HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-08-19,.-.1..-Si-r-../,r.-i,.i:.!--;!...-..;-11.. r.,..as*:-...i r..r,-;_.. _ er..::^r]&-Ja.s*.;.-isL-r.., ,,,r...sri, ..RESIDEI.ITIAL.. . APPLICATION/PERITIT 225 North ith Street Spri.ngfi,eld, Ot'egon 97477 Building Diuision 726-37 53 SPFIINGFIELD ?c,s lat #tL& Phone: zip: Rceeict 4 Date: ,)/0lCI7 4q/.G 46. t t\? rt56 Job tocaticn: Aesessors Map il 7- Sttbdiuision: A,nter: Addyess: ci '?,-u Z t-l Deseribe Hotk:u$\utNe) Additicn RenoieL Date of A -€^B /tv>re<< 26 klg'/vaa/. E Av ;;a7"/,//5er /-6f Fla er+€ f*r>te.-faurypVTta'S 27aa.-o aA Lue 2V f,o.o' Phone General Pltmtcina t/' ELectricaL .?/ - Corg!ruetio"_l"nd"n It is ihe respoas'ibility of tlze penrLt hodet to see tlut aLL inspeetiotts oe nade at lhe p?oper tine , that "6fi ciAtsss is 7sa'rA';2 fla the atpeet, anC that the penrzt eatd ie Located at the frcnt of the oroperry-rPui!<iing Diuicio- appro"'ed plan siull tenain on tie Builaing Site at aLL' xinas.- PI?OCSDIIPE POR IIiSPEC?fOI\ PEO-UEST.'CALL726-3769 (recoydet) stdte lour City designaied job ntmber, job aii-ress, type of insoec=icn requesceri avxi aten i;ou uiLL be ready for inspcction, Contractc?s oy A)ne"s nc,ne cnd, pi.ane nunber. Pequesis receixed, befcre 7:0C sttiLL be macie the sane dcy, ?equesta mcze after 7:00 an viLL be made the ncst:sorkin; aa:g. 4oatt' aa,l f* <n o^*t' aa c Iour City Desigr.ated Job Nunber fs 92esa 2 -l S g fXS?!::rcI: ?o be rrucie after ) aca cxlcn@t prtar tc set ip oi 7'- AilDERSLA.S ?LUI4BING. ELICTPICAL q lECiil-llICA): Io be macie before ang ttork is eooet,ed. PCj?INC 1 F)UllDATfCfi: To be tmCe @ ct,encies a"e eseaoated and. forms ate erected, but prior topourirq ccnetet€. FIIIAL PLUI.SITIG FINAL AI'HA:IICAL ?IIIAL ETTCTRICAL TNSULA.!r)N /v/;pOR BARRTER rltSPtC!fiit : To be maie aftet' aLL insulcticn el rcouit ed odpor bayie?s @e in p?ace but befcre ang Lath, Wpsun bcarC or rnLL couering is cpplied, and before otg insulation is concealed. DRYVALL filSPEfrI)N: ?c be nade after aLL c.tguall is in plaee, but pri,or to any taping. fUEgW: Steel Location, bond beans, girouting or oerticals in accot'dotce Llith U.B,C. Section 24L 5. W?0DSTO'/E: After installation it €ttccmplexed. ) DEti3Lr?rolt 0P, :.:ow) Sanilary sa:er capsped =t ptoper4i Line Septie totk ptc:ped atd fllled ttth gza;teL linal - l{hen abcue ite-:ts aye ecnpleted ard uhen Cenclition is eonplete or st!,uc- ture moued od. prer.rises cleanei up. l'lobile licnes Bloeking od. Set-tp Plumbing connections -- sater @d. t atet Eleetrical Cdnnection - Blocking, aet-uD and plunbing conneetions rn;st be apprc"^eC before requesting eleclrLcal inspeclio:z Accessory BuilCnng Final - After pcrckes, skirting, decl<s, etc. are cotpleted. l a a uilotaceou::o ptu.nruc, sswep, w.qrr.s,I DRAIilAGi: To be naie prlor xo fil-Lirg trencites. 1 unocprzc:? ?LU:srilG I tlEClrAlircAl:tof floot insul)tion or deeking. 1 posr ll:c et*.:: To be nade prior to J TG;ATfr;o1 i\oor insulazion or &cking. --1 RO'-ICN ?LL?:tsIIG. ELECAPICAL ,q MECH- I - ur:til these inspeetiors hauo- been na.de an^i morooed. 1 rr.".sptlczi pnior to olceira fceino) ncle"l;C arui before'froning in"pnZ- tion. a Pna,,:tt:c: ltust be requested after ) app..u"L oi rough plwr,bing, ellectri-cal & necitanical. ALl. roofittg btacing 6 chitrmcys, ete. trust be ; cornpleted. lto ucrk is to be con-. cedled until this inspectton las'been no.de anC approued. Qts 4t 5'l) I Xl CURB e APPR1ICH APP1N: After fozmpnC) *" erecteC but prior to pourirq \) conerete. fW1 SIDEWALK & DRIEHAY: Por aLL con-W c"et;nAfrE;iln at?eet risht- of-rny, to be male after. aLL ecca- oatinq canplete &'fonr uork & aub- base tmtet idl in place. (*. lEllCE: hhen conplete -- ProoiCe gates or motsable seetians through P.U.E. ALL proiect conditions, such aa the i.nstallation of street trees, co.tolction of ti:re required landsecpirg, etc., tuet be aati,sficd befote the BUfLDI\JG FII.AL canbe tequested. FINAL BUILDI\IC: The Pinal Buildittg. Ineoectiott mrct be requesteC cftet the Final PlunbiryElectrical, od NeclnnicaZ fnspectiois luoe been macie atd'approueC. X .ALL I4AI]HCLES AIID CLEANOWS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUfiT\I1II? TO BE NNDE /1,? EO C9S7 TO CEY Page 1 of 2 ,\ lcF ,,ouor"'ro,, il T tr i -]llll \at @ JOB NO Iot Sq. Ftg. i cf Lct Cooeragc t of Stortes ?otal leight Topogrqhy TO?AI, I!.{LUE S.D.C. I.5 c D,,-'1;"'-- D---'+ State Totaf, Clwges Resiietrtial (1 bcti:) ;'cte! State Su.reh=yce 2 soLAR Aca€ss REe.- Ocett /Const J.L-CO G* Grot:: _ Intetic" _ Co"ner _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac -- F;es -- ka Date Paid € {03 ttttlg {-Receipt #:,-- Plumbing Permit No pet,son shall eonstruet, install, aLter or e?unzge cntt ne.a cr e:istingplwnbing or drainage systen in uhole or in patt, unLess sueh ierson is the Legal oosseasor of a ualid plunberts License, esceDt that a De?son nay d.opltnbing aork to pt,opetty uhieh is otmed, Leased or operateti by the appli- cant. --41o -lotoz X L'aZuc {a* Building Vq lue & Perm it This pentrtt is oranted on the erptess eond.ition tl.at the said consttuctionshall, in all z,espects, confom to the Crdinance adopted. by tite City ofSpringfield, ineluding the Zoning CYdinance, r,egulctittg tite ccnstracricn and use of buildtrqs, cnd may be suspend.ed or reuokeC at cny t;.ne upon vic-lation of any prcoisions of said )rdir,ances. AcccssP.1,.ilous,- [pt Faces - iea; Sources i.'ircoLact WoodjaoL-, Uo/a.fr /{.oo 22.oo //s* d,c 2/:9.'4 ;; au,/ Ez'" erd. Cit cui t s *lceEgry-Sett-iee Eiectricol Permit Were State Lan reouir.es tl^.at the electrical uork be done bV en Eleettical Contracxcr, the eleetri-ccl cottion of *-i1is De?xitt sitcll not'ce ;sclii untilthe Label'nes been eignei by xhe Electrical Conxracxoy. 1) -- t0 lD3 ^/.{. -- /'ae/, or t{no 3a.e ,/. ,9A 3/ -so t-11?ria, ::i1a$t HooC itent F',l i'cotisto;te ent:it ?atal Cnartcs Peni; Tssucnet llecharice! Pe"txlt -- Lt.LnJALilr:L., 1 -- A4echo nicol Permit r HAw 2AREFULLy lxL\tINgD the eonDleted aoplieation for pernit, cnd da hereby cettify that aLL irfo:nation het,eon is true anC. ectrec;, cnC. f futther certify that any ad aLL work perforned shall be ricne in aecor- danee with the 0rdinances of thc clty of SpringfielC, anl th: Lc;s of the State of 1regcn pertainina to thc uork Ceseribcd herein, cnd tiat t:0 1CC!j- P.!.ilCY uill be nade of any st?uctut,e uithout permissiott of tirc BuiZding Dt - funthen ce"tiflj tiut onlu contl,actors and ezplcyees uho ote in uith ORS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project vrbctt) iie.:al,'r "n2e leetrical 'cbile Hone t (s04r }H lcro3(o(o3 I € ?2 P -.At i.!jii! iu!:'drlza, o> E- ?o.* 7V.50 i -b1