HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddressing Correspondence 1996-12-13 (2)CITY OF OFEGO't' D EV ELO P M ENT S ERVIC ES DE PARTM E NT December 13,1996 John Shama 90567 Lure Lane Leaburg, Oregon 97489 5PT:H'GFIEL() Map #17023034 Lot #6200 I l8l 32nd Street, Springfield, Oregon 97478 I165 32nd Street, Springfield, Oregon 97478 Springfield Utility Board Lane Council of Govemments 9l I Dispatch, Public Safety Lane County Elections Department Sanipac Rainbow Water District ' Register Guard 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (s41) 726-375s FAX (s41 ) 726-368e This letter is to supersede the conespondence date November 27, 1996. Recently, it was brought to our attention that some addresses on 32nd Street are not in sequential order. After reviewing the current addresses with Emergency Services, and phone calls from residents, it would be more effective to keep your addresses with the address numbers listed on your home, and to change the address listed on Tax Lot #6200 to I 187 32nd Street. This will put the addresses back into sequential order. Your property commonly known as I l8l 32nd Street, Springfield, Oregon is located on Lane County reference number 17023035, Tax Lot #6200, Springfield, Oregon will now be referred to as I187 32nd Street. I am enclosing another copy of a Lane County Reference Map, identifuing lots and addresses for your reference. I will be notifying the following agencies of this change: Lane County Assessor Lane County Reference Address: Address numbers on residence: Springfield Police Department Springfield Fire Department US Post Office US West Communications Northwest Natural Gas' TCI Cablevision Springfield News If I maybe of further assistance, please feel free to contact me at 716-3653. Sincerely, Brenda Jones Building Safety Community Services Division Lisa Hopper Building Safety Coordinator cc: file Re: ..-- 4200 JOTJZ t .5 60t 7si -o --z7j7- 7 400 nf 750t )mP 7600 77 0t rvl 780t /hr p "/) lIrD s. as-t, i. 33 t, ( : I Iii.:i: A sl.\J rn t oo I \ ob 1nP 79C /t/3 BOOO oE ro ro oz N Io t--a ro 6o 5o A 38Oat Bb .'mP 4000 o ) 737... 4to2 \ - ,r/.,4loo nP \ /.2/' 4rot o\/7f --r-- ./z- \\ I o iI 4202 / 5l- dr i 42Ot a2.''7- 4300 I s vnP t\ 0 4302 /Z/.4400 t't /nF \I 441.]-1 /.fY z<t4500 t l3 ab 4600 /nr t l4460r //d /z ! 470U^ 2 tz.t (nP 107 ..i b l6 0\ 4800 tzt4900 " ! l7r Zr.47', E- 5700 /)lr) 570 I ;?o/ I 4 5B0t(o /tr t) 5800 s3/ 9 590t lD) s900 JI J to .y' 600t q t2 620t t3 /Lr /la 6loo /7/ 6t o\gr- \d-A/W% /,t/ tt I ltr kdd/fl r.r g 14 /z// 67 t 11 q U) Ad t5640t ?s 650t wP )t tnf t?/ l6 p d 6500 ..4 /r1 t )21 8{ ,2r-<7't7 ! 790t NP ao' B too MP i0 ,i lvl P. 8200 8300 /r1 P o\ 94oo'2', .17 /2r.4r' + ,NDUSTRIAL See. Mopl7 OZ St 2 I 60 I aJ/ 6000 I I t2l._ il/a/' It \ o ERPR] SES ADDRESS CHANGE REQUEST .Property 0wnert @tfiii Iirrls Address : Ci ty: WALTE VILLE State:zip:9 7 489 Person or Agency requestlng change if other than ovner: Phone number vhere you can be con , betveen 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.: tac ted q6-??A Addressofpropertyyouarerequestingtobechanged: . Assessor Map$o2 Tax 4866 Please exprain specificalry vhy you feer the address needs to be changed: 97478 so it, will coincid e wit h the address Lan ts'r e County Depa rtment of Assessment and Tax We are enclo ws for this Lot,.ation sho s1n CO wa t PLAT. Proposed Address: 1 1.81 N.32nd Street,Springfield, OR 97479 I Signa ture:Date: /v / 0ffice Use Reference Numben l7 0?0o al Approved If approved, n Tax Lot: Revleved By: res Den i ed Da te:rzlq/ (e o 180-VTT,T.E ,OR q7 4g9. the 1/2of t 13.R'l or.k trTp ANNTrn TNAT rFrr mI{F 7\ n I Trails . End ..EnterPrises Z John L. Shama' et ux 90567 Lute Lane Leaburs, OR 97489- NAME AOORESS. ZIP : Untrl e cfrerge is requested, lrral all tax staternents to: : : SAI{E AS ABo.vE 91Utz61 NAME, ADDRESS. ZIP After recor&rE retum to:a 4= d.-3olc qJ ".15 . -u 2,,!-c 6qry -?'); =a.zq \'J'-. I { >. l:tr oJ u!;_L 006 v a;qtJ xriE!Ae C C-v^a'-o a v >,E oL ,c?r= Ea=G^'^{.(,Ju -'u.= E,c)F-(0r q & n-o o J U rLGOUU UUaaccGC JJ Q\?g\ o o\ -3 (} 6 t rAX ACC0uNrs: u4866/r148e0 WARRANTY DEED-STATUTORY FOFIM ..This rnstrument wrll not allow use of the pr@efty descflbed n this ns[rumen[ rn vrolaton oi applicable land use laws ild egulatons. Before srgntng or / acceprrng rhrs rnsinrmenr, rhe pffion ""qr,",;g-ii iitiJ;; ;h";;d;1y st ouro ir'Lcr'n tt ihe apr;rcprrate ciry r @nty planning deoartmmt to vefltv us6 " it conveys and warrants to JOiiN l, S-II4u-YA end . PATRICIA L. SI1AI'1A, hugland and wrf g t o737JAlf;10'91SU7FF[$0 lD:mqBA,. TRArJ:.S- FrNq. ENTERPRTSES Grantee. the following described real property free of encumbrances, except as specifically set forth herein. PARCEL I The West l/Z of Lot 11, Block ll, and the South L5 feet of the East L/Z of Lot 11, Block 4, FIRST ADDITION T0 THE ADAMS PLAT, as platted and recorded in Book Li, Page 2, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, ln Lane County, Oregon.s{ \a/N frl Y/r{o PARCEL 2 Lot 13, Block 4, FIRST ADDITION T0 THE ADAMS PLAT, as platted recorded ln Boo[ L5, Page 2, Lane County Oregon Plat Recoros, County, Oregonl EXCEPT: The East l/2 of Lot 13, Block i-I, FIRST ADDITION THE ADAMS PLAT, ss platted and recorded in Book 15, Page Lane County Oregon PIat Records, 1n Lane County, oregon. andln Lane TO 2, gZgZJtr{. 10'9i$07A&T RiI} 20,00 [F lNSiJtlgEIT S;ACE. CCI\TTNUE ul€CtrifiioN tJN AOomoNAL FAGEj The said property is fnee from all encumbnances except Ciry Liens as levied by the City of Springf ield Accounr tlSq-OnZ in rhe amount of $2,052.29, plus interest and Account /lB4-0124 in the amount of $2,050.47 plus interest which will be assumed by grantees herein; easements; Conditions and restrictions of record. True consideration for this conveyance is $ ..L9.' 99.Q.',.QQ Dated.. . . . ..J.4nH+.ry.. p. . .. .,, .,,,,, rr,,,'t.p- : 9.1..... Cora L. Vaughn u-vi.\fia*ail2" 6/&,* Maureen Ellen Hodges, her At Pensonally appeared the above named Fact for Cora L. Vaughn act and deed Notary Public #/zt.+-torneyff-n Fact - IrIrcaaaotTITLEcro. 1075 Oak Street, Eugane Focm No. 107