HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 1988-04-25llddnuz
Office of Community & Economic Development
April 25, 19BB
George !I. Kempr Jr.
Judy C. Kemp
277 S. 70th PI.
Springfield, 0R 97478
Re: Lot Line Adjustment (Journa1 No. 88-04-53) - Located at
a vacant tract of land to the north and vest in Springfi
Planning and Development Department
32nd Street
Dear Hr. and Mr. KemP'
Staff Decision: Approval vith conditions - see below.
Findings of Fact
The request is for a Lot Line Adjustment to aIlov a portion of Mr. Price's property
to become part of Mr. Kemp's property.
l,tr. Price has been selling lots from Sicon Acres along vith additional tracts of land
from abutting property under his ovnership. Mr. and Mrs. Kemp bought Lot 13 of Sicon
Acres and an abutting tract of land to the north from Hr. Price. Vhen the Kemps came
to the City to obtain a Building Permit for their mobile home and found they could
not site the home vhere they intended. The City prepared a special deed restriction
vhich the Kemps recorded to aIlov them to obtain their building permit prior to the
approval of this Lot Line Adjustment.
This Lot Line Adjustment vould add approximately 6,000 square feet of land from Mr.
Price,s property, Tax Lot 1400 (Assessor's Map 17023000), to the Kemp's property' Tax
Lot 1300 (Assessor,s Map L7O23021). The Kemp's property is a lot in Sicon Acres.
Upon approval of this request, Tax Lot 1300 will be approximately 12,600 square feet;
Tix Lot 1400 will still be more than one acre. Tax Lot L400 is vacant; Tax Lot 1300
vill have a mobile home.
Criteria of Approval (Ref. Section 33.040 of the Springfield Development Code)
The lot line adjustment does not:
1. Create a nev lot or land-Iocked parcel;
No nev lot or land-locked parcel has been created.
225 Fifth Street a Springfield, OR 97477 a 5031726-37 s3
2 Reduce an existing lot belov the minimum dimensions established by the
applicable zoning district or othernise violate the standards of the Springfield
Developnent Code, or Structural Specialty and Fire and Life Safety Code
The lots described above are in an area of the City vhich is zoned Lov DensityResidential. The Metro PIan Designation is also Lov Density Residential. TheIot dimensions far exceed the minimum standards for this zoning district.
3 fmpede the implenentation of adopted transportation or public facilities plans;'
Tax Lot L400 has access on North 31st Street; Tax Lot 1300 has access on N. 32ndStreet. This request vilI not impede the implementation of adopted
transportation or public facilities p1ans.
Violate any previous requirenents or conditions theipproval Authority may have
imposed at a prior public hearing or neeting.
This proposal does not violate any previous requirements or conditions the
Approval Authority imposed at a prior public hearing or meeting.
Since the request complies rvith the criteria of approval, as conditioned, the
proposed Lot Line adjustment vill be granted Preliminary Approval. The S pringfield
Development Code requires tha t a surveyor be hired to set nelr property pins createthe required easements and create new legal descriptions. P1ease send a copy of thesurvey, easements and the nev legal descriptions to my attention. This has beendone. Final Approval will be granted as of May 9, 1988, if there is no appeal ofthis decislon.-
An appeal of this decision may be filed by an affected party vith the Planning and
Development Department vithin 10 calendar days of the date of this letter (Ref.
Article 15 of the Springfield Development Code). Any action taken pursuant to
Development Approval before the 10 day appeal period has elapsed shall be solety at
the applicant's risk.
Addi tional Information
The City does not record lot line adjustment maps. Therefore, you should request
that the Lane County Department of Assessment and Taxation combine the property being
transferred into the same tax lot as the recipient 1ot. The recipient lot shoul-d
then be considered as a consolidated single land unit for tax purposes.
Page 3
Kemp LLA
If you have any questions, please caII me at (503) 726-3759.
. Karp
Ass iate
$illiam H. Price
llestern Engineering Attn: John Mathevs