HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-03-19&\dqleA .. RESIDt-{TlAL"] . APPLICATION/PERTIIT 225 North ith Street Spri.ngfield' Oregon 97477 &iLding Ditsisi-o.n 726-37 53 )d SPFINGFIEI.E' Reee;-# Date zb lacaticn: .eceesors Map #tO 5ubdioision: Asner: Addtess: a Tca Iat # Phone:_( 4 A(c- a TI Neu 77 Addi t"rodll< RentoCel Date of App Lieaticn AAa,t t-\,I 4. lQ9.lo value General DescrLbe Wotk: 6<-\ 1'{ P '"tlov;le vov*e a.',-& levLt i!. 4\so g \aee Yra€\a\ gl'aA er"'A Ar.dl^.'r t,^{ . P, 5l*pro)e lre€ / c)O Plunbing 1 Meclta:ieal Constmtcttot Letd.et It i, ttL reapoaribility of tts permit ,roaa. b aee tlut aLL inspections oe nade at ttp pro?er time' tf.dt ecch aidnees 'i,s psa)nhi2 fran tlu atreet, @1d, thdt tfu Pqftit catl ie l,eateil at th9 ftottt of tlte goperty.*gui4ing Dloiciot: qVru^ed pLot sltcll retnain an the Auii.d.ing Site at aLL ti.mes. PROCSDUpE FOR IfiSPECIION RIIUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recordet) state gour City designated job rumber, job aF'1ness, laee- 9f inspeelicn eadyfolitlspection,cant!dctorsoialnersncme-odp7anenu'lbel.P.equestsreceixedbefcre7:00mt>ill be nade the eone dcg, ?equests mcde after ?:00 @n utLLL be nwde tle ne.rt:,nrking day. Iottt Cifu Desigr,a,ted Job Number Is:.86 o/6{ Roati noi TaqonT:i.anc 1.,1V roorntl & FIUNDATT2N: lo be rmce bJ @;; wen;tes are ercauated and SfiE INSPECrf)N: Io be nwde aftet arcaoation, but pt"iot tc se! up of fomns. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & WCHt-lliCAL: To be made beioz,e any Gfr-FTooet ed. forns ate erected, but prior topuring ec.ncrete. TNSULATTON/VAPOR BARRTER IIISPECTTON.: Io be naCe after aLL insulaticn ed. requi.red oapor borLe?s @e in pla.ce but before otg lath, Wpslon bcatC ot rnLL coueting is qplied, and before ay insulation is concealed. DRYWALL fNSPECAf1N: Tc be nade @ZT@uffi-is in place, but prior to any ta?tng. \4AS1NRI: Steel Location, bond beans, groutirry or oerti,cals in aceordotce LlLth U,B.C, Section 24L 5. DEI,iOLITIO!1 Sanitatnl seset eapped at property lir.e Septic totk V.r,Ved ad. filled ttth gra;;el Final - l{hen abcoe itens are ecrnpleted and uhen dqtolition is eorplete ot st?ul- hpe moued and. premises cleaneC up. I UNDSRGPOUIID PLUMBING, SEWP., II.A?ER, DRLlllArlE: To be rruCe prior to fil- @ienehee. ANDERFLOOR PLA,EfiIG & MECIIANICAL: @Lationoffloot inaul,ation or decking. POST AI,ID BEAM: To be made prLor to ffiffiiof floon iwu|ation or &ckittg. ROUGH PLUDIIIG. ELECARTCAL & MECH: ANICAL: No uork ia to be couered - w:til these inspections hanse been ndd.e o'd. approts.ed.. PrLon to placirg faeing and before frarLng inepee- After installation isl,l0ODST1'/E: eonpGifi. CURB & APPROACH APPON, d'e e"ectAiut pAA : After folrnsto pottrittg conz?ete. SfDEWALK & DRflN,lAl: Eor" all cqn- c"eten$@Aiffi street right- of-teA, to be made after al,L esea- oati.ng canplete & forn uork & sttb- fuse natertal in place.f,tDtuf A al. mcterials II l I tion. ?RAMNG: ltust be req-uested aftet, approtsal of rough plwrbing, electri- aL & neclwnical. Alt roofing bracittg & chinmegs, etc. rrust be : cottpleted. llo ucrk is to be con-,cealed until thts i,nspection lae : beer rrud,e anC apptooed. FTilAL PLUMBINC FTNAL WCHENICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL _--- ALL projeet conditions, sucy'. as the i.nstallation of street trees, co:pletion of tie requircd Tandscqir4, ctc., rmtst be satisfied before the BUILDINC ffNAL cah be requested. FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspeetion mtet be requested aftet the Final Plunbitzg \J Electrical, od. Mecltax.ieal fnspeetions lqtse been nade atd appnoted. Mobile Hcnes Bloeking otd Set-up Plwnbing eonnections -- aare? otd. uatet Electtical Ccmnection - Bloeking, eet-ua and plunbing eonnecti.ons rrust be apprctsed before requesting eleelrical inspectiot Accessory- BuilCing pcrches, ski,tting, decla, leted. Fi,nal - After etc. are comp Page 1 of 2*ALL IiANHCLES AND CLEANOIJTS IIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTITEII! TO BE MADE I1.T NO COST IO U?Y /4* cy l7 ltnest l{hen conolete -- tuouiCelJ i"t7." .o" notsable sectians through trI Z L-co dJOB NO.soLAR AqgEss REQ.- Int Sq. Ftg. 7 of Lct Cooetage # of StorLes Total Height topogrcphy Plunbing Pertrtt State Sutel"ange Iotal ?otal i Mobile Hone Gt o. LCT ?WE _ Intericr Cor.ner Panhand.Le CuL-de-sac !. Plumbing Permit N9 person shaZl consttact, install,, alter or clnrqe cnA nea cr esisting plutnb_ing ot dyainage sAsten in uhole or in pott, inlesL such pez,son is tke LegaL .possessor of a ualid plunbet,,s LieensZ, escept th,at a pLrso, nay dopltnbing aotk to p?oper'tA uhich is otmed, Leased or operated by the "ppti-cant. Signed: Electricol Permit Wet,e State Lan nequires tlnt the electz,ical uork be done bg an Eleetr\ealcontractor, the eleetrical portion of this permit shall not be ualid untilthe Label ha.s been signed by the Electtical Contracto?. Petmi-u I HAW CAREFULLY EXAl,lrilED the eotnpleted appLication for petmit, and do herebg certify that aLL itfotmation het,eon is true and correet, attC I futtker certify that ang ard aLL uork perforned sLnLL be done in aeeor- dance tith the Ordinances of the City of Springfteld, and the La:,;s of theState of )regcn pertaining to the aoz,k Ceseribed herein, cnd tlat NO OCCU- PANCI uiLL be rmde of any struetute uithott permission of the Bui,tding DL-oision. f furthen eertifE that otly cont"acto?s otd anplcyees uho are in eonpliance uith )RS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project r,/q*e Beitooms: Sounees lleat Access t Df House Faces - This pentr-t is gnanted on the erptess cond.ition that the said eonstruetions_lnll, in_a-ll -reepects, conform to the Ordinance adopted 6iy the City ofSprtngfield, incT-uding the Zoning Cydinance, regulcting th-e ccnsttw'ctiZn and.use of buildirqs, otd may be suspended ot, rleuokeC -ot "ry time upon uic-Lation of any prcoisions of said 1rdir.ances. lor /{fnaa/ae ibrq€ atl fr/tc CaZA Value ?OTAL VALUE Date Paid: ITEiI fft,x oe e FEE UrufiGL S. D. C. 1..5 x ./o BuiUing PerwLt Iotal Clwges State Building Volue & Permit Fistt*es Resid.ential (1 bath) Sanitaty Seuer llctet ?ac*tgt*a, Ab >l/t ,r /fr oo /,f*.(e ito FEE 16o't CiiAR,CE &es. Sq. fto. Neu,/Estend Circuits Ianrocrey Seruiee b€<e-ef27n" ,*8 /f* /.(*.60 FEE -- ENCROACHMENT -- a Mechqnicol Permit bhatst HooC Hcodstoise Vent E@t Pentrtt Issuotee Mechanical Permit Seeurttu Deposit Stotaoe Maintenance Permit Cvtbeut SidewaLk lzQ B .zo 2fe TOTAL AIyIOAilT DUE:,d a.so Signed Date Eleetrical la.bel $t l 225 North Sprtngfield, 2regon 97422 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 - trob l-ocaticn: _ Aeaeaoots tbp ll Subdivision: O,tttet: Addpess: General . RESID_ {TlA[.." APPLICAru1il/PERttyith Sfu,eet # siPHII{GFTELD "3' 06$) u\' Ta Lat # Fhorc Date: 26-3769 (tecordet) state yout City designated job no;berinspection, Contraetots ot Oumers nane otd ptone number o I-t i. the rcapontibility of tle penrit hoAa.fln tlto atreet, aid tlat the peimit cal, is*auibi.g Noieion ap?ru^ed ptbt shall renain -b 1.1 tlnt-all inopectiotts oe nade at tle prcpe- tine, tlat uch -),;-sss .[,s ysatahigLeated at the frcnt of tle orooerat.ott the BuiUirrg site Zt aLL' ttmea.- PROCMUPE= FOR. INSPEfrI1N Rq?EST:CALL 7requested and, uhen gou tiLL be ready forttil,L be nade the eane dcy, reqteets'n'ade ,, iob a,liness, tApe Pequests teceixed of i,nspeclicz befcre 7:00 *:taftet7:00 on dLL be nade the nest wrking dag *uotk ia eaered. tu9?ING & EQUNDATT)N: ?o be naCealxer trencitea a?e e-scauated and. forme ate etected, but ptioz, topouring ccncrete. rcquired oqor ban ie?a @e in place but,-before ory lath, Wpsltt baarC orLaLL cooerlng is applied, otd. beforeay ittsulation is concealed. DRWALL fNSPEtrf1N: Ic be nadeaftet aLL &guall ie in pl.a.ce,but pr'ior to cng tapinS. MAS1IIRI: Steel Location, bond beans, gtouting or Detticals in accotdorce Lrith U.B.C. Section 24L5. SfiE INSPECTION: ezcauation, but fotns. FTilAL PLUAAINC PTNAL MECIIANICAL PTIIAL ELECTRICAL ' ?o be nade aftez, pz"iot tc set up of ?o Iou? City Desigr,ated Job lhnbet fs: After installation ie cctftP aND\RGROUI1 ?LUME |NG2_!!W832_!ATE3, .LLrq t?enehee. WDE_RFL))-R pLUlEnG & MECqANICAL:'Io be nade pniot to installation of:. f,l,oop ineuT,ation or deeking. P=OS? ANP B_EAM: To be mad,e pr.ior toinstallatian of floot iraulatiott ot .decking, ROUGH PLA!BI!\G. ELECARTCAL & MECH-ANrCAL: NoM ,utiL these inspeeticne ha1)e beeli rud.e and approoeC. PIPEPLACE: bLon to plcciro facinama-tertale and. before i"*ri"S ir"pnl_t'ion. I pruttrnC:_ ttust be req,uested afterI appro-tsal of rough plirbing, eieetri_a,L & neelanieal. - ALL rob|.i.ztg' .branns E- ehinmeys, etc. must- be J @nPletecl. Ilo wrk ie to be eon_ ,---oe,aled, until thie inspectton lne,,b"? rud.e anC opp*r"ld. l CURB & APPRCACH ApNN: Aftet fornsee etecteC but pt-ior to pour.ing cofic?ete. SfDEilALK & DRfYWAY: For aLL con- cr^ete paoirq uithin st?eet r"ight-pf-teA, to be nale aftet aLL ezca-oating earplete & forn uotk & sub- fo.se naterial in place. PEN2E: Vlen conplete -- prooiCe gates on nouable sectr:ona tl*ough P.U.E. ALL proiect eonditiow, such aa the i.nstallation of stteet ttees, conpletion of thetequined Landsccping, etc.' naat be eatisfied ufite-Lne-aui'iotic prNAL ean be tequeeted. ?rilAL BarLDrNc: The Final Building rnepection mtst be tequeoted, aften the Final ptunbingElectz-tcal,, ord. Mechanical tnspeciioi-iqrrl O"r, "La"- ii "Oo"ira. lg Il 0R i.10wi Sanilaty saser capped at ptopertg line Septic totk pzryed and filled urith gra;sel Pi,nal - ltrlten abate itans ue eanpleted and uhen der.nolttion is earyLete by sttuc-tuz,e noued otd. prznriaes clazneC up. Hcmes Bloeking old, Set-tp Plunbing connections -- sa))e? otd, ualet Electnical Ccmneetion - Blocking, set-uo and.- plwnbing eonnections nust bb- apprcxZdbefore tequeeting eleelz.ical inspebtiotz Acceesory Buildittg Pinal - Aftet pctches, skittittg, decl<s,etc. @e cotnpT,eted. Page 1 of 2 I ci zip: 7"r /)g.4 )/*ff'"k-'rq.Additicn Value,/-Date of oa *ALL MANHCLES AND CLEAIIOA?S MUS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJaS?!{ENT ro BE M4DE A? ilo cosl To clty /k tr T tr T T Z L-co cSOLAR-^CCES S REQ..JOB N Iat Faces - Setbacks HouseP.L Cotaae Access. No?th East South Lot Sq. Ftg. 7 of Lot Cooerage, # of StorLes Total Height ?opogrcphy INT TWE _ Interiot _ Cormer _ Pcnhand.Le CUL-de-sac VaLueFTGx t I'b.in -@qse ?O?AL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 c _t_ TLL CHARGE Fi-ztt"z,es Resilential (1 bath) Seuet NO.EFN CiiARGE t:l eu,/ Ect end. Ci ncui t s Semsice LezXr FCD blwlst Hood. Vent Fot Hcodstoise ,€.oo .6o t-C6o Mechonicql Permit Permit fssuanee Mechanical perml.t -- ENCROACHMENT Secarttu Deoosit Stotage tldin Pemit Clttbcu'. Sil.a,talk Eleqtrical Label Mobile IIane Bedroons lleat Lace tote Building Volue & Permit This -penn-t _is granted on the e,p"ess cond.ition ttnt the said. consttuctiot ""Y!:-!r\'1t1,ne2pe3.ts, gonform to the ?rdinance adopted liy the Ci,ty ofD:pynsileL^di 'r..nc-!udrng the zoning cvdinanee, regulating th-e ccnstz,u-cttZn@td use of builditws, ozd nay b.e suspend.ed or r-euokeClt "ry lii) upon r;"lation of @tA pncoisions of Laid o"il.ii.i"- ; Building Petmit State ?otal Clwxgee Plunbing perwit State ?otal Date Paid: Reeeipt # Sigzed: - PlatzEranineta - Plumbing permit No person shall consttuct, inetal'/,, alter or ehange,any neu c, eristingplwnbing ot drainaoe sastan in ahoie or in patt, LrLesL "u"t- p"n"r, is theL19aL.posses"o, oy"a uLU.a pt"r*nr1" li"n'r"i., e.s-cept that a pe?son nag d,oo*u.r"n aork to proper.ty ihi.r, is ormed, ieisea oln op,"iit)a. ti"in" appli._ Electricol Permif Whete State La teouiyes th.at the electrteaT. uork be d.one by an Eleedcalcont"actor" the eleetz,tcal portion-i| tni"'p"r-;t shall rot be oalir. wttilthe Label lws been sigzed 4 tne et.La"iiit' cont"actor. uate TotaL f HAW CAREFULLY ElryyBD- t-!e eontpleted appltcation for pernit, and. d.ohereby cettifg that aLL infornation hereon'ie trae ahd. eztrect, and. rfu,tket'.cet'tify tha.t any ard aLL usotk perforn"a it-lt-ti-a"i" r." aceo?_dance rrith the 1rdinancLs of the ctty 'of 'sp"iir;Ji, ""a*tii Lans of the* 2?t-n_ot_o:?so, pPrtaining to the wit<aesZritLa n"iL;.i,-*,a-ilut No occr!-PANcy ?,rill be nud.e of any- strwctuz,e without permisaion'o| tn Build.ing DL-tisio-n- r further _cb1tt f1t that only contraeions aa enpicye.s uho ate incazpliance uith oRS zol.oss uiLL be used. on this i"iil.i -"--- TOTAL AMOATIT DIIE:'/f 6c Signed c) Date Carpcrt Aecessot u Fen=e &lw\,,e\ 25 Not th stlt streeaPPLrcATr2N/PERI'Er iprtngfield, 1regon 97477 tuilding Diutsion 7 26-37 53 bJ ,e!# SPFINGFIEI-D Ipcaticn: :ssors Map #,o Tioision: 7e?: dress: a a Ic,s lot # Phone: .1 /fu .a(u n 7? Addi /ao&<e fr,rr€ Date of Apgli.ation .44.,,i ttr, 1 4 , lQ Value A t, nOO * GeneraL DeserLbe Nork: 5<-\ r^p -lloV'le In-ov'te a'n-& l*vlt il. 4\s,, g \ cre € ran€\cr\ g\^zA erwA at L\i hq (^P, RernoCel Plwnbi.ng ' Electrtcal (\ t^)',t c f i ueclto:ical I Qo-rytnction_lAey It is ttt reeponribility of tlc petnrLt t@lna. to aee tlut aLL inspeetions oe nade at tle pro?er tine, tLdt 24sft -'litqes 'i.s 72a)ahi2 frun tle atte€t, @1d, that ths petfltLt cad ia Located at the ftont of the Wope"ty.*suidi.W DLuisint: dyVraed plot sltcll remain on tlte Building Site at aLL times. PROCIDUPE FOR INSPEC!!91!_EW!;CALL726-3769 (recotder) state you? City designated job ntzrber, iob aFfness, type of ir'spec=icn eadyforir-speetion'Contraetorsoia,ners-,,o,e-c.nd.pianenunba,.R'equestsleeeiuedbefcre?:00an ,tiLL be nnde the aotte dcy" "equests mcde after 7:00 an trill be nole t?te nect:,wkirg day. Iout, City Desigr,ated Job Nwtber Is: Reauired fr.speetions 860/6 q SI?E I;iS?ia?IOI: Io be nade after *carratlcn, but pt-icr tc set up of forns. ulpERSL4B Pl,!!E rrye, E LEclFr cAr. & l,ECHLllICAL: To be tnade be1-ore any tlotk is eooered. IIISULATION/VAPOP BARRTER II|SPECTIOII : Io be nade after aLL insuleticn a"d required tcpot, borie?s @e in place but before ory Lath, Wpswn boarC ot' tnLL eoueting is appli.ed, antd before oty insul,ation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPEETTON: Tc be mAde -., after aLL C.tyuaLL is in place, but prior to any taping. Sani:uy seser cappted ct propet4i Line Septic tank y.rped and filled tith gra;sel Final - kthen abcoe itens ote ecnpleted and uhen Caiclltion i,s conplete or sttue- ture maued utl. pz,etnses cleaneC up. A rcormG t FOUNDATTzN: lo be rmCe DJ ffi x"e""Gs ae .rcaated and forns ote erected, but prior to Wurirq cclleret€, 7 ulpEncpou:rD pLu.ElllLSWiL r/i!!B'J- .Lir4 trenehee. I4ASONRY: Steel beons, gtoutittg aceordorce tlth 2415. Location, bond ot terti-cals in tl.B.C. Section UIIDERELOOR PLUI,EING & MECIIANTCAL : oy floor insulation or decking. POST AllD BEAM: ?o be made prLot, toffiidldla-{of flooy, insulation or deckittE. R)UGH PLAEIIIG. ELECIRTCAL & MECH:_ ANICAL: i'lo uotk is to be co--ez,ed .ffiil thes" inspections hdtse been nod.e oui approued. ELPEPLACE: PrLor to plceirg faeingmaxefials and before froning i.nspee- tion. - FRAr!!!c: l'tust be requested aften ) approual of rough plwnbing, electri- cal & meciqanical, AL! rooftng btacLrlq ru chinmeys, etc. rrust be ; eompleteC. llo ucrk is to be con- ..'-.ced.Led until this inspecf,ion lns:been rncuie anC approoed. f FiltAL pLUuBrNc f rner MECHANTIAL ] FINAL ELEtrBIzAL _l After installation is Blocking otd Set-up Plwbing eonnections -- sa)et otd. uaier Electrtcal Ccmnection - Bloeking, se!-uc and plunbing connections rrust be qprct;ed before requesting eleelrical inspeeliott Aecessorg Bui.tCing ilooDSTOttE: ccnpLeted. CURB & APPROACH APPON: d.e e"ec;AWV;G Aftet fornsto pourLng concrete. SfDEWALK & DRfVil,lAI: Eor aLL eon-;;A;narrfr-Arffi stre et t'i.ght- of-teA, to be ma.Ce after aLL etea- oating canplete & fona uork & sttb- base naterLal in pl.ace.Pinal - Aftet, etc. al,e comp pcrekes, skirting, decks, Leted. ALL g'ojeet conditions, such as tte installat':.on of street trees, conpleticn of the required l,atdscqing, etc., wuat be satisfied before the BUILDING FIIIAL can be requested. ?INAL BUfLDLNG: The Fi.nal Building InsDeetion mtst be requested after the Final Plunbing Electrical, otC l,leclutieal Inspections itqte been made arui approued. Page 1 of 2*ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS TIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!{EII! TO BE I,IADE /.T IIO CSST TO CI?Y v R ,rorurn ro,n T T T tr tr la ygitcs: llhen eonolete -- ProzsiCe L) s"r* on mooable sectians through n - -p.u.t. tl T SOLAR ^ CESS REQ.-r--cod Lot Faces - I Setbacks House Caraqe AccessDT /='RanNotthql'East 2f4 cts,South {a'4,q'Hest ?, Ipt Sq. FtE. 7 cf Lct Caserage # of StorLes Total Height Topography ValueITET,l LCT TWE _ Intet'icr Corrle{ Panhandle CuL-de-sac I'lain Coace Aeeessot u farlrga, t /?.oe ?OTAL VALUE en^1E- /o.e PLan.{o /o.to - FEE Fistt:zes Resi.dential (1 bath) Sarzitaru Seuer llctey ?ec**gr*a h,>ft ?r /f, oo /56a , J',=.-a Res. So. fte Iaracyeu Seroiee b *(P tla>l3/r/f* ' 6;0 DfrA art / =a:rTi;1 leP Ftsneee P?UIS blwnst Hood. Vent Fan Ilcodsto;se Mecho nicol Permit Perwit Issuanee Mech,anical Permit State -- ENCROACHME:]T -- Secarttll Deoosi! Storape Maintenanee Pcrmit Euilding Pertrri,t State ?otal Cla"ges Plunbing Penrit Nas/Ectend Circuits TotaZ 5Ld.A)ALk L l^a.beL Mobile Hsne- BeitoonsGrottc:€ Sourees iieat er WooactoDe e e Building Vqlue & Permit This pennr,t is granted on the erptess eond.ition tlwt the said constnetionslnll, in all nespects, conforn to the 7rdirnnce edopted. j2iy the City of SprLngfield, including the Soning Ctdinance, regulating the ccnsttueticn and.use of buildtngs, and may be suspend.ed or reuokeC Lt ory time upon uic-lation of any prcuisions of said 7rdir,ances. t/-r ls?r1Va9l4a /lo/?€ a/y fris Cda,A -- Fees -- Reeeipt #: Signed: f HAW CAREFULLy tXil4INED the cornpleted aopLieation for permit, cnd da hereby certify that aLL info:mation het,eon is true anC eorreet, amC f further centifg that any ard aLL uotk perforned shall be done in aceor,- dance ,rith the Oydinances of the City of Sptingfield, an-d. the La";s af the* State of Oregcn pertainina to the uotk Ceseribcd henein, cnd that NO OCCU- Pr'.NCI uiLL be rmCe of any st?ucture uithout permission of the Building DL-oision. I further certifr- th,at only contractors ciid. enplcyees who are in canpLianee uith CRS 701.055 ui.LL be used on this ptoject Plumbing Permit llo person slw.ll constntct, insiall, alter or clunge anA neu cr eristingplwnbing or dtainage sAsten in i,thole or in part, unless such person is the Legal possessot, of a ualid olumberts Lieense, eueept th.at a pbrson nay doplunbiig uork to pyopez.t! uhich is otmed, Leased. or operated q tn" ippli- cant. Electricql Permit Were State Las requires tlnt the eLectrical uotk be done bg an Eleofu,teal Cont?aetor, the electrical portion of this pemnit shall not be ualiC untilthe Label l,ns been sigtred bg the Elech,ical Contracto?. il,, c6 lzct B ZO a?&1J- .UIdL N,iUU,J; UU::'A a.Bo Signeci ///ZZ Date JOB NO. 7r>x - x w