HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-09-12Pago 7 of 2 Job Location: Tat Int llAssessote MaP # Subdittision: Asnen: PhoneAddress: +ll ^ c4 .. RESID \TIA,L N, U APPLICATION/PERMITu rz| North |th Street SprLngfield' 1regon 97477 aa SPHINGFIEI.D BuiL&Lng Ditsisio.n 7 26-37 53 Date: a Desct"ibe h'otk 3+ 6vValue1sI-Qt)Date of APP Lication ,,tdditicn RcnoCeL General Plurnbi rrica SrrD Blec t r:ician Sanitory seaet capped at pt'operty Line Septtc tar* purtped and filled uith 7'a;tel Final - l{hen abcoe itens are eanpleted and uhen donolition i,s complete ov struc- ture noued and ptetrrLses cleaneC up' Ilcnes Blocking and Set-uP Plunbing connections -- sanei @IC dater Electrical Ccnnection - Blocktng' set-uc -ii olwnbinq eonneetions nrtst be appra;eC before requ-eoting electrical inspecliot Accessor'; ButlCing pct:ckes" skirting, decks, Leted. Final - After etc. ote conP responsibility of the permit holdet st?e'et' anC that the -perttrt't cat'd is- iiLLlo" approu*ed plan shcll remain Located at the ftont of on tla Building Sitc at the propertY. aLL tines, to see that aLL inaPec tions ate nade at the proper time, that acch cddrees is nealabie It is the fron the*9uiUing PI?ocgDUPE FOR INSPEC?ION ,EI=QIIESTTCALL 7 requested and ahen liou'diLL be ready Io?'*'iit be made the sone dcy, requests mcde 26-3769 (recorden) state your City inspection,Contractors oY A,mers Cesigrt'tted iob nctne cnd phone nunber', iob aCitess' nwber,. of incpectior befcre 7:00 cn after 7:00 an urill be nade the ncxt uorking daE' UN1ERSLAB PLUMBING, EI'IC?RI1AL I l4ECU,l.llIAU ?o be nade before anY 6i{Zia6ueted. lf7 FoorrNC 4 FoUNDA?rcN: To be rruCe L) AftrrffinG "";Z"cattated and---- lornts ate erected, but prior to pourtng ccncrete. m fT=1 DRy\,/ALL INSPECAI1N: Tc be made I X | ;na-mA,*ffts .in plaee, - brt prior to cnY taPing. MASINRY: Steel Location, bond. 6ifiiigrouting ot' oerti.cals in accorld&.e rlLth U.B.C. Section 2415. snE TNSZECYToN: escarsation, but To be nade after pr.tor tc se+- up of to Iout City Desigr,ated Job Number fs: be required oaPor ban'iers ate in Placefonne. floor insu or decking. .these inspections hate been FTNAL PLUI|BIIIC PIIIAL I4ECIIANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL but before anY rnll cooering oty insu-lation ilOODSTO'IE: ccmpT;tA, Lath, gypswn boarC or is applied, and before is concealed After installation is of E1 posr AND BEAM: To be nade pnior to fil cuna a appng4cx api.on: After.forns 6) zamtaa;of floor insulation ot, I A.l are erectec but pt+on to poutLng decking. conetete' t.---:| STDEILALK ,g DRrVEtlAy: For aLL con- I Yl "re-ret;;ao6 al;il" sireet risht- 7 of-*a'' to be nade aften aLL etca- oatinb canplete & forn uot'k & sub' base naterial in Place' nade cnd. apptoued.. PLPEPLACE: tuior to plcci.ruJ facingffi;iA; and before franing insPec- tior. FRA|'|INC: l,tust be requested after fiirooat of t'ough plunbing, - -electri-cil 8 meclanical, - AIL roofittg bracirtg & chittmcys, etc. rmtst be . comoleted. Ito ucrk is to be con- ,"nilnd until tltis insPectLon las 'been nade anC approved. PENCE: h4ten conPlete -- PtouiCe jfrG or nottable sectians thnough 'P, U.E. *"*Au-- AIL projlebt, eondi,ti.ons, such as the i.nstallation of slz,eet trle_1-, coryLcticn of the required Land.secping,'Lt"-.', ,*ut be aatisfiid, b"line the BUTLD1NC FIiAL can be requested' IINAL BUTLDING: The Einal Build.ing rnspection mtst be requested altet the Ptnal Plunbing-EL";;i;;;1:-'anC uechartical rnspectlons hqvc been nade ard approoec' */tf,f, itAltttCLES AND CLEANOUTS tttt:;T RE ACCESSI\L\|' AD.IUSTrtEltf fO 3E t'i,4DE AT llo C'Sf TO Cf?v f1 t,oorrn oo " tr SOLAR ACCJ SS REQ.-0M'70 Zone: dJOB NO.L-CO Bedt ooms: LOT IYPE ^/ rntertot, Co"ner Panlard.Le Cul-de-sac Lot Faces -Lot Sq. Ftg. Z of Lot Cotterage,P. L. # of Stories ?otal Height IopograPhY o-ae> ITEI'I FTC x Building Volue & Permit This permLt is granted' on the erq)"eas condition that the said'consttuction shall" in all ,espects,-;";iii'to the ,rditnnce adopted 6v the citv of ii,i"iftita, inctirding'*Li,'io"i"g ctdinanc-e, reguLctittg the ccnstr'tcticn and use of buildittgs'' "ii'aiy a'i, sui'sPended bt rbvokec at cny time upon ''tic' T.ation o7 ony prcuisions.of said 1rdinances' id A TOTAL VALUE ,c.23S. D. C,1.5 r Building Permit 0o Date Paid: Stdte Receipt Total Clwrgea 36e,* ITEM NO,L LL,CHARCE Plumbing Permit No person slnll constraet, instaL'!., altet or clange.GnlJ netr).cP eristing ;i,,i;b;;;"';';;;i;;;;;-'';;;L"-ii-ir'oi" on in pott' unless such petson is the iZi'it"rit"Z"i, ,t " ,Z"tia'p7iti'-'i ticens.Z, ercept that a ??'s?n nav do plunbing uot'k to propn|;i*iniZiZt i*na, Leased on operated bg the appli' cant. ELxtutes Residential (1 bath)4./-,50 Seuer I e0, Pl;nbing Pennit ,3 * ITEM Electricol Permit Wlpl,eStatel,a,lrequilesth,attheelectriealuolkbedonebyanllectticaT. Contyacto?, the electrlla:t-piotio" of this,permit shall not- be taliC until W #'f""*-ltri iy Ra" " ff v "T PE""'E z E c z'ril c a L C'ofi{rndc7 0 n Neu/E*end Cit'cuits Setoice I F,OO Stcte 7 Total ,t a NC F!E CIIARGE Mechq nicql Permit ,s bhanst Hood Yent Fat 3 Wcodsto'oe crLe Pe"rtLt fssuance Mechanicel Pemtat 5c ENCROACHMENT -- Sec'*'ttu DePosit Storage Maintenance Permit : /t+, OiC'utbcu! 71,/CISida,talk 2q / - Yence Electrical Inbel Mobtle Hone A;7-% THAwIAREFULLyE0A}|INEDthecompleted.apolicationforpennit,anddo hereby certify tn"t''ii-r"ii*,*tion heyein'is true and cor?ect, anc I fw'ther certify tnat'Liy irn aLL uork pe.nfor:ned alnll be done in acco?- i"i;":*li tnti o"a.i"l"z"*;r;;,; iti.zr ,bp*tizlifi!"!;ox!"iyrm'r{r'r\:r-* State of lregcn pertaining to the ttot'k CG ptNcy uiLL be nade ;7-;i;:;',;;";i"i-iiit7i"i- plii,aion of the Bui.Ldi.ns Di'- uision. I further c-entiig thet -ottly "o'tiiitoou arl enplcyees uho are in ii"pl,il"i'rttt ons-ibt.b"ss 'ttt be-used on t'hie ptoiect l*'t';1't"lr, it!o!lil? l1l-ttt :'/6zz.o?D;t bc I State I \)Ff, z io\)5 4 ,a*5D D+ ,e ,.eL 12' .ui 'l,ed);7 !r I CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGO'V t\-rlr- IJOOD STOVE/INSERT INSPECTION APPLICATION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING SAFETY DIVISION 225 Fifth Street Springfield, 0regon 97477 Job Location: Assesso Map *: Owner: Address: Ci ty: 0ffice: INSPECf,ION LINE: 726-3759 726-3769 Tax Lot S: Phone *: Stat zip: Value o (p PeIIet Stove/Insert: approprlate appl lance Prellminary Inspectlon is $15.00 (prlor to lnstallatlon of-insert) Ilood Stove/Pellet/Insert t ts $15 00+00 Issuance + $1 Type of Inspec Contractor: Address:Phone il: City, State:zlp: Constructlon Contractors Reglstratlon *:lres: ure FOR. OFPICE USE REQUTRED rNSPEgrrON(S) :PRELIHINARY Date of Applieatlon:Job *: Total Amount Collected:-lftt\ state By slgning this permit/application, I agree to caII for an inspection(s) as required(726-3769r. I state that all lnformatlon on thts ap[llcation/permit ls correct andthat I vas provided vith the Uood Stove Safety information for vood burnihg appllances and prellminary lnspection standards. I also understand that if I am reques t a prellmlnary lnspectlon, the vaLi covering may be requlred to be removed. te /t /o _7 / 1L tfL Receipt fl'\$T b {\ 'hecked for Delinquencies:L--- By: \0- r s tor e a n-lEiEri-ffi{.sq.kF....-4 ilm C'TY SPR OREGOTV 225 FIFTE SI?BET SPRINGFTEID, OREGON 97477 INSPBCf,ION REQUBSTI 726-3769 oFPICE: 726-3759 1. LOCATION OF INSTALI.ATION = r_/L,7 /rz*Z;>,>,.".1r: . IJGAL DESCN,IPIION/?-o2^/r^7- JOB --- PTION Permits are non-transferable and expireif vork is not started within 180 daysof issuance or if vork is suspended for 180 days. 2. COMRACITOR INSTALI,ATION ONLY Electrical Contractor Address city- Phone Supervisor License Number Expiration Date Constr Contr. Number Expiration Date Signature of Supervising Eleetrician Address Ci ty Phone OHNER INSTALLATION The installation is being made on property I ovn vhich is not intended for sale, lease or rent. si DATE: SPTIINGFIELo SUBTOTAL OP ABOVE 5Z State Surcharge TOTAL 200 amps or less $ 40.00 0ver 401 to 600 amps _ $ 80.00 Over 600 amps or 1000 volts see rrBrt above EI..ECT?.ICAL PBRHIT APPLICATION City Job Nu ber ()/4,-1,'-=, 3. COHPI.ETB FEB SCEEDULE BELOS A. Nev Residential-Sing1e or Hulti-Family per dvelling unit. Service Included:Items Cost 1000 sq.ft. or less $ 85.00 Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof $ 15.00 Each Hanuf'd Home or -Hodular DveIling Service or Feeder $ 40.00 B. Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Reloeation: 200 amps or less 20L amps to 400 amps -401 amps to 600 amps _ 601 amps to 1000 amps_ 0ver 1000 amps/volts Reconnect Only C. Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation Sum 00 00 00 00 00 00 $ so. $ 60. $100. $130. 40 $300 $ D. Branch Circuits Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Panel one Circuit $ 35.00 Each Additional Circuit or vith Service or Feeder Permit S 2.00 B. Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each i.ns tallat ion Pump or irrigation Sign/0utIine Lighting- Limited Energy/Res XLimited Energy/Comm Za** -t>O $ 40.00 $ 40.00 s 20.00 $ 36.00 E'n, RECETVED BY: 5 Q4 ze ovners *^ . ./rt;r/- ffrraf-t CITY OF SPR"VGFIELD, OFEGO'V lsPRI]YGFIELD BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE PERM-IT APPLICATION CITY OF SPRINGFIELO BUILDING SAFETY DIVISION 225 Fifth Street Springf ield, Oregon 97 477 Offi ce: INSPECTION LINE: 726-3759 726-37 69 Job Location: As s es sors MaP /l :/ Owner: Address: C'ity :L State: Backflow Permit is $15.00 + $0.75 State Surcharge Tax Lot lf:e Phone #:4)'2D< Li p: Contractor: Phone #:Address: City:State: nature FOR OFFICE USE Date of Appl ication' z)--t/-/-? f Receipt il:2c:>Issued By: Zi p: Construction Contractors Registration #: Exp'ires: By signinq this permit/appljcation, I agr99 to call for an inspection once the backflow prevent!on dev'ice has Uee^ installed and is v'isible for inspection (726-3769). I also state that ail information on this application/permit is correct. a Total Amount Col lected , ,/5,5 Job #: /\/<=?r'P-z ?z 7t ( CITY OF SPFIIN.:IELcl ,% 225 YXYTII STREET SPRTNGEIBID, OR8GoN 97477 INSPECIrON RBQIIBSI: 726-3769 OPPICB: 726-3759 1 OP EI.ECIRICAL PBh}rrr AIPIJCATION Clty Job Nunber g'or) 3. COHPI.ETB TEE SCEBDT'I.B BBLOS A. Nev Resldential-Slngle or Hu1tl-Famlly per dvelllng unlt. Servlce rncrudedl rtems cost Sum -I.BG/TL(,)oA ffiHf'oncr,tot q Permits arelf vork ls of lssuance 180 days. not sorl transferable and explre tarted vlthin 180 daysf vork is. suspended for 1500 sq.ft. or less - S g5.OO Eaeh addltional 500sq. ft or portion thereof S 15.00 Each Hanufrd Home or -Modular DveI).ing B. Servlces or peeders (10 Branch Clrcultslncluded). Insta1latlon, Alteratlons or.Relocation: 2. COIitIIACTOR INSTALIATION ONLI Electrical Contracto edaress 84.O'..r. ci Phone Supervlsor e Number CiJ Expiratlon Date Constr Contr. Number S Explration Date of Electrlclan Ovners Address ci Phone OIINBR The installation ls belng made onproperty I ovn vhlch ls not lntendedfor sale, Iease or rent. Ovners Signature: DATE: 100 amps or less 101 amps to 400 amps 401 amps to 600 amps 601 anps to 1000 anpi Over 1000 amps/volts' Reconnect 0nly s 35.00 s 60.00 s 90.00 s130.00 $300.00 $ 3s.00 2ol amps to 400 amps - $ 4o.oo 0ver 401 to'600 anps - S 90.00 Ovbr 600 anps or'1000T6T[s see nBr $ 3s.00 s, s0.00 s 1s.00 C. Temporary Servlces or Feeders' Installatlon, Alteratlon or Relocatlon above D. Branch Clrcults Nev, Alteratlon or Extenslon per panel E.Hlscellaneous (Servlce/feeder not included) -Each lnstallatlon Pump or irrlgatlon S 36.00Stgn/outline Llghttns- S 36.00Slgnal Clrcult or One Clrcult Tvo to ten Circuits Each Addtrl ten orportion thereof Ilmlted energy panel ST'BTOTAL OP ABOVB5f Stite Surcharge RECEIVED 5 TOT s 36.000- IIOOD STOVE/INSERT INSPECTION APPLICATION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING SAFETY DIVISION SPFIT{GFIELD 0ffice: INSPE TION LINE: 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Value o (p 726-3759 726-3769 Job Location: Assessors Hap $:Tax Lot *: Address:Phone *: Ci ty:S tat zip: ellet Stove/Insert: e approp riate appliance Pr.ellminary Inspectlon is $15.00 (prlor to installation of insert) lIood Stove/PeIIet/Insert t is $15 00+00 Issuance + $1 s tate rchar Type of Inspec ue Contractor: Address:Phone #: Ci ty: State:.Zlpz Construction Contractors Registratlon f:lres: By signing (726-3769). that I vas appliances this permit/applicatlon, I agree to caII for an inspection(s) as required I state that all informatlon on this appllcatlon/permit is correct and provided vith the llood Stove Safety informatlon for wood burnihg and prellminary inspection standards. I also understand that if I am a preliminary inspection, the vali coverlng may be requlred to be removed. CITY OF SPR 'INGFTELD, reques t ,//- /?- 7r) ure Date FOR OFFTCE USE REQUIRED INSPECTION(S) : Date of Applicatlon: Total Amount Collected:t Receip , *' $)-l') (,I Job #: PRELI},IINARY Checked for Delinquencies t L-'* By e \c-. s tor a Owner: OREGO'V \c{l Permit No: Address: lssued Date: STATEMENT: INFORMATION NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS ABOUT CONSTRUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES Note: Oregon Law, ORS 701.055(4), requires residential building permit applicants who are not registered with the Construction Contractors Board to sign the following statement before the building permit can be issued. Licensed Architect and Engineer applicants, exempt from registration under ORS 701.010(7), need not submit this statement. This statement will be filed with the permit. Fill in the applicable blanks, and initial box 1 and either box 2A or 29: 't I own, reside in, or will reside in the completed structure. 2. A.My general contractor is Contractor registration number OR I will instruct my general contractor that all subcontractors who work on the structure must be registered with the Construction Contractors Board. B I will be my own general contractor. lf I hire subcontractors. ! will hire onlv subcontractors registered with the Construction Contractors Board. lf I chanoe my mind and -do hire a general contractor. I will contract with a contrattor -who is reoistered w-ith the Constructibn Contractors Board and I will immediately-notify the office issuing this building permit of the name of the contractor. I hereby certify that the above information is correct and that I have read and understand the lnformation Notice to Property Owners about Construction Responsibilities on the reverse side of this form. / /- /?* I l t Date CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS BOARD o24N 10t24t89 M^PY ro rssurNc AGEN.Y PERMTT F.LE I {$K COPY TO APPLTCANTU)fLft- @s d SPFl]NGFIELEl DEVELOPMENTSERY'CES PUBLIC IYORKS M ETRO POLITAN WAST EWATER M AN AG EM ENT Augus t 24, 1990 Jack Barkovic 218 H Street Springfield, 0R 97477 Re: Lot Line Adjustment (Journa1 No' 239L, 2403 and 2427 N' 32nd Street 90-06-95) - Betveen properties located at in the CitY of SPringfield. ),E EIETU C-OETTcLJttt t i,J,,rLr SPBI !,JG F IELD OP, :J7177 (503) 72a-37=3 Dear Mr. Barkovict Staff Decision: Final APProval' The retter dated July 3, stated that there vere tvo conditions to be met prior to the gr"riing of Final epiroval. These conditions vere submittal of: 1. Tvo copies of a survey shoving points set; and 2. The nev legal descriptions for each property' Conditions 1 and 2 have been met' Ifyouhaveanyquestions,pleasecallmeat(503)726-3759' Sincerely,k G . Karp, Associate Planner cc:Jeff Schwirtz Tom Balzhiser Tom Poage Engineering