HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-07-11SPFITNGFIELI)ttssl" Rt5llJhN I lAL" z\s North stt iro"ff"rcATrn^tt /PERM* SprLngfield, )regon 97477 BUL Ldl7lg DLoLsLon 7 26-37 53 (/ .r?t ?7 0't ltr, d Job Iocaticn:"L Aesessots Map #/7-OZ-3O-,l Tc.s lat # Svbdiuision: a Oumer: . Address: edditicn RenoCel Date of App Licatian GeneraL +?t At rn 4Phone: 'r/ lll'zip: Desez,Lbe Hork: 1o'l'7a rI ir#./1 j t) Value j ICC Date,4 daa.aa Lisc. # Plwnbing ElectrLeaL l4echo:ieaL Co4g!"uction-Lede?-_-- - ' It ia the neaponaibility of the perwit hoZden to aee tlut aLL inspectiotls oe nade at the prope! tine , thdt ecch addrees is reasniie fln- the at?eet,. and tlat the-pernLt-cafi ie. Located qt.th-q frcnt of th9-p""putA ItBuiUing biuicioe cpprw^ed plzn sltall remain on the Building Site at aLL tines. PP)CEDUPE F1R INSPECII1I:I W1UEST.'CALL726-3769 (tecorder) state gou" Ci,ty desi.gruted job ntm,ber, iob aCiress, type of it:soee=i,cn requesxed at;duhen gou uiLL be ready fot inspeetion, Cont"acto?s or Antez,s ncnte cnd plane ru,unber. Requests recei"*ed befcre 7:00 @1 t'iLL be rnade the eante dcg, requests nad.e after ?:00 ant vLLL be nade the nect aorking dag. !ou" CitV Desigr.ated Job Mtmber fs Saasa7 Reouired fnsoe-eticnslSITE INSPEC?I)II: Io be made after acauation, but pt tot, tc set up of fotns. Afi;;-ti;ncies dle e$caoated and forms ate erected, but prior to pourtng ccncrete. UND9RGROUIID PLUM9ING, SEWER, INATER, DRAIilAGE: Io be nade pr"iot, to fi.L-Lir4 Yreneies. UilDERFLOAR PLU\BTNG & IIECqANICAL: Io be nade priot to installation of floot, insuTa.tian or decking.. FrilAL PLUy;BIllc )q PTilAL MECHA1IICAL\a PTNAL ELECIRICAL TNSULATION /VAPOR BARRIER ilISPEC?IOII : To be made aftet, aLL i.nsulaticn ed required uapor borie?s @e in p'la.ce but before oty Lcth, Wpsltn boa.yC or tnLL eooeting is appli.ed, otd. before oty iwul.a.tion is concealed. DRWALL fNSPEtrf1N: Ic be nade @te"m&wAl'is in place, but prior to any caping. WS1NRI: Steel Location, bond beans, g:nouti.ng oT oetticals in accotdotce DLth U.B.C. Section 2475. 'IOODSTOVE:ecrnpLeted. After installation is CURB & APPR1ACII AP..AN: After forrnsee erecteC but priot, to pourtng cotac?ete. SIDEI\ALK & DRflEWttI: For all con- crete patsirq uithin stteet right-gf-txA, to be naCe after all etea- oating canplete & forn wrk & sub- base natertal in place. OR !:OW) BUILDT;]CS Sanitanl seaer eapped ct proper4i Lire Septic totk paqed atn fnlled vith gz,a;sel Final - l{hen abcoe itens are ecnpleted and uhen Canclition is eomplete, o! st/,uc- tuye mooed otC prercLses cleaned. up. a_ {'-/ Mob Hcmes - UNDERSLAB PLAMBING, ELECTRICAL & I WCHI:IICAL: To be marie before ang uo?K Ls eo[ered..g I I 'rypq$, rouhpn, ro be rmd.e 1 posr a;:t atau: ?o be nade prtot to) 6itil"i'GV"1 fioor insui)tion orv{,",g'*'ffi - .until xhese inspeetiaxs luue been nade arui aporooed.. 1 rrptpucti wlor to ilceira facina, I mfrL; and. before'fronitfi ;.i"pnio- li tio.n. rt fAu:tnc: ltust be requested aften -) "ppr,.rral of rough plwrbing, eieetni-cal & nechtanical,. AL! roofing .' btaeirq E ehi.nmcys, etc: rrust be i eonpleted. llo r,tork is to be eon- ......cecled until this inspectton has ..r bee.n ma<ie artC apptooed. !!N!L:gates h1ten eonplete -- ProoiCe or nouable seetions through I l a l P.U.E ALL project conditions' such ae the installation of stteet trees, con.oletion of tie \- tequired Lantd.sccpirtg, etc., nust be aatisfied befote the BUILDING PIfAL can be requested. (h FINAL B.urLDIllG:- rhl Fi.nal Build,ing. rnspection nruBt be requested after the Final Plunbtrug V\,/ Electnical, otd, Meeharical fnspections 'lt4ue been made ard'oppro,.ted. Plunbing connections -- sa)e! ad. odtet EleetrieaL Connection - Blocking, aet-uD and plunbing connecti,ons m;st be apprc"*ed befot,e requesting electrLcal inspecti.o;t Accessory BuilCing Pinal - After pctckes, skirting, decks, etc. @e ccmpleled. Blocking otd, Set-up Pa.ce 1 of 2'ALL MANH1LEI AILD eLEANours ttusr Bt AccESsrBLE, ADJasrltEnr ?o BE I,L4DE A? ilo ccsr ro crry I /-l) . , i I I I ! i I i i ! I I i i i i.l I TI l tr JOB NO.!iULAK AUUE)D KEV.- Seruice -- ENCROACHMEN? -- L-CO G^ f HAW CAREPULLY IXA)LINED tle eontpleted application fot perwit, and. do hereby certify that aLL information heteon ie tzwe and. cortect, anC f further certify that ang ard aLL uork perfozned slall be done in aceot- ilance vlth the 1rdinances of the City of Spr"Lngfield, and, the Ic";s of the State of Oregcn pertaining to the uotk Cescr.ibcd hetein, end tltat N0 OCCU- PANCy LriLL be na.d.e of ary at?ucture vithout permission of the Buitding Di-vision. f furthen certifg thtt otly cont?actops otd, enplcgees Dho ara in canpliance uith 2RS 701.055 uyLLL be used on thia project Y i Securi Pendt ?otaL Attbeut Sida,talk llobtle Hane TAIAL AI,IOUNT DUE:' /)( [at Fdees - 7 %'7- DT House Canaae Aeeess.No"th East ir Lace South </ 1I Z of lct Ccoetage { of Stortes - Total Height - Intetior Corner Panhantdle Atl-de-sac 610z.-. IPT ?WE ?opogrqhy Iat Sq. Ftg. West /v, 1l Bectoqts r?zN T JU A Vd. TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. I.5 e q 1-Date Paid: L -a Reeeipt #: Building Volue & permit This -permit,is granted on the erp?ess cond.ition tlnt the said. constmtction "H!:^;1i,",1L .z'e2peets, conform to the zrdinance ioptii ii-ih"- ctty of 'P?nstLeL!'. ine-!.uding th-e zoning cydinance, regulating th-e ccnsttabtibn TYr\: _! bttilding.s,. utd ney be suspended or rleuokeC Lt "^y tine upon uic_ta.x7.on of @ty prctsisione of aaid ordittances. * Building P*nrit ?otal Charyes Sfu,tE Signed N0.CEARGE Fi.cturee Resid.zntial (1 bath) Sa,ser Plumbing Permit No- person slnll cottsttttet, instal?,, altet ot ehantge an| neD cr ertsting 4L^y9;."5 o-t drainage "y2l? in ;,thoie or in patt, "url.el "u"t, p"r"on is theLe_gaL.posgessor of a oalid plwnberrs L.Lcense, e$cept tlnt a petson nag dopltnbtng rtork to property uhich is oaned, LeZsed. o. operutii ty-ln" oppli.-eafit. * !'LUi.Clng -uefit-i1,; State Nas/Eztend. Circuits Electricol Permit t'ther'.e state La,t z,equires tttat the electrical uoz,k be done bj im Eleetrtealcontraeto", the electrLeal portion of this permit slnll rot- be oalil untilthe Label las beett signed Uy tne Electrical'Contractor. - L-lState Total NC.aft A DaD khanat HooC Vent Fot llcodstote { Mechqnicol Permit Pennt fssuorce Meclnnietl Pertnit ?O III.II 70.56 Signed hte str Ftrnzee YIU'S -Soo 13