HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-04-22# z2s North sru iro"ffPt'cArroN/P,RMrr SprirqfieLd, 2regon 97477 Building Diuision 726-37 53 srx6laeeeiot SPFlItrGFIELD" RESlDErrTIAL'' \D totl rr 'SCsC}- Sb,Job Locaticn: t1-0L-3x -b\ID+LAeaeseore Map #?e Lot # Subdiuision: u o c CCiag: Addtess: Asner: Phone: o bt. \ \__)I Date of Applicatian_ Descrtbe Work: r.lt)Cq-$t\,F n lleD 5 \ Val,ue Additicn RanoCeL Lisc. #Conttactots Address Espit es Plone CenercT. !n L 14ecltarical OR Satritag sa,ter capped ct Vrope*g Lix.e Septic tank y"rped and. filled ."rith gra;.:el Pinal - l,lzen cbale itens are cotroleteCad uhen d.qtclttion is eamlete br str-rc-ture noued od. ptetrises cleared. up. Ecnes od. Sat-up coffiectiaia -- saner otC, uaier plwnbing eonnections rn;st be apprcueC before z,equesting eleelrtcal inspecliot: L - After pcrch.es, skir*-ing, decks,ee c.c*pl.e!ed. ts dleci;rical Connection -Blocking, set-uc Accessor,; BuiLC:.ng t Lne It is tho respono:ibi-Litg oi tle permtt l1oda. to see tl,at aL! inopec?Lor1a dre nad.e at lhe proper tine , tLat aach addtess is teasnTiefron the at?eei, anl, tilct the panrit cari is Leated at the frcnt of tle D?oDe"at. '9uiuin4 D.Joiciot apprw^ed pl,ot eie.Ll remain on tlle Bunldnng :ite'at cLL' tthes.- PR)cgDUPiLF04 I\9PE*I)N,?9=A-U-BST:CALL726-3769 (tecordet) state you? City Cesigna,ted iob ntmber, job aCiress, type of inspeclicnte.queeted cd ahen gou uiLL be rcalg fo inspection, cott?aetar" oi a,ners-ncrr. -ord p?oie ru,tntber.' -Requests reZeibZa bZycre'7:00 ,zt*iLL be nade the eone dq, "eqests made aftet 7:00 qn uitl be nad.e the nest wrkina'd,av.Seosrr Consigllon_!ende!_ qtae TflqrFa6ta^t. *catrat|on;fr tonns. I UNDERSLAB PLUlEIllc, ELEC?RICIIL & WCii!-ilfCAL: To be nade be1'ore anguork is eooered, FCOTTWG 1 IOUNDATICN: To be @er@eccaated forns ore etected, but ptior pout ing ecnc?ete, UIIDERCPAUTD I'iW IILG, LfiiEP,Dee@- Litq trenehzs. UIIDEP,FLOOR PIUI{B IIIG & I.IECEANICAL :@o7floor insuktion or decking, P1ST AND BEAM: To be nade prtot toinetallaticn of floor insulation ot &ckitt4. ROUGH PLAI.RTIIG. ELECTRICAL A MECE- ANICAL: No uork ,)s to be co"*erp-dw:til 'these inspectiors 'naue- been rnad.e crd cporooed.. FIF.EPIACE: Priot to plceirg fac.tngnaterials and. before irarirq inspec- tion. ?o be rmde afterprior tc set up of rmde and. to ilArER, Iou" CitA Deaigr.a,ted Job Nutnber Is INSALA?ION/VAPOR BARRIER ITISPICTION :lo be made after aLL insulcti,cn ad. reqtired oqor bavie?s @e in place but befcte org 7,ath, Wpsnn bcuC or rnLL couering is ,rpplied, and. before oty insulation is coacealed. DRY'\iALL I!'|SP!CII0N: Ic be nade after aLL dtyualL is in pl.a,ee, but prior to any taping. IIAS1NRI: Steel Location, bond beons, grouting or uerticals ln accotdotce ,,rlth U,B.C, Seetion 2475. hIOODSTCT,IE:&*pTA.Aftet installation is A!EE_4 AP?&eAeH 4? lt: After fornse,e ae*AE;@ tu poar.:ng conctete. SID1WALK & DRf'tEu-AI: ?or aLL eon-ct@ffi sh,eet rLght- of-uny, to be nale after aL1. ecea- oating carpLete & font usoz,k & oub- base ncterial in pl.ace. FW|ING: ltust be tequested afterffit of nough pt;rb.tng, eieetri- a,L & necitani,cal. ALI rooiittg bracing 8 ehistmege, etc. rrust be eonrpleted. llo acrk ie to be eon- cecled until this inspect[an \ns been rrude attC cpptoued. IENCE: gates llhen cottplate -- fuouiCe or nouable sectians tlwough DIII *ALL I4ANH1LES AND CLEANOU?S MUS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUST:tEill ?O BE VL4DE !.T NO C1ST TO Crty FIIIAL PLUUBITIG PII|AL MECHANICAL FINAL ELEC?RICAL ALL proiect conditiow, suck as tte insxallation of street trees, co:toletion of ilerequired lanCsecping, etc,, tmtst be satiafied before the NfLDING 7MAL cdn be requeeted.. IINAL BUTLDING: The Final Buildittg Inspeetion mat be yequested aJ'ler the linal PlwnbingElectricaL, otC l,techa:ical Inspections -hq;e been nade and'approued.. Page 1 of 2 Date AO 2 soLArccEss REQ.-dL-CO Beaz,oomsrnt Sq. Ftg. I cf Lct Casetage LCT ?WE _ fntetior _ Corqze? _ Panhandle _ Cul-de-sac Lot Fdces - t of Stories iotal ila,ght Sopogzq|tU House Lace FTG x VaLue l,tain Building Volue & Permit lhis oenrdt is granted on the enp"ess condition that the said constntctionslall, in aLL y,esoects, confcrm to the Crdinance adooted. i2iy the Ctty aiSpringfield, ir,.cluCing the Zoning Czdinance, reqtLcting the ccnstr,tbticn and. -use of butldirqs, and may be susoenl.eti or reuokei at cr.y tine uoon ol.c-l-aiion of ang prcuisions of said. 0yCir,.ances. 2C c{) TOIAL VALUE s,D.c. 7.5 e Building Penit @ Check ?otal Clanges 3sd NO FEE Plumbing Permit No_ person sltalL corzstmtct, inatal'!., alter or clunge anA nea cr existing qlurnbing or dtainage syatan in ahole or in patt, unless such pez,eon is- the Legal posaessor of a ualid plwrbet's License, e.zcept that a pbrsot may dopltmbing aork to p?ope?tV alrich is oaned, Leaaed or opez,ated by the qppli- @tt. Pi.atures Resil,ential (1 bath) Seuer PlunbLng Perrrit I State Electricol Permit Wheve State La,t requites that the electr.ical uork be done by qn Electrtcal Cont"actor, the electr-ical pottion of this permit slall rot be ualiC untilthe lobel l&s been signed bg the ElectrLcal Canttacto". Total L L L Nau/Ectend. Ctrattits Seruice I!!M F!E CILARCE Fl,a.^naee ETU I S bhalst ilooC Vent Eot I'lcodstoue _ ENCPOACHMEJIT -- lec,tmfu Deposit Storaae Mainterunce Pezmit Cuzbcu! Sida,talk lence L LeCt"LcdL t-a.-be L Mobile Hone ,AO TOTAL 4J4OAN? DUE:*lco i Sigred Mechonicol Permit Petmtt fssuotce Meciunical Permit PLcn EsarLner Uate I HAW CAfr.EFULLY EXAMINED tke eornpleted aoplication foz, permit, anC do hetebg cettify that aLL infornation hereon is torc atd. conect, anC f ffittke? cettifg that @tU ard. aLL aotk perforned ahalL be done ia accor- dnrloe tith the Oydinaaees of the City o! Springfieki, and. the Laus of theState of Cregon pertainino to the u)o?k Cescribed herein, ad that NO OCCU- PI.NCY uiLL be rmd.e of @t1/ stzwcttlte uitiaut oernrission of the Suitding Di-tision. I futther certify thet onLy conttacto"e ad r,rplcgees a'no otle in er,pliazrce aith CRS 707.055 aiLL be used on thie projeet JOB NO. rrr!,r Tatet ?otaL Charoes State Total Cltcnaes (n CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON DepartrnenE of Public lJorks 225 l'trorth 5th Street BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISIOI{ JOB NUMBER:2D37 7 JOB ADDRESS:174 </ A)n 3 7 n.2 DATE. f -G-?l /0 NOTE: c J- ./ 4 / ut/t oZ "4Ztlz,e?O .J / z o {,/d t' ,5 orta/€ Sr S'Morc i2z 4/ 4 o 2-d'4cl ,u r 4/( r' -+ -frru /3t,U d O-n /,4a,ru^r3 /7 ,4ro 2t,l1 J d"t TNFOR]4ATIO}I: INSPECTION: 7 26-37 53 7 26- 37 69 /-- IALL FoR. RErI{sPECTrou IITTSPECTOF.: TLoT P/ntv 6o' ,)gj.cr{t}.c- I lqtu E-t#Q- ar#f ig 'b" +t?D"rt'lttw ' b t' +fiy1t\ Oi*lL f Qsrl'v Is G <,Luttf< * 3" ftB> ftPL"i *r,U _ 1/r/ ,, f(c Prpt}J \ J l4't rrc' N 3?- sfntrET ?noPERT Y PEScR|PTlotv 3 3o o3roz Towl'1 ttrt> l7 s T, s PruNe1r,64/ N LlJ o l, "gCnLE =,/zo :t' eTf,4. Grai",Ja /, t '- oiui, r,' 74o -7<z 3 6gr-tjq?