HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-11-02t#..RESIDFNTIAL.. APP L I C AT ),,,,t / PE ft MI T SPFTINGFIELD 225 North Sth Street Spr.ingfield' )r'egon 97477 Building Dtuision 7 26-37 53 )rJob Locaticn: Ascessor,g l"lap il &tbdioision: A,mer: t I'as Lot ll \-{II rQ- Address: ' Ci (Phone DescrLbe lt'ov'k: Nsr\Lq- ,-r:\c\$.-\NH lddition RenoCeL Date of App Licatian fr General It is the J'non thetSutlding \E,Tq qcx /\C € J.t, iroc Date reaponsibtlity o! tle permit hodet' stteet, and that the Permit card ie D"iuicion ap;rot;ed plan slu:ll remain Locate<l at the front of bhe proPentA' on th. Building ::!.Lc at all tines. to see that aLL inspections ate nade at the prope" time, that eaeh addrees is readabi.e 4[qqs4uf.@;CALL7 eadY for' lill be nade the eane Ccy, requests made 26-3769 (r'ecordev') state your City designated job nutnber,, inspeetion,CorTtractors cr Oumers nc,ne and phone numbet, job aCdz,ess, tYPe Requests tecei"^ed of inspec=ioi befcre 7:00 ct SI?E INSPEC'II)N: 'lo be made aftet e*cartEloa lut pnior tc set uP of forrne. ANDERSLAB PLUMBINC, ELE?IRfILL 4 MCHLIIICAL: To be nade before anY 6it-lf,76oeted. FOOTINC & FOUNDATICN: To be naCeTfiiiEfrt e i-iiiit c au a t e d attd forns are erected, but pt'iot' to pouring ccncrete. FIIIAL PLUMBITIC FINAL MECHANICAI, FINAL ELECTRICAL nequired uapor btwriers are in place but before any Lath, glJpsutn boarC ot tn'LL couering is applied" and before oty insulation is concealed. after, 7:00 ott uiLL be nade the lour City Desigrnted Job INSI.}LAl'1.VAPOR rnade after aL DRYWALL INSPECYION: ?c be nade next uorking day. Nwnbe,.r,, f:([ I lTl.]- f, - E"a tre"chee. =)\ffi l-1 uiloep.prooR qLUI.ETNG & LIECIIANICAL:llof floor inaulation or decking. P1ST AND BEAM: To be nade Priot to TGliTTitG{of floor insulation or decking. Rouc4 Pr,uvBTIlC. EI.ECTR!9A!, 3 IaECtl.:- ANICAL: No aork is to be co""ered Gf,iL these inspections haue been made arul approue:!. FfitPLACE: Prion to Plceirg facing mcierials and before fratning inspec- tion. PRA|NC: l,lust be requested after approual of rough plutxbing, electni' cal & meclnnical. ALL noofittg bracing & chinmeys, etc. rrust be conpleted. No uork is to be cott- cealed until this insPection lws been nade anC approued. aftei-in-fryualfis in place, but prion to cny taPing, MASONRI: Steel location, bond 666ilgrouting ot: uerticals in accondance tLth U.B.C. Section 241 5. I,\OODSTO;/E: After installation ie ccmpleted. CURB & APPBOI|qE AP!?)N: After forTns at,e er'"rt;liul prion to pouf,Lng concrete. SIDEIIALK & DRIltEl'tAY: Fon aLL con- "r,ete p"t)ii;Eir; stteet right- of-tnA, to be maCe after aLL exca- oating canplete & forn ur>rk & sub- base naterial in Place- IENCE: Wher: conPlate -- ProoiCe jdl6i on motsable sections through P, U.E. WfuaaLbess ALL pro;iect condttions, such as the i.nstal,Lation of street t:"-"-:.,- conpletion.of the tequined Landsceping, Lto., *.r"t be satisfied befone the BUTLDTNG FINAL' canbe requested' f-\,. F1NAL BUrLt)rNc: The l,inal Building rnspectiott m.Bt be requested after the Final Plwnbing \9 ElecLrtcal, anC lleehariaol Inspcctions hque been made and appnooed' P lurnb i rSsc. I.Iechanica rL_ i )t-t (\v ( 1ilElet: f r ca ( ln E ecEf Superv DEI.IOLITIOII OR BUILDIiICS Sanitaty seser capped tt property Lir:e Septtc tank pwnped and filled uith gra'tel Pinal - t{hen abooe itens are ccnpleted and uhen Cenolition ie eotnplete or stra3- ture noued attd ptenrtses cleaneC up. e Hcnes Plunbing connections -' sare! and uatet L Connection - Blocking, set-u: and plunbing eonneetions mtst be apprct;ed before requeeting eleclt'tcal inspectiot Accessory- Building L - After pct'chea, skit'ting' decks, are completed. and Set-up etc. Pege 1 o! 2*Ar,r, MANIIIL,ES ANI) cr,tiAfi0tJ't:: Nuiir Rti AccESStRtt, AD,tusTllENt ?o BE t'k1DE '4T N0 c1ST T0 CI?y & \ ) JOB NO. Grc Bedrooms: Iat Sq. Ftg. % of Lot Corterage LOT ?YPE Interiot, Lot Faces - P,L House Aacess. ll of StorLes Total Height Topography Corner Panhand.Le CuL-de-sac Lace t -- Fees -- FTC x Building Volue & Permit ?his permit is granted on the erpress conLition tlnt the said consLtwcti-on slwll', in atl rbspeeti, eonforrn io the lrdinance adop.ted 6iy the ci'ty o.f SpiLng1leta, i.natuding- the Zonirtg Crdtnanc_e, regulattyg the ccnsttacticn tnd u"sZ of Luildings," and nay be suspended or reuokeC at cnA time upon oic- l,ation of any prcuisions of said 1rdir,ances- I'tatn 1 tr t t \t rt \r( A \ TOTAL VALUE I t t DCS.D.C. 1.5 s Building Perwit PLan State Date Paid: I Receipt # Total Clanges *Signed ITEM NO,I LL CHARGE Plumbing Perrnit No pereon slnll constt'uct, inatall' alter or cltange .GnU neu -cr eristi.ng plunbl,nq or drainage systen in uhole or in patt, unless such person is the iegal pbseessor of a uatid plmber's Lieense, ereept that a pelson na'! q9 ptlnAhg uork to property ihieh is omed, Leased ot' operated by the appli- eant. Residentinl (1 bath) Scni Seuer , Pltnbing Pernit State Sweh,a.t'ge Na,t/Eotend Circuits Electricol Permit Were State Lau requit,es that the electt'ical uork be done by an Eleettieal Contractor,, the eleetrical portion of this permit shall not be oali-C until the Label hns been signed by the Electrical contractor. ."-a-l.".{c* cJ s-o t()"\-s\P& u State Total I 3 NC.FEE CIIARCE Mechqnicql Permit bhanet Eood Vent Fan Wcodstoise PerrtLt Issuance Mechanicel Permtt -- ENCROACHMENT -- Security Depoeit Stotage Maintenance Permit Cvrbcu!)0 Sida,sttlk 1t' Fence Electrical la.bel Mobile Hane ,IOTAL AfrIOUNT DUE:' SOLAR ACCE S R EQ.-L-CO C .17erl I HAW CAREFULLy EXAI|INED the conpleted application for permit, and do hereby certify that aLL information hereon is true and eorrect' and I futLker certify that ang ard aLL uork performed sllall be done in accor- dance rtLth the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and. the Lae of the State of opegcn pertaining to the uprk Cescribed herein, and tlnt N0 OCCU- PANCY uill be rnade of anA structu?e uithout permission of the Building N- tision. f further certif:j that o:tly contractore and enployees uho are in eonpliance uit;h CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on thie pt'oiect Z VaLueTTEI',1 14 rt) Co?nn?t loDA,cL ) 2,r) Xc1( \h\ i,Jaf or I 'fotal- Chnnoe* I ?otal Charges l;e q\bq Y,I{ Job Location: Assessore Map il ?as Lot # Subdioision: Otmer: Address:Phone: \p , Describe h'ork: Value Neu t-l U Date of AppL.icatian Additicn RenoCeL ..RESIDENTIAL..tt 225 North sth streeaPPLrcA'- SpringfieLd, 2regon 97477 Buildtng Diuision 7 26-37 53 t/PERMTT SPFIINGFIELD- Date il l-ntrct.s Ceneral {/ P lurnb Elec t rica fv1'S Elec t rSrr c DEITILi'T TO!] OR .'.:OVE: BUiLDi;:CS Sani:aty seser eapped ct property Lire Septic tank pu:'ped and iilled uith gra:sel Final - l{hen abcoe itens are conpleted and ahen Cencl:-tion is conplete ot, st?uc- ture mooeC and pnenises cleaneC up. llobile tlcmes Bloeking and SeL-up Pltunbing connections -- sa)er and, uater Electriccl Ccnnection - Blocking, eet-up and plwrbing conneetions nr"ist be appnc,^ed beforc requestirtg eleclrical inspectio:t Accessory BuiLCtrrg Final - After pct'ckes, skirting, decks, etc, are c.cmpleted. PqTe 1 of 3 INSI,ILATION,/VAPOR BARRIER II\SPXCTTON : To be nade aftet, aLL insulaLtcn and required ztapon baruie?a are in plaee but before any Lath, gypsun bcarC or tnLL cooering i.s applied, and before oty inaulation is eoncealed. DRYWALL INSPECTI0N: Tc be nadeafri;ZtT&iffift s in pl.ace, but prior to cny taping. MAS1NRI: Steel Location, bond beons, gtouting or oez,ticals in aeeordorce LlLth U,B.C. Seetion 24 15. WOODSTO\.E: After inetallation is ccrnpleted. It ie the reeponeibility of permit holder to see that aLL inspecttons ane nade at tlrc pr-.fer tinc, that each ;ddress is readabie fron the atneet, dnd that the*Euilding Diuision appro"*ed p ed job nro;;ber, job aCi:'ess, tgpe of inspeclLor plone Requests receii;ed befcre 7:00 r, Iour City Desigrated Job Mtnber fs permit card ie Located at the f?ont of the property Lan shall yendin on the Buildina Sitt at aLL- times, P1OCEDURE F1R INSPECTIQII-R!$WS!;CALL726-3769(recordet) std.te ltour City desigrnt eady for inspection, Cottttactors oi A,ners- ncne "cnd ;^iLL be nade the eante day, "equesl;s mcde after ?:00 an uiLL be made the nctt.eorkinS SITE INSPECTION: eacaurti-on, but Io be made after prior tc set up of forms. ANDERSLAB P!,UW)ING, ELECTRICAL & MECHAIIICAL: To be nlade before any uor.k is cooered. PO1TING & EOUNDA?ICN: ?o be naCe mi-Tieltci;s are ereauated and forms are erected, but prior to pouning ccncrete. UNDERGROUND PLT]MEING, SEWP, W, TER. 084!!!49E: To be nade prior to fil-Ti{lFenehee. ANDERruPOR PT,UMBING 8 MECHANICAL: o1 flooz, ineulation or decking. P1ST AND BEAI4: To be made to o1'ffistiTT&lan of ANICAL: NO dtil these been mad.e and. PII?EPLACE: Priortnat;;l;G and before tion. ry4!!!!9: l,tust be nequested aftet, apptooal of rough plwnbing, electri-cal & meclunical, ALL roofing bracing 8 chirmeys, etc. rrust be . cotrpleted. No uork ta to be con- .,cealed unti,L this inapection hastbeen nade anC dpprot)ed. PTNAL PLUMBINC FTIIAL MECIIANICAL FIIIAL ELECTRICAL concrete. SIDEWALK & DRII.EWAI: For aLL can-creti paoirlg ii.thii street right- of-tny, to be naCe after aLL erca- oating conplete & fora tnrk & eub- base nnterial in plaee. CURB & APPRCACH APP,ON. ot e;r, e crA-F:uT p;l or" !ENCE: gates tion After fornsto pouring placirq facing franing inspec- h4ten conplete -- ProoiCe or nooable sections thraugh a P.U.E ALL project conditions, such as the i.nstallation of sdreet trees, u'cncloLion of the required Landsccpirq, etc., mtst be satisfied before the BUILDINC FII|AL can be requested. PINAL BUILDIIIC: The Final Butlding In!:pection mtst bc requested after tlie linal Plmbing \J Electrical, and MechanicaL Inspections lnoe been nade ail appnoueC. *AT,L MANI|CLES AND CLDANOUTS MUST NE AECESSIBT,E, AD,II]I;T!:T:W TO 3E I.I,4I,1Ii IT NO T'-'ST TO CT'IY I I'i.ge i !leat CdraqeItouseP. L Nortlt East Acces$. toxeSouth tle st [,ot Faces - ^+(, i;r'.xt:(1r. SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-JOB NO. L-CO Bedrooms tr:ttri.ct' t '')!1fli:l' Panhantlle CttL-de-sac Lot Sq. Ftg. x, cf Lct CcvePaqi ! of Stori.es total lleight Topography VaLucxITTM tlo.in Carpot't Accessot'll 't()'i,11, v.4l,lttr: s.D.C. L.5 x LUC ) tee Date Paid PLctn Si,gned: Building Volue & Permit This perm;-t is granted on the eapress condi.tion tlnt the saitl'constraction shall, irt aL1 respecbs,";";'f;;;i' Llrc. or1irnnce tdopteil ltiv the CiLv of :,;pt,tng.l'iald, tncluding tLL 2uni"g crtlina-nc.e' regulati.r'tg tltc ccnstrac-l:-t:., ^ula ,'"'n of LuildLngs,- and rnay bi s-uspended or reuokeC at ct'!!J time upon utc- -iation o1: any prculsions of ';atd ondinances' Buildinl Pernrit State !itt', Total Chtllltes ITF,'M r LL t;ilAlit;l:.'Plumbing Permit No t)er\on sl.all constmrct, instal!" alter. ot' change ,any ne}.cr eristing ;1r,::,:u;r;"";'Z'."aZiZ" "iirlo-in'"noi" or in part, -unless such person is the legal possessor o!' " ;21;;"pl'^bt"1" ltt.n""'"' etcept that a pet'son nav do plunbing uork to propn)rl*"i;-.i-i" o*"a, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. Fi.rtutes Residential (1 bath) Sani Seuer Plunbing Pernit State Sut'tl".ar,t,z .[I'L:M 't0,t-'i|ARC1,.Electricol Permit I{hereStateLct,lt,equit,estlnttheelectr,icaluorkbedonebyanElectrical controctor" tlte electt'liZol pl'tLo" of this -perTnit slwll not be ualiC until iiie Label iws been aigned ty the Electrtcal contractor'Neu,/Extend Circui.ts Seruiae State SLit" TotaL C|ru,ces ITYM /lio L'L'Ll (:!IARCT:Mechonicol Permit PTU,S Ezharct HooC Vent Fan Wcodsto:te Permit ftsuanr:c Meclnni<::L Pertrit State 4 -- L:NCRAACIIt"lllNT -' Secarity Deposit Storage Maintenanl:e Petmit Cvrbcut Sideualk Fence Electrical Label Mobile Hcne Receipt ll: DALEPlant Ercm't.net' I HAW CAREFULL. LXAMINED bhe completed application fo-r pernit' and do ;r';;L; |"illfa- tnii aLL- information heneoi is true ard correct, anC I i"r"lil" ""rtl.iy that any ard alt uo.r'k pe1:f^ormed slnll be done in accot'- dance vith the ordineni"n""of ihn city of'springfield'.and the La;s of the ;;';;; -r|- 6r;,s"n pr"t"liiig- to the uo"t'k ces'cribbd he"e"n' cnd ttnt N0 1ccu- P1.NCI uill be nnCe o1'ony" ,t""i'iure aithout pennission of the Suilding Di'- uision. f futther certif,l- tlmt only contrac'tors and enplcyees aho are in "ipt-lon""'rltt, cns ?u.b55 aiLL be used on this project Total C'lta ,\O,[AL AI,IOU\IT DLII: : . Sigtt,:d Date tt {