HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-09-03.. RESIDENTIAL.. 22s North sth streeaPPLrcATr,N/PERMrr Spz"ingfield, 1z,egon gZ4ZZ Bui.Lding Diuision 7 26-37 53 -e 'sry '_rT -r--E SPFINGFTELD Job Locaticn: Aeseesors Map #r70 ?az bt #0 o sabdhtision: Anter: Address:5r Phone: 2 /7-3 City: s<t-P Slleqtd&itian Value dd Na,t pa.-.D { L )/? Describe Ilot k: { -,.fDate of Applicaticn 5at € tlt / /04 d,/-o K- CO Date Genez,al Plmbi.ng It io the fron the reeponeibility of tlc pendt ho?lx to eee tha.t aLL inapectionB q?e nade at the ptopet tine, th.at each addrees is tenCqhie*Building etneet, dr1d, tlat theD|uicio- app,o"*ed p petmit Lan shc.L catd ie located qt -thp frcai of theBuLldinq Site at aL -Wape*yL tlmes.Z tenain on the 26-376 9 (teeotder) s tate gouz, City desiqntedinspection,Cont"aeto?s ot A,mers nane cnd pLoneafter7:00 on utill be rrcd.e the nest 'arking day job nunber, job aCCtess of inspeeticn befcte ?:00 cl tupe teceixedntonb*. Requests . tlo(d5snt ruspecrrci eccauation, but fome. : ?o be tm.de afteipz'ior tc set ip of { .tnz,k ie cotleted. wffi#;";x,Z".# foJry are erected, but ptioz. tiwu?i779 ccncrete. Lirq trenchee. t"r 7tooz, ineuZatia-n or decktng. P.?ff 4ryJ,a,eAla: ?o be nade priot tol,nataLLa,ticn of fZoor insulation oraecKl|,g. rnlL Ls qPp Iour City Desiqated Job lhnbez, fs aftet, a Lnsutequit ed uapot boz,iets ee in placebutbefore ory Lath, DEilOLNTOI] Sanitary sa.ter eqtped, et Wope?Lg- line Septic totk ganped and filled tith gra;tet Itcmes Blocking otd Set-up Plwnbing connections -- aaiet otd. uater Electr.tcaL Ccmneetion - Blocking, eet_uaand plwnbing connectione iit i-"'*Ji"irZaDeio"e tequesting eleclrical inspeclio;t Aceessory Building couez,ing insuZation concealed, WpsLon bcat C orLied, and beforeanu Y r DLYVALL_lNSlECrroN: ?cqJte? aLL dnyuall is inbut p"ioz, to an7 taping. Fina.L - l{hen abcue itens ote canptetedand ahen Cqtclition is eanplete Z;-;t;"_ture mooed otd. ptemtses clZaneiip.-'* be made place, AS0NRI: Steel location, bondbeons,- g:routing ot uerticals inaceo"d,anee tnith U.B.C. Section 2tl1 5. VOODSTO|/E: Aftez. installation isanpZeted. Cy!R"B-LEZB949LEP1!: After formsee ereeteC but pniot to pour-t ngconcrete- SfDEIiALK & DRTVEILAI: por aLL con_a,.ete pauing ?,lithin st?eet right_of-.fA, to be naCe aftez, aLL "erea_ uatlng canpZete & forn r,prk & sub-base natez,ial in place. w:t-il these inspections haue beennade and. approueC. FIPEPLI|CE: Not to placira faeinamate-?La,Ls atd. befote f"*t"S Zr"p.Z_xL0n. W, ttust be requested. aftenaPProoaL lf ryuglt plwr,bing, eieetni-cae d- nectnnical. ALI roofingbtafq &- ehinmeys, etc. ,i.tst" beeonPLeted,. llo wcyk ia to be eon_oeclel. unttl this lrnpe.tton iiDeen nade anC apptoued. Fitnl - Afteretc. aye ecw pcrehee. Leted. ekirting, decks, d?itnd - gAes h4ten eonplete -- prouiCe oy nooable seitions thtoughP.A.E FTNAL PruAAING PITIAL MECHAT,ECAL FINAL ELECTRTCAL --:,i*rT*,ir*-nequi,ed 7'attd'seqirq' etc., tmtet t" uilii.pna tirZi""-inZ'iuiiiric prNArt ean be requested.. a l:#iiw'm ,#Lx:Zi "y,:"*y,"*"'ffi2'fr#"^ri".:,tr2x;!2i"f;:er the Final plunbins *ALL MANH1I,ES aND ar.taNiltrye MtRo DD ^^^na'=--- r rr T JOB NO 4 Lat Sq. Ftg. I of Lot Cooetage_ # of StorLes Total EeLght ?opogrcphy SOLAR ACCESS REQ.. Grt INT ?WE _ Intertot _ Corne! _ Patitanlle Cul-de-sac z L-co# Bedtoome: Sou?ees Ei Lace -- ?ees -- Signed ?'7-s>DafA I HAW CAREFULLY 4XAIIINED the eonpleted appli.cation for penrit' 6/td ilo hereby certify tlnt aLL infonnation hereon is tttte and. cotrect' atld. I futtket certify that any ard aLL uonk perfotned elall be dote in accot- dance tLth the 1rdinances of the City of Springfield, artd. the Lae of the State of 1regon pertaining to the utork Cescribcd herein, ar1d. tlat N0 }CCU' PANCY wiLL be rrude of any sttwctute uithout pemrlssion of the Building DL' oision. I further eertifx- that only cont"acto"s otd.anplcyees uho dre in co,zpliance oith 1RS 70L.055 uiLL be used on thie proiect ,'d" - l--(2 signed / 3 -r7 Faeee - Setbacks Df House 6araqe Access. Not,th 7 Ran Eost South 7 West /a Building Volue & Permit This penrLt is gtanted on the erp?ess condition thnt the said_constxwction il-tt', ;-n all ieepects, conform to the ordinance adopted 6:y the ci,ty o.f Sptingfield, inctii1ng the Zoning Cvdinqrce, tegalating the ecnstmtcttcn and uie of bui-Ldi.ngs,- and may be suspended or teuokeC at c:lry time upon oic- Lation of 6tA prcoi.sione of said 0tdi.r'ances. SQ. F?G TOTAL VALUE 6a D,P Y Value 3 fuzz'o S.D.C. 7.5 c Building Pet'mtt Total Clanges State Date Paid Receipt #: Plumbing Permit No pe"son s?nll constraet, inetal'!,, alter or chaqe anA neu cr eri,sting -pllinbing or drainage sAstal in uhole on in patt, unless such petson ie tle iegal pbseeasor of a oalid plwrbet's License, eccept that a Pe"sonma'g do pltnbi.ng uork to property uhieh is otmed, Leased or operated by the cpPli.- @nt. FEENO <_ ITEM Fiztunes Resilential (1 bath) Seuer a2 ePlwnbi.ng Pernrit State ?ctal Electricol Permit l,lhere State Lau reEtires th,at the electt'teal uot'k be tlone by qn Electrtcal Cont?actor, the electrical pottion of this pertnit sltall not be oaliC until the Label lne been signed by the Electrieal Contractot. FEE CHARGE c t ? Neu/Eotend Circuits Seroice F? 4Ab State ?otaL rmM NC FEE Ja Mechqnicol Permit tuha$t HooC llcodstotse Vent Fot PervrLt fssuance Meelwnical Penrit -- ENCROACEMENT -- Sec,ritu Deoosit Storage Naintenance Permit C'utbcut Sidardlk Fence ET.ectrLcal rout f,)?65 B 2A r,tobite r*. $Zup 5rr*a r_e 25,e,/.zt TOTAL ATIOUN? DUE:',4 zr.7 S Date ITEM I"hin lnace aanarX Aeoesaortt E zrtZa S ?otal Cluraes " APPLrcArroN/PERtU?225 Nopth Sth StreetSprtngfield, Zz,egon LZ4ZZBuiZdtng Ditsision 7 26-37 53 .. RESIDENTIAL.. Job laeaticn: tas Iot #0Aaceaso"e Map lt 70 1d. subdiuision: Q^met: Add?ess Sr Phone: 7 /7Jci s<t-p Stker5ztAdditicn s Fotuf dd pa € ,J) {L VaZue Desez,ibe h'ot k: /"Date of Applicatian ll {,/-o K- ir3 \ ls-o 4lro0 Date: CO tine, t|dt each addrees is v2aan.; '' iob aC&ees, lype- of inspec.-ictp.equesta teeeiued befcte Z:00 c CenenaL ,+ noi Iour City Deeigr,ated Job Nttnbet fs:Elo b/5 ?o be nnde aftet, fotna. FIttAL PWAAntc ?INAL MECITANICAL FIIIAL ELECTNICAL wtk ie copeted.)-/ FWTTNG & FoailDArucv: ?o be rm.cea^Jte" trenoheg a?e eteatated andforms ane etected, but ptior topou?Lng ccnetete. Lirq trencttee. W.DERFLOO.! ?LU_!B rilc & tLEcHANrcAL :to De mad.e.p?io" to installation offloot ineulation or decking. P:0. ST 4-t!P |EAM: To be nade prior toinstallaticn of floon insuT;tion or clect1,?tg. .utrtil th-ese inspeetions haue beimdze cr1d. approued. FIPEPI.ACE: prtot to placirq faeinqnaterials and before franini i;i"Z_cLon. D4YWALL fitSpEtrION: ?c be nadeaftet, aLZ Caguall is in place,but prioz, to cnA tapittg. IIASONR! Steel Location, bond.beons, gzouting or uerticals in aceord_otce ?,/ith U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODS?O'IE: c.crnpLeted. Aftet itatatTa.tion i" ,6Os? prior tc set up of ?o be nadi aLL OR Sanitary se-ten capped at propetug- Lit:e Septic totk y"r,ped, attd, fitled utth gra;; CURB & APPR?AC\| AppON: After forng -.ee erecteC but pz.ior to pour.ing ( /corle"ete. SfDEIIALK & DRftWAy: ?ot aZL eon_a,ete pauing uithin et?eet niaht_ .. Ief-tey, to be nade after aLL -uor)-, 'oating eanplete & fotn uork & sub_tuse nate?ial in plaee. ( . Final - h\ten obcue itens ane ccnpleted.and uhen Cenolition is conplete'.;-;t;_tute noued ord. prerriaes cLZaneC up. - firal - After _pcre_hes, akitting, esck,etc. ane cornpleted. IIcmes Bloeking otd Set-up Pltnbing connections -- aa/te? o.td. uater Electrical Ccnnection - eioeking, eet-up and^ plunbing conneetions ,n st bL- dpproiZ. oej o"c nequesting elec*.rtcal inspeeliot Aeceesory Building PRA|IING: ltust be requeoted. aftetapprooal 9f r.ouoh plurbing, eiectri_ @,0 e mectanicaz. Alt roofingbruelre 6- chinmeys, etc. nrast- be:eoilpLe_ted. llo uctk ia to be con- '-ceclel, until this inspeetion ieI bee.n mad.e anC approued. lElcq' gatea I{hen conplete -- fuouide oz, nooa.ble eeetians thz,ough P,A.E, ALL project eonditions, such ae the installaiion of street ttees, \. r rcquired Lardseqing, etc.' rmtot be satisfied. t"ril"iin"- aurLDrNG conpletion of tie |INAL can be requested. x / /p4 l Tr O l:#i#:r!:m,#:*x:ziix:,lz\":;,t;x20fr#"hu."#:;,:,"xff'er the Finat ptwnbi,Ls Z SOLAR '.' SS REQ.-u-co #JOB NO. Zone: Faeee - Aceess.P.LI of Lot Cor,terage _ * of Stories IM TWE _ Intertot _ Corne? _ Pothadle - Atl-de-eac SQ. FTG ValueY Toto.L Eelght Lot Sq. Ftg. Topog$PhY lhin ktaco- Cd?Dort Aceessoru fue'olFaqtZzrS TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 o Pee: u. CA Paid:3- #: /z>. Sa CHARCENO. Fi.ztureg Resilential (1 bath) Soitatz Sa,tet Ahtev /f a?vru ,P /r*.7t /5-751 - CHARGENO.FEE Ree. Sa. ftq. Naa/ktend. Citcttits Iatpcroy Semsice )/-/50"f-z-{-7 /hz-z/ /.r- oo NC Fet , * Mechq nicql PermitCI]ARCE ? Eoltanet Hood Ilcodetooe llent ?or Permlt fssuaoe Meclnnicel Pentrit -- ENCROACEWN? -- Seeurity Dzposit Storage Maintenance PerrtLt C\tbeu! Penee sznotnirat Iobnt f lZbS B 2a Mobile Hane ETtz? 5r*r-254 1.2, Building Vqlue & Permit Thispermitisglantedontheexp"esacondi,tiontlutthesaid.eonstmlction shall, in aLL reepecti,- ioi\o,*'to the 1ndinanee tdopted biy the City -of-iwtif;ifi,'+"olii':"g'the 1oning cYdindttc-e, negulating ,th' ofll't:t^:":.,^ -rirh ""nL of Lui.Ldi-ngs,- otd may be- sue'pended ot reuokec at ca'Y tame upon olc- tation of ory prcoisione of aaid 2rdit'tznces' Bedtoane: Building Permtt Stdte ?otal Chargea Plwbing Penrit State State 3l 3) /- Plumbing Permit No De?son slnll cotatmtct, inetal!, altet or cltrqe-ang /telt-cr e*tsting - ;i,;;1;"";';;Z;""s.- "i"lk i" ir-i" o.r in pan't, inless auch person is the legal poseessor of " r:itiJ p\*,i"''i ti"n""Z, es,cept tlat a Pe"aonnd:! ilo phnbing oork to p"opllty-iniii;'" ovn"a, Leased ot operated by the apPli'- wtt. * * Electricol Permit vheye state La,t requires tlnt the electrtcal uotk be done by ot Electrical Cit oltoo, the eictieal iortion of this _permit shall rot be oaliC until the label tae been signed by the Electrical Conttdctot' f HAW CAREFULLy ExAMINED the cornpleted application for perntt, afud. ilo hereby certifg that aLL infotnation hereon is true and cbrrect, attd f furtket certify that any ard aLL uotk performed slnll be fune in aeeor- ilance vith the 0rdinances of the City of Spz.ingfield, atd the La,;e of the* State of 0regcn pertaining to the Ltork Cesa,ibcd herein, ar1d. tlat tIO 1CCA- PANCY ttill be rud.e of any st"ucture uithout pemnission of the Building Di-tision. f further cez,tifg that otly contracto"s od.enplogeea uho are in cottpliance uith ORS 701.055 uiLL be used on thie pz,oject -1'1 _t1 ,,rl TdTAL AT,IOUII? DUE:',2 zr.7 S Signed fu.te -rf Set House Notth 7 lao* 7iouth /D \-/ I?EM ?otal C'lnnqes Sidaidlk *