FACING STREET B Date: Date lssuedDate (FROtvt C/L)INT. SIDE YARD REAR (FNON{ PiL) LANE COUNTY DEPARTfulENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL IV1ANAGEIVIENT, 125 EAST BTH AVE., EUGENE, OREGON 97401 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE BLDG' PERMIT -wHlrE; BUILDING - GREEN; PLUMEING -- cANARy; sANtTATtoN,- GoLDENRoD; oFFtcE copr,-, vvHlrE cs5-1 3 PHONE: 687-4394 I (owner, etc.) yuhen ready. SITI INSPTCTION AppRov r o RrunRx s Dr slppnoveo Datr Ir.rspe clon FOUNDATION INSPT ON APpRov E D REur Rx s DrsappRovEo C-/ Dare '1/.-I Hspe c ron>4A o FRAMING INSPECTI Appn ov r o DarEDr sappnoveo rRruanx s LATH OR 5I-IIETROCK I NSPECT ION APpRovrD Rr ttr nx s DrsappnovEo f--a aarr Z - lHspr-clon -77 Ir.rsprcTon FINAL INSPTCTION APPRovED M { /?"r/ D r s appRovto /a-24fr?I HspecronTT Rrtta nx s -/2-7 7 @'{ CERTIFICATT OF OCCUPANCY Reaoy ro lssur Rruanx s D Nor Rrroy ro tssuE f-1 Dar r I tspecroa /,/ e^L U@-5,/.e JOB LOCATIO LANE COUNTY PERMIT Partitioning #----( ) Completed NN PERIVIIT # TRS, TL * 2Aa Acreage or Lot Size Contractor's O.S. # Subdivision Lot Block-- APPLICANT'S NAIVIE AND ADDR FSS Phone-.._-- Phone- -Phone-- OWNERIS NAME AND ADDRESS Mail permitto ( )Applicant ( )Owner ( )Contractor. ( )Prefertopickup. Cait_(owner. etc.) when ready STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY_- r'HlS PEHMIT lS F0R__+ B ED FOO I\,4S-,.# P LUIVI B I NG CC N N E CT IO \JS_ Use Classification \IJATER SUPPLY- SEWAGE DISPoSAL -s.l. # THlSPRoPERTYlSWlTlJlNoNEMlLEoFTHEClTYoF-PLUl/lBlNGBY I hereby cenify that the above statements are true and accurate, and that I have the follouring legal interesl in the prope.ty: -owner of record; -contract purchaser; - potential buyer; - realtor or agent. I further ce{tify that (if not the owner} I am authori?ed to act lor the owner o{ record. and that said owner is aware and approves of this action. I hereby agree to comply with all applicable Codes relating to this permit. Fee Paid $-Signature Date( }NEWADDRESS { ) FACTLITY PE F I\4IT TO TRANSPO RTATION DEPT.-- () SPECIAL PMT. ABEA. I\4IN. ELEVATION sANtrATroN BU tLD tNG Minimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) Drainfield Required - Lineal Feet L4aximum Depth Type of Construction --_Group __Fire Zone Comments -omments ( B PLANN ING REOUI REINENTS SA ZONE Date: TISFIED. By SETBACKS: FRONT By SIDE FACING STREET LJdIC Date lssued (FROIVI CiL) INT. SIDE YARD REAR Date (FROM P/L) LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL IVIANAGEIVIENT, 125 EAST BTH AVE., EUGENE, OREGON 974A1 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE BLDG. PERMIT -\tJHlTE; BUILDING - GREEN; pLUMBtNG CANARy; SANITATION -_ GOLDENROD; OFFTCE COpv _ !vHiTE css-1 3 PHONE:687-4394 E ( CORRECTION NOTICE IANE COUNTY DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAT MANAGEMENT Conslruclion Permits & lnspections Division EUGENE, OREGON This building or slructure does not conform to Lone County building regulolions, ordinonces or codes os noted below: ,r 7 c55 -73 RE-INSPECTION REQUIRED FOR APPROVAL lnspector Date Building Permit # I CORRECTION NOTICE f z_, e-aT (( f.ff'l IANE COUNIY DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGE'IAENT Conslruction Permits & lnspections Division EUGENE, OREGON This building or slruclure does not conform to Lone County building regulotions, ordinonces or codes os noted below: c55-73 RE.INS N REQUIRED I nspector FOR APPROVAL -1 B , Building Permit # D ate-'-- 4 CORRECTION NOTICE 1/LANE COUNIY DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Conslruclion Permits & lnspections Division EUGENE, OREGON structure does not conform to Lone County building regulolions, ordinonces or codesThis bui 4.c.-4. ?/ @ to -). REQUIRED FOR APPROVAL I n specto r ,g.t*.4t c55-73 Building Permit # D ( CORRECTION NOTICE IANE COUNTY DEPT. OF ENVIRONiAENTAT MANAGEMENT Conslruction Permits & lnspections Division EUGENE, OREGON This building or struclure does not conform to Lone County building regulotions, ordinonces or codes os noled below: llL+<zz-.{-+<-ez-( ,v (p 24.**/'l i-t1.1 d^ {.-&-r@t ffi?)€*frt RE.INSPECTION REQU!RED FOR APPROVAT I nspector z--+-.<^-+*Date ,c55-73 Building Permit # r'. CORRECTION NOTICE IANE COUNTY DEPT. OF ENVIRON'IAENTAI NAANAGEMENT Construction Permits & lnspections Division EUGENE, OREGON This building or slructure does not conform to Lone County building regulolions, ordinonces or codes os noted below: c55-73 RE.INSPECTION REQUIRED FOR APPROVAT I nspector Building Permit # Date ( ( t,' CORRECTION NOTICE,'l \t tl,| ftuY TANE COUNTY DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Construclion Permits & lnspections Division EUGENE, OREGON This build.ing or structure does not conform to Lone County building regulotions, ordinonces or codesos noted belowt ) 4 dz,4- e-vr @ ( t-t-z**_/d-- tlF .,4* #, /,ilr-*"- J',+rc55 -7.3 RE-l NSPECTION REQUIRE FOR APPROVAT :i Date ff;,/o*/ s/c*€ lnspector -J nL4"L<J-4 Building Permit # ,/a.-4-a-4--e+4 // "l!sa-'{,.,' ,i '.',].,*,&&&.e!etu,,j,,.j.-,J,;.& *,1! & CORRECTION NOTICE l-, {o',1* 4k IANE COUNTY DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAT MANAGEMENT Construction Permits & lnspections Division EUGENE, OREGON struclure does not conform to Lone County building regulotions, ordinonces or codes 'ff -e-f e-d-t--*r-qt'.,u1"'/ 6rt uio ( c55 -7 3 RE.INSPECTION REQUIRED FOR APPROVAT Date-=--lnspector Building Perr.r'rit #n--lz*r CORRECTION NOTICE \ i LANE COUNTY DEPT. OF ENVIRONAAENTAL MANAGEMENT i Construclion Permits & lnspecfions Division EUGENE, OREGON This building or slruclure does not conform to Lone county building regulolions' ordinonces or codes os no belowt fqf ho).? o G 13- 'l * **r?\4 '/ I ?r ff_I A. u 'a c55 -73 RE-INSPECTION REQUIRED FOR APPROVAL I nspector Building Permit # Date--fr-"...*: