HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2002-01-03Job#0 1 -0 1 392-01 Page 1 of 3 Job Number: 01-01 392-01 Office:726'3759 lnspection Line: 726-3769 before 7:00 made the following Land Pave Use SPRTNGFIELD RESIDENTIAL PERMIT City Of SPringfield CommunitY Services Division Building SafetY 225 North Fifth Street Springfield, OR97477 Location Of ProPosed Site: 1357 AssessorsMaP#: 17023034 Lot:7300 Block: Owner: Robert TYndall Address: 1348 33rd St Scope Of Work: Manufactured Home on Private Lot 00033rd St SPr Reolacing previous M.H' & Garage wjth new'r,rti. rnail'e rrtilitv room Aonrox so footaoe Gontractor Robert TYndall 1348 33rd St, SPringfield, OR 97478 Antone Electric 27514 SnYder Road, Junction CitY' OR 97448 Robert TYndall 1348 33rd St, SPringfield, OR 97478 Addition: Tax Lot#: 07300 Subdivision: PhoneNumber: 541-736-5560 City/State/Zip: Springfield,OR97478 New Value: $39'471 M.H. & Shop/Garage. Previous residence had one ni nr"rin,,* residenie and oaraoe was 1794 so' ft' Registration # Expiration Date Phone 541-736-5560Contractor TYPe GeneralContr ElectricalContr Plumbing Contr To request an insPection callthe 24 hour recording at 726-3769' All a.m. will be made the working daY. Zoning: LDR FloodPlain? [ same working day, inspections requested after Wetlands? [ Journal numbers 1: Comments: 2|3: Planner: Sam Gollah Urban Growth Boundary?[ QuantitY Of Fill: Supplier: Drainage: Ftoodway FEMA: X-White AdditionalReq Glenwood Area?tr Required Flood Plain FEMA: 1161 of 2975 Overlay District: # of Street Trees: 7 Source Locn: Material: 2 ts${ L^aPrh UAt<d. O(r:nof Xqnotrtte- [.4. \q-uJ/-norD l.nruCt $qC.. tO ctTY SPRtNGFtEL4 OREGONOF -736-5560 82835 t Construction Types(VN) Wood Frame OccuPancY GrouPs: Dwelling # Of Buildings: 2 # Of Bedrooms: 3 HandicaP Access? [ Jo b#01 -01 392-0 1 Total2184 Page 2 of 3 ValuelQuantitY Private Garage/CarP/Stor # Of Stories: 1 Height (feet): 16 Gurrent Units: ProPosed Units:1 Census Code:New Mfg Home (sq.F Main: 1512 Accessory672 Fee AmountReceiPt# Plan Check Fee Paid On 1211812001 7551 Building Permit Sirt" S-utcnarge For Building Permit Building Administrative Fee Total Building Minimum Electrical Permit Fee Manufactured Home Service\Feeder er;ncn Circuits With Feeder or Service State Surcharge - Electrical Administrative Fee - Electrical Total Electrical ResidentialPlan Check Total Plan Check Minimum Plumbing Permit Fee State Surcharge - Plumbing Storm Sewer Footage Manufactured Home Connection Administrative Fee - Plumbing Total Plumbing Planning Plan Revlew Total Planning Manufactured Home SetuP Fee Manufactured Home State lssuance State Surcnarge For Manufactured Hom' Manutactured Home Administrative Fee Total Manufactured Home Residential- Single Family - Storm SDC Administrative Fee Sanitary Sewer SDC Reimbursement Sanitary Sewer SDC lmProvement Total SYstem DeveloPment 0110312002 0110312002 0110312002 0110312002 0110312002 0110312002 0110312002 0110312002 0110312002 0110312002 0110312002 0110312002 0110312002 0110312002 0110312002 0110312002 0110312002 0110312002 0110312002 0110312002 0110312002 7666 7666 7666 7666 7666 7666 7666 7666 16,171 16,171 23,300 I 1,004 $105.30 $105.30 $162.00 $1 1.34 $12.96 $186.30 $.00 $50.00 $6.00 $3.92 $4.48 $64.40 7666 7666 7666 7666 7666 1 2 90 1 7666 7666 7666 7666 $.00 $7.28 $59.00 $45.00 $8.32 $119.60 $160.00 $30.00 $11.20 $12.80 $214.00 $274.09 $26.87 $149.59 $113.68 $564.23 $50.00 $50.00 7666 7666 7666 7666 7 7 Plan Electrical Plu HomeredManufactu Deve 01t03t2002 7666 1 t Job# 01-01392-01 Page 3 of 3 Fee Paid On Receipt# Value/Quantity Fee Amount Address Assignment Total Permits w/o Srchg Permits w/o Srchg 0110312002 7666 1 $8.00 $8.00 Grand Total Plan Check Type Checked By Date Completed Comment lnitial Review-Res Lisa Hopper 1211912001 Engineering-Res Steve Templin 0110212002 Planning-Res Sam Gollah 1212612001 Structural-Res Don Moore 1213112001 By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the propery, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during construction. Signature $1,311.83 o o)OZ SPIIINGFIELO DEVELOPMENT SERV I C ES D EPARTMENT MANUFACTURED HOME LAND USE AGREEMENT As required by the City of Springfield Development Code, I agree that with the approval of attached permits, one of the following manufactured homes will be placed at Springfield, Oregon, City Job Number r'-o r' -o/. ,,/ Tvoe I Manufactured Home. A multi-sectional (double wide or wider) unit with an enclosed---{-- ffio. *.u of not less than 1,000 square feet, that has a nominal roof pitch of 3 feet in height for each 12 feet in width, that has no bare metal siding or roofing, and that has been certified by the manufacturer to have an exterior thermal envelope meeting performance standards which reduce heat loss to levels equivalent to the performance standards required of single family dwellings constructed under the State Specialty Codes. Type II Manufactured Home. A unit of not less than 12 feet in width with an enclosed floor area of *t t.5 tt an 500 square feet, that has a nominal roof pitch of 2 feet in height for each 12 feet in width and that has no bare metal siding or roofing. The manufactured home shall be placed on an excayated and back-filled foundation not to exceed 6 percent slope within l0 feet of the perimeter enclosure. The perimeter foundation wall surrounding the home shall be constructed of stone, brick or other masonry materials, and with no more than24 inches of the enclosing material exposed above grade. I further agree to meet all land use and City Code requirements of the above mentioned parcel within 60 days of the date of lssuance of the manufactured home set up permit. These requirements may include, but *" not limited to the items listed below. Specific land use requirements regarding your parcel are noted on your approved set up plans and/or permit and your partition approval ifapplicable: r Street Trees. Paving Driveway o Minimum 32 square foot storage structure o Completion of partition approval . Removal of any existing structures as noted on your partition approval r Signing and recording of any required partition, easement, improvement agreements, etc. o Final lot grading o Cit/ Sidewalk and curbcut installation . Any outside agency approval as required i.e., Division of State Land approval. By my signature below, I agree to complete the above mentioned land use requirements. Owner Signature 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 Contractor Signature Date o 7 Z CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE WORKSIIBBT 0 SF LOT SIZE: 0 SF JOURNAL OR JOB NUMBER: 0l-01392-01 NAME OR COMPANY TYNDALE LOCATION:I 357 33RD STREET TAX LOT NUMBER:t7 -02-30-34-07300 NEW DWELLING UMTS: DEVELOPMENT TYPE: REPLACEMENT HOME O BUILDING SIZE: IMPERVIOUS S.F 1004.00 COST PER S.F. $0.273 $274.O9 RUNOFF ROUTED TO DRYWELL DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED TO CITY x STANDARDS COST PER S.F.DISCOUNT RATEIMPERVIOUS S.F. x x 5O%o$0.273 I. STORM DRAINAGE DIRECT RUNOFF TO CITY STORM SYSTEM i274.0e IITEM l TOTAL. STORM DRAINAGE SDC NUMBER OF DFU's 7 COST PER DFU $21.37 $ 149.59 $l13.68$t6.24 x x 7 B. IMPROVEMENT COST: NUMBER 2. SANITARY SEWER - CITY A. REIMBURSEMENT COST: $263.27ITEM 2 TOTAL . CITY SANITARY SEWER SDC ADT TRIP RATE 9.57 NUMBER OF UNITS 0 COST PER TRIP $ 16.21 $0.00 NEW TRIP FACTOR 1.00 COST PER TRIP x xx xxADT TRIP RATE NUMBER OFUNITS B. IMPROVEMENT COST: x 09.57 NEW TRIP FACTOR 1.00 3. TRANSPORTATION A. REIMBURSEMENTCOST: $0.00 IITEM 3 TOTAL. TRANSPORTATION SDC NUMBER OF FEU'S 0 COST PER FEU $332.86 $0.00 NUMBER OF FEU's 0 COST PER FEU $34.83 SUBTOTAL OF MWMC REIMBURSEMENT, IMPROVEMENT & CREDIT MWMC ADMINISTRATIVE FEE $0.00 ;0.00 [0.00 B. IMPROVEMENT COST: x x MWMC CREDIT IF APPLICABLE (SEE REVERSE) 4. SANITARY SEWER - MWMC A. REIMBURSEMENT COST: $o.ooITEM 4 TOTAL . MWMC SANITARY SEWER SDC $537.36SUBTOTAL (ADD ITEMS 1,2,3, &4) $26.87 5. ADMINISTRATIVE FEE: ADM. FEE RATESUBTOTAL x 57o $s64.23TOTAL SDC CHARGES = U2t2002tlr4oTu4.tflb SDC COORDINATOR DATE ar!ooU &i4Fa o rq& 1070 1091 t092 1093 | 1094 1055 1056 to73 DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNIT CALCULATION TABLE MWMC CREDIT CALCULATION TABLE: BASED ON COUNTY ASSESSED VALUE NUMBER OF NEW FXTURES X UNIT EQUTVALENT = DRAINAGE FXTURE UNITS (NOTE: FOR REMODEIS, CAI-CULATE ONLY TI{E NET ADDITIONAL FXTURES) NO. OFFIXTURES DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNITSFIXTURE TYPE ( *mw - #oLD ) UNIT* gouIvAlENT = BATHTUB (2-1 (0-0 (0-0 (0-0 (0-0 (0-0 (1-1 (0-0 (0-0 (0-0 (0-0 (0-0 (0-0 (t-1 (0-0 (0-0 (0-0 (2-1 (0-0 (0-0 (2-1 )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x J J DRINKING FOUNTAIN 1 0 FLOOR DRAIN -1 0 INTERCEPTORS FOR GREASE I ON- ISOLIDS IETC.J 0 INTERCEPTORS FOR SAND / AUTO WASH IETC.6 0 LAUNDRYTUB 2 CLOTHESWASHER / MOP SINK J 0 CLOTHESWASHER - 3 OR MORE (EA)6 0 MOBILE HOME PARK TRAP (1 PER TRAILER)t2 0 RECEPTOR FOR REFRIG / WATER STATION IETC.I 0 J 0 SHOWER, SINGLE STALL 2 0 SHOWER, GANG (NUMBER OF I{EADS)2 0 SINK: COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL KITCHEN 0 SINK: COMMERCIALBAR 0 SINK: DOMESTIC BAR 0 WASH BASIN 2 0 LAVATORY I URINAL, STALL/WALL 5 0 TOILET PUBLIC INSTALLATION 6 0 TOILET PRIVATE INSTALLATION J 3 MISCELLANEOUS DFU TYPE NUMBER OF EDU'SX (0-0 )x 20 0 TOTAL DRAINAGE FD(TURE UNITS *EDU (Equivalent Dwelling Unit) is a discharge equivalent to a single family dwelling unit (20 DFU's) set at 167 gallons per day 7 $0.00 IF IMPROVEMENTS OCCURRED AFTER ANNEXATION DATE, CALCULATE CREDIT CREDIT FOR LAND (IF APPLICABLE) CREDIT FOR IMPROVEMENT (IF AFTER ANNEXATION) $0.00 $0.00 YEAR ANNEXED CREDIT RATE PER $I,OOO ASSESSED VALUE YEAR ANNEXED CREDIT RATE PER $1,OOO ASSESSED VALUE 1979 OR BEFORE $4.92 1990 $2.06 1980 $4.83 1991 $1.64 1981 $4.77 1992 $1.4s t982 $4.64 1993 $1.31 1983 $4.47 1994 $l .13 1984 $4.30 1995 $0.97 1985 $4.09 1996 $0.82 1986 $3.78 t997 $0.63 t987 $3.41 1998 $0.41 1988 $2.98 1999 $0.22 1989 $2.s2 2000 $0.04 TOTAL MWMC CREDIT = x 0.000 x $0.00 SEPARATELY CREDIT RATE $0.00 = VALUE/ IOOO 0.000 0 I 3 2 I ATTLILAT IIJl\ { l rl l'!.1 Il*nrs C*st Sunr J(}E llESr; $r--1;-.!'t' Ifarrrriic,rrp rrn l,ql] *:rr-c .'_ t.R INSI'AI-I- il'work is uot staried rjl ls)uiirr* uJ ]l l!tll.i! ls tius Rrsiqlenti:rl-Single sr ;!Iiliri-F arnily per drteiiing unit. t1. or less Ir'{a*irfd }{i:me or ivlo{r!i:ar u1}elring Sen-i,;r ci Fe3=det ?fll) *nn<.r l.*e R- Sr:r'r,ice,r *r Feetlerx lur-t:rl t irticn, A lterations ll - l,- .,'+: .: ia.t\L tu!slautt. 2(i t auips to iil i .tiLrprs lil Ftf ;s qJ: lll! = Si*ir-r!;.uIr: tS\oD !t rl }i i ;i i ; rr u r :i E. ! r i:i:'i': F r ;-;:: l! -I ;:.* J: :-'i ii ; r i_ ! .r1.;.r'\ !- . I llF . Erra-'F+. JLUa\rr.'.& Ut _:ri;u'ii- :!!' r r -,; ,/. tr:lIt- -lt, i lr,ta i.i_ (,:.,' r ,i,.,:,,:. r. .ri.... L..,. , TJ I.AL .ca / LJ, 4*D : a'-'n r.r=. liJ 1'tl:.t1t .:trllrlfl' SPFINGFfEI-D" OREGOI'J 9?,1?? ', ti.{Si'ELflUi-i RtsQUE.S]': 726-iloS Vl r ILL- i..U_j. -'. Cit_y.krh 1 CO\fP].ETF FiTF. ,SCHEJ.JI-[E FFL,i}I1I t)9e o --J"* * i Y s .I s5ii{'* 5D {,,,,,,, : -.r, T i,--,...-.- }r,,,..L-,.,.rrlir\.r r r\L,, LtLltrJL IatrrlIU\,1:j :'.1 illr!lu l'-]:r:t!. i\l* rr :i,i: h.:il)iriilrcn i i' I !---.:",-r'. -:ii*i+'t:lli ff ii.\.i'.-rniiuil IrI f.rnfi'. r*,ritf {_trcu!t i.,:ri' i.lr't. --,-i r.',-^,,.- ... .. ,.;,t,,rL.ri 11i:t.rrrrri..--j I il+rlli \,; t,.,iiji a.l Fa,:,Ti7:.9rmtt "'*rr..- . I noc)_A:i --,.';it \4tlrf!'l{uR i iiri iiiliiijli.iijuii i.i Liiijiln iii.rri\., Uii -7'tirlirrtrr i iiii:?i 1.:'!ri; Il 1{ -r;; aTii;.,titi,..ti ,-.,- .-.! -- t --., ., ..-- -_.,.: SPRINGFIELD Job# 01-01392-01 RESIDENTIAL PERMIT City Of Springfield Gommunity Services Division Building Safety Page 1 of 3 Job Number: 01 -0'l 392-01 Office: 726-3759 lnspection Line: 726-3769 Tax Lot #: 07300 Subdivision: lblob D 1.3.0L 225 North Fifth Street Springfield, OR97477 Location Of Proposed Site: 1357 00033rd St Spr AssessorsMap#: 17023034 Lot:7300 Block: Addition: ctrY oF SPRINGFIELD, OREGOTV Owner: Robert Tyndall Address: 1348 33rd St Scope Of Work: Manufactured Home on Private Lot Phone Number: Gity/State/Zip: New 541 -736-5560 Springfield, OR 97478 r{0il Value CE: $39,471 Replacing previous M.H. & Garage with new M.H. & hrath and one rrtilitv room Anorox so footaoe of nreviotts nesistrati60ff/[4 82835 ANY 1S O DAY PE 0511912002 had one IHIS P F trHe I,VORK I 541-688-4444 541 -736-5560 Contractor Type General Contr Electrical Contr Contractor Robert Tyndall 1348 33rd St, Springfield, OR 97478 Antone Electric 27514 Snyder Road, Junction City, OR 97448 Robert Tyndall 1348 33rd St, Springfield, OR 97478 lsn RIOD. Footing Foundation Framing FinalBuilding To request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at726-3769. All inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following working day. Required lnspections i euildins I -After trenches are excavated. -After forms are erected but prior to concrete placement. -Prior to cover. Electrical MH Electrical Rough Electrical MH Service Final Electrical Plumbing MH Plumbing Storm Sewer Line Manufactured Home MH Set Up -When all blocking is complete. Plumbing Contr Job# 01-01392-01 Page 2 of 3 Required lnspections Manufactured Home -After all required inspections are approved and porches, skirting, decks, venting, house numberMH Final Zoning: LDR FloodPlain?Wetlands? [ Journal numbers 1: Gomments: Planner: Sam Gollah Urban Growth Boundary? [l Quantity Of Fill: Supplier: Drainage: Floodway FEMA: X-White 2 3: Additional Requirements: Required Attachments: Source Locn: Material: FIood Plain FEMA:1161 of2975 Land Use: Single Family Dwelling Pave Driveway? Z Overlay District: # of Street Trees 2 Glenwood Area? [ Construction Types(VN) Wood Frame Occupancy Groups: Dwelling # Of Buildings: 2 # Of Bedrooms: 3 Handicap Access? [ (sq. Main:1512 Accessory672 Private Garage/Carp/Stor # Of Stories: 1 Height (feet): 16 Gurrent Units: Proposed Units:1 Census Code: New Mfg Home Total:2184 Fee Paid On Receipt# Value/Quantity Fee Amount Plan Check 1211812001 7551Residential Plan Check Total Plan Check 16,171 $105.30 $105.30 Building Building Permit State Surcharge For Building Permit Building Administrative Fee Total Building 0110312002 0110312002 01t0312002 7666 7666 7666 16,171 $162.00 $11.34 $12.96 $186.30 Electrical Minimum Electrical Permit Fee Man ufactured Home Service\Feeder Branch Circuits With Feeder or Service State Surcharge - Electrical Administrative Fee - Electrical Total Electrical 0110312002 0110312002 0110312002 0110312002 0110312002 7666 7666 7666 7666 7666 1 2 $.00 $50.00 $6.00 $3.e2 $4.48 $64.40 Plumbinq Minimum Plumbing Permit Fee State Surcharge - Plumbing Storm Sewer Footage Manufactured Home Connection Administrative Fee - Plumbing Total Plumbing 0110312002 0110312002 01103t2002 0110312002 0110312002 7666 7666 7666 7666 7666 90 1 $.00 $7.28 $59.00 $45.00 $8.32 $119.60 Job# 01-01392-01 Page 3 of 3 Fee Paid On Receipt# Value/Quantity Fee Amount Manufactured Home Manufactured Home Setup Fee Manufactured Home State lssuance State Surcharge For Manufactured Homr Manufactured Home Administrative Fee Total Manufactured Home 0110312002 0110312002 0110312002 0110312002 7666 7666 7666 7666 23,300 $160.00 $30.00 $11.20 $12.80 $214.00 I System Development Residential - Single Family - Storm SDC Administrative Fee Sanitary Sewer SDC Reimbursement Sanitary Sewer SDC lmprovement Total System Development 0110312002 0110312002 0110312002 01t0312002 7666 7666 7666 7666 1,004 7 7 Planning 0110312002 7666 1Planning Plan Review Total Planning $50.00 $50.00 Address Assignment Total Permits w/o Srchg Permits w/o 0110312002 7666 I $8.00 $8.00 Grand Total PIan Check Type Checked By Date Completed Comment lnitial Review-Res Lisa Hopper 1211912001 Engineering-Res Steve Templin 0110212002 Planning-Res Sam Gollah 1212612001 Structural-Res Don Moore 1213112001 By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the propery, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at alltimes during construction. $1,311.83 / 1- Signature ifr $274.09 $26.87 $149.59 $113.68 $s64.23 DEV ELO P M ENT SERV IC ES D E PART M ENT January 4,2002 Robert Tvndall i 348 33'd Street Springfield, Oregon 97 47 8 Dear Mr. Tyndall: Enclosed is the original permit for the installation of your new manufactured home and the construction of your shop for 1357 33'd Street, Springfield, Oregon. When you obtained your permits, we neglected to include the required inspections needed to complete your project on your permit. Please sign the permit on the indicated line and return it to me in the enclosed self addressed pre stamped envelope. I am enclosing a copy of the permit for you to keep for your records. Thank you, and if you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at 726-3790. Sincerely, Lisa Hopper Building Safety Supervisor Encl 225 FIrTH STEEET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-s689 ww w. ci. spri n gf i e ld. o r. u s f