HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2001-04-06Job# 01 -00335-01 RESIDENTIAL PERMIT City Of Springfield Community Services Division Building Safety Page 1 of 2 SPRINGFIELD 225 North Fifth Street Springfield, OR97477 Location Of Proposed Site: 1277 00032nd St Spr AssessorsMap#: 17023034 Lot: Block: Addition: Job Number: 01-00335-01 Office: 726-3759 !nspection Line: 726-3769 Tax Lot #: 05901 Subdivision: ctTY oF SPRINGFIELq OREGON Owner: PaulMoneith Address: 1277 32nd Street Scope Of Work: Electrical Only install200 amp service Phone Number: City/State/Zip: Remodel 541-747-2622 Springfield,, OR 97478 Value: $O Contractor Type ElectricalContr Gontractor Registration # Able Electric 92506 1300 Anderson Ln, Springfield, OR 97478 Expiration Date 7116103 Phone 541-726-6701 Quad Area: # Of Units: Constr. Type: Water Heater: Office Use - Land Use: Zoning Code: Bedrooms: Range: # Of Buildings: Occupancy Group: Heat Source: Sq. Footage: To request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at726-3769. All inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following working day. Required lnspections Electrical Electrical Service Final Electrical Construction Types: Occupancy Groups: # Of Buildings: # Of Bedrooms: Handicap Access? (Sq. Feet) -Must be approved to obtain permanent power -When all electrical work is complete. # Of Stories: Current Units: Census Code: Does not apply Height (feet): Proposed Units: Main:Accessory:Total: City Of Springfield \i Development Services Community Services Division Building Safety Job# 01-00335-01 'vJ Page 1 of 1 Location Of Proposed Site: 1277 00032nd St Spr AssessorsMap#: 17023034 Lot: Block: Addition Tax Lot #: 05901 Subdivision: Owner: Paul Moneith Address: 1277 32nd Street Scope Of Work: Electrical Only install 200 amp service Phone Number: City/State/Zip: Remodel s41-747-2622 Springfield,, OR 97478 Value: $0 Contractor Type Electrical Contr Contractor A Campbell Electric lnc PO Box 264, Walterville, OR 97489 Registration # 20299c Expiration Date 08/30/2003 Phone 541-744-0705 Fee Paid On Receipt# Value/Quantity Fee Amount Electrical Permanent: 200 Amps or Less State Surcharge - Electrical Administrative Fee - Electrical Total Electrical 0410612001 04t06t2001 04t06t2001 0004864 0004864 0004864 1 $50.00 $3.50 $1.s0 $55.00 Grand Total $55.00 Required lnspections Scheduled Date lnspection lnspector Date Result Comments Electrical Electrical Service Final Electrical 07t10t2001 07t10t2001 Dave Gadomski Dave Gadomski OK OK House was posted as a sub-standard dwelling on3131l20O0 since than house has been sold to Terri Claridge who will occupy the residence. Electrical and water have been reconnected, sub-standard classification has been removed 711012001. End Of Re Job# 01 -00335-01 Page2 of 2 Fee Paid On Receipt# Value/Quantity Fee Amount Electrical Permanent: 200 Amps or Less State Surcharge - Electrical Administrative Fee - Electrical Total Electrical 0410612001 04t06t2001 0410612001 0004864 0004864 0004864 $50.00 $3.50 $1.50 $55.00 Grand $55.00 ?-c -o / Date 1 n UEGAL DESCa.IPTION a Z. CONTBAC,TOR INSTALIATIOTi OT{LY Electrical Contractor Address Ci tY Phone Supervisnr License iiumber )e-23 ,f Expiration Date (l ot C SPfrl}TOFIELO SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 7% State Surcharge 3Z Adninistrative Fee TOTA], -o 1 ON ELSCI"JCAL ?E.RHIT APPLICATION CitY Job 3. COHPI^ETE FgE SCSSDULB BgtO$ A- Nev R,esi<iential-Sitlgl?.or I'lulti-Famiiy- p"l dwEtting unit' deiuic* rncludedt ,a.*" cost surn $ 85.00 $ 15-03 $ 4C.00 Each airii tional .:uusq. ft sr Portlon thereof Each Hanuf ' <i- Home' or Hodular D"'elllng Services or Feedersii=iiii.,io*' Alterations or Relocation: 20C amPs or less \ 201 anps to 4C0 arIlps - 401 anbs to 6co amPS - 60i anPs to 1000 ?r'Ps=- 6u"r-iboo amps/volts - Reconnec ?. ORIY TemporarY Services or Feeders installation, ait"t"tion or Relocatio:: 20C amps'"on less I :9'q! ;;;.15i io ooo amls -l $ Bo'oo 0ver 600 .*p" o'-i6oO-i6tt" see !'8" above Branch Circuits Nev, Aiteration or Extension Per PaneL I Perrnits are non-transferabi: tld expire if uorlt is not ";;;i;c uithln' 1-80 davs of issuance or ii";;;k is suspe:roeti for 180 daYs ' B L c 5e$ 5S.00 s 60.00 $100. c0 s130. 00 $300.00s 40.00 s 40.00 $ 40.0c $ 20.00 $ 36.00 Cons tr Con t:: ' N' Expiration Date Signature of Supervising Electrician 0uners l'lane Address 7q 3 uri'r e i: (D. OI]}IER INSTALI.ATION The installation is- belng t"9"'?l-.,^., property-i-o"n r"hich is not intenoed ior'sale' lease or rent' ir'Jlj r 5lii1Eqggters Sigea ture : 0ne Circuit Each A.dCi tional Ci::cui t or vi th Servrce or Feeder Permi " -l'iiscellaneous (Se-r*vice/leeder not inclui -Each installation putrp or irrigation _- sisn/Outline Lighting- iiili teq EnergY/Res - Limi teC EnergY/Cornm * $ 35.CC $ 2.0sPhone 4Llq '7za Ci ty ; l_|li.{uHx UU55& Tfift ? nal;-UUL- :.rU +'fi.-t+,fifi11i?'f 'r!UUU* RECETVED BY: 5 qO Zoning t ^A I Oregon Construction Contract^'s Board >> License Details LICENSE STATUS: Active EXPIRATION DATE: 1 1 1312002 DATE FIRST LICENSED: 111312000 BOND COMpANv. CONTRACTORS '''BoNDtNG & tNS co BOND AMOUNT: $10,000 BOND EFFECTIVE TO: 1 1 1312002 Vrew Bond H1glqy ENTITY TYPE: I ndividual LICENSE CATEGORY: Specialty Contractor/All EMPLOYER STATUS: NON-EXEMPT I N s u RA N c E co M pA N", SItl=^l+F uJ,Frift ., INSURANCE AMOUNT: $500,000 TNSURANCE EFFECTTVE fit 1ot2o1o View Insuranle History View X-ReferenQqr Page 1 of 1 OREGON CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS BOARD Query Details Details on Oregon License: 146374 NAME: DANIEL RACE ADDRESS: 1300 ANDERSON LANE SPRINGFIELD OR97477-7608 WORK PHONE NUMBER: 541-726-6701 Vieur Claims Hlqlqfy Licenses View Associated Names View SIC Codes View Bqilding Cpeles Division Liqense Details Send mail to Web Administ[ator with questions or comments about this web site Last modified: February 15.2001 ffi*;if#a Statq o[]Qrcgon Liability .SlAlement http ://ccbed.ccb. state.or. us/Bill/re gno222.asp?regno:l 4637 4 04106t200t QUERY MENU qcB HorME CITY OF OREGO'V SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT March 3 l, 2000 HAND DELIVERED LETTER Carol L. Fowler 1970 E Street Springfield, Oregon 97 477 RE: Notice and Order to Comply With The Springfield Building Safety Code Administrative Code Relative To The Unsafe And Substandard Building At 1277 32 nd Street, Springfield, Oregon Dear Ms. Fowler: As a result of a recent inspection, the City of Springfield Communify Services Division. Building Safety, has determined that the structure located at the above referenced location, also known as Lane County Assessor's Map #17023034, Tax Lot 05901, for reasons specified below, a substandard and unsafe building as described in the Springf,reld Building Safety Code Administrative Code. Lane County Assessment and Taxation records reveal that you are the owner of this properry. Section 203 of the Springfield Building Safety Code Administrative Code classifies structures which are structurally inadequate or are dangerous to human life as unsafe. Section l00l of the Housing Code specifies conditions constituting a substandard building. The following items include but are not limited to conditions existing at the structure identified above, classifying it as a substandard and unsafe building: l. The property is not currently served with water service. The Housing Code requires that each residence shall be provided with hot and cold running water. 2. The property is not currently served with electrical service. The Housing Code requires that each residence shall be provided with heating facilities capable of maintaining a room temperature of 68 degrees F. at a point 3 feet above the floor in all habitable rooms. The Code further states that where there is electrical power available within 300 feet of the premises of the building, such building shall be connected to such electrical power. 3. Each dwelling shall be provided with a water closet, lavatory, and a bathtub or shower. Although these fixtures are installed in the dwelling, the lack of water service produces inadequate and unsanitary sewage and plumbing facilities. Section 204 (b) of the Administrative Code provides procedures where the Building Official my require vacation of the premises when cited deficiencies represent an immediate hazard to life, limb, property or safety of the public or its occupants. Notice is hereby served that the property is being posted to be vacated by 8:00 a.m., April l, 2000 due to the potential hazards to the occupants resulting from the above cited conditions. If you do not vacate the premise within the time frame specified, the Ciry will seek compliance with the Building Safety Codes through legal recourse which may include Municipal Court proceedings. Once the properfy has been vacated, occupancy may not take place until the above mentioned unsafe and substandard conditions are corrected and have been inspected and approved by this office. 225 FIFTH STFEET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX 1541) 726-3689 Notice and Order 1277 32"d Street March 31, 2000 Page2. Any person having any record, title or legal interest in the building may appeal from this Notice and Order to the Building Board of Appeals, provided that the appeal is made in writing and filed with the Building Official within thirry (30) days from the date of service of this Notice and Order. Failure to appeal will constitute a waiver of all right to an administrative hearing and determination or this matter. Your anticipated courtesy and cooperation is appreciated. If you have any questions, you may contact me at726-3663. David Gadomski Electrical Inspector cc:Dave Puent, Community Services Manager Lisa Hopper, Building Safety Supervisor Tom Marx, Building Inspector DG/Ih