HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1989-06-20/1 ) l'l o?,701-t Tar tot llAecessors Map il Subdiuision: Otmer: ;? > >-a 5:Phone:Addtess: Describe h'orl<: oO VaLue a Ne-D r-l Date of App Li,caticn Additian RenoCel CS Rcce..RESIDFNTIAL " APPLICATl|*/PERIIIT 225 North \th Street Spz.ingfieLd, aregon 97477 BuildLng Ditsision 7 26-37 53 SPFITNGFIELD ,5, Date rS1Srators General Plurnbing altlecha ectrica 1:l nlilec t t:Supe ]. OR I.IOVED BUI,DEMOLI? Sanitary seaer capped at property Lire Septic tank ptoryed and filled uith gta;sel Final - hhten abcoe itens are ecnpleted and uhen Cettoli,tion is complete ot sttuc- ture moued ard. prertLses cleaneC up. HcmesLlob Blocking and Set-uP Plunbing connections -- saier ard uater Pirnl - After pcrches, sklrting, decks, etc. are cornpleted. Electrtcal Cmnection - Bloeking' set-up and plunbing eonneetions m;st be apprcted befoie requesting eleelrical inspecliort Accessory BuilCing PeEe 1 of 2 Iour City Deaigr,ated Job Nunber fs be nade after a L insulaticn DRYWALL INSPECTION: Tc be made afiet'-atT-6yuatfls in place, but prior to any taPing. I.IASONRI: Steel Location, bond GZdilgnouting or uerticcLs in accordtvtce ?nLth U.B.c. Section 24L 5. ilOODSTO'/E: ccmpTA;A. After installation is It ie the rcBponsi.bility of the permit hollet, to aee that aLL inspec-tions ate nada at the proper tine' that ecch addtees ts realable fran the ettebt, and tltat the permit eard ie Located at -t-h-e. front of the-pro.penty.'tBuildiw Dioicion approt;ed ptan slnll remain on the Building Sit; at aLL times. pnOCEDUpE FOR INS1EC?ION REIUESTTCALLT26-3769(recor"det,) state your Cil;y Cesigrnted iob eadyfor,inspection,co,7tractarsora,lner,snanecndp|nne uiil be nade the sdre dcg, requeets-made after 7:00 Gt? D|LL be made the ncrt ttorki.ng day- nunber, job aCiress, tgpe of inspecti.ch nunben. Requests receit;ed befcre 7:00 cl fonns. aNDERSLAB P!,!.!Wf!!,- r LEql!!!!!__g MECH\\NrCAL: To be made before any 6fr-l7i6oered. FOOTING & POUNDATICN: To be ntaCe ;fier6encfe, a"e ercauated and forns ate ereeted, but prior to pouring ccncrete. UND1RGR)UND PLaMDTNG, SEWER, W.4Tq,1, OnatltaCe: ro be iaee Pniot to fil- 7@66nches. UI\DERFLOOR PLUIEING & MECHANICAL:of floor ineul,ation or decki.ng. POST AND BEAM: ?o be nade Pt'iot' to ili€ffiEda-Tof floon insulation ot deckittg. ROUGH PLU!,1!BIIIG. ELECTRICAL & MECH: AUtUf; no uorP- l.e to be cotet'ed ffiiTthose inspections lnoe been nade and approtteC. FIREPLT!!:E: Ptioz. to placirq fceing ^at;fiAG and before -froning inspee- tion. FRAI,IINC: l,tust be requeeted after @ooat of rough plwr,bing, electri- cal & mechanical. ALL roofing braeittg & ehinmegs, etc. tmtst be conpleted. tlo uork is to be con- cealed until this inspection ltas 'been nade anC approoed. FIIIAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL required oapor bat'rier$ oJ'e in place but before any Lat;h, gypslon boarC or uLL cooeringl is applied, and before oty insulation is concealed. SITE INSPEC?ION: eacao;tlon;TG To be made after pt"tor tc set up of CURB & APPRCACH APRQN: After forms,xe;r.";T;7TG p;1." to pourins concrete. SfDEWALK & DRMWAY : FoY' aLL eon' erete W@ uliG; street right- of-rfrA, to be made aftet' aLL erca- oating complete & fotn wrk & sub' base material in Place. AtL pnoject conditions, such as the installation of slreet trees, contlei:iott-of the requ'irid.- Landsccpi*g, Ltc, , ,rust be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL ean be requested' FrNAL BUILDTN7: The Final Bui.Lding Inspection mtst be requested clLer tle Final Plumbing \J Electrical, anC Mechanical Inspecttons lrauc been nade and approuel, *ALL MANIICLES AND CLEANOUTS T,IUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIENI TO BE I'IADE AT NO CCST ?O CI?Y / tr tr I iYl ."rr"", h4'ten conplete -- Prouice LX g"res or mottabLe seetiorzs through / p.u.E.tr st c* Lace JOB NO. Df House soLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO Bedt oons: Lot Paces -LCT TYPE Crou Intet iot, Conner Panhandle Cul-de-sac # of Stories Total Height Topography -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This permit is granted on the erp"e$s condition tlnt the said eonstruction sLaLL', in a'll rZepects, confornt'to the Ordirwnce adopted 5:y the city of Springfield, inclsf,;-nn l;he Zoning Crdinance, r'egulating bhe ccnstructicn and use of buildi.ngs, and mey be suspended or reuokeC at cny tine upon uic- Lation of any prcuisions of said Ot'dinances. SQ. FI'G TOTAL VALUE Duilding Penrrit State ?otal Clnrges I?EM A VaLue S.D.C. L.5 x ue Signed: Receipt # Date Patd: PLan Plumbing Perrnit No person shall constmrct, instal!, alter or cltange anA ned cn eristing plunbing or drainage sllstaTt in uhole or in part, unless such person ie the Legal possessot, of a oalid plutnber"s License, escept that a person mag do plwnbing uonk to ptoperty uhich is otmed, Leased ot' opet'ated by the appli- cant. Plwnbing Pernit lto CHARCE 9tate Fistut,es Residential (1 bath) Sani Seuer Electricol Permit Were State La nequires th'at the electrical uork be done by an Eleetticat Contnactor, the electnical portion of this pernit alnll not be ualiC until the Label lns been signed by the Electrical Contractor. L Nats/Extend Circuits Senuice State ?otal NC CIIARCI: State Mechonicol Permit Ucodstotte Vent Fot Echanst HooC E?U, S Pemri.t fssuanc? Meehaniea1- Pernrt t -- EiNCROACHMENT -- Seeurttu Deposit Storage lvbintenance Pemrit Cvtbcu! Sideualk .4ence t-)UU Electrical label ? Mobile Hone ?otaL P\.an Eraniien Date I H,4W CAREFULLY |XLUINED tle completed appli.cation for permit, and do hereby eertify that aLL information hereon is ttwe and. coz't'ect, and f furthet, cet,t.ify that any ar.d aLL uork perforrned slnll be done in aecot- dance vith the lrdtnances of the City of Springfield, and the Las of the State of Or,egon pertaining to the uot'k described het'e"Jn, cnd tlat N0 occu- PANCY ditl bb nwCe of any stt'uctur'e uithout pernission of the Building N' uision. I fut,ther certify that only contractora a'd mplcyees uho are in conpliance uith oRS 701.05s aiLL be used on thie proiect b- / o'-g TOIAL AtlCUllT DLII:r 0n Date Int Sq. Ptg. Z of Lot Ccoerage_ *