HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlan, Tentative APPLICANT 1/9/2020D C 1;-1 A SI I E RE VIE W Fi*,JN 3t53t5 GA ME FA RM R OA D y W 4;9ig LEGAL DESCRIPTION Parcel, 10,535 Game Farm Road, Mao 17-054840, Tax Lot 25QOA.- 116ah property " it' in the County of Lane, State of Oregon;, deistrfbeld..as follows: Beginning .,at the northwest,:cbrner�o.f the .. Will iam H. sw'vens.D.L.C. N6.46 In Township 17.South, Range.3 West of the Ong Wjflamette:Meridianj�the P.. ce aj 4he, Aorth,Jjnebf,taid W. H. Stevens D.L.C..No. 46,..assald line 15 defined in No. 20782 on file in.the :6ffiteof the''.Lane county Suryeyor North,89*59'. 16"East 2455�70'fee.t to a point, said point: being of'record as markinigthelntkrse,41on 0 the north line, of the W.H. Stevens D.L.C. No. 46 and the centerline of County Road No. 3., thence bontiiiuing aloe the eing -the corner of pfa-sc. 440. ribed north line North 89'59' 16" East: 46feet toa:pbInt, said poipt.b­ s.t,cor­e, that: ter . ti I �In tract of land described in a Warranty Deed .recorded .April 13, 2005; Document No. 2005-026173 LaneCbunty, Orpon.'Deedsz.and Records; thence :leaving said north. line and running along the west, boundary of`ta!0 fast described_ tract..",$outh OV 07' 16' West 12.25 feet to a point referenced by a.5/8" rebar set .on :the south margin of'Deadmond: -Ferry Adad said point being 35.0 feet southerivbf, when measured at. right angles to, the cent6riine ofd': �d.Ferry Road, said point .also being the True Point.of Beginning; thence. continuing along said west boundary tSouth :P0 -DT 16' Wett :225:50 feet; thence leaving sold west boundary an6 runnIng,south'89' 59'16' West 231.53 feet. . to a:,jJbJhtpn the- a unoarv.bf that certaintract:of,land conveyedto,the City of Springfield throu h a Warranty Deed recorded june,7,, Document2005,-No. 2005-0415011 Lane 'County Oregon Deeds and Records; thence along -said east -boundary North _32o 0.9,'WWe$t 13248feet.toa point thzitU'bppmite and 46,100 feet easterly 6f'Engine6rs Ceht.e,elin.e.'.St-a.tloh,L26+.9.7.70 _P,;C,,:t-bepce continuing along,the-said easterly boundary North .32" 10' 18" West :1,1:27 feet to:a.!:point ,-,Op-pbs,ite,a'nd 4518.feet.easterly of En Ineers Centerline Station- L 2,7+18.02 PiO;C,; thence SoUth.67' 55, 591, West 0 33 feat to point: on :D ' the & lysboundary.that certain tract land conveyed to the City of, Springftl-d :through a Warranty Teed re 3, 1993 Retep, No. 9371060 Lane County Oregon and Records; thence along recorded overn .9 eas y boundary .of ;said, last described tract the following three (3) courses and distances, 1}along thearc of a 27100 -foot r6dtij 'UrV.e.,r'jjht'(the chord of which bears:NoO 10*47� 28" West 74.4 5 feet) a distance of �4�,68: -feet, .2 b g a��; s c, J -a pqgth f 44 �-,of`:a:;20.00J`.,00t. radius curve right (the chord of' )which bears North 43' 31' 00" Cast .2`9.00 feet) a -, distance o 32Z, � feet and 3) :Nord) 89° 59' IV East:'27,'00 feet; 1hence -North '00' 44" 'West 9;49 feet,i.o:a:point d.n,the.so.,tl+fh, margin of. 'Q0admQndjFerry Road, said point being 35.00 fee s.butherlybf, when measured at'.eight angles to tht beht6r04::.+of.. Oeaftq#d F#rry.Road; thence. along -thesouth margin of ,.#d+ fid,' Roast il6ef-to the Tr :P&L_l 2-�(185,Dda 157-40i Tax Lo) drh6ftd:F0NA0adi M�0_ 1�t 24 Beginhin at the northwestto rn :Real --P property; follbWs., T. 1 y Jr �th -C609ty. of Lane�, tate WllliahlR, St&6wDonation Land Claim Nd46, in Section:A11T"o.-w.M. ip�7 South,Aarge 8 W e$ t : 6fth e WiP I a 1`0 61 Meiidlon; thence Nodh''89" a point MarV 6by:arleoh pin on the north linea. said Dona# centerline Cp nty�:Rda_Land,-.C,h;jrw.a'n-.d, t south cent ne.of, Na;,b. 90,, said: Ahe True I a 5.0 fee of aegin - n6r.th Claim4nd: feet thence North �:89* 561 East, 175.0 feet :along, the.. 4ifte of 546 Cie. QTA cooterlimf aid road.to a _point an iron 5000,00. f06t to a. point Marked: ibence80uth 890-5.6' West 17.50.feet'atong411ne:.parallel: the'A:-h6�th fine`of Don6tion U6d C10iin to 0: po marked.-byan Iron pin; thence North 280.0'f6et'to thi't - e, P61 ng, in Lane County, _*:pf9e 6 Ciregom ji, ni :;.Rarcel 3'43770eadmond'Ferry Road, Man, I7:Q3f540, fix Lot 236611 Real fty" th described not pro rq . p . b e�Cbunfy.of Lane State, of ()reg­p­h'i-de's;6rj e Reginnin at an the. in 9 10 ofonation Land T h e Ahe"'.1-WIMAM :H. Stevens.St Cl6lrn No 6wpshlp. 11 South, Range, 3 �,Wdst of ih6V0!4' y+A I Roads 1`1 . 1�.:.. �Mdej ikn:�Wd-:67S,l8f6et,.S.6uthg9o.55.':East.frd thbdntOts, 6A;� f' , ph No : 3 and ;9 W0141 'no w. dessrrbed:4ging 245S.70 feet. South '89- 55 T the northwest torner. of said DohatiqpLa n.rC. ajMj sc begrririing pointbeing on lb northeast extension in of a tract conveyed 0. Sweozo e, e vey d t Jdftn,�k' V opdVlf deed -tici.; b I t N' 3803, Uint Co.'' ty 0 A R 6bc Ofod September 1D 19,54, a& hS xv t County vrego ecordg�t e. -; South . alongs�c fine, .artd t' th f,,250; feet,,the West $6 6 d ension ereo 10 thence ,the east c.Qrner:.dfA tract�opqvq idem and wile, b' deed recorded: Augutt -19 1948;. in i &bk .38001; Deeds, Page 147, InstrOm0ht. N6i 74307.,.11,k6fV& Of Lt t6unty,bregdn;'+.thence. 'North a[66g.taid;llne..,.ISd'-feet l.tothe .northeast corner of said tract i.-theace East along ill's :no line ofsaid said 6161MA . to the place of f be . ginhing 16 Lane Cou I nty,. Ore h. Notei 7rhJs- legal deiscrrpflori uvas .creamed pr%orI johodryl,.2008' 5 SPR OREG ON LPROJECT DIRECTORY PRPJECT SUMMARY OWNER: PRqjECT DESCRIPTION: THE ESTHER AT RIVER BEND NEW THREE STORY ASSISTED LIVING CARE FACILITY CONSISTING OF TWO FALK INVESTMENTS -SPRINGFIELD 11, LLC WINGS WITH 103 SLEEPING UNITS, EACH WING HAS ACTIVITY COMMON 3300 NW 185TH AVE. #339 AREAS AND ALL FOUR WINGS SHARE CORE AREA COMMON USE SPACES PORTLAND, OREGON 97229 WHICH ADJOIN LANDSCAPED COURTYARDS. TELEPHONE: 541-941-7801 :5 EMAIL: zackfalk@onelifeinvest.com LO St Joseph P1 OWNER REPRESENTATIVE: ZACK FALK Co 7 LO ARCHITECT: ARCHITECT: PATRICK BICKLER LLC 1313 MILL ST. S.E., SUITE 201 REVIEW SUBMITTALS SALEM, OR. 97301 GENERAL INFORMATION / COVER SHEET TELEPHONE: (503) 588-7046 Al EMAIL:patrick@architectpatrickbickler.com CONTACT: PATRICK BICKLER, AIA NCARB A2 FIRST FLOOR PLAN DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION: PRPJ.ECT CONSULTANTS: SECOND FLOOR PLAN CIVIL ENGINEER: ASSESSOR'S TAX MAP NUMBER: 17-03-15-40 (TL's 2300 - 2500) WESTECH ENGINEERING, INC. NET ACREAGE: 2.78± ACRES (121,096.8 SF) 3841 FAIRVIEW INDUSTRIAL DRIVE S.E., SUITE 100 A5 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS SALEM, OR 97302 TELEPHONE: 503-5852474-2666 GROSS ACREAGE: 2.78± ACRES (121.096.8 SF) EMAIL: sward@westech-eng.com TOTAL DISTURBED AREA: 2.79± ACRES CONTACT: STEVE WARD, PE A7 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS EXISTING USE: VACANT / SF DUS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: ANDERSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. PROPOSED USE: ASSISTED LIVING 13717 SE. 18TH ST., #5 FACILITY (STATE LICENSED) VANCOUVER, WA 98683 EXISTING ZONING: HDR TELEPHONE: 503-318-0549 ELECTRICAL ENGINEER: REQUIRED PARKING: 1 SPACE PER 4 SLEEPING FLUENT ENGINEERING UNITS (BEDROOMS) + 1 2110 STATE STREET SPACE PER PEAK SHIFT SALEM, OREGON 97301 EMPLOYEE TELEPHONE: 503-447-5030 103 sleeping units / 4 spaces CONTACT: SHANE BUMP, PE 26 spaces + 15 employee spaces = 41 +1 loading space min. 10'x25' SURVEYOR: A & 0 ENGINEERING DBA OLSON & MORRIS PROVIDED PARKING: 46 spaces 380 Q ST. SUITE #200 +1 loading space min. (10' X 26) SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 TELEPHONE: 541-302-9790 BUILDING SQUARE.FOOTAGE: 105,485 SF CONTACT: LAWRENCE OLSON w/o decks & covered areas BUILDING HEIGHT: 381-1/2" FINISHED GRADE - MEAN HEIGHT OF PRIMARY ROOF 46-6" FINISHED GRADE - TOP OF RIDGE OF HIGHEST ROOF JURISDICTION: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OR. 0 1 3 .SHEET INDEX VICINITY MAP 24X36 SITE LIGHTING PHOTOMETRICS 24X36 SITE LANDSCAPING PLAN 24x36 LANDSCAPE VEGETATIVE SWALE PLAN 24X36 SITECIVIL DRAWINGS & EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN 24X36 TOPOGRAPHICAL AND BOUNDARY SURVEY W Dndmond Ferry Rd ..... .. .. coo W N N :5 U') LO St Joseph P1 I L Co 7 LO 7 N cn SITE REVIEW SUBMITTALS AO GENERAL INFORMATION / COVER SHEET Al SITE PLAN A2 FIRST FLOOR PLAN • A3 SECOND FLOOR PLAN • A4 THIRD FLOOR PLAN A5 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS • A6 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS • A7 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 24X36 SITE LIGHTING PHOTOMETRICS 24X36 SITE LANDSCAPING PLAN 24x36 LANDSCAPE VEGETATIVE SWALE PLAN 24X36 SITECIVIL DRAWINGS & EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN 24X36 TOPOGRAPHICAL AND BOUNDARY SURVEY GO NCARB CERTIFIED MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS PROJECT: THE ESTHER AT RIVER BEND 'ASSISTED LIVING COMMUNITY 3535 GAME FARM ROAD SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ARCHITECT: PATRICK BICKLER 1313 Mill St. SE, Ste. 201 Salem, Oregon 97301 503.588.7046 arch itectpatrickbickler. com PROJECT NO.: 1910 DRAWN: PCB CHECKED: L Sl SHEET TITLE: GENERAL INFORMATION Date Receloved DATE: 12.15.2019 REVISIONS: JAN 02 21 OriginalSubmiqui NOTICE: All drawings and written material appearing herein constitute the original and unpublished work of the Architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the prior written consent of the Architect. SHEET: AO OF: 8 2 Dndmond Ferry Rd ..... .. .. St Joseph P1 I L GO NCARB CERTIFIED MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS PROJECT: THE ESTHER AT RIVER BEND 'ASSISTED LIVING COMMUNITY 3535 GAME FARM ROAD SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ARCHITECT: PATRICK BICKLER 1313 Mill St. SE, Ste. 201 Salem, Oregon 97301 503.588.7046 arch itectpatrickbickler. com PROJECT NO.: 1910 DRAWN: PCB CHECKED: L Sl SHEET TITLE: GENERAL INFORMATION Date Receloved DATE: 12.15.2019 REVISIONS: JAN 02 21 OriginalSubmiqui NOTICE: All drawings and written material appearing herein constitute the original and unpublished work of the Architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the prior written consent of the Architect. SHEET: AO OF: 8 2 C B A GENERAL NOTES: DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION: PASSENGER LOADING AREA (MIN. 10 FT X 25 FT x 14 FT) 1. REFER TO ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS FOR SITE LIGHTING. SEE CIVIL GROSS SITE AREA: +/-121,096.8 SF (2.78 ACRES) REQUIRED MINIMUM NUMBER OF BIKE PARKING SPACES: (1) PER 10 EMPLOYEES DURING PEAK STEEL BOLLARD UTILITIES PLAN FOR OFFSITE STREET LIGHT LAMP REPLACEMENT GROUND MOUNTED MONUMENT SIGN LIGHT PERIOD SHIFT = (2) 2FT X 6FT WITH 5FT ACCESS AISLE NATURAL GAS GENERATOR WITH CONCRETE PAD & LANDSCAPE LOCATIONS. REQUIRED MINIMUM AMOUNT OF OPEN SPACE: 121,096.8 SF X .15 = 18, 165 SF SCREENING FIRE HYDRANT REQUIRED COMMON OPEN SPACE: .25 X SLEEPING UNIT AREA (.25 X 58,789 SF = 14,697.25 SF) PROVIDED BIKE PARKING SPACES: (2) 1- HOOP STYLE RACK 2. CONFIRM FIRE LANE MARKING, CURB PAINTING & SIGNAGE PLAN PROVIDED AMOUNT OF COMMON OPEN SPACE: 121,096.8 - 64,344 SF = 56, 753 SF (47 PERCENT) © WATER FEATURE - REFER TO LANDSCAPE PLAN LAYOUT PRIOR TO BID -COMPLY w/ AHJ. POST METAL SIGNS AT 25 FT. AMOUNT OF COMMON OPEN SPACE WITH GREATER THAN 25% SLOPE: 4,000 SF ...................... ACCESSIBLE ROUTE O.C. AND PAINTED CURB w/ CONTRASTING TEXT ALL INDICATING "NO 17-03-15-40-01100 PARKING - FIRE LANE". TOTAL BUILDING FOOTPRINT, TRASH ENCLOSURE FOOTPRINT, IMPERVIOUS PARKING & ZONING: VEHICULAR AREAS, SIDEWALKS, PATIOS: 66,405 SF 3. ALL PARKING AREAS TO BE STRIPED AS PER SITE PLAN LAYOUT WITH 4" THICK CONCRETE WALKWAY (4FT. WIDTH) 4"W. WHITE TRAFFIC PAINT U.O.N. TOTAL PERVIOUS CONCRETE PARKING & VEHICULAR AREAS: 14,033 SF 5. ALL CONCRETE WALKWAYS TO HAVE EVEN TRANSITIONS & TOTAL LANDSCAPE AREA: 40,659 SF (34% OF GROSS SITE AREA) Q 4" THICK CONCRETE WALKWAY (5'-0" WIDTH). WHERE ADJACENT TO CURVILINEAR TO STRAIGHT RUNS. DRIVEWAY PROVIDE ADDITIONAL CAST IN PLACE 6" W. MONOLITHIC REQUIRED MINIMUM NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES: 1 SPACE PER 4 BEDROOMS (SLEEPING UNITS) 6. SEE CIVIL DRAWINGS FOR SITE GRADING, PAVEMENT DRAINAGE & PLUS (1) SPACE PER EMPLOYEE DURING PEAK PERIOD SHIFT (103 SLEEPING UNITS/4 (26) PLUS PLACE MONOLITHIC CONCRETE CURB UTILITIES INFORMATION / DETAILS. ALSO REFER TO CIVIL ENGINEER'S (15) EMPLOYEES = (26 + 15 = 41) 26' WIDE DRIVE & EMERGENCY VEHICULAR ACCESS - REFER TO DEMOLITION DOCUMENTATION FOR EXTENTS OF DEMOLITION WORK CIVIL DRAWINGS FOR PAVEMENT SYSTEMS 12 REQUIRED. PROVIDED PARKING SPACES: 46 DRAWINGS PROVIDED PASSENGER LOADING SPACE: (1) 10 FT W. X 25 FT L. (PORTE COCHERE) PROPOSED GAS METER 8. GRADE DIFFERENTIAL OF ANY PARKING AREA SHALL NOT EXCEED 5%. TRASH /RECYCLING ENCLOSURE (16 FT X 21 FT X 12 FT H.) WITH 9. EXISTING CONDITIONS INCLUDING BOUNDARY, EASEMENTS, UTILITIES, 9 PLUMBED TO SAN SEWER, CMU WALLS & METAL ROOF STRUCTURE VEGETATION & TOPOGRAPHY BASED UPON SURVEY BY LAWRENCE B. 29 2g OLSON (OLSON & MORRIS, SPRINGFIELD OR.) DATED 12.03.2018. 10. REFER TO LANDSCAPE / CIVIL ENGINEERING DOCUMENTS FOR EXTENTS & REQUIREMENTS OF EXISTING PLANT MATERIAL REMOVAL WORK REQUIRED. DEADMON D FERRY ROAD 11. DESIGN/BUILD FIRE SUPPRESSION CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR (J PROVIDING FIRE FLOW REPORT & VERIFICATION OF MEASURED WATER NO° 07 14" 9.50' 28 28 PRESSURES. 15 12. DEMOLITION/ALTERATION OF EXISTING SITE UTILITY RELATED APPURTENANCES ARE NOT PART OF ARCHITECTURAL CONSTRUCT KEY NOTES: DOCUMENTS. SEE CIVIL ENGINEERING DRAWINGS. 9° 9' 43" 0.60' 30 30 EVERGREEN LANDSCAPE SCREENING 8 = ° 16 275.99' 8 0 35 o 1,74.80' a - 59.81' 1 13. ALL EXTERIOR WALKS SHALL NOT EXCEED A MAXIMUM RU ° ° 15 FT.j, I I ©DASHED LINE OF BUILDING SETBACK 0 27.00` ° e 9 Q 35 I SLOPE OF5/o&AMAXIMUM CROSS SLOPE OF2 . -- ------ —T---_---- —_ -- — —_ --- I �il 17 DCDA VAULT & FDC - SEE CIVIL DRAWINGS 14. NEAREST LANE TRANSIT DISTRICT FACILITIES AR ��°° 1 3 .. ..... RIVER BEND DRIVE NEAR ST. JOSEPH PLACE AND 1 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o ° iI ( 18 TWO BIKE HOOP STYLE RACK WITH MIN. 2-0 X 6-0 CLEARANCE ON INTERNATIONAL WAY NORTH OF THE o ° SPACE PER BIKE PROVIDED INTERSECTION WITH DEADMOND FERRY ROAD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . .I o 1 43 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! . .. ... 51' 8 ° 51 J 8 51 II I 19 25 ft. BUFFER YARD BETWEEN MULTI -UNIT & LDR DEVELOPMENTS 26 18 I 21 I 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I 20 CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APRON -PER C.O.S. STD. DETAIL PARCEL# c ......................... ...................... .#... .. �� 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " II 21 BIO INFILTRATION SWALE - SEE CIVIL & LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS 17-03-15-40-02600 35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 -0 , j 0 ZONING: LDR m .................................................................. 11 N ° 46 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100'-4" II 22 EXISTING ACCESS APPROACH WAY WITH APPROVED RECIPROCAL PARCEL # 17-03-15-40-02700 ZONING: LDR LEGEND: 0— Q PASSENGER LOADING AREA (MIN. 10 FT X 25 FT x 14 FT) GROUND MOUNTED ADJUSTABLE ACCENT LIGHT • FLAG POLE (30FT. H.) WITH AT GRADE UP LIGHT • STEEL BOLLARD PROPOSED TWO SIDED MONUMENT SIGN (HEIGHT VARIES) GROUND MOUNTED MONUMENT SIGN LIGHT • NATURAL GAS GENERATOR WITH CONCRETE PAD & LANDSCAPE SITE BENCH SCREENING FIRE HYDRANT 4" THICK CONCRETE WALKWAY (5'-0" WIDTH) WITH DECORATIVE — — — — — — LIGHT SAND CONCRETE FINISH AROUND CIRCULAR PLANT BED © WATER FEATURE - REFER TO LANDSCAPE PLAN PARCEL # ...................... ACCESSIBLE ROUTE 17-03-15-40-01100 ® 70' R/VI( ZONING: COMMERCIAL 4" THICK CONCRETE WALKWAY (4FT. WIDTH) INDUSTRIAL Q 4" THICK CONCRETE WALKWAY (5'-0" WIDTH). WHERE ADJACENT TO DRIVEWAY PROVIDE ADDITIONAL CAST IN PLACE 6" W. MONOLITHIC CONCRETE CURB (5'-6" OVERALL WIDTH) 10 4" THICK CONCRETE WALKWAY (6-6" WIDTH) AND A 6" W. CAST IN PLACE MONOLITHIC CONCRETE CURB 11 26' WIDE DRIVE & EMERGENCY VEHICULAR ACCESS - REFER TO CIVIL DRAWINGS FOR PAVEMENT SYSTEMS 12 DOMESTIC WATER LINE, BFP & WATER METER - SEE CIVIL DRAWINGS 13 PROPOSED GAS METER 28 42 20 28 14 TRASH /RECYCLING ENCLOSURE (16 FT X 21 FT X 12 FT H.) WITH REINFORCED CONCRETE DRIVE WAY, FLOOR SLAB w/ FLOOR DRAIN 9 PLUMBED TO SAN SEWER, CMU WALLS & METAL ROOF STRUCTURE 15 PROPOSED ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER ON CONCRETE PAD & DOCUMENTS. SEE CIVIL ENGINEERING DRAWINGS. 9° 9' 43" 0.60' 30 30 EVERGREEN LANDSCAPE SCREENING 8 = ° 16 275.99' 8 0 35 o 1,74.80' a - 59.81' 1 13. ALL EXTERIOR WALKS SHALL NOT EXCEED A MAXIMUM RU ° ° 15 FT.j, I I ©DASHED LINE OF BUILDING SETBACK 0 27.00` ° e 9 Q 35 I SLOPE OF5/o&AMAXIMUM CROSS SLOPE OF2 . -- ------ —T---_---- —_ -- — —_ --- I �il 17 DCDA VAULT & FDC - SEE CIVIL DRAWINGS 14. NEAREST LANE TRANSIT DISTRICT FACILITIES AR ��°° 1 3 .. ..... RIVER BEND DRIVE NEAR ST. JOSEPH PLACE AND 1 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o ° iI ( 18 TWO BIKE HOOP STYLE RACK WITH MIN. 2-0 X 6-0 CLEARANCE ON INTERNATIONAL WAY NORTH OF THE o ° SPACE PER BIKE PROVIDED INTERSECTION WITH DEADMOND FERRY ROAD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . .I o 1 43 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! . .. ... 51' 8 ° 51 J 8 51 II I 19 25 ft. BUFFER YARD BETWEEN MULTI -UNIT & LDR DEVELOPMENTS 26 18 I 21 I 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I 20 CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APRON -PER C.O.S. STD. DETAIL PARCEL# c ......................... ...................... .#... .. �� 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " II 21 BIO INFILTRATION SWALE - SEE CIVIL & LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS 17-03-15-40-02600 35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 -0 , j 0 ZONING: LDR m .................................................................. 11 N ° 46 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100'-4" II 22 EXISTING ACCESS APPROACH WAY WITH APPROVED RECIPROCAL PARCEL # 17-03-15-40-02700 ZONING: LDR LEGEND: 0— 15 ft. PARKING LOT AND DRIVEWAY LIGHT / POLE s GROUND MOUNTED ADJUSTABLE ACCENT LIGHT • 3.5 ft. PATH LIGHT BOLLARD • STEEL BOLLARD C= GROUND MOUNTED MONUMENT SIGN LIGHT • GROUND MOUNTED SPOT LIGHT SITE BENCH m FIRE HYDRANT PROPERTY LINE — — — — — — SETBACK OR EASEMENT LINE 8" SPLIT FACED CMU WALL CONCRETE JOINTS ...................... ACCESSIBLE ROUTE E 4 jI ACCESS AGREEMENT ........... ..................... -ASSI-STE-D-.LIVI-N�G- COM-MU-N-I.TY ., - I ............I... I .......................................................... 1I 1 1 1 I * * , I , , - , * , , , , , * , , , * ... * * * . . . * I * I I * I 23 DEMO EXISTING PRIVATE PARKING LOT CURBS AS REQUIRED FOR .......... 5 .... 103 -SUITE. ASSISTED LIVING BUILDING./ THREE STORIES . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 35 ( 35 I I NEW DRIVEWAY AND CURB SYSTEM SITE BENCH - TYPICAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '-0' 1 - 26'-0" - II Q w, w- ; U' �I P EXISTING BASIN TO IN INTACT . ............ ..... .. (� 25 EX .. g .........:. .............. N DRAINAGE REMAIN 1 ° (I 21 I 26 FULLY ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY - TYPICAL 8 28 40 ff & ° 32 33 11 19 \ ° ° ° 8 2? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 1 (Uj 27 PERGOLA ABOVE LANAI 038 ° 10 251-011 _� ° 8 24 I d. 28 REMOVE & REPLACE EXISTING DROP CURB PER CIVIL DRAWINGS. ® a 32 1 I FIELD VERIFY FULL EXTENTS a O 0 ° 5 ° II ®� 33 w .> o may�,♦�� e0- ®°----"� 5°1 °®®®® ������.� -10 � 1�I % 1 I 3290 EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT ma.m- �. . . . . . . . . . .10 -®--.�� 10 35 PARCEL # . . . . 28 1. 0 8 9 39 35 ° 14 PROPOSED i 0`X 10 S V T 17-03-15-40-003700 7 0 0 17 . . . . . . . ZONING: LDR F1� 31 PROPOSED 25'X25'S.V:T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1647 \ - o ) 1 s 1 32 EXISTING PROPERTY LINE TO BE CONSOLIDATED 15 FT.O 50 \ ° 4 �'d, I 21 ,j 33 EXISTING EASEMENT TO BE ABANDONED (WHERE PROPERTY LINE m \ -- 41 --- � ----- ---- -- 11 4 110 y IS BEING CONSOLIDATED) ®= 1 41 ° 4 ®• 51 34 RECREATIONAL LAWN AREA -SEE LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS �N 3 �. _ _ J '3 64- 9011 35 O -- ---- ------ � ---- �-�— -- 58' S'"W 231.68`— — — 44 35 LANDSCAPE AREA - SEE LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS s 11 2 SO° 03'04 W 12.30' 60.02 36 BELOW GRADE VAULT FOR GREASE INTERCEPTOR - SEE CIVIL -- — — — — — — — 41 S690 T 18" E 235.04' DRAWINGS 0 _`�`23 22 29 PARCEL # 17-03-22-00-00600 ZONING: MDR SITE PLAN SCALE: 1" = 30'-0" SITE AREA: +/-2.78 ACRES 0 15' 30' 60' 3 37 IRRIGATION SERVICE WATER LINE, METER & BFP - SEE CIVIL 16 \ \, DRAWINGS 15 FT. \ 38 COVERED WALKWAY \ 39 PORTE COCHERE ROOF STRUCTURE ABOVE 40 RAISED PLANTER GARDENS FOR RESIDENTS `- 41 RETAINING WALL SYSTEM - ALSO SEE CIVIL DRAWINGS 42 DEMO (3) EXISTING STREET TREES FOR NEW DRIVEWAY APRON AND SIGHT VISION CLEARANCE 43 ELECTRICAL MAIN / CT PER SUB REQUIREMENTS 44 MODIFIED EXISTING DRAINAGE BASIN AREA - REFER TO CIVIL AND LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS 45 PAVEMENT WITH INTEGRAL COLOR & DECORATIVE LIGHT SAND FINISH. PROVIDE TOOLED COLD JOINTS AS INDICATED. ALSO REFER TO CIVIL DRAWINGS 46 18 H. X 16 W. CURVED MASONRY WALL CAPPED WITH SITE CAST w__nc�,00 "" CONCRETE FOR BENCH SEATING 7" THICK CONCRETE PAVEMENT WITH BROOM FINISH. REFER TO GEOTECHNICAL REPORT 48 EXISTING WETLANDS AREA - REFER TO EXISTING CONDITIONS SITE PLAN AND WETLANDS CONSULTANT'S REPORT Date Received 49 DISABLED PERSONS PARKING STALLS & ACCESS & REQUIRED JAN 02 2[11 1 SIGNAGE 50 Original i NEW FIRE HYDRANT - REFER TO CIVIL DRAWINGS I 51 DASHED LINE OF ROOF ABOVE 2 ' 1 �o S� NCARB CERTIFIED MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS PROJECT: THE ESTHER AT RIVER BEND ASSISTED LIVING COMMUNITY 3535 GAME FARM ROAD SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ARCHITECT: PATRICK BICKLER, LLC 1313 Mill St. SE, Ste. 201 Salem, Oregon 97301 503.588.7046 arch itectpatrickbickler. corn PROJECT NO.: 1910 DRAWN: CHECKED: SHEET TITLE: SITE REVIEW PHASE SITE PLAN DATE: 12.15.2019 REVISIONS: NOTICE: All drawings and written material appearing herein constitute the original and unpublished work of the Architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the prior written consent of the Architect. SHEET: 01 OF: 08 s _`�`23 22 29 PARCEL # 17-03-22-00-00600 ZONING: MDR SITE PLAN SCALE: 1" = 30'-0" SITE AREA: +/-2.78 ACRES 0 15' 30' 60' 3 37 IRRIGATION SERVICE WATER LINE, METER & BFP - SEE CIVIL 16 \ \, DRAWINGS 15 FT. \ 38 COVERED WALKWAY \ 39 PORTE COCHERE ROOF STRUCTURE ABOVE 40 RAISED PLANTER GARDENS FOR RESIDENTS `- 41 RETAINING WALL SYSTEM - ALSO SEE CIVIL DRAWINGS 42 DEMO (3) EXISTING STREET TREES FOR NEW DRIVEWAY APRON AND SIGHT VISION CLEARANCE 43 ELECTRICAL MAIN / CT PER SUB REQUIREMENTS 44 MODIFIED EXISTING DRAINAGE BASIN AREA - REFER TO CIVIL AND LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS 45 PAVEMENT WITH INTEGRAL COLOR & DECORATIVE LIGHT SAND FINISH. PROVIDE TOOLED COLD JOINTS AS INDICATED. ALSO REFER TO CIVIL DRAWINGS 46 18 H. X 16 W. CURVED MASONRY WALL CAPPED WITH SITE CAST w__nc�,00 "" CONCRETE FOR BENCH SEATING 7" THICK CONCRETE PAVEMENT WITH BROOM FINISH. REFER TO GEOTECHNICAL REPORT 48 EXISTING WETLANDS AREA - REFER TO EXISTING CONDITIONS SITE PLAN AND WETLANDS CONSULTANT'S REPORT Date Received 49 DISABLED PERSONS PARKING STALLS & ACCESS & REQUIRED JAN 02 2[11 1 SIGNAGE 50 Original i NEW FIRE HYDRANT - REFER TO CIVIL DRAWINGS I 51 DASHED LINE OF ROOF ABOVE 2 ' 1 �o S� NCARB CERTIFIED MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS PROJECT: THE ESTHER AT RIVER BEND ASSISTED LIVING COMMUNITY 3535 GAME FARM ROAD SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ARCHITECT: PATRICK BICKLER, LLC 1313 Mill St. SE, Ste. 201 Salem, Oregon 97301 503.588.7046 arch itectpatrickbickler. corn PROJECT NO.: 1910 DRAWN: CHECKED: SHEET TITLE: SITE REVIEW PHASE SITE PLAN DATE: 12.15.2019 REVISIONS: NOTICE: All drawings and written material appearing herein constitute the original and unpublished work of the Architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the prior written consent of the Architect. SHEET: 01 OF: 08 Ir D 0 B 0 W7 - P, FIRST FLOOR PLAN. SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" +/- 38,588 SF 0 10' 20' a 4 ' 3 2 1 ��P 5 Go F NCARB CERTIFIED MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS PROJECT: THE ESTHER AT RIVER BEND ASSISTED LIVING COMMUNITY 3535 GAME FARM ROAD SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ARCHITECT: PATRICK BICKLER, LLC 1313 Mill St. SE, Ste. 201 Salem, Oregon 97301 503.588.7046 0 architectpatrickbickler. com PROJECT NO.: 1910 DRAWN: PCB CHECKED: SHEET TITLE: SCHEMATIC DESIGN FIRST FLOOR PLAN DATE: 10.15.2019 REVISIONS: NOTICE: All drawings and written material appearing herein constitute the original and unpublished work of the Architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the prior written consent of the Architect. SHEET: 02 OF: 07 on D C A -'00 O -W2 THIRD FLOOR PLAN "'ekXJ SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" +/- 34,058 SF w/o decks 7 11 A �N 0 2 jlll) lo�cginpd Submittal — 5 4 3 I 2 i i Go F . NCARB CERTIFIED MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS PROJECT: THE ESTHER AT RIVER BEND ASSISTED LIVING COMMUNITY 3535 GAME FARM ROAD SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ARCHITECT: PATRICK BICKLER, LLC 1313 Mill St. SE, Ste. 201 Salem, Oregon 97301 503.588.7046 arch itectpatrickbickler. corn PROJECT NO.: 1910 DRAWN: PCB CHECKED: SHEET TITLE: SITE REVIEW THIRD FLOOR PLAN DATE: 10.15.2019 REVISIONS: NOTICE: All drawings and written material appearing herein constitute the original and unpublished work of the Architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the prior written consent of the Architect. SHEET: 04 OF: 08 MARTIAL SC €µ g �3 u41 R t bi- iw yi z ^t 1111111 11 1111111 � 111I Ilibilil11111r,111,11 _04111111111 a 1-1 i Will ------- ------ J r-_ k 3 J I . ....IN § G � a � ma cf b E 5ti- I () I 11 SCALE:PARTIAL 8011 i 1111111wit SK �n f. �1 I 1 I� 1� 1 2 y � 1 f x ® 4 �w 1111 � IIIIIIII Illi ti�i� IIII IIIIIIIIII :x � r .e r 8 �■ ��� �■�■ mss' �■ �1�11 f x I, 1 'I xis: 1 I� 5 s' r� zv- � a c $. �■ i �■;�� .�' � C �:..�x� 1, µi _• z k ■ � ..s �■ �, a �, .�■ �■ ,. � .: - >. . t._._ JI■I■I ��►�� �� -r � Ll __,_ .II I II�LLL�.LI ■ TIO =r 01- "'i ii 5 _I x �. a ( r low mm I � 1 �t II 1111111 i IIS _ . 1 �IIIIII �t S J NME r Y Yr f, Rmmm a �,.�■■ 1 ell - I IN) -.. �i...;^. ... =se a i�� � spa } l F (s .tea { 7i 1 e � i ■� �� f�®.�' � ��1 I�I i���11 � z111: 111 : � u All :.LEVATION 1EMN"MA 4� �a— 1 1111111 I rYxE� R R!1r. ■ �1 Illi■I 11 I a III IIIIIIIII 11111111 i Y x i i a ■ 111111 �I �■ s -mo I ari ✓_a —lull �wrrsrs os m --1111 iix ey 3 s s =y 1 1111111 I rYxE� I� cty .TM9-4-i= i L r �1 Illi■I 4 1 F16] 20 14 4 Ll EXTERIOR MATERIAL KEY NOTES: 1 ROOFING LAMINATED ASPHALT SHINGLES F 11 DOOR & SIDELIGHTS HOLLOW METAL DOORS & FRAMES, CLEAR GLASS WHERE VISION LITE INDICATED {{ F2] ROOFING STANDING SEAM METAL ROOFING 12 WINDOW & DOOR TRIM - FIBER CEMENT, ® �� 11 l i 1 SMOOTH TEXTURE Q 12 ` i { i i 12 0 `v 51 PITCH I 51 PITCH QQ 4y' EXTERIOR WALL FINISH - FIBER CEMENT LAP SIDING, F13] PERGOLA - FACTORY PRIMED & FIELD PAINTED METAL 1 [3] o 6" EXPOSURE, SMOOTH TEXTURE rl 4 EXTERIOR WALL FINISH - PAINTED FIBER CEMENT PANELS NCARB CERTIFIED & TRIM; SMOOTH TEXTURE MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS am NMI NMI I= No ME TRANSITION & FRIEZE TRIM - FIBER CEMENT, BY JAMES HARDIE COMMERCIAL F SMOOTH TEXTURE. 71 15 EXTERIOR WALL FINISH - FACTORY FINISHED METAL WALL IFII I] I]] — — 11 1111 11 i. ---- I - SHINGLES MSV - MANUFACTURED MASONRY STONE VENEER (MSV) CRAFT URBAN RECTANGLES BY CREATIVE MINES16 METAL PARAPET WALL FINISH & COPING CAP - FACTORY FINISHED METAL SIDING & TRIM NMI =17 F6]1=1 7 WWI WINDOWS - VINYL FRAMED, CLEAR INSULATED GLASS 1 7 KNEE BRACES - PAINTED FIBER CEMENT TRIM, SMOOTH OVER BUILT UP DIMENSIONAL LUMBER 7]PTAC UNITS - THROUGH WALL HEAT PUMPS WITH18 EXTERIOR COLUMN PAIR - PAINTED FIBER CEMENT TRIM, ARCHITECTURAL GRILLES, FINISH TO MATCH ADJACENT SMOOTH 12 BUILDING FINISH COLOR (SW 0000) it tt4 PITCH 19 BALCONY RAILING - CLEAR GLASS PANELS AND FACTORY PROJECT: 1, I ,l ! ! ! i (, ii { I _� 8 GUTTERS & DOWNSPOUTS - FACTORY FINISHED 6" OGEE FINISHED ALUMINUM SUPPORTS AND TRIM. I 1 i !i it i I 1 i i -- PROFILE METAL GUTTERS & DOWNSPOUTS 20 EXTERIOR WALL FINISH -PAINTED FIBER CEMENT PANELS & 2-1/2" FIBER CEMENT BATTENS AT 16" OC SIDING, THE ESTHER AT RIVER BEND Fq-1 SLOPED EAVES - PAINTED EXPOSED RAFTERS SMOOTH TEXTUREASSISTED LIVING COMMUNITY 21 LEVEL EAVES - PAINTED FIBER CEMENT SOFFIT & TRIM 10 COVERED PORCH /BALCONY - PAINTED METAL FRAMEWORK & LOW SLOPE STANDING SEAM METAL ROOFING 3535 GAME FARM ROAD r4l 3 F118 2 F21 SPRINGFIELD, OREGON PARTIAL NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8" = V-0" C 0 r 0 PARTIAL NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8" = V-0-- 0 -0" NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16•• = 1'-0" 5 � 4 � 3 2 ARCHITECT: PATRICK BICKLER, LLC 1313 Mill St. SE, Ste. 201 Salem, Oregon 97301 503.588.7046 arch itectpatrickbickler.com PROJECT NO.: 1910 NOTICE: All drawings and written material appearing herein constitute the original and unpublished work of the Architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the prior written consent of the Architect. SHEET: 06 OF: 08 DRAWN: PCB � CHECKED: SHEET TITLE: SITE REVIEW n L,U �� EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS a000�-Tjp DATE: 10.15.2019 REVISIONS: NOTICE: All drawings and written material appearing herein constitute the original and unpublished work of the Architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the prior written consent of the Architect. SHEET: 06 OF: 08 FBI Ef I 0 WEST ELEVATION 5 WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" SOUTHEAST WING 4 EAST ELEVATION, SCALE: 1/8" = V-101" 3 5 RAr--rAl r1eNt-%r-1K1r% 0 METAL ROOFING - TYPICAL AT COVERED ENTRY ROOFS MASONRY STONE VENEER {MSV) 2 PITCH 112 5 PITCH 12 PPER ROOF Gp NCARB CERTIFIED MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS PROJECT: THE ESTHER AT RIVER BEND ASSISTED LIVING COMMUNITY 3535 GAME FARM ROAD SPRINGFIELD, OREGON (b I ARCHITECT: PATRICK BICKLER, LLC 1313 Mill St. SE, Ste. 201 Salem, Oregon 97301 503.588.7046 0 arch itectpatrickbickler.com LEVEL 02 PROJECT NO.: 1910 DRAWN: PCB LEVEL 01 CHECKED: SHEET TITLE: SITE REVIEW EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS DATE: 10.15.2019 REVISIONS: COVERED PORTE PORTE COCHERE WALK WAY COCHERE (COVERED WALK WAY - BEYOND) COVERED ENTRY ELEVATIONS SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" SOUTH ENTRANCE 2 1 NOTICE: All drawings and written material appearing herein constitute the original and unpublished work of the Architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the prior written consent of the Architect. SHEET: 07 OF: 08 _•7 C B 0 *0.0 *0.0 *0.0 *0.0 *0:0 *0.0 *0.0 *0.0 *0.0 *0.0 *0.0 *0.0 &II-a�-00000l-ryva Side zac*1 raw- Date Received JAN 02 201, ii Submittal - Wv'� 5 � 4 , 3 2 *0.0 *0.0 *0.0 *0.0 *0.1 *0.0 *0.0 *u *0.1 *0.0 *0.0 *0.0 *0.1 *0.1 *OA *0.0 *0.1 *0.1 *0.1 *0.1 *0.1 *0.1 *01 *0.1 *0.1 *0.1 *0.1 *0.1 *0.2 *0.1 *0.1 *0.1 *0.2 *0.1 *0.1 *0.1 *0.2 *0.2 *0.1 *0.1 *0.2 *0.2 *0.1 *0.1 *0.3 *02 *0.1 *0.1 *0.3 *0.2 *0.2 *0.1 *0,3 *0.2 *0.2 *0.1 X0.3 *0.2 *0.2 *0.1 *0.3 *0.2 *0-.2 *0.1 X0.3 *0.2 *0.2 *0.1 *0.3 +0.2 *0.2 *0.1 *0.2 *02 *0.1 *0.1 *0.2 *0.2 *0.1 *0.1 *02 *0.2 *0.1 *0.1 *0.2 *02 *0.1 *0.1 *0.2 *0.2 *0.1 *0.1 *0.2 *0.2 *0.1 *0.1 *0.2 *02 *0.1 *0.1 *0.3 *0:2 *0.1 *0.1 *0.3 *0.2 +0.1 *0.1 *0.3 *0.2 *0.2 *0.1 *0.3 *02 *0.2 *0.1 *0.3 *0.2 *0.2 *0.1 *0.3 *0.2 *0.2 *0.1 *0.3 +0.2 *0.2 *0.1 *0.3 *0.2 *0.1 *0.1 *0.2 *0.2 *0.1 *0.1 *0.2 *0.2 *0.1 *0.1 *0.2 *0.2 *0.1 *0.1 *0.2 *0.2 *0.1 *0.1 *0.2 *0n *0.1 *0.1 *0.2 *0.1 *0.1 *0.1 *02 *0.1 *0.1 *0.1 *0.1 *0.1 *0.1 *0.1 *0.1 *0.1 *0.1 *0.1 *0.1 *0.1 *0.1 *0.1 *0.1 *0.1 *0.1 *00 *0.1 *0.1 *0.0 *0.0 *0.0 *0.0 *0.0 *0.0 *0.0 *0:0 *0.0 *0.0 *0.0 '0.0 *0.0 *0.0 *0.0 *0.0 *0.0 *0.0 *0.0 *0.0 *0.0 *0.0 *0.0 *o.o - *0.0 *0.0 *0.0 *O.o *0.0 *0.0 *0.0 *0.0 *0.0 *0.0 FIXTURE POL FINISHED GRADE POLE DETAIL NTS ARCHITECT: PATRICK BICKLER, LLC 313 Mill St. SE, Ste. 20 Salem, Oregon 97301 503.588.70460 503.316.04550 PROJECT NO.: 19-145 DRAWN: BJM CHECKED: SB SHEET TITLE: SITE PHOTOMETRIC PLAN DATE: 12/15/2019 REVISIONS: NOTICE: All drawings and written material appearing herein constitute the original and unpublished work of the Architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the prior written consent of the Architect. SHEET: E1.10 OF: N E Water Feature ® m DEAD ONO FERNY ROAD RAF ` t •GLI Y V � ILAI ti f \I VU LEGEND _ Existing Street Tree to Remain GENERAL NOTES ,t Zone A 1. LANDSCAPE COVERAGE - TOTAL SITE AREA 121,097 SQUARE FEET (2.78 ACRES). LANDSCAPE AREA = 40,659 SQUARE FEET = 34% OF THE TOTAL SITE. Proposed Water Quality Facility Vegetative Swale 2. LANDSCAPE DESIGN WILL BE ACCORDANCE WITH SDC SECTION 6.00 - LANDSCAPVE VEGETATION DESIGN STANDARDS, SCD SECTIONS 3.2-240 - MULTI -UNIT DESIGN STANDARDS, (See Sheet L-2 for Preliminary Vegetative Swale Plan) AND SECTION 4.4-100 - LANDSCAPING, SCREENING AND FENCE STANDARDS. 3. PER SPRINGFIELD'S SITE PLAN REVIEW SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS CHECKLIST: ADDITIONAL MATERIALS TO BE DEFERRED UNTIL FINAL SITE PLAN OR BUILDING PERMIT SUBMITTAL Zone B INLCUDE: A FINAL LANDSCAPE PLAN, A PLANTING PLAN FOR THE VEGETATIVE SWALE, AND AN IRRIGATION PLAN, 1111 Proposed Water Quality Facility - Vegetative Swale (See Sheet L-2 for Preliminary Vegetative Swale Plan) 4. WATER QUALITY FACILITY - VEGETATIVE SWALE: DESIGN WILL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPRINGFIELD'S STORMWATER QUALITY SECTION 3.00 DESIGN STANDARDS REQUIREMENTS, AND CHAPTER 2.0, SELECTING, DESIGNING, CONSTRUCTING, AND LANDSCAPING STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES. 5. 25' LANDSCAPE BUFFER ON THE EAST PROPERTY LINE WILL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SDC SECTION 4.4-110 - LANDSCAPE SCREENING, AND SDC SECTION 3.2-240D.8.d. m W W Native Plant Area W W W W After construction of retaining wall, replant native species 6. SEE SHEET L-2, PRELIMINARY VEGETATIVE SWALE LANDSCAPE PLAN W � W W W W w below wall in riparian area per wetland consultant recommendations. - - - - �J- f Parking Lot Light SITE PLAN REVIEW LANDSCAPE PLAN -o®c— �� 1!' - 3o!_af, 1 CA Date Received N Orioinal PROPOSED PLANT LIST TREES SYMBOL COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME SIZE SHRUBS SYMBOL COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME SIZE LARGE OMariesii Viburnum Viburnum plicata tom. 'Mariesii' 10 gal Variegated Dogwood Cornus alba'Elegantissima' 10 gal Forest Flame Pieris Pieris japonica 'Forest Flame' 10 gal Winter Currant Ribes sanguineum 10 gal Spring Bouquet Viburnum Viburnum tinus 'Spring Bouquet' 10 gal Texas Privet Ligustrum japonicum 'Texan um' - 10 gal Gilt Edge Elaeagnus Elaeagnus x ebbingei 'Gilt Edge" 10 gal MEDIUM Wiri Blush Hebe Hebe 'Wiri Blush' 3 gal Canadale Gold Wintercreeper Euonymus fortunei `Canadale Gold' 2 gal Ed Goucher Abelia Abelia g. 'Ed Goucher' 5 gal Forest Flame Pieris Pieris japonica 'Forest Flame' 5 gal Rhododendron Species Rhodo. spp. 24-30" Compact Burning Bush Euonymous alata 'Compacta' 5 gal Evergreen Huckleberry Vaccinium ovatum 5 gal Rhododendron Species Rhodo. spp. 5 gal Knock Out Red Rose Rosa 'Knock Out' 3 gal Compact Nandina Nandina domestics 'Compacta' 3 gal Dark Green Spreader Yew Taxus x media 'Dark Green Spreader 3 gal SMALL SHRUBS Gulf Stream Nandina Nandina domestica 'Gulf Stream' 3 gal Hexe Azalea Rhodo. Hexe Azalea (assorted) 3 gal Indian Princess Hawthorne Rhaphiolepis indica 'Indian Princess' 3 gal Ornamental Grasses Varies 2 gal Evening Glow New Zealand Flax Phormium 'Evening Glow' 3 gal Bumalda Spiraea Spiraea japonica 'Bumalda' 3 gal Kelsey Dogwood Comus sericea 'Kelseyi' 3 gal Gold Splash Wintercreeper Euonymous fortunei 'Roemertwo' 3 gal GROUNDCOVER / PERENNIAL BEDS SIZE, SPACING Buena Vista Arctostaphylos Arctostaphylos hookeri 'Buena Vista' 1 gal, T o.c. Emerald Carpet Bramble Rubus pentalobus'Emerald Carpet' 1gal, 4' o.c. Vinca Vinca minor 4" pot, 30" o.c. Variegated Pachysandra Pachysandra terminalis 'Variegata' 4" pot, 12" o.c. Misc. Perennials LAWN I SYMBOL COMMON NAME VINES Evergreen Clematis Halls Honeysuckle Star Jasmine BOTANICAL NAME SIZE Clematis armandii 10 gal Lonicera sempervirens 10 gal Trachelospermum jasminoides 10 gal NOTE: PRELIMINARY DRAWING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECT: ESTHER at RIVER BEND SENIOR LIVING COMMUNITY ANDERSON ASSOCIATES LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 13717 SE 18th Street, #5 Vancouver, WA 98683 Ph. 503-318-0549 dave@andersonassoc-la.net PROJECT NO.: DRAWN: DA CHECKED: SHEET TITLE: SITE PLAN REVIEW LANDSCAPE PLAN DATE: 12/15/19 REVISIONS: NOTICE: All drawings and written material appearing herein constitute the original and unpublished work of the Architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the prior written consent of the Architect. SHEET: L--1 OF: 2 LARGE TREES A Jaquemonte Birch Betula jaquemontii 2" cal B Green Vase Zelkova Zelkova serrata 'Green Vase' 2" cal MEDIUM TREES C Redbud Cercis canadensis 2" cal D Paper Bark Maple Acer griseum 2" cal E Excelsa Red Cedar (35 X 15') Thuja plicata 'Excelsa' 64 F Flowering Cherry Prunus species. 2"cal G Japanese Maple Acer palmatum 2" cal SMALL TREES H Red Obelisk European Beech Fagus sylvatica 'Red Obelisk' 2" cal J Vine Maple Acer circinatum 6-8' K Kousa Dogwood Cornus kousa 2" cal L Japanese Styrax Styrax japonica 2" cal M Hinoki Cypress Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Gracilis' 6-8' STREET TREES (Per EDSPM Design Standards Appendix 6A - Approved Street Tree List S Mt. Fuji Filowering Cherry Prunus serrulata'Mt. Fuji' 2" cal SHRUBS SYMBOL COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME SIZE LARGE OMariesii Viburnum Viburnum plicata tom. 'Mariesii' 10 gal Variegated Dogwood Cornus alba'Elegantissima' 10 gal Forest Flame Pieris Pieris japonica 'Forest Flame' 10 gal Winter Currant Ribes sanguineum 10 gal Spring Bouquet Viburnum Viburnum tinus 'Spring Bouquet' 10 gal Texas Privet Ligustrum japonicum 'Texan um' - 10 gal Gilt Edge Elaeagnus Elaeagnus x ebbingei 'Gilt Edge" 10 gal MEDIUM Wiri Blush Hebe Hebe 'Wiri Blush' 3 gal Canadale Gold Wintercreeper Euonymus fortunei `Canadale Gold' 2 gal Ed Goucher Abelia Abelia g. 'Ed Goucher' 5 gal Forest Flame Pieris Pieris japonica 'Forest Flame' 5 gal Rhododendron Species Rhodo. spp. 24-30" Compact Burning Bush Euonymous alata 'Compacta' 5 gal Evergreen Huckleberry Vaccinium ovatum 5 gal Rhododendron Species Rhodo. spp. 5 gal Knock Out Red Rose Rosa 'Knock Out' 3 gal Compact Nandina Nandina domestics 'Compacta' 3 gal Dark Green Spreader Yew Taxus x media 'Dark Green Spreader 3 gal SMALL SHRUBS Gulf Stream Nandina Nandina domestica 'Gulf Stream' 3 gal Hexe Azalea Rhodo. Hexe Azalea (assorted) 3 gal Indian Princess Hawthorne Rhaphiolepis indica 'Indian Princess' 3 gal Ornamental Grasses Varies 2 gal Evening Glow New Zealand Flax Phormium 'Evening Glow' 3 gal Bumalda Spiraea Spiraea japonica 'Bumalda' 3 gal Kelsey Dogwood Comus sericea 'Kelseyi' 3 gal Gold Splash Wintercreeper Euonymous fortunei 'Roemertwo' 3 gal GROUNDCOVER / PERENNIAL BEDS SIZE, SPACING Buena Vista Arctostaphylos Arctostaphylos hookeri 'Buena Vista' 1 gal, T o.c. Emerald Carpet Bramble Rubus pentalobus'Emerald Carpet' 1gal, 4' o.c. Vinca Vinca minor 4" pot, 30" o.c. Variegated Pachysandra Pachysandra terminalis 'Variegata' 4" pot, 12" o.c. Misc. Perennials LAWN I SYMBOL COMMON NAME VINES Evergreen Clematis Halls Honeysuckle Star Jasmine BOTANICAL NAME SIZE Clematis armandii 10 gal Lonicera sempervirens 10 gal Trachelospermum jasminoides 10 gal NOTE: PRELIMINARY DRAWING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECT: ESTHER at RIVER BEND SENIOR LIVING COMMUNITY ANDERSON ASSOCIATES LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 13717 SE 18th Street, #5 Vancouver, WA 98683 Ph. 503-318-0549 dave@andersonassoc-la.net PROJECT NO.: DRAWN: DA CHECKED: SHEET TITLE: SITE PLAN REVIEW LANDSCAPE PLAN DATE: 12/15/19 REVISIONS: NOTICE: All drawings and written material appearing herein constitute the original and unpublished work of the Architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the prior written consent of the Architect. SHEET: L--1 OF: 2 NOTE: PRELIMINARY DRAWING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECT: ESTHER at RIVER BEND SENIOR LIVING COMMUNITY ANDERSON ASSOCIATES LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 13717 SE 18th Street, #5 Vancouver, WA 98683 Ph. 503-318-0549 dave@andersonassoc-la.net PROJECT NO.: DRAWN: DA CHECKED: SHEET TITLE: SITE PLAN REVIEW PRELIMINARY VEGETATIVE SWALE LANDSCAPE PLAN - DATE: 12/15/19 REVISIONS: NOTICE: All drawings and written material appearing herein constitute the original and unpublished work of the Architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the prior written consent of the Architect. SHEET: L--2 OF: 2 IC C T O J U A T N r- 0 N 0 N CU ca n 0 0 t-fiRAWINGS FOR. DRAWING INDEX DWG TITLE C1.0 COVER SHEET, VICINITY & LOCATION MAPS, DRAWING INDEX C1.1 CONSTRUCTION NOTES C1.2 CONSTRUCTION NOTES C2.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS, EROSION CONTROL, & DEMOLITION PLAN C2.1 EROSION CONTROL NOTES & DETAILS C2.2 EROSION CONTROL NOTES & DETAILS C2.3 POST EROSION CONTROL PLAN C3.0 GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN C3.1 SURFACING & SIGNING PLAN C3.2 BUILDING/SWALE SECTION C3.3 RETAINING WALL SECTION C4.0 OVERALL UTILITY PLAN C5.0 CIVIL DETAILS C5.1 CIVIL DETAILS C5.2 CIVIL DETAILS C5.3 CIVIL DETAILS 5 1 4 ik3 E T w GAME FARM RD. E. DEADMOND BELTLINE EAST RD. AP COLONIAL DR. Y. 69 PROJECT KRUSE WAY LOCATION A � CARDINAL W.A o TINAMOU Y LN. MALLARD AVE. GAME U) > BIRD r --i T11T A.1", rvll� L] VICINITY MAP GENERAL LEGEND ITEM PROPOSED EXISTING SANITARY SEWER SS STORM DRAIN -- SD WATER GAS G — — TELEPHONE T — POWER —P FENCE X X X X BARRICADE n n n n TELEPHONE MANHOLE OO TEL TELEPHONE PEDESTAL 0 SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE Q O STORM DRAIN MANHOLE OD OD CATCH BASIN EM FIRE HYDRANT AND VALVE WATER METER WATER VALVE POWER POLE O O POWER POLE W/ANCHOR POLE W/LUMINARE LIGHT POLE SIGN POST MAILBOX � HEDGE OR BRUSH W �v_ TREES00 STREET OR ALLEY RIGHT OF WAY PLATTED LOT LINE OWNERSHIP LINE` EASEMENT OR TEMPORARY RIGHT OF WAY PROJECT CENTERLINE AND R/W O� �G �O NCARB CERTIFIED MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS RENEWS: 6/30/2020 PROJECT: THE ESTHER AT RIVER BEND ASSISTED LIVING COMMUNITY 3535 GAME FARM ROAD SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ARCHITECT: PATRICK BICKLER, LLC 1313 Mill St. SE, Ste. 201 Salem, Oregon 97301 503.588.7046 503.316.0455 0 PROJECT NO.: 1910 DRAWN: AR CHECKED: SAW SHEET TITLE: COVER SHEET, VICINITY & LOCATION MAPS, DRAWING INDEX DATE: 12.15.2019 REVISIONS: NOTICE: All drawings and written material appearing herein constitute the original and unpublished work of the Architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the prior written consent of the Architect. SHEET: C1.0 OF: WE JOB# 3172.0000.0 ■ GENERAL NOTES 20. Contractor shall field verify location and depth of all existing utilities where new 40. HMAC mixtures shall be placed only when the surface is dry and weather 63. All piped utilities abandoned in place shall have all openings closed with concrete facilities cross. Al! utility crossings marked or shown on the drawings shall be conditions are such that proper handling, finishing and compaction can be plugs with a minimum length equal to 2 times the diameter of the abandoned 1. Contractor shall procure and conform to all construction permits required by the potholed using hand tools or other non-invasive methods prior to excavating or accomplished. In no case shall bituminous mixtures be placed when the surface pipe. City of Springfield and Springfield Utility Board (SUB). boring. Contractor shall be responsible for exposing potential utility conflicts far temperature is below the minimum established under 2018 OSSC (ODOT/APWA) enough ahead of construction to make necessary grade or alignment 00744.40 (AC - Season and Temperature Limitations) or the project 64. The end of all utility service lines shall be marked with a 2-x-4 painted white 2. Owner to a all project permit costs including but not limited to utility tapping, modifications without delaying the work. If grade or alignment modification is specifications, whichever is more stringent. and wired to pipe stub. The pipe depth shall be written on the post in 2" block pay P 1 P � 9 Y TV, and chlorination costs. The Contractor shall coordinate with the Approving necessary, Contractor shall notify the Design Engineer, and the Design Engineer letters. Agency to determine appropriate fees and provide the Owner with 48 hours or the Owner's Representative shall obtain approval from the Approving Agency 41. Contractor shall protect new pavement against traffic as required, until it has notice prior to the required payment of fees or costs. prior to construction. cooled sufficiently to avoid tracking. 65. All non-metallic water, sanitary and storm sewer piping shall have an electrically conductive insulated 12 gauge solid core copper tracer wire the full length of the .. pipe using blue .wire for water and green wire for. storm and sanitary 3. Oregon law requires the Contractor to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility 21. The .Contractor shall be responsible for locating and marking all existing survey 42. For parking lots or private access drives, the final lift of AC pavement shall not installed p p g g y 9 Tracer wire shall be extended u into all valve boxes, catch basins, Notification Center. Those rules are set forth in OAR 952-001-0010 through OAR monuments of record (including but not limited to property and street be placed until after the building is fully enclosed and weatherproof, unless piping. P i a roved b the Owner's authorized representative. Pervious Concrete manholes and lateral cleanout boxes.. Tracer wire penetrations into manholes 952-001-0090. Obtain _copies of the rules by calling the center. (Note: the. monuments) prior to construction. If any survey monuments are removed, otherwise pp y P 18 inches of the rim elevation and adjacent to manhole steps. D telephone number for the Oregon Utility Notification Center is 503=232-1987). disturbed or destroyed during construction of the project, the Contractor shall shall not be placed until 30 days prior to occupancy. shall be within p retain and pay for the services of a Registered Professional .Surveyor licensed in The tracer -wire shall be -tied to the top manhole step or .otherwise supported to 4. Contractor to notifyCit and all utility companies a minimum of 48 business the State of Oregon to reference and replace all such monuments prior to final 43. Unless otherwise shown on the drawings or details, straight grades shall be run allow retrieval from the outside of the manhole.. All tracer wire splices shat! be Y� Y P hours (2 business days) prior rior to start of construction, and comply with all other payment. The monuments shall be replaced within a maximum of 90 days, and between all finish grade elevations and/or finish contour lines shown (exception: made with waterproof splices or waterproof/corrosion resistant wire nuts. notification requirements of the Approving Agency with jurisdiction over the work. the County Surveyor shall be notified in writing as required by per ORS 209.150. where grades are shown across sidewalks, slopes shall be adjusted to ensure that maximum allowable sidewalk cross slopes are not exceeded). 66. No trenches in sidewalks, roads, or driveways shall be left in an open condition i all bonds and insurance required b public and/or private overnight. All such trenches shall be closed before the end of each workday and 5. Contractor shall provide a b q y p / p 22. All facilities shall be maintained in-place by the Contractor unless otherwise 9 Where required b public and/or private agencies shown or directed. Contractor shall take all precautions necessary to support, 4�4. Finish pavement grades at transition to existing pavement shall match existing normal traffic and pedestrian flows restored. agencies having jurisdiction.q Y P / P 9 maintain, or otherwise protect existing utilities and other facilities at all times havingjurisdiction, the Contractor shall submit a suitable maintenance bond prior P 9 pavement grades or be feathered past joints with existing pavement as required j P 67. Before mandrel testing, TV inspection or final. acceptance of gravity pipelines, ,all to final payment. during. construction Contractor to leave existing facilities in an equal or to provide a smooth, free draining surface. 9 P P 9 y P P better -than -original condition and to the satisfaction of the Approving Agency trench compaction shall be completed and all sewers and storm drains flushed & 6. All materials and workmanshipfor facilities in street right-of-way or easements and Owners Representative. 45. All existing or constructed manholes, cleanouts, monument boxes, gas valves, cleaned to remove all mud, debris &foreign material from the pipelines, 9 Y manholes and/or catch basins. shall conform to Approving Agencies' construction specifications wherein each has water valves and similar structures shall be adjusted to match finish grade of / pp 9 9 P 23. Utilities or interfering portions of utilities that are abandoned in place shall be the pavement, sidewalk, landscaped area or median strip wherein they lie. Verify jurisdiction, including but not limited to the City, County, Oregon Health Division removed by the Contractor to the extent necessary to accomplish the work. The that all valve boxes and risers are clean and centered over the operating nut. (OHD) and the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). Contractor shall plug the remaining exposed ends of abandoned utilities after WATER SYSTEM: appropriate verification procedures have taken place. 46. Unless otherwise shown on the drawings, no cut or fill slopes shall be 68. SUB forces to operate all valves, including fire hydrants, on existing public mains. 7. Unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Director, construction of all public constructed steeper than 3H:1 V. facilities .shall be done. between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Monday through 24. Contractor shall remove all existing signs, mailboxes, fences, landscaping, etc., as 69. All public water mains shall be class 52 ductile iron. Saturday. required to avoid damage during construction and replace them to existing or 47. All planter areas, shall be backfilled with approved topsoil minimum 8" thick. 8. The Contractor shat{ perforin all work necessary to complete the project in better condition. Stripping _materials -shall not be used for. planter backfill. 70. All private water mains shall be Class 52 ductile iron or C-900 PVC (DR 18). accordance with the approved construction drawings including such incidentals as 25. An septic tanks encountered during construction shall be pumped out.Contractor h 11 seed and mulch uniform! b hand or h droseed all ex osed 71. All fittings 4 -inches through 24 -inches in diameter shall be, ductile iron fittings may be necessary to meet the Approving Agencies' requirements and provide a Y P 9 48. slopesans a Y Y Contractor. shall -break bottom of .tank out and backfill. with pea grave{ unless slopes and disturbed areas which (are. not. scheduled. to be landscaped, including ludin in conformance with AWWA. C-153 or AWWA C-110. The minimum working completed project. otherwise required b public agencies having jurisdiction. Septic tank removal to sops P 9 pressure for all MJ cast iron or ductile iron fittings 4 -inches through 24 -inch in q Y P 9 9 j P trench restoration areas. If the Contractor fails to apply seed and mulch in a s. d fittini for fl and 250 fittings for MJ 350 ll bpsi flanged h shall e s be in accordance with County Sanitarian requirements. timely manner during periods favorable for germination, or if the seeded areas diameterP g p g g 9. Any inspection by the City or other Approving Agency shall not, in any way, , relieve the Contractor from any obligation to perform the work in strict fail to germinate, the Owner's, Representative- may (at his discretion) require the 72. All water mains to be installed with a minimum 36 inch cover to finish grade documents applicable codes and Approving Agency 26. Any wells encountered shall be abandoned per State of Oregon Water Resources Contractor to install sod to cover such disturbed areas. compliance with the contractpp PP 9 9 Y Department requirements. unless otherwise noted or directed. Water service lines shall be installed with a requirements. minimum 30 -inch cover. Deeper depths may be required as shown on the 27. An fuel tanks encountered shall be removed and disposed of per State of drawings or to avoid obstructions. 10. Contractor shalt maintain :one complete set of :approved drawings on the Y P P CURBS &SIDEWALKS: Oregon DEQ requirements. Backfill with compacted granular material. construction site at all times whereon he will record all approved deviations in 73. Unless otherwise shown or approved by the Engineer, all valves shall be flange C 49. Unless otherwise shown or indicated on the drawings, 6 -inches nominal curb construction from the approved drawings, as well as the station locations and 28, Contractor shall coordinate and pay all costs associated with removing or connected to adjacent tees or crosses. depths of all existing utilities encountered. These field record drawings shall be exposure used for design of all parking -lot and street grades. to at all times and shall be available for inspection b the abandoning any .septic tanks, wells (including borehole piezometers) and fuel kept up to da P Y p regulating agency q 50. Where new curbing connects to existin curbin or is installed aton existin 74. Thrust restraint shall be provided on all bends, tees and other direction changes tanks encountered os er re ulatin a enc requirements. When shown on the 9 9 9 9 9 Approving Agency or Owner's Representative upon request. Failure to conform to per Approving Agency requirements and as specified or shown on the drawings. may result in dela in payment and/or final acceptance of the drawings, these structures shall be removed or abandoned at the Contractors streets or pavement, the gutter grade shall match the existing street grades so this requirement y Y P Ym / P expense. The Contractor shall notify the Owner immediately upon discovery of as to allow drainage from the street to the gutter and through any transitions. project. 75. Water service pipe 2 -inch and smaller on the public side of the meter shall be P J any septic tanks, wells, or fuel tanks not shown on the drawings, and obtain The Contractor shall notify the Owner's Representative in writing of any grade Type K soft copper tubing conforming to ASTM B-88. Water service pipe 3 -inch concurrence from the Owner. prior to proceeding with the work. The Contractor discrepancies or problems prior to curb placement. � PP 9 11. Upon completion of construction of all new facilities, Contractor shall submit a and larger shatl conform to the construction drawings and approving agency shall provide the Owner with a detailed cost breakdown, of all work related to clean set of field record drawings containing all as -built information to the removing or abandoning said structures. The Contractor will be reimbursed on a 51. Contractor shall construct all handicap access ramps in accordance with current standards. Engineer. All information shown on the Contractor's field record drawings shall time & materials basis or at a negotiated price as agreed by the Owner. ADA re uirements. be subject to verification. if significant errors or deviations are noted, an q 76. Unless otherwise noted, water service pie 3 -inch and smaller on the private : as -built survey prepared and stamped by a registered professional Land Surveyor 29• The Contractor shall be responsible for managing construction activities to ensure 52. Sidewalks shall be a minimum of 4 -inches thick and standard residential side of the meter shall be Schedule 40 PVCWater service pipe 4 --inches and - shall be completed at the Contractor's expense. that public streets and right-of-ways are kept clean of mud, dust or debris. w hall be a minimum of 6 -inches thick. Commercial use driveways and larger on the private side of the meter shall be ASTM D2241 DR 21 (200 psi), P P P. 9 Y driveways s Dust abatement shall be maintained b adequate watering of the site by the h shall be minimum 8 -inches thick. All curbs sidewalks and with rubber gaskets conforming to ASTM F477. Unless otherwise specified, Y q alley approaches s a � private water service piping shat! be hydrostatically pressure tested to a minimum 12. Contractor shall procure and conform to DEQ stormwater permit No. 1200C for Contractor. driveways shall be constructed using 3300 -psi concrete, and shall be cured with P P P g y y P construction activities where 1 acre or more are disturbed. Type 1 or Type 1D clear curing compound. All sidewaiks shall be ADA compliant. of 150% of the maximum static pressure at the site. Ai{materials andworkmanship for all private water lines,including water lines located within any • building envelope, shall be installed in `conformance with Uniform Plumbing Code 13. The contractor shall retain and a for the services of a registered Civil Engineer GRADING PAVING & DRAINAGE. 53. r & sidewalk concrete shall be laced only during periods when it will not be 9 p . g PY Cub P Y 9 d in the State of Oregon to establish construction requirements. All water, service pipe on the private side of the meter shall be and/or Land Surveyor license g damaged by rain (protect unhardened concrete from. precipitation). Concrete control and perform initial construction surveys to establish the lines and grades 30. Contractor to review soils report prepared by FEl Testing and Inspection and shall not be placed on frozen baserock. Do not begin concrete placement until installed by a All plumber in accordance with Uniform Plumbing Code ' requirements. tj of improvements as indicated on the drawings. Staking for buildings, structures, conform to all recommendations listed in the report. _ temperature in the shade is a mirnmum of 35 F and rising, and stop placement q *' curbs gravity drainagepipes/structures and other critical improvements shall be if air temperature 'falls below 357. Protect concrete from freezing for a � � 9 Y 9 77. Domestic and fire backflow prevention devices and vaults shall conform to ° completed using equipment accurate to 0.04 feet horizontally and 0.02 feet 31. Unless otherwise noted,` all grading, rocking and paving to conform to Oregon P ,, p gminimum of 5 days offer placement per OSSC (ODOT/APWA) 00440.40.d & P ' `� of GPS equipment ment for final construction staking of Standard S Specifications for Construction OSSC ODOT/APWA), 2018 'edition. requirements of public and/or private agencies having jurisdiction. The vertically, or :better. Use q p 9 p ( / 00756.40 or the projectspecifications, whichever is more stringent.. these critical improvements is prohibited. The registered professional surveyor Contractor shall be responsible for having backflow devices tested and certified all vegetation, shall provide the design engineer with copies of all grade sheets for construction 32. Clear and grub within work limits o surface g etation trees, stumps, P , brush, prior to final acceptance of the work.54. Contraction joints shall be installed directly over any pipes that cross under the z? staking performed for the project. roots, etc. Do not damage or remove trees except as approved by the Owners sidewalk to control cracking. In general, cracks in new curbs or sidewalks at 0' inches in 9 9 ( 78. Contractor shall provide all necessary equipment and materials (including plugs, Representative or as shown on the drawings. Protect all roots two locations ther than contraction joints) are not acceptable, and cracked panels ° site lighting, site dimensioning, and continuation of o J ) P p blowoffs, valves, service taps, etc.) required to flush, test and disinfect waterlines Z 14. See architectural drawings for s t g g, 9� diameter or larger. all utilities. shall be removed & replaced unless otherwise approved by the Approving Agency per the Approving Agency requirements. -� 33. Strip work limits, removing all organic matter, which cannot be compacted into a B All trees brush and debris associated with clearing, stripping or 79. Where new waterlines cross below or within 18 -inches vertical separation above a stable mass. , 9 55. A1l sidewalks shall be ADA compliant. Direction of sidewalk cross slope shall TRAFFIC CONTROL grading shall be removed and disposed of off-site. sewer main or sewer service lateral, center one full length of waterline pipe at ° conform with the slope direction shown on the grading plan. Sidewalk cross point of crossing the sewer line or sewer lateral. In addition (unless otherwise N ll erect and maintain barricades warnin s'r ns, traffic cones and 34. For ublic and rivate im rovements, exce t as otherwise allowed b the slopes shall not exceed 1:67 (1.5%) nor be less than 1%. Longitudinal slope shall 15. Contractor sha e 9 9 ( P P P P y not exceed 1:20 5% . approved in writing by the Approving Agency, existing sewer mains and/or service all other traffic control devices required) per Cit requirements in accordance with specifications,' drawing details or notes, immediate) following stripping and ( ) - q ) P Y q P 9 Y 9 PP 9 n it per laterals within this zone shall be replaced with a full length of Class 50 Ductile v shall be grading operations, compact subgrade to 92% of the maximum dry density p Iron or C-900 PVC pipe (DR 18) centered at the crossing in accordance with the current MUTCD (including Oregon amendments).. Access to driveways s a 9 9 56. Where trench excavation requires removal of PCC curbs and/or sidewalks, the maintained at all times. All traffic control measures shall be approved and in AASHTO T-180 test method (Modified Proctor). Subgrade must be inspected and q OAR 333--061 and Approving Agency requirements. Connect to existing sewer c PP curbs and/or sidewalks shall be sawcut and removed at a tooled joint unless lines with approved rubber couplings. Exam Ie: For an 8 -inch waterline with FL place prior to any construction activity. Prior to any work in the existing public approved by the Owners authorized representative before placing, engineered fills ppp e otherwise authorized in writing by the Approving Agency. The sawcut lines shown > right-of-way, . •ightf-Contractor shall submit final traffic control plan to the Approving or fine gradingfor base rock. 36 -inches cover, 4 -inch service lateral inverts within 5.67 -feet (68 -inches) of v on the drawings are schematic and not intended to show the exact alignment of Agency for review and issuance of a Lane Closure or Work in Right -of -Way such cuts. finish grade must be DI or C-900 PVC at the crossing. Permit. 35. Engineered fills shall be constructed and compacted in 6» lifts over approved a, subgrade. All fills shall be engineered and comply with the Oregon Structural 80. All waterlines, services and appurtenances shall be pressure tested for leakage. 57. Unless otherwise shown on the drawings, areas along curbs and sidewalks shall •_ 16. Prior to an work in the existing right-of-way, Contractor shall submit final S Specialty Code, with each lift compacted to 92% of the maximum dry density per All testing shall conform to requirements as outlined in the specifications, - be backfilled with approved topsoil, as well as being seeded and mulched (or traffic cont of plan to the City of Springfield for review and issuance of lane AASHTOyT-180 test method (Modified Proctor). - Approving Agency standards and/or testing forms. The hydrostatic test shall be T closure permit. Contractor to obtain a lane closure permit before construction hydroseeded). performed with all service line corporation stops open and meter stops closed, s _M starts for any work within the existing public right-of-way, including public street 36. Granular baserock shall conform to the requirements of OSSC (ODOT/APWA) and with all hydrant line valves open. Prior to the start of each pressure test, y W improvements or driveway connections to existing streets. the position of all mainline valves, hydrant line valves and service line corporation 02630.10 (Dense Graded Base Aggregate), with no more than 10% passing the PiPED UTILITIES: #40 sieve and no more than 5% passing the #200 sieve. stopss in the test segment shall be verified. U Q TIN AND INSPECTION: 58. All tapping of existing sanitary, sewer, storm drain mains, and manholes must be 81. After the pressure test and prior. to disinfecting, the water lines shall be TESTING 37. Compact granular. baserock to 92% of the maximum dry density per AASHTO W T-180 test method (Modified Proctor). Written baserock compaction test. results done by City/SUB forces. thoroughly flushed through hydrants, blow offs or by other approved means. Y 17. For public and private improvements, the Contractor shall be responsible to from an independent testing laboratory must be received by the Owners 59. The Contractor shall have appropriate e ui ment on site to produce a firm, V ensure- that all required or necessary inspections are completed by authorizedq P P 82. Disinfection &Bacteriological Testing. A11 water mains and service lines shall be q h rized representative before placing AC pavement, and a finished rock grade proceeding with subsequent work which covers or that is auto p p 9 P smooth, undisturbed subgrade at the trench bottom, true to grade. The bottom chlorine` disinfected per A Approving A enc re uirements, AWWA C-651 or OAR � inspectors prior top g q roof -roll witnessed b the Owners authorized representative) must be P PP 9 9 Y q 3 dependent on the work to be inspected. Failure to obtain necessary P ( Y P } of the trench excavation shall be smooth, free of loose materials or tooth, 333-061 (25 mg/L minimum chlorine solution, 24 hours contact time), whichever v P performed. inspection(s) and approval(s) shall result in the Contractor being fully responsible P grooves for the entire width of the trench prior to placing the granular bedding is more stringent. Unless otherwise approved by the Approving Agency, a cc material. for all problems and/or corrective measures arising from uninspected work. Representative from the Approving Agency shall witness the application of the tion and/or special inspection of concrete 38. A.C. pavement shall conform to OSSC (ODOT/APWA) 00745 (Hot Mixed Asphalt chlorine solution and the chlorine testing at the end of the 24 hour contact ° inspections -shall include inspec / p p Concrete Pavement) for standard duty mix. Unless otherwise. specified or shown 60. All pipes shall be bedded with minimum 6 -inches of 3 4"-0 crushed rock 0 reinforcing steel prior to concrete placement. P�P ,� / period. After the 24 hour chlorine contact period, the free chlorine 9 P on the drawings, base lifts shall be 3/4" dense graded mix, while wearing bedding and backfilled with compacted 3/4"-0 crushed rock in the pipe zone concentration shall be checked, and if it is found to be 10 mg/L or more, the J �� n n table courses shall be 1 2 dense graded mix. Unless otherwise specified or .shown on crushed rock shall extend a minimum of 12 --inches over the top of the pipe in chlorine solution shall be drained otherwise the lin shall be rechlorinated th �• 18. Unless. otherwise. specified, the attached Required Testing and Frequency"' / 9 ( ( e e ), e 2 outlines the minimum testing schedule for private improvements on the project. the drawings, A.C. pavement for parking lots and streets shall be Level 2 mix all cases). Unless CDF or other backfill is shown or noted on the drawings, waterline flushed with potable water, and a minimum of two consecutive samples ¢ A 9 This testing schedule is not complete, and does not relieve the Contractor of the (50 blow Marshall) per OSSC (ODOT/APWA) 00744.13.. A.C. Pavement shall be crushed rock trench backfill shall be used under all improved areas, including taken at least 24 hours apart shall be collected from the waterline for LO "'• responsibility of obtaining all necessary inspections or observations for all work compacted to . o minimum of 91% of maximum density as determined by the Rice pavement, sidewalks, foundation slabs, buildings, etc. microbiological analysis (ie. one sample immediately after flushing, and another a, P Y performed, regardless of who is responsible for payment. Cost for retesting shall standard method. Written AC pavement compaction test results from an sample 24 hours later). Contractor to pay for laboratory analysis of water. r borne b the Contractor. inde pendent testing laboratory must be received by the Owners authorized 61. Granular trench bedding and backfill shall conform to the requirements of OSSC samples taken under the supervision of the Approving Agency. I# the results of be b y P 9 Y P P PP 9 N representative before final payment. (ODOT/APWA) 02630.10 (Dense Graded Base Aggregate), 3/4"--0. Unless both analyses indicate- that the water is free of coliform organisms, the waterline N otherwise shown on the drawings, compact granular backfill to 92% of the may be placed in service. Should the initial treatment prove ineffective, the cfl FACILITIES: 39. Pavement surface shall be a smooth, well -sealed, tight mat without depressions r density per AASHTO T-180 test method Modified Proctor chlorination EXISTING UTILITIES. & maximum dry y p ( } chlor anon shall be repeated until confirmed tests show acceptable results.- or bird baths. Bony or open graded pavement surfaces shall be repaired to the co Th location and descriptions of existing utilities shown on the drawings are of the Owner's authorized representative,. prior to final acceptance of _ 19. e o p 9 satisfactionp p P 62. Contractor shall arrange to abandon existing sewer and water services not �-- ��- 1�0e) Ca compiled from available records and/or field surveys. The Engineer or utility the work. scheduled to remain in service in accordance with approving agency requirements. Date P nee the accuracy or completeness leteness of such records. , QevicwReceived ° companies do not guarantee p Contractor shall field verify locations and sizes of all existing utilities prior to °JAN construction. v --� Zulu oiI Submiftai � 5 4 � 3 2 � 1 0%4 �-G NCARB CERTIFIED MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS RENEWS: 6/30/2020 PROJECT: THE ESTHER AT RIVER BEND ASSISTED LIVING COMMUNITY 3535 GAME FARM ROAD SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ARCHITECT: PATRICK BICKLER, LLC 1313 Mill St. SE, Ste. 201 Salem, Oregon 97301 503.588.7046 0 503.316.0455 PROJECT NO. 1910 DRAWN: AR CHECKED: SAW SHEET TITLE: CONSTRUCTION NOTES DATE: 12.15.2019 REVISIONS: NOTICE: All drawings and written material appearing herein constitute the original and unpublished work of the Architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the prior written consent of the Architect. SHEET: C1.1 OF: WE JOB# 3172.0000.0 c� and workmanship for all private sanitary sewers, including sewers located within REQUIRED TESTING AND FREQUENCY TABLE 83. Disinfection of Connections. For connections which cannot be disinfected with 101. Prior to acceptance, the Owner's Representative may lamp storm Fines upstream J the waterline mainlines as noted above, all fittings, valves and appurtenances, & downstream of structures to verify that the pipes are clean and there is no Wye per Approving Agency) shall be used for all lateral connections to new sewer including tool surfaces which will come in contact with potable water, shall be grout or concrete in the mainlines, and that there are no observable bellies in 90. thoroughly cleaned by washing with potable water and then swabbed or sprayed the line. When necessary, sufficient water to reveal low areas shall be sanitary sewer pipe and appurtenances for leakage in accordance with testing with a one percent (1%) hypochlorite solution (10,000 mg/L) in accordance with discharged into the pipe by the Contractor prior to any such inspection by the Pipe specified for lesser cover depths -or- the requirements of AWWA C-651 and OAR 333-061. Owner's Representative or the Approving Agency. SEWER & STORM MANHOLES: FRANCHISE & PRIVATE UTILITIES: 84. All precast manholes shall be provided with integral rubber boots. Where 102. Unless otherwise shown on the drawings or approved by jurisdiction having D manholes without integral rubber boots are approved by the Owner's authority, all new franchise and private utilities (power, cable TV, telephone, gas, drawings, storm sewer pipe materials with watertight joints shall conform to the Representative and Approving Agency, a pipe joint shall be provided on all data, communication, control, alarms, etc.) shall be installed underground. N mainlines within 1.5 feet of the outside face of the manhole. Where required by Installation of such utilities or associated conduits in a common trench with HDPE pipe shall not be used for slopes exceeding ten percent (10%). All Public Works, watertight lockdown lids required on all manholes outside of public public water, sanitary sewer, or storm sewer is prohibited. cd right-of-way. Asphalt 1 Test 6000 S.F./Lift. 4 min), locations Uniform Plumbing Code requirements. C 103. Contractor shall coordinate with gas, power, telephone, and cable TV Company for 85. Openings for connections to existing manholes shall be made by core -drilling the location of conduits in common trenches, as well as location or relocation of Catch basins and junction boxes shall be set square with buildings or with the existing manhole structure, and installing a rubber boot. Connections shall be vaults, pedestals, etc. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing franchise V watertight and shall provide a smooth flow into and through the manhole with no utility companies adequate written notice of availability of the open trench water. ponding. Small chipping hammers or similar light tools which will not damage or (typically 10 days minimum), and reasonable access to the open trench. Unless Pipe specified for lesser cover depths -or- crack the manhole base may be used to shape channels, but may be used to otherwise approved in writing by the Approving Agency, all above -grade facilities Unless otherwise shown on the drawings, all storm pipe inlets & outfalls shall be enlarge existing openings only if authorized in writing by the Owner's shall be located in PUEs (where PUEs exist or will be granted by the v Representative. Use of pneumatic jackhammers shall be prohibited. development), and otherwise shall be placed in a location outside the proposed Maximum joint deflection shall not exceed 5 degrees or manufacturers Bacterial Water Test Per Oregon Health Division sidewalk location. 86. Manhole channels depths (sewer & storm) shall be to the heights shown on the Chlorine Residual Test Per City Requirements manufacturer installation guidelines. drawings, but in no case shall the channel depth be less than 2/3 of the pipe 104. Power, telephone and TV trenching and conduits shall be installed per utility ` diameter. Channels, as well as shelves between the channels and the manhole company requirements with pull wire. Contractor shall verify with utility company manholes and catch basins. walls, shall be sloped to drain per plan details. for size, location and type of conduit before construction, and shall ensure that pipes by pulling an approved mandrel through the completed pipeline following trenches are adequately prepared for installation per utility company requirements. 87. Manholes constructed over existing sanitary sewers shall conform to the All changes in direction of utility conduit runs shall have long radius steel bends. See note 4 requirements of OSSC (ODOT/APWA) 490.41, Manholes over Existing Sewers. The 100. TV Inspection. Upon completion of all storm sewer construction, testing and existing pipe shall not be broken out until after the completion of the manhole 105. Contractor shall notify and coordinate with franchise utilities for removal or Concrete, Block, etc. test. relocation of power poles, vaults, pedestals, manholes, etc. to avoid conflict with with grade requirements of OSSC (ODOT/APWA) 445.40.b. The TV inspection shall Public utility structures, fire hydrants, meters, sewer or storm laterals, etc. SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM: audio --visual recordings of the TV inspections on DVD (VHS video tape acceptable 88. Unless otherwise specified, sanitary sewer pipe shall be solid wall PVC in the agency with jurisdiction, a standard 1 -inch diameter ball shall be suspended conformance with ASTM D3034, SDR 35 (:<15") or ATSM F-679, PS 46 ( >>18 in front of the camera during the inspection to determine the depth of any Minimum stiffness shall be 46 psi per ASTM D-2412 and joint type shall be discharged into the pipe immediately prior to initiation of the TV inspection. The elastomeric gasket conforming to ASTM D-3212. All other appurtenances and DVD and written report shall be delivered to the Approving Agency. installation to conform to the Approving Agency's specifications. All materials c� and workmanship for all private sanitary sewers, including sewers located within REQUIRED TESTING AND FREQUENCY TABLE any building envelope, shall be installed in conformance with Uniform Plumbing 0 Code requirements. J Unless otherwise specifically noted on the drawings, manufactured fittings (tee or 1 Test/4000 S.F./Lift (4 min), locations Subgrade Wye per Approving Agency) shall be used for all lateral connections to new sewer See note 2 mainlines. 90. Contractor shall provide all necessary materials, equipment and facilities to test ti sanitary sewer pipe and appurtenances for leakage in accordance with testing N schedule herein or the Approving Agency's construction standards, whichever- are Pipe specified for lesser cover depths -or- more stringent. Sanitary sewer pipe and appurtenances shall be tested for Engineered Fills 1 Test/4000 S.F./Lift (4 min), locations leakage. Leakage tests shall include an air test of all sewer mains and laterals. -- STORM DRAIN SYSTEM: 91. Storm sewer pipe materials shall conform to the construction drawings and 0 Approving Agency's requirements. Unless otherwise noted or shown on the N drawings, storm sewer pipe materials with watertight joints shall conform to the O attached "Storm Pipe Table"'. Contractor shall use uniform pipe material on N each pipe run between structures unless otherwise directed or approved. Jointed HDPE pipe shall not be used for slopes exceeding ten percent (10%). All L' materials and workmanship for all private storm drains, including storm drains cd located within any building envelope, shall be installed in conformance with Asphalt 1 Test 6000 S.F./Lift. 4 min), locations Uniform Plumbing Code requirements. C Contractor shall designate the pipe material actually installed on the field record co) drawings and provide this information for inclusion on the as -built drawings. 93. Catch basins and junction boxes shall be set square with buildings or with the B edge of the parking lot or street wherein they lie. Storm drain inlet structures V and paving shall be adjusted so water flows into the structure without ponding Class IV ASTM C-76 reinforced concrete pipe with bell and water. 0 Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, all storm drain connections shall be Pipe specified for lesser cover depths -or- by manufactured tees or saddles. a� Unless otherwise shown on the drawings, all storm pipe inlets & outfalls shall be See 4 beveled flush to match the slope wherein they lie._ v Sweep (deflect) storm sewer pipe into catch basins and manholes as required. 5 Cl. K and workmanship for all private sanitary sewers, including sewers located within REQUIRED TESTING AND FREQUENCY TABLE any building envelope, shall be installed in conformance with Uniform Plumbing Contractor Code requirements. 89. Unless otherwise specifically noted on the drawings, manufactured fittings (tee or 1 Test/4000 S.F./Lift (4 min), locations Subgrade Wye per Approving Agency) shall be used for all lateral connections to new sewer See note 2 mainlines. 90. Contractor shall provide all necessary materials, equipment and facilities to test &note 3 sanitary sewer pipe and appurtenances for leakage in accordance with testing alternate sides of road or access aisles) schedule herein or the Approving Agency's construction standards, whichever- are Pipe specified for lesser cover depths -or- more stringent. Sanitary sewer pipe and appurtenances shall be tested for Engineered Fills 1 Test/4000 S.F./Lift (4 min), locations leakage. Leakage tests shall include an air test of all sewer mains and laterals. -- STORM DRAIN SYSTEM: 91. Storm sewer pipe materials shall conform to the construction drawings and & note 5 Approving Agency's requirements. Unless otherwise noted or shown on the Baserock 1 Test/4000 S.F./ift (4 min), locations drawings, storm sewer pipe materials with watertight joints shall conform to the See note 2 attached "Storm Pipe Table"'. Contractor shall use uniform pipe material on acceptable to approving agency (typically each pipe run between structures unless otherwise directed or approved. Jointed HDPE pipe shall not be used for slopes exceeding ten percent (10%). All alternate sides of road or access aisles) materials and workmanship for all private storm drains, including storm drains &note 3 located within any building envelope, shall be installed in conformance with Asphalt 1 Test 6000 S.F./Lift. 4 min), locations Uniform Plumbing Code requirements. 92. Contractor shall designate the pipe material actually installed on the field record acceptable to AA (typ. alternate as above drawings and provide this information for inclusion on the as -built drawings. 93. Catch basins and junction boxes shall be set square with buildings or with the B edge of the parking lot or street wherein they lie. Storm drain inlet structures V and paving shall be adjusted so water flows into the structure without ponding Class IV ASTM C-76 reinforced concrete pipe with bell and water. 94. Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, all storm drain connections shall be Pipe specified for lesser cover depths -or- by manufactured tees or saddles. 95. Unless otherwise shown on the drawings, all storm pipe inlets & outfalls shall be See 4 beveled flush to match the slope wherein they lie._ 96. Sweep (deflect) storm sewer pipe into catch basins and manholes as required. note Maximum joint deflection shall not exceed 5 degrees or manufacturers Bacterial Water Test Per Oregon Health Division recommendations, whichever is less. 97. Unless otherwise shown or directed, install storm sewer pipe in accordance with Chlorine Residual Test Per City Requirements manufacturer installation guidelines. 98. After manhole channeling and prior to mandrel testing or final acceptance, flush, Sanitary Sewer and clean all sewers, and remove all foreign material from the mainlines, ✓ manholes and catch basins. 99. Mandrel Testing. Contractor shall conduct deflection test of flexible storm sewer pipes by pulling an approved mandrel through the completed pipeline following trench compaction. The diameter of the mandrel shall be 95% of the initial pipe Mandrel 95% of actual inside diameter diameter. Test shall be conducted not more than 30 days after the trench See note 4 backfilling and compaction has been completed. 100. TV Inspection. Upon completion of all storm sewer construction, testing and repair, the Contractor shall conduct a color TV acceptance inspection of all Concrete, Block, etc. mainlines in accordance with OSSC (ODOT/APWA) 445.74 to determine compliance with grade requirements of OSSC (ODOT/APWA) 445.40.b. The TV inspection shall be conducted by an approved technical service which is equipped to make A audio --visual recordings of the TV inspections on DVD (VHS video tape acceptable only upon prior written approval by Public Works). Unless otherwise required by the agency with jurisdiction, a standard 1 -inch diameter ball shall be suspended in front of the camera during the inspection to determine the depth of any standing water. Sufficient water to reveal low areas or reverse grades shall be discharged into the pipe immediately prior to initiation of the TV inspection. The DVD and written report shall be delivered to the Approving Agency. 5 Cl. K 2 STORM PIPE TABLE Party Responsible for payment REQUIRED TESTING AND FREQUENCY TABLE Less than 2' Cover Contractor Others (see note 1)i rubber gasket. Streets, Fire Lanes, Common Driveways, Parking Lots, Pads, Fills, etc. 1 Test/4000 S.F./Lift (4 min), locations Subgrade See note 2 acceptable to approving agency (typically ✓ &note 3 alternate sides of road or access aisles) 2-1/9" to 15' Cover Pipe specified for lesser cover depths -or- Engineered Fills 1 Test/4000 S.F./Lift (4 min), locations / See note 2 acceptable to approving agency Y & note 5 Baserock 1 Test/4000 S.F./ift (4 min), locations See note 2 acceptable to approving agency (typically alternate sides of road or access aisles) &note 3 Asphalt 1 Test 6000 S.F./Lift. 4 min), locations More than 15' Cover See note 2 Cover Depth acceptable to AA (typ. alternate as above Less than 2' Cover Class 50 ductile iron pipe with bell and spigot joints and rubber Piped Utilities, All Trench Backfill 1 Test/200 Foot Trench/Lift (4 min) V See note 2 Class IV ASTM C-76 reinforced concrete pipe with bell and Trench AC Restoration 1 Test/300 Foot Trench (4 min) Y See note 2 Pipe specified for lesser cover depths -or- Water Pressure Test (to be witnessed by Owner's Representative / See 4 .depth limits listed) or approving agency) Y note Bacterial Water Test Per Oregon Health Division See note 2 Chlorine Residual Test Per City Requirements fittings, —except— (**) jointed HDPE (high density polyethylene) Sanitary Sewer Air Test Per City or APWA Requirements, ✓ See note 4 See construction drawings. whichever is more stringent Storm Mandrel 95% of actual inside diameter Y See note 4 TV Inspection All. Lines must be cleaned prior to TV work Concrete, Block, etc. Slump, Air & Cylinders for structural & reinforced concrete, See note 2 equipment slabs, curbs, sidewalks & PCC pavements. Unless Y otherwise specified, one set of cylinders per 100 cubic yards (or portion thereof) of each class of concrete placed per day Slump & air tests required on some load as cylinders. Building permit inspection & Special Inspection for structural See note 6 concrete, reinforced masonry,. epoxy anchors, etc. as required by applicable State Building Codes. Retaining Walls Building permit inspection and Special Inspection, as well / Y See note 5 as compaction testing on backfill, all in conformance with & note 6 applicable State Building. Code requirements Note 1: "Others" refers to Owner's authorized Representative- or Approving Agency as applicable. Contractor responsible for scheduling testing. All testing must be completed prior to performing subsequent work. Note 2: Testing must be performed by an approved independent testing laboratory. Note 3: In addition to in—place density testing, the subgrade and base rock shall be proof— rolled with a loaded 10 yard dump truck provided by the Contractor. Baserock proofroll shall take place immediately prior to (within 24 hours of) paving, and shall be witnessed by the Owner's authorized Representative or approving agency. Location and pattern of testing and proofroll to be as approved or directed by said Owner's authorized Representative or approving agency. Note 4: To be witnessed by the Owner's Representative or approving agency. The Contractor shall perform pretests prior to scheduling witnessed waterline or sanitary sewer pressure tests, or pipeline mandrel test. Note 5: The approved independent laboratory retained by the Contractor shall provide a certification (stamped by an engineer licensed in the State of Oregon) that the subgrade was prepared and all engineered fills were placed in accordance with the provisions of the construction drawings and the contract documents. Note 6: Regardless of who is responsible for payment, the Contractor is . responsible for scheduling and coordinating any and all required inspections and Special Inspections as required by applicable building codes or jurisdictions having authority. 2 STORM PIPE TABLE Cover Depth 6" - 18" Diameter Less than 2' Cover Class 50 ductile iron pipe with bell and spigot joints and rubber gasket. 2' to 2-1/2' Cover Pipe specified for lesser cover depths -or-- Class 3, ASTM C-14 non -reinforced concrete pipe with bell and spigot joints & rubber gaskets, ASTM 150 Type 11 cement. -or- PVC pipe conforming to AWWA C900 DR 18 (6"--12") or AWWA C--905 (14"-18") with bell and spigot joints and rubber gasket 2-1/9" to 15' Cover Pipe specified for lesser cover depths -or- PVC pipe conforming to ASTM D--3034 PVC SDR 35 (6"-15") or ASTM F-679 PVC solid wall SDR 35 (18") with bell and spigot joints and rubber gasket. -or- HDPE (high density polyethlene) pipe conforming to AASHTO M-252, (8"-10") or AASHTO M-294 (12"-18"). For slopes less than 6% the pipe shall be ADS N-12 IB ST, Hancor Sure -Lok F477, or approved equal. For slopes greater than 6% the pipe shall be ADS N-12 IB WT, Hancor Blue Seal, or approved equal with watertight pressure testable fittings, -except- jointed HDPE (high density polyethylene) pipe referenced above not permitted for depth to invert greater than 12 feet. More than 15' Cover See construction drawings. Cover Depth 21 It — 30" Diameter Less than 2' Cover Class 50 ductile iron pipe with bell and spigot joints and rubber gasket. 2' to 2-1/20 Cover Pipe specified for lesser cover depths -or- Class IV ASTM C-76 reinforced concrete pipe with bell and spigot joints and rubber gasket, ASTM 150, Type II cement. 2-1/2' to 15' Cover Pipe specified for lesser cover depths -or- (**HDPE allowed up to 60" diameter ASTM F-679 PVC solid wall SDR 35 pipe with bell and subject to max. spigot joints and rubber gasket -or- .depth limits listed) HDPE (high density polyethlene) pipe conforming to AASHTO M-294. For slopes less than 6% -the pipe shall be ADS N-12 IB ST, Hancor Sure -Lok F477. or approved equal. For slopes greater than 6% the pipe shall be ADS N-12 IB WT, Hancor Blue Seal, or approved equal with watertight pressure testable fittings, —except— (**) jointed HDPE (high density polyethylene) pipe referenced ---above not permitted for depth to invert greater than 12 feet. More than 15' Cover See construction drawings. Greater than 30" diameter and other pipe materials: Case by case basis. F,1e C�Py CC�o�-�IPa �ji�e P1cu�t 2eiAwn� eu- PV) i ON- 0� �G �o NCARB CERTIFIED MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS D PRO RENEWS: 6/30/2020 PROJECT: THE ESTHER AT RIVER BEND ASSISTED LIVING COMMUNITY 3535 GAME FARM ROAD SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ARCHITECT: PATRICK BICKLER, LLC 1313 Mill St. SE, Ste. 201 Salem, Oregon 97301 503.588.7046 0 503.316.0455 @ PROJECT NO.: 1910 DRAWN: AR CHECKED: SAW SHEET TITLE: CONSTRUCTION NOTES DATE: 12.15.2019 REVISIONS: NOTICE: All drawings and written material appearing herein constitute the original and unpublished work of the Architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the prior written consent of the Architect. SHEET: C1.2 OF: WE JOB# 3172.0000.0 N 0 D C a A M T r N 0 N CO 2 c 0 0 U GAS GAS G. GAS4 " GAS GAS AS —MGAS M GAS M GAS GAS ww GAS GAS „ GAS GAS GAS G GAS 4 " GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS 4)' AS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS—GAS GAS 4 " GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS — W H2O I2 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w H2O %2 w w w w w w w w w— H2O I2" w N w w g 6 0 y SD � SD 7 __._- SD SS Ss SS Ss SS SS SS Ss Ss SS SS SS S SS Ss SS Ss SS SS SS SS SS sS / �0— — SS Ss SS SS ® — Ss SS Ss SS S� Ss SS SS Ss Ss Ss SS Ss SS \ SS SS SS SS — U) SD SD Sp SD SD SD SD �. SD Cf) o SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD \ Sp — SD SD SD SD SD SD SD / SD I 3: 0IDEADMOND FERRY RD - I - -- — In P 611 co o P 1 \ P a 1 I 1 R P I — _ I I N MailBox � o ELEC EL ELEC ELEC LE — 3313 3313 3313 X313 3313 N 3313 — l3 3 l3 3313 3313 33 3 l3 313 331 3313 3 3 3313 3 3 ® 313 ® 3 C 3 313 X313 3313 3 l3 3313 313 313 3 l3 33 3 3 —�— 31 31 ELEC ELEC — E— 0 � � � � \ EXIST STOP SIGN \ �' I ® — — R R STORM ~ \ \ R co / EXIST 35 MPH \ \, \ O 1 1/� ` '\l\ \ fl \ Q `\�!/j R I �5 ti l SPEED SIGN \ , \ '� 1 1f �— - R 5 24 CUL VER 3 \\ O SHED \\ — �� \ \ �\ R t EL=429.82' �L I \ \ �1\ '� �s \ 1 4.'00x5.25 l O \ , \ �� P RJt \ \ I RPIP \ , \ I ,Q ( 6.00x 25 �s DIRECTION a EXISTING BUILDING EXIST/NG BUILDING \ \ HEIGHT.- 456:28 1 OF FLOW APPROXIMATE I EXISTING DRAINAGE \ ! FF 439.01 R / HEIGHT" 454.19 �� p FF. 439.51 _ \ O - FLOWS SOUTH EAST t SHED !�V A V>>��l\� i HEIGH \ \ \. \ \ \ y EXIS»FV1 R 3 v v `� R ,t�a� '� � \ � BUILDING �' � f � � \ \f \ �/ R \ FF 437.24 R ® R �;\( o X32 \ \/_ \/0 15 30 60 'r�J \ R \ R j''' \ t I \ r� \ 130 \ \\' \17.1�Ox (feet) \ \ ,1 R et) 9 EXISTING BUILDING \ O \ \ \ \ \ s \ J \ c9 I I \ e r SH s / FF 438.65 +� \ \ E` \ ? 23. x6. 0 \ s � CONSTRUCTION I I \ / I ' ' \ ° Q ENTRANCE R TREES `��' \ i l O,n �O \ \, \ , \ �� p 1 \ ��, 1 ss \ � i \ � \ � t N � R SHED.. R ; I \ \ �' ; , O 11. oox2o.00 57 0 — — — pFENCE f \ DEMOLITION LEGEND OA ABANDON IN PLACE OP CONTRACTOR TO SAVE &PROTECT AT ALL TIMES. OR CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE &DISPOSE OFF SITE. RO REMOVED BY OTHERS R1 .CONTRACTOR TO RELOCATE OS SAWCUT. EROSION CONTROL LEGEND SILT FENCE SEE DTL SILT SACK INLET PROTECTION USE BIO BAGS ON CURB INLET CATCH BASINS. USE SILT SACKS ON STANDARD CATCH BASINS. VOTES: 1. REMOVE & REPLACE EXIST DRIVEWAY & DROP CURB WITH FULL DEPTH CURB TO CITY STANDARDS, 2. NO STOCKPILING ALLOWED ON SITE. 3. THE SITE IS IN THE 2 YEAR TRAVEL OF TIME ZONE. A DRINKING WATER PROTECTION PERMIT IS REQUIRED. 4. A TREE FELLING PERMIT IS REQUIRED BEFORE REMOVING ANY TREES. 5. SEE DWG C3.0 FOR NEW FINISH GRADES. A LAND DRAINAGE & ALTERATION PERMIT IS REQUIRED. STRIP & WASTE 3000 CY EXCAVATE & PLACE IN FILL 500 CY IMPORT & PLACE IN FILL 4000 CY 5 \ PCC-- s° � \ % r-- -� .. r CHICKEN WASHOUT 435 ETLAND c' OUNDANr 422 NOTE: THE NEAREST LANE TRANSIT DISTRICT FACILITIES ARE ON RIVERBEND DRIVE NEAR ST JOSEPH PLACE AND ON INTERNATIONAL WAY NORTH OF THE INTERSECTION WITH DEADMOND FERRY ROAD. ACCORDING TO THE CITY'S MAPPING THE SITE IS WITHIN THE 1-5 YEAR TIME OF TRAVEL ZONE FOR THE SPORTS WAY WELLHEAD.. ��l-2o- e0oo�i-�IPa 0 4 � 3 �Ga� _�p NCARB CERTIFIED MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS RENEWS: 6/30/2020 PROJECT: THE ESTHER AT RIVER BEND ASSISTED LIVING COMMUNITY 3535 GAME FARM ROAD SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ARCHITECT: PATRICK BICKLER, LLC 1313 Mill St. SE, Ste. 201 Salem, Oregon 97301 503.588.7046 4 503.316.0455 Q PROJECT NO.: 1910 DRAWN: AR CHECKED: SAW SHEET TITLE: EXISTING CONDITIONS, EROSION CONTROL, & DEMOLITION PLAN DATE: 12.15.2019 REVISIONS: NOTICE: All drawings and written material appearing herein constitute the original and unpublished work of the Architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the prior written consent of the Architect. SHEET: C2.0 OF: WE JOB# 3172.0000.0 N 1 ■ D C N a� O 06 B Z w N IL CV 0 a. CLc co a� N W <t W _i U m 0 Cr. a A CD T N 0 N ccs DEQ EROSION CONTROL STANDARD NOTES: 1. Hold a pre- construction meeting of project constructionction personnel that includes .the inspector to discussuss erosionn and sediment control measures and construction limits. (Schedule A.8.c.i.(3)) 2. All inspections must be made in accordance with DEQ 1200-C permit requirements. (Schedule A.12.b and Schedule B.1) 3. Inspection logs must be kept in accordance with DEQ's 1200-C permit requirements. (Schedule B.1.c and B.2) 4. Retain a copy of the ESCP and all revisions on site and make it available on request to DEQ, Agent, or the local municipality. During inactive periods of greater than seven (7) consecutive calendar days, the above records must be retained by the permit registrant but do not need to be at the construction site. (Schedule B.2.c) 5. All permit registrants must implement the ESCP. Failure to implement any of the control measures or practices described in the ESCP is a violation. of the permit. (Schedule A 8.a) 6. The ESCP must be accurate and reflect site conditions. (Schedule A.12.c.i) 7. Submission of all ESCP revisions is not required. Submittal of the ESCP revisions is only under specific conditions. Submit all necessary revision to DEQ or Agent within 10 days. (Schedule A.12.c.iv. and v) 8. Phase clearing andrading to the maximum extent practical to prevent exposed inactive areas from becoming a source of erosion. (Schedule A.7.a.iii) 9. Identify, mark, and protect (by construction fencing or other means) critical riparian areas and vegetation including important trees and associated rootin zones, and vegetation areas to be preserved. Identify vegetative buffer zones between the site and sensitive areas ?e.g., wetlands), and other areas to be preserved, especially in perimeter areas. (Schedule A.8.c.i.(1) and (2)) 10. Preserve existing vegetation when practical and re -vegetate open areas. Re -vegetate open areas when practicable before and after grading or construction. Identify the type of vegetative seed mix used. (Schedule. A.7.a.v) 11. Maintain and delineate any existing natural buffer within the 50 -feet of waters of the state. (Schedule A.7.b.i.and (2(a)(b)) 12. Install perimeter sediment control, including storm drain inlet protection as well as all sediment basins, traps, and barriers prior to land disturbance. (Schedule A.8.c.i.(5)) 13. Control both peak flow rates and total stormwater volume, to minimize erosion at outlets and downstream channels and streambanks. (Schedule A.7.c) 14. Control sediment as needed along the site perimeter and at all operational internal storm drain inlets at all times during construction, both internally and at the site boundary. (Schedule A.7.d.i) 15. Establish concrete truck and other concrete equipment washout areas before beginning concrete work. (Schedule A.8.c.i.(6)) 16. Apply temporary and/or permanent soil stabilization measures immediately on all disturbed areas as grading progresses. Temporary or permanent stabilizations measures are not required for areas that are intended to be left unvegetated, such as dirt access roads or utility pole pads.(Schedule A.8.c.ii.(3)) 17. Establish material and waste storage areas, and other non-stormwater controls. (Schedule A.8.c.i.(7)) 18. Prevent tracking of sediment onto public or private roads using BMPs such as: construction entrance, graveled (or paved) exits and parking areas, gravel all unpaved roads located onsite, or use an exit tire wash. These BMPs must be in place prior to land -disturbing activities. (Schedule A 7.d.ii and A.8.c.i(4)) 19. When trucking saturated soils from the site, either use water -tight trucks or drain loads on site. (Schedule A.7.d.ii.(5)) 20. Control prohibited discharges from leavin the construction site, i.e., concrete wash-out, wastewater from cleanout of stucco, 'paint and curing compounds. ?Schedule A.6) 21. Use BMPs to prevent or minimize stormwater exposure to pollutants from spills; vehicle and equipment fueling, maintenance, and storage; other cleaning and maintenance activities; and waste handling activities. These pollutants include fuel, hydraulic fluid, and other oils from vehicles and machinery, as well as debris, fertilizer, pesticides and herbicides, paints, solvents, curing compounds and adhesives from construction operations. (Schedule A.Te.i.(2)) 22. implement the following BMPs when applicable: written spill prevention and response procedures, employee training on spill prevention and proper disposal procedures, spill kits in all vehicles, regular maintenance schedule for vehicles and machinery, material delivery and storage controls, training and signage, and covered storage areas for waste and supplies. (Schedule A. 7.e.iii.) 23. Use water, soil -binding agent or other dust control technique as needed to avoid wind-blown soil. (Schedule A 7.a.iv) 24. The application rate of fertilizers used to reestablish vegetation must follow manufacturer's recommendations to minimize nutrient releases to surface waters. Exercise caution when using time -release fertilizers within any waterway riparian zone. (Schedule A.9.b.iii) 25. If an active treatment system for example, electro --coagulation, flocculation, filtration, etc.) for sediment or other pollutant removal is employed, submit an operation and maintenance plan (including system schematic, location of system, location of inlet, location of discharge, discharge dispersion device design, and a sampling plan and frequency) before operating the treatment system. Obtain plan approval before operating the treatment system. Operate and maintain the treatment system according to manufacturers specifications. (Schedule A.9.d) 26. Temporarily stabilize soils at the end of the shift before holidays and weekends, if needed. The registrant is responsible for ensuring that soils are stable during rain events at all times of the year. (Schedule A 7.b) 27. As needed based on weather conditions, at the end of each workday soil stockpiles must be stabilized or covered, or other BMPs must be implemented to prevent discharges to surface waters or conveyance systems leading to surface waters. (Schedule A 7.e.ii.(2)) 28. Construction activities must avoid or minimize excavation and bare ground activities during wet weather. (Schedule A.7.a. i) 29. Sediment fence: remove trapped sediment before it reaches one third of the above ground fence height and before fence removal. (Schedule A.9.c.i) 30. Other sediment barriers (such as biobags): remove sediment before it reaches two inches depth above ground height and before BMP removal. (Schedule A.9.c.i) 31. Catch basins: clean before retention capacity has been reduced by fifty percent. Sediment basins and sediment traps: remove trapped sediments before design capacity has been reduced by fifty percent and at completion of project. (Schedule A.9.c.iii& iv) �e .> ..... . c� 42112} �h's� "Y IG -sit, � �""� F :� ��T z • • • • • • • • • ctive Once to ensure that ei )ibility. • �l � Shf � .� F F C "'xe �P.S" � e'er ^a c.# ai' r.=,�� 'iY ( a' %�✓.F� ";.'i% R� `� X maintenance and repair X X Once every month. is X X relevant and accessible X �� ..v� may, ;+�% CLEARING X or when weather condi- X P EXCAVATION CONSTRUCTION SEDIMENT CON'MOLS- Silt Sediment Traps Sediment Basins Storm Inlet Protection Check Dams Contour Furrows Terracing Pipe • . - Drains Rock Outlet ProtectionGravel Entrance Gross-linedConstruction Channel Reinforcement M Protection of trees construction - - Temporary Seeding Planting MENNEN Other: INSPECTION FREQUENCY FOR BMP IASE 2 PHASE 3 PHASE 4 PHASE 5 X X X At least once every 14 X stormwater runoff is of ctive Once to ensure that ei )ibility. X X maintenance and repair X X Once every month. is X X relevant and accessible X X X or when weather condi- X P 32. Within 24 hours, significant sediment that has left the construction site, must be remediated. investigate the cause of the sediment release and implement steps to prevent a recurrence of the discharge within the same 24 hours. Any in --stream clean-up of sediment shall be performed according to the Oregon Division of State Lands required BMP Rationale timeframe. (Schedule A.9.b.i) A comprehensive list of available Best Management Practices (BMP) options based Vacuuming dr on DEQ's 1200-C Permit Application and ESCP Guidance Document has been reviewed to complete this 33. The intentional washing of sediment into storm sewers or drainage ways must not occur. g or y Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. Some of the above listed BMPs were not chosen because they sweeping and material pickup must be used to cleanup released sediments. (Schedule A.9.b.ii) were determined to not effectively manage erosion prevention and sediment control for this project based on specific site conditions, including soil conditions, topographic constraints, accessibility to the 34. The entire site must be temporarily stabilized using vegetation or a heavy mulch layer, temporary seeding, or other site, and other related conditions. As the project progresses and there is a need to revise the ESCP, method should all construction activities cease for 30 days or more. (Schedule A.7.f.i) an Action Plan will be submitted. 35. Provide temporary stabilization for that portion of the site where construction activities cease for 14 days or more with .a covering of blown straw and a tackifier, loose straw, or an adequate covering of compost mulch until work resumes on that portion of the site. (Schedule A.7.f.ii) I TYPE(S): PER LANE CO. SOIL SURVEY THE SITE SOILS INCLUDE, "MALABON SILTY CLAY. LOAM & MALABON-URBAN P SOIL LAND COMPLEX." 36. Do not remove temporary sediment control practices until permanent vegetation or other cover of exposed areas is established. Once construction is complete and the site is stabilized, all temporary erosion controls and retained EROSION HAZARD: PER LANE CO. SOIL SURVEY EROSION HAZARD RANGES IS "SLIGHT". soils must be removed and disposed of properly, unless doing so conflicts with local requirements. (Schedule A.8.c.iii(1) and D.3.c.ii and iii) SITE AREA: 2.78 Ac B Krista Ratliff DISTURBANCE AREA:. 2.78 Ac Rev. 12/15/15 �' 5 El 3 SUPPLEMENTAL WESTECH NOTES: n 1. Erosion control measures shall be maintained in such a manner as to ensure that sediment and sediment -laden water does not enter the drainge system, roadways, or violate applicable water quality standards. 2. The erosion control construction, maintenance, replacement and upgrading of the erosion control facilities is the responsibility of the Contractor until all construction is completed and approved, and permanent erosion control (i.e. vegetation/landscaping) is established on all disturbed areas. 3. All recommended erosion control procedures are dependent on construction methods, staging, site conditions, weather and scheduling. During the construction period, erosion control facilities shall be upgraded as necessary due to unexpected storm events and to ensure that sediment and sediment laden water does not leave the site. 4. The Contractor is responsible for control of sediment transport within project limits. If an installed erosion control system does not adequately contain sediment on site, then the erosion control measures shall be adjusted or supplemented by the Contractor as necessary to ensure that sediment laden water does not leave the site. Additional measures shall be provided as required to ensure that all paved areas are kept clean for the duration of the project. Additional interim measures will include, at a minimum, installation of silt fences in accordance with the details shown on the drawings. These measures shall be installed along all exposed embankments and cut slopes to prevent sediment transport. 5. All existing and newly constructed storm inlets and drains shall be protected until pavement surfaces are completed and/or vegetation is established. 6. Erosion control facilities and sediment fences on active sites shall be inspected by the Contractor at least daily during any period with measurable precipitation. Any required repairs or maintenance shall be completed immediately. The erosion control facilities on inactive sites shall be inspected and maintained by the Contractor a minimum of once a month or within 24 hours following the start of a storm event. 7. All catch basins and conveyance lines shall be cleaned prior to paving. The cleaning operation shall not flush sediment -laden water into the downstream system. The Contractor shall remove all accumulated sediment from all impacted catch basins and storm pipes. prior to acceptance by the Owner. 8. The Contractor is solely responsible for protection of all adjacent property and downstream facilities from erosion and siltation during project construction. Any damage resulting from such erosion and siltation shall be corrected at the sone expense of the Contractor. 9. The Contractor shall provide site watering as necessary to prevent wind erosion of fine-grained soils. 10. Unless otherwise indicated on the drawings, all temporary erosion control facilities, including sediment fences, silt sacks, bio --bags, etc. shall be removed by the Contractor within 30 days after permanent landscaping/vegetation is established. 11. Sediment fences shall be constructed of continuous filter fabric to avoid use of joints. When joints are necessary, filter cloth shall be spliced together only at a support post, with a minimum 6 -inch overlap, and both ends securely fastened to a post. 12. Sediment fence shall be installed per drawing details. Sediment fences shall have adequate support to contain all silt and sediment captured. 13. The standard strength filter fabric shall be fastened securely to stitched loops installed on the upslope side of the posts, and 6 inches of the fabric shall be extended into the trench. The fabric shall not extend more than 30 inches above the original ground surface. Filter fabric shall not be stapled to existing trees. 14. Bio -filter bags shall be clean 100 percent wood product waste. Bags shall be 18 -inch x 18 -inch x 30 -inch, weigh approximately 45 lbs., and be contained in a bag made of 1/2 -inch plastic mesh. 15. Sediment barriers shall be maintained until the up-slope area has been permanently stabilized. At no time shall more than 10 -inches of sediment be allowed to accumulate behind sediment fences. No more than 2 inches of sediment shall be allowed to accumulate behind bio -filter bags. Sediment shall- be removed prior to reaching the above stated depths. New sediment barriers shall be installed uphill as required to control sediment transport. 16. Stabilized construction entrances shall be installed at the beginning of construction and maintained for the duration of the project. Additional measures may be required . to ensure that all paved areas are kept clean for the duration of the project. 17. The Contractor shall verify that all trucks are well sealed when transporting saturated soils from the site. Water drippage from trucks transporting saturated soils must be reduced to less than 1 gallon per hour prior to Leaving the site. 18. The entrance shall be maintained in a condition that will prevent tracking or flow of mud onto the public right-of-way or approved access point. The entrance may require periodic top dressing as conditions demand, and repair and/or cleanout of any structures used to trap sediment. 19. All materials spilled, dropped, washed, or tracked from vehicles onto roadways or into storm drains must be removed immediately, and the Contractor shall provide protection of downstream inlets and catch basins to ensure sediment laden water does not enter the storm drain system. 20. Temporary grass cover measures must be fully established by October 15th, or other cover measures (ie. erosion control blankets with anchors, 3 -inches minimum of straw mulch, 6 mil HDPE plastic sheet, etc.) shall be in place over all disturbed soil areas until April 30th. To establish , an adequate grass stand for controlling erosion by October 15th, it is recommended that seeding and mulching occur by September 1 st. I Straw mulch, if used, shall not leave any bare ground visible through the straw. 21. Minimum wet weather slope protection. For slopes steeper than 3H:1 V but less than 2H:1 V, use Tensor/North American Green Type S150 erosion control blanket. For slopes 2H:1 V or steeper, use Tensar/North American Green Type SC1'50 erosion control blanket. Use a minimum of 2 -inches straw mulch or Tensar/North American Green Type S150 for slopes flatter than 3H:1 V. Slope protection shall be placed on all disturbed areas immediately after completion of each section of construction activity, until the erosion control seeding has been established. As an option during temporary or seasonal work stoppages, a 6 -mil HDPE plastic sheet may be placed on exposed slopes. The plastic sheet shall be provided with an anchor trench at the top and bottom of the slope, and shall be sandbagged on the ` slopes as required to prevent damage or displacement by wind. 22. Permanent erosion control vegetation on all embankments and disturbed areas shall be re-established as soon as construction is completed. 23. Soil preparation. Topsoil should be prepared according to landscape plans, if available, or recommendations of grass- seed -supplier. It is recommended that slopes be textured before seeding by rack walking (ie. driving a crawling tractor upand down the slopes to leave a pattern of cleat imprints parallel to slope contours) or other method to provide stable areas for seeds to rest. 4. When used hydromulch shall be applied with rays seed at a rate of 2000 lbs. per acre between Aril 30 and 2 Y PP 9 P P June 10, or between September 1 and October 1. On slopes steeper than 10 percent, hydroseed and mulch shall be applied with a bonding agent (tackifier). Application rate and methodology to be in accordance with seed supplier recommendations. 25. When used in -lieu of hydromulch, dry, loose, weed free straw used as mulch shall be applied at a rate of 4000 lbs; per acre (double the hydromulch application requirement). Anchor straw by working in by hand or with equipment (rollers, cleat trackers, etc.). Mulch shall be spread uniformly immediately following seeding. 26. When conditions are not favorable to germination and establishment of the grass seed, the Contractor shall irrigate the, seeded and mulched areas as required to establish the grass cover. 27. Seeding. Recommended erosion control grass seed mix is as follows. . Dwarf grass mix (low height, low maintenance) consisting of dwarf perennial ryegrass (80 % by weight), creeping red fescue (20 % by weight). Application rate shall be 100 lbs. per acre minimum. 28. Grass seed shall be fertilized at a rate of 10 lbs. per 1000 S.F with 16- 16-16 slow release type fertilizer. Development areas within 50 feet of water bodies and wetlands must use a non -phosphorous fertilizer. 29. Prior to starting construction contractor shall acquire the services of a DEQ Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Inspector and shall submit an "Action Plan" to DEQ indentifyiing their names, contact information, training and experience as required in Schedule A.6.b.i--ii of the 1200-C Permit 30. Contractor shall submit "Notice of Termination" to DEQ to end the 12007C permit coverage once all soil disturbance activities have been completed and final stabilization of exposed soils has occured. Date V 00 T V, P wA Ric.,"cw JAN 0 rill Submittal 2 � 1 G YO GQ _ oo NCARB CERTIFIED MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS RENEWS: 6/30/2020 THE ESTHER AT RIVER BEND ASSISTED LIVING COMMUNITY 3535 GAME FARM ROAD SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ARCHITECT: PATRICK SICKLER, LLC 1313 Mill St. SE, Ste. 201 Salem, Oregon 97301 503.588.7046 0 503.316.0455 Q PROJECT NO.: 1910 DRAWN: AR CHECKED: SAW SHEET TITLE: EROSON CONTROL NOTES & DETAILS DATE: 12.15.2019 REVISIONS: a NOTICE: All drawings and written material appearing herein constitute the original and unpublished work of the Architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the prior written consent of the Architect. SHEET: C2.1 OF: WE JOB# 3172.0000.0 N Minimum Daily when stormwater snowmelt, is occurring. At least once every 14 stormwater runoff is of ctive Once to ensure that ei )ibility. measures are in workir maintenance and repair leaving the site. 30even Once every month. is If practical, inspections 3ther relevant and accessible downstream location. is Monthly. Resume monit or when weather condi- 32. Within 24 hours, significant sediment that has left the construction site, must be remediated. investigate the cause of the sediment release and implement steps to prevent a recurrence of the discharge within the same 24 hours. Any in --stream clean-up of sediment shall be performed according to the Oregon Division of State Lands required BMP Rationale timeframe. (Schedule A.9.b.i) A comprehensive list of available Best Management Practices (BMP) options based Vacuuming dr on DEQ's 1200-C Permit Application and ESCP Guidance Document has been reviewed to complete this 33. The intentional washing of sediment into storm sewers or drainage ways must not occur. g or y Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. Some of the above listed BMPs were not chosen because they sweeping and material pickup must be used to cleanup released sediments. (Schedule A.9.b.ii) were determined to not effectively manage erosion prevention and sediment control for this project based on specific site conditions, including soil conditions, topographic constraints, accessibility to the 34. The entire site must be temporarily stabilized using vegetation or a heavy mulch layer, temporary seeding, or other site, and other related conditions. As the project progresses and there is a need to revise the ESCP, method should all construction activities cease for 30 days or more. (Schedule A.7.f.i) an Action Plan will be submitted. 35. Provide temporary stabilization for that portion of the site where construction activities cease for 14 days or more with .a covering of blown straw and a tackifier, loose straw, or an adequate covering of compost mulch until work resumes on that portion of the site. (Schedule A.7.f.ii) I TYPE(S): PER LANE CO. SOIL SURVEY THE SITE SOILS INCLUDE, "MALABON SILTY CLAY. LOAM & MALABON-URBAN P SOIL LAND COMPLEX." 36. Do not remove temporary sediment control practices until permanent vegetation or other cover of exposed areas is established. Once construction is complete and the site is stabilized, all temporary erosion controls and retained EROSION HAZARD: PER LANE CO. SOIL SURVEY EROSION HAZARD RANGES IS "SLIGHT". soils must be removed and disposed of properly, unless doing so conflicts with local requirements. (Schedule A.8.c.iii(1) and D.3.c.ii and iii) SITE AREA: 2.78 Ac B Krista Ratliff DISTURBANCE AREA:. 2.78 Ac Rev. 12/15/15 �' 5 El 3 SUPPLEMENTAL WESTECH NOTES: n 1. Erosion control measures shall be maintained in such a manner as to ensure that sediment and sediment -laden water does not enter the drainge system, roadways, or violate applicable water quality standards. 2. The erosion control construction, maintenance, replacement and upgrading of the erosion control facilities is the responsibility of the Contractor until all construction is completed and approved, and permanent erosion control (i.e. vegetation/landscaping) is established on all disturbed areas. 3. All recommended erosion control procedures are dependent on construction methods, staging, site conditions, weather and scheduling. During the construction period, erosion control facilities shall be upgraded as necessary due to unexpected storm events and to ensure that sediment and sediment laden water does not leave the site. 4. The Contractor is responsible for control of sediment transport within project limits. If an installed erosion control system does not adequately contain sediment on site, then the erosion control measures shall be adjusted or supplemented by the Contractor as necessary to ensure that sediment laden water does not leave the site. Additional measures shall be provided as required to ensure that all paved areas are kept clean for the duration of the project. Additional interim measures will include, at a minimum, installation of silt fences in accordance with the details shown on the drawings. These measures shall be installed along all exposed embankments and cut slopes to prevent sediment transport. 5. All existing and newly constructed storm inlets and drains shall be protected until pavement surfaces are completed and/or vegetation is established. 6. Erosion control facilities and sediment fences on active sites shall be inspected by the Contractor at least daily during any period with measurable precipitation. Any required repairs or maintenance shall be completed immediately. The erosion control facilities on inactive sites shall be inspected and maintained by the Contractor a minimum of once a month or within 24 hours following the start of a storm event. 7. All catch basins and conveyance lines shall be cleaned prior to paving. The cleaning operation shall not flush sediment -laden water into the downstream system. The Contractor shall remove all accumulated sediment from all impacted catch basins and storm pipes. prior to acceptance by the Owner. 8. The Contractor is solely responsible for protection of all adjacent property and downstream facilities from erosion and siltation during project construction. Any damage resulting from such erosion and siltation shall be corrected at the sone expense of the Contractor. 9. The Contractor shall provide site watering as necessary to prevent wind erosion of fine-grained soils. 10. Unless otherwise indicated on the drawings, all temporary erosion control facilities, including sediment fences, silt sacks, bio --bags, etc. shall be removed by the Contractor within 30 days after permanent landscaping/vegetation is established. 11. Sediment fences shall be constructed of continuous filter fabric to avoid use of joints. When joints are necessary, filter cloth shall be spliced together only at a support post, with a minimum 6 -inch overlap, and both ends securely fastened to a post. 12. Sediment fence shall be installed per drawing details. Sediment fences shall have adequate support to contain all silt and sediment captured. 13. The standard strength filter fabric shall be fastened securely to stitched loops installed on the upslope side of the posts, and 6 inches of the fabric shall be extended into the trench. The fabric shall not extend more than 30 inches above the original ground surface. Filter fabric shall not be stapled to existing trees. 14. Bio -filter bags shall be clean 100 percent wood product waste. Bags shall be 18 -inch x 18 -inch x 30 -inch, weigh approximately 45 lbs., and be contained in a bag made of 1/2 -inch plastic mesh. 15. Sediment barriers shall be maintained until the up-slope area has been permanently stabilized. At no time shall more than 10 -inches of sediment be allowed to accumulate behind sediment fences. No more than 2 inches of sediment shall be allowed to accumulate behind bio -filter bags. Sediment shall- be removed prior to reaching the above stated depths. New sediment barriers shall be installed uphill as required to control sediment transport. 16. Stabilized construction entrances shall be installed at the beginning of construction and maintained for the duration of the project. Additional measures may be required . to ensure that all paved areas are kept clean for the duration of the project. 17. The Contractor shall verify that all trucks are well sealed when transporting saturated soils from the site. Water drippage from trucks transporting saturated soils must be reduced to less than 1 gallon per hour prior to Leaving the site. 18. The entrance shall be maintained in a condition that will prevent tracking or flow of mud onto the public right-of-way or approved access point. The entrance may require periodic top dressing as conditions demand, and repair and/or cleanout of any structures used to trap sediment. 19. All materials spilled, dropped, washed, or tracked from vehicles onto roadways or into storm drains must be removed immediately, and the Contractor shall provide protection of downstream inlets and catch basins to ensure sediment laden water does not enter the storm drain system. 20. Temporary grass cover measures must be fully established by October 15th, or other cover measures (ie. erosion control blankets with anchors, 3 -inches minimum of straw mulch, 6 mil HDPE plastic sheet, etc.) shall be in place over all disturbed soil areas until April 30th. To establish , an adequate grass stand for controlling erosion by October 15th, it is recommended that seeding and mulching occur by September 1 st. I Straw mulch, if used, shall not leave any bare ground visible through the straw. 21. Minimum wet weather slope protection. For slopes steeper than 3H:1 V but less than 2H:1 V, use Tensor/North American Green Type S150 erosion control blanket. For slopes 2H:1 V or steeper, use Tensar/North American Green Type SC1'50 erosion control blanket. Use a minimum of 2 -inches straw mulch or Tensar/North American Green Type S150 for slopes flatter than 3H:1 V. Slope protection shall be placed on all disturbed areas immediately after completion of each section of construction activity, until the erosion control seeding has been established. As an option during temporary or seasonal work stoppages, a 6 -mil HDPE plastic sheet may be placed on exposed slopes. The plastic sheet shall be provided with an anchor trench at the top and bottom of the slope, and shall be sandbagged on the ` slopes as required to prevent damage or displacement by wind. 22. Permanent erosion control vegetation on all embankments and disturbed areas shall be re-established as soon as construction is completed. 23. Soil preparation. Topsoil should be prepared according to landscape plans, if available, or recommendations of grass- seed -supplier. It is recommended that slopes be textured before seeding by rack walking (ie. driving a crawling tractor upand down the slopes to leave a pattern of cleat imprints parallel to slope contours) or other method to provide stable areas for seeds to rest. 4. When used hydromulch shall be applied with rays seed at a rate of 2000 lbs. per acre between Aril 30 and 2 Y PP 9 P P June 10, or between September 1 and October 1. On slopes steeper than 10 percent, hydroseed and mulch shall be applied with a bonding agent (tackifier). Application rate and methodology to be in accordance with seed supplier recommendations. 25. When used in -lieu of hydromulch, dry, loose, weed free straw used as mulch shall be applied at a rate of 4000 lbs; per acre (double the hydromulch application requirement). Anchor straw by working in by hand or with equipment (rollers, cleat trackers, etc.). Mulch shall be spread uniformly immediately following seeding. 26. When conditions are not favorable to germination and establishment of the grass seed, the Contractor shall irrigate the, seeded and mulched areas as required to establish the grass cover. 27. Seeding. Recommended erosion control grass seed mix is as follows. . Dwarf grass mix (low height, low maintenance) consisting of dwarf perennial ryegrass (80 % by weight), creeping red fescue (20 % by weight). Application rate shall be 100 lbs. per acre minimum. 28. Grass seed shall be fertilized at a rate of 10 lbs. per 1000 S.F with 16- 16-16 slow release type fertilizer. Development areas within 50 feet of water bodies and wetlands must use a non -phosphorous fertilizer. 29. Prior to starting construction contractor shall acquire the services of a DEQ Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Inspector and shall submit an "Action Plan" to DEQ indentifyiing their names, contact information, training and experience as required in Schedule A.6.b.i--ii of the 1200-C Permit 30. Contractor shall submit "Notice of Termination" to DEQ to end the 12007C permit coverage once all soil disturbance activities have been completed and final stabilization of exposed soils has occured. Date V 00 T V, P wA Ric.,"cw JAN 0 rill Submittal 2 � 1 G YO GQ _ oo NCARB CERTIFIED MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS RENEWS: 6/30/2020 THE ESTHER AT RIVER BEND ASSISTED LIVING COMMUNITY 3535 GAME FARM ROAD SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ARCHITECT: PATRICK SICKLER, LLC 1313 Mill St. SE, Ste. 201 Salem, Oregon 97301 503.588.7046 0 503.316.0455 Q PROJECT NO.: 1910 DRAWN: AR CHECKED: SAW SHEET TITLE: EROSON CONTROL NOTES & DETAILS DATE: 12.15.2019 REVISIONS: a NOTICE: All drawings and written material appearing herein constitute the original and unpublished work of the Architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the prior written consent of the Architect. SHEET: C2.1 OF: WE JOB# 3172.0000.0 N ■ ■ EXIST. PUBLIC ROAD OR SILT FENCE NOTES: G WOOD STAKE APPROVED ACCESS POINT ANGLE BOTH ENDS OF FILTER FABRIC ER SPACING SEDIMENT L 1"X1"X24" 1. BURY BOTTOM OF FILTER FABRIC 6 FENCE TO ASSURE SOIL 1S TRAPPED. BARRIER LE) TRAPPING VERTICALLY BELOW FINISHED GRADE. SPAeING SEE SAB RICE OR 25' MIN RADIUS 2. TRENCH TO BE DUG WITH DITCH -WITCH, RRIER COCONUT Off' �\� ( ) BY HAND OR OTHER METHOD AS BARRIER CABLE) � -----� \��\\�/� STRAW _ROLLS TYP REQUIRED TO MINIMIZE WIDTH. "\� s , 3. BACKFILL & COMPACT NATIVE SOIL \�\ (\���\�\ /\\\/\\\ \i \ I NCARB CERTIFIED D �� ,� IN TRENCH AFTER FENCE INSTALLATION. ---_- - \\� ,\,\\i�\�\'%\\ \\��i/ MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS i\\i\\// /i\\i\\i\\i�` I I PLASTIC SHEETING. • �/ ti 4. STITCHED LOOPS TO BE INSTALLED �'\'\\/\/\\\ \\/ ��� \\\�� MINIMUM 12 OVERLAP OF SEAMS. „ TO THE UPHILL SIDE OF THE FENCE. /\\��\.� �'` ,�\\� % \\"\'`�' `'� " TOP VIEW INTERLOCK 2x2 /\ �\\���� �'��� ��%�f� I I PROF D POSTS AND ATTACH.\��\\.\��\� \�\\�� /�� \�\ j i r\ + ++ + + + SSS +++++++++++++++++ ++++++ +++ ��o s � \.- \� LOPE \ \\\�\ �\\\� � �G, ANG t N EES io FILTER FABRIC ++ ++++++++++++++ low//�/ ... USE STITCHED LOOPS +++++++++ +++ ++++ �' y, MATERIAL y FILTER FABRIC MATERIAL OVER 2"x2" POSTS \ \ ++++++++++++ ++ + 11 GRADE 25 MINIMUM OF 36 WIDE ROLLS. CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE TO DRAIN PROFILE AWAY FROM STREET. GRADE ADJACENT EG �, BACKFILLED PLACE STRAW WATTLES PARALLEL TO + + + + + + + + + + + + + '+ + + + + + ++ +++ ++++++ +++�+++++++ -:+++ ++++++++++++++++++ .+++ ++++ :' +. + JIB AREAS TO DRAIN AWAY FROM TEMPORARY TRENCH SLOPE CONTOURS +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + ��F A4 + + + + + +++++ +++++++++++++ +++++++++++++ ++++++++ +++++ + EN A. CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE. I * FULLWIDTH OF I I + +++++ ++++++++,++++ +++++++:..;++ PROPOSED STREET ++;++++++ +++ �+ ,--� ++ ++ +++++ ++++++++ ++++ +++ ++ ++ RENEWS: 6/30/2020 N j� N + + + + + + + + + + +: ,:. + + OR AccEss %�� + + +++++ «+++++ ++ +++ +++• *+ ++ PLACE 3-6 GRANULAR MATERIAL OVER ��j�j�/ ++++++++++'++++++:;.:. + ++++.' +++:>++ +++ 8 -OUNCE NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC MI IMUM //////// f, 1, �i�//��//��// �t SECTION +++++++++++++++++ :.; + +++++°`'+++ ++++f++++ 25 N ������ ++++++++ +++++++ +++ ++++ +++++++++++ ++ +++++++++++++++++ +++++++++ +++ + ( ) y ��i��i��i��i��i��i��i��i��ii���i �r,��� o 0 0 +++ + +++++++++++ +++++ + ++ + PROJECT: AS FOLLOWS:/��%�/��/��/��/��/��/��/�� / /� ��\ �� c° ++ + + +++ + +++++ +++ +++ + STAKE SPACING +++++++++++++ + +++ +++ ++ +++ .. DRY WEATHER ACCESS o0 I II �xi�/�% 4' MAX. �� +++++++++++++++++++::.. + ++„++++ ++++++++++++++++ 6 MAX. ��!/��; rrrrrrr��\�\\+++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ \\�r�rr�r�rrrrr 14 -INCH MIN. DEPTH OVER COMPACTED SUBGRADE & FABRIC ( ( I I +++++++++++ +++++++++++++ SPACING L! r rrr�������irrrr rrr WET WEATHER ACCESS THE ESTHER AT RIVER BEND 24 -INCH MIN. DEPTH OVER UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE & FABRIC 6" MAXIMUM I FRONT VIEW TRENCH WIDTH SIDE VIEW BARRIER REQUIRED t� TOE OF SLOPE. ASSISTED LIVING COMMUNITY FLOW I FLOW f FLOW ( I CONSTRUCTION NOTES: II p BARRIER SPACING STOCKPILE DETAIL MAINTENANCE NOTES: C� I �j FOR GENERAL APPLICATION 1. THE AREA OF THE CONSTRUCTION. ENTRANCE SHALL BE STRIPPED OF ALL TOPSOIL, INSTALL PARALLEL To CONTOURS AS FOLLOWS 3535 GAME FARM ROAD VEGETATION, ROOTS, AND OTHER NON-COMPACTABLE MATERIAL. 1. SEDIMENT BARRIERS SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL �7 I u7 SLOPE RATIO MAXIMUM SPACING ON SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 2. SUBGRADE SHALL BE COMPACTED AND PROOFROLLED PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF UP-SLOPE AREA IS PERMANENTLY STABILIZED. SLOPE BETWEEN WATTLES GRANULAR MATERIAL. FAILURE TO PASS PROOFROLL WILL REQUIRE USE OF WET 2. AT No TIME SHALL MORE THAN ONE FOOT OF J I 10.0% OR FLATTER 50' 0.C. WEATHER SECTION. SEDIMENT BE ALLOWED TO ACCUMULATE BEHIND 10.1% TO 20.0% 25' 0. C. 3. FAILURE OR PUMPING OF THE DRY WEATHER SECTION WILL REQUIRE REMOVAL OF SEDIMENT FENCES OR BIOFILTER BAGS. I ( 20.1% To 30.0% 10' 0. C. THE GRANULAR MATERIAL AND INSTALLATION OF THE WET WEATHER SECTION. 3. NEW SEDIMENT BARRIERS SHALL BE INSTALLED UPHILL D C 130.1% OR STEEPER 5' 0. C. MAINTENANCE NOTES: AS REQUIRED TO CONTROL SEDIMENT TRANSPORT. 1. THE ENTRANCE SHALL 'BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION THAT WILL PREVENT TRACKING TIGHTLY ABUT PLAN NOTES: OR FLOW OF SEDIMENT ONTO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. THIS MAY REQUIRE PERIODIC ADJACENT WATTLES STAGGER TOP DRESSING WITH 3"-6" INCH STONE AS JOINTS 1. MINIMUM 12" OVERLAP OF ALL SEAMS REQUIRED. CONDITIONS DEMAND, AND REPAIR AND/OR CLEAN- LAST REVISION DATE: JO # LAST REVISION DATE: JO # NOTES: LAST REVISION DATE: JO # LAST REVISION DATE: JO # OUT OF STRUCTURES USED TO TRAP SEDIMENT. MAY 2013 STANDARD APRIL 2014 STANDARD DEC. 2000 STANDARD AUG. _2015 STANDARD 1. ALL MATERIAL SHALL CONFORM TO OSHD STANDARD 2. BARRIER REQUIRED ©.TOE OF STOCK PILE. 2. ALL MATERIALS SPILLED, DROPPED, WASHED OR SPECIFICATIONS, 1996 EDITION. TRACKED FROM VEHICLES ONTO ROADWAYS OR TEMPORARY 2. SEDIMENT BARRIERS SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL 3. COVERING MAINTAINED TIGHTLY IN PLACE BY INTO STORM DRAINS MUST BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY. CONSTRUCTION SEDIMENT BARRIERS UP-SLOPE AREA IS PERMANENTLY STABILIZED. STRAW WATTLE USING SANDBAGS OR TIRES ON ROPES WITH STOCKPILE 3. ALL TRUCKS TRANSPORTING SATURATED SOILS ENTRANCE 3. AT NO TIME SHALL SEDIMENT BE ALLOWED TO SEDIMENT BARRIER A MAXIMUM 10' GRID SPACING IN ALL DETAIL SHALL BE WELL SEALED. WATER DRIPPAGE FROM ACCUMULATE ABOVE THE TOP OF THE STRAW WATTLE. DIRECTIONS. (INTS NTS NTS. NTS TRUCKS MUST BE REDUCED TO 1 GALLON PER HOUR 4. NEW SEDIMENT BARRIERS SHALL BE INSTALLED UPHILL ARCHITECT: DETAIL N0. DETAIL N0. DETAIL N0. DETAIL N0. ■ PRIOR TO LEAVING THE SITE. AS REQUIRED TO CONTROL SEDIMENT TRANSPORT. WESTECH ENG. 6100 WESTECH ENG. 6110 WESTECH ENG. 6120 WESTECH ENG. 6170 PATRICK BICKLER, LLC 1313 Mill. St. SE, Ste. 201 MAY BE USED SHORT TERM Salem, Oregon 97301 W/UTILITY WORK AND WITH DIST 503.588.7046 PHASING OF DEVELOPMENT. SSE ANCA V,q CURB & z GRAVEL N P' -,IN ES GUTTER EARTHEN BERM : VEHICLE TRACKING PAD 503.316.0455 �N'' Q (100, -Mix 1" REBAR FOR BAG Z MIN 12" THICK REMOVAL FROM INLET ORIGINAL GROUND 5% MIN DUMP & TOP OF CUT 8% MAX STRAPS E------- STANDARD 1 METAL MATCH ORIGINAL GROUND 5 GRATE CWA INSTALLATION NOTES: WIN CATCH BASIN WIDTH SECTION B -B -� 'O vs - z 1. SEE DRAWINGS FOR CWA INSTALLATION LOCATION. PROJECT NO.: a EARTHEN BERM � w z 2. DO NOT LOCATE WASHOUT AREA 1910 06 FCQW _ > 0 3 r `'� WITHIN 200' OF ANY NATURAL B --SILT SACK DRAINAGE DRAINAGE WAY. CURB INLET C.B. AREA DRAIN Z a EXPANSION RESTRAINT v �\ 3. THE CWA SHALL BE INSTALLED DRAWN: LL z PRIOR TO CONCRETE PLACEMENT ON AR 00 ORIGINAL GROUND w a P SECTION A -A SITE. ra , °. . N Q ,. CATCHUj 4. VEHICLE TRACKING PAD SHALL BE U BASIN o w SLOPED 5% TOWARDS THE CWA. CHECKED: 2' NOMINAL 2' NOMINAL 2" X 2" X w > 3' 6' NOMINAL 3' SAW >Z ° 3/4" RUBBER m z B CWA MAINTENANCE NOTES: i .> A FLOW BLOCK op 1. INSPECT BMP'S EACH WORKDAY, Le?, Jy - - - - BAGS SHALL BE <° :. 1 %4" NYLON ROPE = z AND MAINTAIN THEM IN EFFECT{VE °.. a ;° DITCH „ , ° a - OPERATING CONDITION. FLOW BOTTOM STAKED USING (2) 1x2 x3 Q e z WOOD STAKES PER BAG OR 4 � m 2. THE CWA 5HALL BE REPAIRED, UWj 4' -6 v� CLEANED, OR ENLARGED AS APPROVED EQUAL. ° .Q NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN CAPACITY PLAN VIEW FOR CONCRETE WASTE. CONCRETE SHEET TITLE: o e a'a , A 1:1 11 A MATERIALS ACCUMULATED IN PIT SHALL BE REMOVED ONCE THE MATERIALS HAVE REACHED A DEPTH W BIO -FILTER BAGS --�• e _ 6" OVERLAP (TYP.) INSTALLATION DETAIL of 1$". BAG DETAIL EROSION CONTROL TOP OF U SECTION A- A , , 3. CONCRETE WASHOUT WATER, Q PLAN PT. A Z WASTED PIECES OF CONCRETE, AND W PT. 'B' S' 1 ALLo SHALL TBERRDEBRIS EMOVEDIN THE PIT FROM THE JOB NOTES 8c DETAILS J EARTHEN Y BERM f SITE. U DITCH INLET C.B. 4. THE CWA SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE P UNTIL ALL CONCRETE FOR THE P ! PROJECT IS PLACED. P P P z ��, � 5. WHEN THE CWA IS REMOVED, 12.15.2019 i P P � P P � COVER DATE. P © THE DISTURBED AREA WITH TOP SECTION A- A P P P O P P P z SOIL. SEED AND MULCH OR REVISIONS: MAINTENANCE NOTES: P P OTHERWISE STABILIZED IN A V MAINTENANCE NOTES: P P P P o P Q MANNER APPROVED BY THE LOCAL 0 1. SEDIMENT BARRIERS SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL NOTES: o P z JURISDICTION. P O P P '^ .` --� 1. SEDIMENT BARRIERS SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL GRAVEL PAD o UP-SLOPE AREA IS PERMANENTLY STABILIZED. 1. EMPTY SILT SACK AS NECESSARY: z UP-SLOPE AREA IS PERMANENTLY STABILIZED. MIN 12" THICK P P P LAST REVISION DATE: Jo # LAST REVISION DATE: JO # LAST REVISION DATE: JO # LAST REVISION DATE: JO # . A 2 AT NO TIME SHALL MORE THAN ONE FOOT OF 2. SILTSACK SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICE AS 2. AT NO TIME SHALL MORE THAN ONE FOOT OF APRIL 2014 STANDARD APRIL 2014 STANDARD OCT 2002 STANDARD AUG 2013 STANDARD SEDIMENT BE ALLOWED TO ACCUMULATE BEHIND SEDIMENT BE ALLOWED TO ACCUMULATE BEHIND MANUFACTURED BY ACF ENVIRONMENTAL AND SUPPLIED 6 SEDIMENT FENCES OR BIOFILTER BAGS. INLET SEDIMENT BIOFILTER BAGS. DITCH AND SWALE BY ACF WEST (503) 771-5115 OR APPROVED EQUAL. ✓�•- L>B TEMPORARY �t ENTRY SIDE OF 3. NEW SEDIMENT BARRIERS SHALL BE INSTALLED WASHOUT FACILITY 3. NEW SEDIMENT BARRIERS SHALL BE INSTALLED CONTROL EROSION PROTECTION SILTSACK INLET 10' NOMINAL CONCRETE WASHOUT NOTICE: T' UPHILL AS REQUIRED TO CONTROL SEDIMENT • N UPHILL AS REQUIRED TO CONTROL SEDIMENT TRANSPORT. DETAIL AREA (CWA) N TRANSPORT. NTS 4. PT. 'A' SHALL BE 6" MIN. HIGHER THAN PT. 'B'. (N S NTS �A/ L1 /� (N S All drawings and written material appearing herein DETAIL N0. DETAIL NO. DETAIL NO. CONCRETE VY A S H 0 U T ARE ` . PLAN DETAIL NO. constitute the original and unpublished work of the L WESTECH ENG. 6130 WESTECH ENG. 6140 WESTECH ENG. 6150 N.T.S. WESTECH ENG. WE6160 1 Architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed C W w without the prior written consent of the Architect. Cup I A W `6I_ X_ O 1, SHEET: C2.2 VA vAn I-ze e_-Iui 0� o OF: ca ca WE JOB# 3172.0000.0 t t� 5 4 f 3 2 1 if, C T- 4 -J M 0 0 B W T; 0 a. M N 0 W Cr. ix cc 0 0 A co O O C4 0 so o so V) U) /, so SD SD SD SDI - SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD ------ SD so I DEADMOND FERRY RD cr) Cn 0 0- (n \ W+ W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o Cf) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7--7 Y*, 4 1 s sv 1 A. % . . . . . . . . . . . . . a w W W w � +W` W wwW W Www W Wwlw w \� rt � t d.. .. d W W . w w� + y y W + \� � \\ I a w w 3X \ �' W Ww+ W wed w+ywWWW \ �. V. . . . . . . . :\ ♦ a \ w +» . . . . .. . . . ♦Kj ie w \ \\ + w y � y i`+` y`. +y+ + s q w +y w`s+ a. w ^ + +y + ♦ + i +♦+ n a ° \ a' yWW W +{ wy ♦ W n' w± w +�yy y �+ `++.+» y `,� + `�y w wJ A4- 4 �0 4. \�^ 4 —\\ 9 ,J \ W w. - a +y + wyi@�WW\ O. 4 + +Www++,�y yw a °�W yw,�, wy + ° 2� 1po ............... .......... ..... ..... ...\ w .. 116) yn4sl LEGEND \so wwwy ............ ....... .......... ........... O N, Wdw ... ....... . . . . . . . . . . s. ..... LAN DSCAPING N 4 7 .... O *3 WQ/DETENTIO ............. ....... ...... `+.\w . . . . . . . . . . . 1po . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AC PCC PAVEMENT —435 - — — — — — — — — — — SIDEWALK 1-110 EXISTING PVMT, CONCRETE, 10 BUILDING, OR GRAVEL BIO BAGS/CHECK DAM SILT SACK INLET PROTECTION USE BIO BAGS ON CURB O INLET CATCH BASINS. USE SILT SACKS ON STANDARD CATCH BASINS. M Cl. 3 �A CO �o - NCARB CERTIFIED MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS RENEWS. 6/30/2020 PROJECT: THE ESTHER AT RIVER BEND ASSISTED LIVING COMMUNITY 3535 GAME FARM ROAD SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ARCHITECT: PATRICK BICKLER, LLC 1313 Mill St. SE, Ste. 201 Salem, Oregon 97301 503.588.7046 0 503.316.0455 0 PROJECT NO.*■ 1910 DRAWN: AR CHECKED: SAW SHEET TITLE: POST EROSION CONTROL PLAN DATE: 12.15.2019 REVISIONS: NOTICE: All drawings and written material appearing herein constitute the original and unpublished work of the Architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the prior written consent of the Architect. SHEET: C2.3 OF: WE JOB# 3172.0000.0 N1 0 FBI C STM CL RIM EL=436.40' STM MH STM CC 10 " FL IN (S) 432.15' RIM EL=435.08' RIM EL=435.24' 12" FL OUT (W) 432.05' STM CL 10" FL OUT (S) 437.36' RIM EL=434.38' STM MHJ 52037 ST 10" FL OUT (S) 429.88' RIM EL = 436.50 2„ So STM MHJ 5204 0 12 " FL IN (E) 429.87' STM RIM EL=43j 79' 60" FL OUT (SE) 427.20' S9 i O SD SD SDI SD SD SD 60" FL 425. 79' STM 60" ) SD SD SD -SD -SD -SD SD SD SD SD . SD ' oSTM 60 " - So So S° DEADMOND FERRY RD a Aa RIM = 437.0 INV=435.0 STM CL _ STM CL 84" SDMH �'� _ STM CL _ _. _ »___-_----- I RIM EL=434.02 o o RIM EL=435.29 RIM -=437.0 RIM EL -456.28' 24" SOLID HDPE SD 24 SDMH 10" FL OUT (NE) 429.92' 10" FL OUT (N) 430.89' INV=429.0 (VERIFY) \ /0" FL OUT N 432.43 __ S=0.15% M RIM=438.5 -- _- - . 80 Q=8.8 CFS 00 43 .5 h 4 6.5 OF ° » _ -----_ �, - -_ - 10 SD 5=0.5% 48 SDMH 24 SDMH - - - -$ - 9- -SD- -S--0157.- e - - ° - �► 't' STM MH 46064 RIM=437.0 438 -- RIM -438.0 ' � i V= 435.0 - - °\ d � A ° 437, \ \ � \ # N V= 429.50 RIM EL 434.71 / N _ 10" FL OUT (NE) 429.51' o ° a o ° .�1 • 2 "SDMH \ 1_4� 00 \ 437 a \ I 1 �`I =437.5 C 437.5 � INV= 433.40 \ i° .AD RMA=437_0 ° 437.2' 24" SLOTTED HDPE SD 437.5 a ' o S= 0.15% �o• \ ! 4 INV=435.0 ° 437 437.5 \ \ \ I � / j Q o Q=8.8 CFS 6 44 I! CO 00 STM MHj 553151 ' l o RlM EL = 435.04 ' ° \ \ 4 ° o \ \ \ \ \ \ Q �`�� 1 \ a V) / d FF= 438.0 aC14/ 60" SDMH ' r � RAIN GARDEN 1° \ \ \ \ j RIM=237.7 OUF B BREAK (TYP) ( _ \ 60" SDMH _ \ I » { GROWING MEDIA & DRAIN o \ \ $ 1NV=434.0 ;SEE DTL 2111 A IT; rN ROCK LIMITS TO 436 CONTOUR ,RIM=437.15 AD RIM=437.0 APPROXIMATE \ T � I ON DWG C5.0 { » s° \ 36 INV -430.55 i { DRAIN ROCK THICKNESS = 18 \ \ ` ° 8" 1 N V= 433.70 INV= 435.0 c�'IST/NG DRA/NAC \ 10" INV=431.25 �3"` E-A T - i a \ \ \ �� a { 6 PERF PIPE UNDER Lrr.� SDUTH \ J :t e 36 INV= 430.75 437, RAIN GARDEN \ 237. { _ Q, � i 1a \ � N INV -433.00 \ ' \ 48" SDMH 4 � / a AD RIM=437.0- � d- { 0 15 30 60 ° \ ° \INV=435.0 \ 4 �� n , { CB W/ TRAP PRIMER G1 \ RIM 436.8 1 , \ \ _ r e° a ° TC=FG=437.65 ( ` \ _ d- RIM=436.8 INV 434.30 � ° .Oa U � \ � � � � ,> (feet)_ r Q° °° 4 i �� - ' ►� { 4 SS INV= 435.00 d . d \ r \® "' a ' �� o ` ° (, 4` �� E UTILITY PLAN) a ' s° d 0.10% ° �a a a� 4 � � (SEE Q 10 SD S=o.5% 36 SD 4 e 33 r7 \ D G < ° { �t TYPE III CB FLOW CONTROL \ a _ 4 �,, �3 { _ r1► TC 437 9 3� u� RIM 436 0 ■ 0, 5'1 "I COff' _�O NCARB CERTIFIED MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS fflopeo RENEWS: 6/30/2020 PROJECT: THE ESTHER AT RIVER BEND ASSISTED LIVING COMMUNITY 3535 GAME FARM ROAD \ SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ARCHITECT: PATRICK SICKLER, LLC 1313 Mill St. SE, Ste. 201 Salem, Oregon 97301 503.588.7046 503.316.0455 0 4 o Qa e � ._____ .� ! o a PFG=437.4 a �� • ;�. �___ `� 6» _ ° \ ° 3�_ PERF PIPE INV -433.00 �,d \' 1 437.5 I ; a s ac / �\ \ 4 430 1" ORIFICE INV=433.00 s \ TC=437.5 0 1 \ 29� 8" INV=432.80 PROJECT NO.: ° \ � ti 437 b� C=4385 i . ° °4. _ \ � � � � , 4 437 { � . \ ,n TC=437.5 s „ FG 437.55 TC= 437.3 �� sa \ !! A FG- 436.8 \ . �o i TC= 437. \ a \� ° 1910 \ \ \ FG= 436.8 ° 81t SD,�y _ . TC=437.3 S TC= 437.8 436; a a 9 .0% MIN. FG=436.8- _v fG= 437.3 81' SD SDMH DRAWN: S=1.0% \ 00 �.n T � M RIM=436.5 AR 437 / 6 ! , -' ,* 8 INV=432.60 to O i \ \ _ -It _ \ `' �'4 i � -d- "� � � � � � \ 24" INV= 429.80 STM MHJ 47733 __ - - - - - - - - \� _ _ _ _ �- _ CHECKED: a CB RIM = 436 0 ` RIM EL=436.08 s _ - \_ ` - - T 435 = CB RIM=435:8 1 ` �� d' 24" SOLID HDPE SD SAW 10" FL our W) 429.38' ° INV= 434, 0 -- - _ - - - - - - -INV= 434.50 - ` -S=0.15% ° 436 .�._---�-�.:.:� � -, � ''C''_ � '_ � � ,� �,� a 1 i 6000 FCMH ( Q=8.8 CFS 60" FLATTOP MH, RIM 436.5 422 _24 INLET �» \ TC=FG=436.3 RIM=436.5 INV=430.00 48 SDMH 8" INV=433.50 24„ INV=430.80- Q @ WSE=434.5'\ RIM=437.0 36 INV=430.30 =32 CFS INV=429.90 - - - J 36" 1 N V= 430.45 \ TC=FG=435.9 12 OVERFLOW=433.20 \\\ VERIFY X\4"'ORIFICE INV=431.60 S 424 -- f =4 4. f `��SHEET TITLE: 3 ORIFICE INV 430.80 NOTES. 4'30 _ 24 CUL OLDCASTLE PERKFILTER VAULT= _ EL=425.22' " �� \ 9 W/ 10-18 ' CARTRIDGES - \ \ i GRADING & 1. ALL SD LATERALS TO BE 8 AT 1 % 24 CUL �E } N `� \ DRAINAGE PLAN UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.�1� EL = 425.65 ' �� II 2. 24 OVERFLOW E CAPACI-I-Y//,ti 8.8� \ \ \ DATE: 12.15.2 019 EARTHWORK QUANTITIES I { 1 \ \ REVISIONS: *STRIP & WASTE 3000 Cy • EXCAVATE 8c PLACE IN ENG FILL 500 CY It \ \ • IMPORT & PLACE IN ENG FILL 4000 CyW-?"00 Do I PA - NOTICE: All drawings and written material appearing herein constitute the original and unpublished work of the Architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the prior written consent of the Architect. SHEET: C3.0 OF: WE JOB# 3172.0000.0 N -C C T_ 0 B A 0 EXIST STOP SIGN SURFACING LEGEND 1 4 PCC, PEDESTRIAN C 4" PCC OVER 2" CR A 14 OVER COMPACTED S1 LIQHT DUTY A.0 PA Wj" OF 1/2" DENSE ........... ................... ............ HMAC OVER 12" OF ................. . OVER COMPACTED S1 PERVIOUS PCC 7" PERVIOUS PCC 0' PERVIOUS PVMT TO THAN 30 DAYS PRIG HEAVY DUTY A.0 P . . ........ 3r OF 1/2" DENSE HMAC OVER 16" OF . . . ........ . OVER COMPACTED S1 HEAVY DUTY PCC 7" PCC OVER 12" CI COMPACTED SUBGRA ........... ....... .............. WATER QUALITY SWA ............ ............ TYPE "C" CURB MONOLOTHIC CURB/� END CURB To TRUNCATED DOMES RETAINING WALL (SEI CURB BREAK (PER C NOTES: 1. REMOVE AND REPLACE EXISTING D CURB AND APRON WITH FULL DEP' STANDARDS. 2. COORDINATE WITH SUB TO REMOVE STREET LIGHT W1 NEW LED LIGHT (5 REQUIRED). 0rLA^%1r' rIVIC"r 1 o� �o NCARB CERTIFIED MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS _PR �Qfe- RENEWS: 6/30/2020 PROJECT: THE ESTHER AT RIVER BEND ASSISTED LIVING COMMUNITY 3535 GAME FARM ROAD SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ARCHITECT: PATRICK BICKLER, LLC 1313 Mill St. SE, Ste. 201 Salem, Oregon 97301 503.588.7046 0 503.316.0455 0 PROJECT NO.: 1910 DRAWN: AR .CHECKED: SAW SHEET TITLE: SURFACING & SIGNING PLAN DATE: 12.15.2019 REVISIONS: NOTICE: All drawings and written material appearing herein constitute the original and unpublished work of the Architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the prior written consent of the Architect. Date Received SHEET: C3.1 OF: JAN 0 9 202% WE7oB# 3172.0000.0 Original Submiftal - 4 C J 9+ tt3 a a. m cn B '5 M N M 0 G U �L co cca� W w 00U 0 c 0 v J M A Q r co LO r r- 0 N O N tG c� 0 0 �J D D /\ vJ O NCARB CERTIFIED MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS V 435 --___ / 0 �V 435--------'-- — / / ��,� I / ' / i ° /PROTECT �' a EXISTING WETLANDS E ® 434 � j �A4 3/ / / / / � \ O\\J\ / _ / rr ./• - / rj G,...,. ,-" '! 1'�%r o. . D . _ . !. C` �t' � / / j /'� �� / / / _ �/ � � �+ ` �p O % % / j 43 Q / ! a \ _ / RENEWS: 6/30/2020 z � � ° � r � '��- � �� � `� � "— ' — �-- r- ! � / PROJECT: /A.01 00 ,r / / \ THE ESTHER AT RIVER BEND ASSISTED LIMN G COMMUNITY io+� / J / � a 430 �0 �O - - - TM 60 - - _ - --I-- - - - - - 1 _+--�-- 430 f / 3535 GAME FARM ROAD co \V SPRINGFIELD OREGON N"IV 435 0 10 20 40 438 436 434 432 430 • 426 424 / �� Qn SECTION A PLAN y+tjU IU+UU 5 440 438 436 434 432 430 428 426 14+45 1 ARCHITECT: PATRICK BICKLER, LLC 1313 Mill St. SE, Ste. 201 Salem, Oregon 97301 503.588.7046 503.316.0455 0 PROJECT NO.: 1910 DRAWN: AR CHECKED: SAW SHEET TITLE: BUILDING/SWALE ot'v SECTION tw DATE: 12.15.2019 REVISIONS: 0 NOTICE: All drawings and written material appearing herein constitute the original and unpublished work of the Architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the prior written consent of the Architect. Date Received SHEET: C3.2 JAN 0 9 202U WE JOB# 3172.0000.0 ofiginal 3 Ib] C A t VASIM 432 430 426 FG @ NORTH FACE OF WALL 11+00 SECTION B PROFILE 3 438 436 434 432 430 428 424 422 12+00 2 0 10 20 40 (feet) SIS-ao-O�o1 NPa SAe Nam r2Wekj Zwk- Fu� P9 a� ot- a� 1 ff' GO �o NCARB CERTIFIED MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS RENEWS: 6/30/2020 PROJECT: THE ESTHER AT RIVER BEND ASSISTED LIVING COMMUNITY 3535 GAME FARM ROAD SPRINGFIELD, OREGON Uq ARCHITECT: PATRICK BICKLER, LLC 1313 Mill St. SE, Ste. 201 Salem, Oregon 97301 503.588.7046 0 503.31.6.0455 tl PROJECT NO.: 1910 DRAWN: AR CHECKED: SAW SHEET TITLE: RETAINING WALL SECTION DATE 12.115.2019 REVISIONS: NOTICE: All drawings and written material appearing herein constitute the original and unpublished work of the Architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the prior written consent of the Architect. SHEET: C3.3 OF: WE JOB# 3172.0000.0 FG @ SOUTH FACE OF WALL ... ....... ........... ................. ....... ........... ............ ............. ........................ ....... ............ .......... .................. . .. ..... .......... .. ....... ...... .. ........... SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR WALL DESIGN.... ..................... ................. ................... ....... ............. ..................... 4 ff 2 so ............. ......... .............. ...... ......... ........ ....... ..INV=.430.0_./... ........ ....... - EXISTING .......... .............. .. .... .. GROUND... ............... ...... .... .. ...... ....... ...... ....... �-FG:@ SOUTH ......... ... ........................ ............. FACE OF WALL . . ... ... ............. ........... ........... ........... ....... .......... ...... ...................... . .. ............... ........ ....... ........... ........... ......... ...... ......... ...... . ................ ...... .......... ...... - ......... 11+00 SECTION B PROFILE 3 438 436 434 432 430 428 424 422 12+00 2 0 10 20 40 (feet) SIS-ao-O�o1 NPa SAe Nam r2Wekj Zwk- Fu� P9 a� ot- a� 1 ff' GO �o NCARB CERTIFIED MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS RENEWS: 6/30/2020 PROJECT: THE ESTHER AT RIVER BEND ASSISTED LIVING COMMUNITY 3535 GAME FARM ROAD SPRINGFIELD, OREGON Uq ARCHITECT: PATRICK BICKLER, LLC 1313 Mill St. SE, Ste. 201 Salem, Oregon 97301 503.588.7046 0 503.31.6.0455 tl PROJECT NO.: 1910 DRAWN: AR CHECKED: SAW SHEET TITLE: RETAINING WALL SECTION DATE 12.115.2019 REVISIONS: NOTICE: All drawings and written material appearing herein constitute the original and unpublished work of the Architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the prior written consent of the Architect. SHEET: C3.3 OF: WE JOB# 3172.0000.0 GAS V) A� S— S— AS GAS GAS GAS G, GAS 4"— GAS— GAS— GAS— GAS— GAS— GAS— GAS— GAS— GAS— GAS— GAS— GAS GAS 4" AS GAS— GAS— GAS— GAS— GAS— GAS— GAS— GAS— GAS— GAS— GAS— GAS—GAS 4" GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS MGA_ MGRS M GAS s—H2O W W W W — W W W W W W W W W W W W W - H2O 12 w W W — W — W W w w W-! 20 12'; w w w w GAS GAS G. GAS 4 W wc�s— 0 (n D so W MHJ 24886 T so Ss SS Ss Ss SS SS SS SS SS SS Ss 7 S — Ss ss -RIM EL=4J6.96' S1 _WW 10"SS �Ww 10" Ss SS Ss Ss SS Ss SS SS 5-9 SS — S S Ss SS Ss SS SS Ss SS SS SS S so Ss Ss WW 10 10" FL OUT (W) 420.56' SD SD SD SD — czn SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD ((nI'— SD so -----So (n Ln — SD — SD — SD — SD SD 10 - FL IN (E) 420.66' Ln W MHj 24885 D E A D M 0 N D FERRY Ro Dj 4J4.7,9' RIM EL z - (n 8 " FL IN (W) 420.59' LOCATE & CONNECT LOCATE & CONNECT cn 4 TO EXIST SS SERVICE 08"FL OUT (N) 420.49' TO EXIST SS SERVICE (n h III 1NV 432-11111111 U) 8 FL IN (E) 420.59 1111 11-432± �'VERIFY*) U) MailBox o (n ELEC 0 ELEC ELEC K6 — 03-13 N�13 031K� C� 0313 03 0313 ELEC ELEC ELEC�j �3 ELEC 0.393 RtEC 7Z__ 3-13 03_G____zLEC 03T3--_E� �313 U_—_ELQ1C 0 0313 0313 03-13 03-13 �31 0313 3-13 '111' 03-13 0313 0313 0313 93�3 0313 03 3�3 0313 0313 0313 W13 0 M 'n 3: 4 It '6'4 6' SS S=1 - of . - . 0 W, - 4: U)E 4 FPI 6 SS S=1.0% SS 3: ------- 4- 6 S= 1. 070 4 t SS CO WW MHj 2569 RIM=438.0 OLD CASTLE 44 INV=433.0 RIM EL=434.60Q. 1- -_ ------- 020 STRATA -1500 KITCHEN (n 8 FL IN (SW) 420.95 00 N,) 1500 GALLON GREASE WASTE �7 R -4 . ------ 8 " FL OUT (N) 420.78' INTERCEPTOR T, 8" FL IN (SE) 420.90 s � \ T, SS CO SS CO RIM=438.0 ------- 24891 WW MHJ 248,9 9 RIM INV=434.0 FF=438.0 RIM EL=434.99' INV=433.0 8" FL OUT (NE) 421.89' \ \ Q A 8" FL IN (SE) 421.99' 4.. Q= 4 A 8" FIRE C 22.57oo BEND 4$1 DOM ------ ------ & 11.25* BEND 0 15 30 60 a. ° =: \ q 4 2-2" CONDUITS TEE & TB e° l W/ TB K-1 s \ a7 (feet) § \ 4, ------ ------- I PIPff I$ .. I 1 Ile I". 1 90" BEND so \ 8 FIRE 4 ----- ------- Gs \ Q & TB 4" DOM '\\ �\\ ° as :a 1P .44 2-2" CONDUITS 6 .Mai xa. 4 .4 1P TWo O 4 4 de 4 a a. S 4 S 7� P 8" DDC 0% SEE BLOWUP W/ FDC BELOW CB W/ TRAP PRIMER WW Wj''-2-56,9 -W. RIM=436.8 ,\ RIM E-L=4J6.07' IRR DDC L 4 1 V=4 FH ASSY 35.00 8%FL OUT (N) 429.72i r �� ,� a\ » ' FH ASSY . ...... J 3., 6 \FL IN (E) 4JO.-22' 7Q' 8 Fk, UT (S) 429.79' 49' DC ASSY D 4 TAP EXIST 12 MAIN 3" WM 4 __w_ �Ss_ R, .- \ o SS SD --- �S "I Vr ELEC 03-13 S= t4A"' 0 _j \ -- — -- 4 3� 0 IP6 .4 . 4 t I CO �o NCARB CERTIFIED MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS RENEWS: 6/30/2020 PROJECT: THE ESTHER AT RIVER BEND ASSISTED LIVING COMMUNITY 3535 GAME FARM ROAD SPRINGFIELD, OREGON >1 ARCHTECT PATRICK BICKLER, LLC 1313 Mill St: SE, Ste. 201 Salem, Oregon 97301 503.588.7046. ii 503.316.0455 0 PROJECT NO.: 1910 _j \ ' NOTES: \ , _" DRAWN: 3: B ch 1. SEE MECHANICAL/ELECTRICAL AR N °\ DRAWINGS FOR CONTINUATION OF D CHECKED: SEWER, WATER, FIRE, AND POWER. SAW 2. VERIFY EXISTING SS STUB SIZE AND t 10 r_ 0 ai NOTES: Z-1 1. COORDINATE WITH ELECTRICIAN FOR SUMP PUMP POWER TO ALL VAULTS. 2. DISCHARQESUMP PUMPS TO SDMH p OF \�y to '/O� ss gyp & 2-2* CONDUITS ;Polk CIS \ '' SC- ;00 CC P IRR DDC \ ,� ss , G ASSY 1P SID SEE IRR FOR CONTINUATION *x8" TAPPING TEE & GV BY SUB FORCES. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH SUB. EXCAVATE 4_1 AND SHORE FOR TAP, BACKFILL, & �\ 0-313 SURFACE RESTORATION. PROVIDE 0313 ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL. �3* WATER SERVICE TAP BY SUB WATER SERVICE BLOW UP in = wo 5 1 INVERT. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 3. ALL PRIVATE UTILITIES TO BE INSTALLED UNDERGROUND. 4. REPLACE EXIST STREET LIGHT W/ CITY APPROVED LED LIGHT (5 REQUIRED). SHEET TITLE: OVERALL UTILITY PLAN X11-ao-oocoot Pa S. �t-e Plan V1, ew DATE: 12.15.2019 �� 2.'Z._ �,� 2� Q REVISIONS: NOTICE: All drawings and written material appearing herein constitute the original and unpublished work of the Architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the prior written consent of the Architect. SHEET: C4.0 OF: WE JOB# 3172.0000.0 N 0 0 CL C0 W cc W _j 0 3 A t 10 r_ 0 ai NOTES: Z-1 1. COORDINATE WITH ELECTRICIAN FOR SUMP PUMP POWER TO ALL VAULTS. 2. DISCHARQESUMP PUMPS TO SDMH p OF \�y to '/O� ss gyp & 2-2* CONDUITS ;Polk CIS \ '' SC- ;00 CC P IRR DDC \ ,� ss , G ASSY 1P SID SEE IRR FOR CONTINUATION *x8" TAPPING TEE & GV BY SUB FORCES. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH SUB. EXCAVATE 4_1 AND SHORE FOR TAP, BACKFILL, & �\ 0-313 SURFACE RESTORATION. PROVIDE 0313 ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL. �3* WATER SERVICE TAP BY SUB WATER SERVICE BLOW UP in = wo 5 1 INVERT. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 3. ALL PRIVATE UTILITIES TO BE INSTALLED UNDERGROUND. 4. REPLACE EXIST STREET LIGHT W/ CITY APPROVED LED LIGHT (5 REQUIRED). SHEET TITLE: OVERALL UTILITY PLAN X11-ao-oocoot Pa S. �t-e Plan V1, ew DATE: 12.15.2019 �� 2.'Z._ �,� 2� Q REVISIONS: NOTICE: All drawings and written material appearing herein constitute the original and unpublished work of the Architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the prior written consent of the Architect. SHEET: C4.0 OF: WE JOB# 3172.0000.0 N 0 4 6" ROUND ROCK C CURB RAIN e ` GARDEN EC LAST REVISION DATE: jo # STION A— A JAN 2014 STANDARD NOTES CURB BREAK TO 1. 6" CURB EXPOSURE AT PAVEMENT EXCEPT WHERE RAIN GAR®EN/B(OSUVALEAREA SPECIFICALLY SHOWN OTHERWISE ON PLANS. NTS DETAIL NO. wEsTECH ENG. 2111A O U lowM O ct J B vi 0 ct) 0 LO 0 FL U CL CO i S J U m 3 0 Jr 0 0 J 4 A LO 0 v L r 0 N O N cc ICU 3 C ICU j 2$, MIN 9„ GRANULAR 4„ BASEROCK UNDER CURB 12" MAX TYPICAL SECTION NTS NOTES: 1. CONCRETE DEPTH FOR STANDARD SIDEWALKS SHALL BE 4" MIN 2. CONCRETE SHALL BE 3300 PSI @ 28 DAYS. 3. INSTALL TOOLED CONTRACTION JOINTS AT 5' INTERVALS. SIDEWALKS 10' & WIDER SHALL HAVE A LONGITUDINAL CONTRACTION JOINT AT 5' ON LAST REVISION DAl CENTER. NOV 2 4. INSTALL MIN. 2 WEEP HOLES ON ALL LOTS. ONE WEEP HOLE TO BE AT LOW POINT OF LOT, MOP 5' FROM P/L. A CONTRACTION JOINT SHALL BE At PLACED ALONG AND OVER WEEPHOLE & DRAIN PIPE 5. PUBLIC SIDEWALKS SHALL BE LOCATED ENTIRELY WITHIN RIGHT-OF-WAYS OR SIDEWALK EASEMENTS, INCLUDING SIDEWALKS AT DRIVEWAY APRONS. 11 WESTECH INVERT ELEVATIONS PER DRAWINGS NOTE: PER ORS 92.044(7), — MANHOLE MUST BE SET 1' MINIMUM CLEAR FROM ANY SURVEY MONUMENT PLAN SLOPE SHELVES 1:12 TO DRAIN SET FRAME IN 24" STANDARD MANHOLE NON—SHRINK FRAME AND COVER. GROUT (16—HOLE LID) PVMT. UNPAVED GRADE RINGS 4" DRAIN AT (VARIABLE) e SUBGRADE 8" MAX. 24" DIA. CONC.' ST & G PIPE AWCUT OR (C-76,REINF., CORE DRILL CLASS IV) a ALL PIPE 1— TAPS 6»MIN. > 3"MI N X 00 4"MIN. o Q 00 2 ic) I I i I I I I i ° oop GROUT ALL JOINTS 6" MINIMUM WATERTIGHT COMPACTED — GRANULAR 6" THICK (MIN) CONCRETE BASE BEDDING STABLE SUBGRADE LAST REVISION DATE: SECTION A— A MAR 2008 STAB NOTE: 1. MAXIMUM PIPE NUMBER & DIAMETERS AS FOLLOWS: 24" DIA, STORM MANH 12" DIAMETER OR LESS — 4 MAXIMUM. 15" DIAMETER — 2 MAXIMUM. (N S ALL OTHER CONFIGURATIONS REQUIRE STANDARD MANHOLE. DETAIL NO. WESTECH ENG. 3: AC PAVEMENT IN 2 LIFTS 1/2$' RAD. NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY CB DATA & TYPICAL FINISH GRADE FINISH GRADE ELEV'S PRIOR TO INSTALLATION TO ENSURE THAT TOP OF CB DOES NOT EXTEND--►��-1�2'�—..-- m _, RIM ELEV. PER PLANS cr 0 � (COMPACT TO 91% Q ABOVE SURROUNDING GRADE UNLESS OTHERWISE x W SPECIFICALLY NOTED ON THE DRAWINGS OR U > a 4 ,Received APPROVED BY THE CITY. 10" MIN. METHOD) U-' i 95% COMPACTION REQ'D FOR TOP LIFT IN STREET N a � . c0 GRANULAR BASEROCK TOP PIPE — 18" MAX, a a " THICKNESS AS NOTED Q 4 g„ MIN. (COMPACT TO 95% 4 30° :— ' CLASS 3 BACKFILL: A SEE NOTE 1 A .. 4'H Q CAPPED PERF. PIPE DITCH+ BOTTOM A (COLOR 3/4"-0" GRANULAR IBACKFILL ABOVE > ,. f & WORDS AS REQ'D BACKFILL ; PIPE ZONE 2" MIN IIT=4 ,111,�,1111i11TTi1►iil�liilii �II4i111=111 GRANULAR BASEROCK COMPACTED SUBGRADE -.,I- 9>, a (95% MAX. DRY DENSITY M aI ..4. PER AASHTO T-180) 6„ O0 PAVEMENT/TYPE "C" CURB DETAIL �-- COUPLING OUTLET FLOW ;a a NTS , _ w PERF. PIPE Q e a d _..:_ .. (INV PER PLANS) ° SOLID WALL m a PIPE d 12" MIN. ABOVE w n Q z OUTSIDE OF PIPE 00 00 --- N v C�f o SECTION A PIPE TYPES) w Q 1'7 Z Q z o Q „A„ D'EC. 2019 a � ft: I- "B" NOMINAL "g" a a ALONG ALL NON-METALLIC MIN/MA PIPE DIA. MIN/MAX PIPE & LATERALS o < J DITCH a 6" MIN BEDDING w o W I s .... BELOW PIPE �,? N p d j (TYPICAL ALL PIPE FLOW a TYPES) N a' a C i J 41 12" MIN. ° J .4 a SUMP . a a C0 a .. a. A . 4 e. a a a.ea a . w PLAN 6" I _ 2, 0„ _ 6" � 3, 0„ SECT! ON A —A 2' 4-3/4" 2, 3" (8) SQ. EDGE FLAT BARS 5/8" X 2-1/2" X 2' 6-3/4" 1/2" X 2-1/2" SQ. EDGE FLAT BARS 00 2' 3-3/8" i' 1^1j2 ,. „SPACING 3 ON CENTERS 1-1/2" 4 ANCHORS 00— ni n u a ri-To in 2-1/2" 1/4" 2-1/2" N 5/8" X 3" BOLT 2 EACH END 2-1/2" M 3/16" ALL SIDES 4 CORNERS ALL BARS 3/16" 3„ X 2-1/2" X 3/$„ 2" / 5/8" X 2-1/2" ANGLE SQ. EDGE FLAT BAR NOTES: FRAME & GRATE 1. SEE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS FOR PIPE SIZE, LAST REVISION DATE: LOCATION AND INVERT ELEVATION. JUNE 2014 STANDARD 2. FRAME & GRATE SHALL BE ASTM A-36 STEEL, HOT -DIPPED GALV. AFTER CONSTRUCTION. TYPE 3 DITCH INLET 3. ALL CONCRETE TO BE 3000 PSI MIN AT 28 DAYS. CATCH BASIN 4. PRIOR TO CB INSTALLATION, CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY RIM ELEVATIONS LISTED AGAINST DITCH & FINISH GRADE ELEVATIONS, & NOTIFY CITY OF ANY NTS DISCREPANCIES. DETAIL NO. WESTECH ENG, 3130 2$, MIN 9„ GRANULAR 4„ BASEROCK UNDER CURB 12" MAX TYPICAL SECTION NTS NOTES: 1. CONCRETE DEPTH FOR STANDARD SIDEWALKS SHALL BE 4" MIN 2. CONCRETE SHALL BE 3300 PSI @ 28 DAYS. 3. INSTALL TOOLED CONTRACTION JOINTS AT 5' INTERVALS. SIDEWALKS 10' & WIDER SHALL HAVE A LONGITUDINAL CONTRACTION JOINT AT 5' ON LAST REVISION DAl CENTER. NOV 2 4. INSTALL MIN. 2 WEEP HOLES ON ALL LOTS. ONE WEEP HOLE TO BE AT LOW POINT OF LOT, MOP 5' FROM P/L. A CONTRACTION JOINT SHALL BE At PLACED ALONG AND OVER WEEPHOLE & DRAIN PIPE 5. PUBLIC SIDEWALKS SHALL BE LOCATED ENTIRELY WITHIN RIGHT-OF-WAYS OR SIDEWALK EASEMENTS, INCLUDING SIDEWALKS AT DRIVEWAY APRONS. 11 WESTECH INVERT ELEVATIONS PER DRAWINGS NOTE: PER ORS 92.044(7), — MANHOLE MUST BE SET 1' MINIMUM CLEAR FROM ANY SURVEY MONUMENT PLAN SLOPE SHELVES 1:12 TO DRAIN SET FRAME IN 24" STANDARD MANHOLE NON—SHRINK FRAME AND COVER. GROUT (16—HOLE LID) PVMT. UNPAVED GRADE RINGS 4" DRAIN AT (VARIABLE) e SUBGRADE 8" MAX. 24" DIA. CONC.' ST & G PIPE AWCUT OR (C-76,REINF., CORE DRILL CLASS IV) a ALL PIPE 1— TAPS 6»MIN. > 3"MI N X 00 4"MIN. o Q 00 2 ic) I I i I I I I i ° oop GROUT ALL JOINTS 6" MINIMUM WATERTIGHT COMPACTED — GRANULAR 6" THICK (MIN) CONCRETE BASE BEDDING STABLE SUBGRADE LAST REVISION DATE: SECTION A— A MAR 2008 STAB NOTE: 1. MAXIMUM PIPE NUMBER & DIAMETERS AS FOLLOWS: 24" DIA, STORM MANH 12" DIAMETER OR LESS — 4 MAXIMUM. 15" DIAMETER — 2 MAXIMUM. (N S ALL OTHER CONFIGURATIONS REQUIRE STANDARD MANHOLE. DETAIL NO. WESTECH ENG. 3: AC PAVEMENT IN 2 LIFTS 1/2$' RAD. 6 1 /8" RAD. � THICKNESS AS NOTED m _, PER PLANS cr 0 � (COMPACT TO 91% Q 4 x W PER RICE STANDARD U > a 4 ,Received Q J-- METHOD) U-' i 95% COMPACTION REQ'D FOR TOP LIFT IN STREET N a � d.' c0 GRANULAR BASEROCK TOP PIPE — 4 a _j THICKNESS AS NOTED Q 4 g„ MIN. (COMPACT TO 95% m a 4" ' CLASS 3 BACKFILL: MAX DRY DENSITY PER 4'H Q CAPPED PERF. PIPE AASHTO T-180) (COLOR 3/4"-0" GRANULAR IBACKFILL ABOVE > W/ THREADED CAP, SEE & WORDS AS REQ'D BACKFILL ; PIPE ZONE 2" MIN IIT=4 ,111,�,1111i11TTi1►iil�liilii �II4i111=111 GRANULAR BASEROCK COMPACTED SUBGRADE -.,I- 9>, (95% MAX. DRY DENSITY M a PER AASHTO T-180) 6„ O0 PAVEMENT/TYPE "C" CURB DETAIL �-- COUPLING OUTLET FLOW ;a a NTS NOTES: 1. SEE GRADING PLAN FOR LOCATION OF LIGHT AND HEAVY DUTY PAVEMENT. 2. DESIGN SUBGRADES SHALL BE COMPACTED AND PROOF -ROLLED PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF BASEROCK. IF SUBGRADE PASSES PROOF -ROLL BUT FAILS DENSITY TESTING, MIN. 4.5 OZ NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC SHALL BE PLACED ON SUBGRADE PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF BASEROCK. FAILURE OF PROOF -ROLL WILL REQUIRE OVER EXCAVATION. 3. IF SUBGRADE FAILS THE PROOF -ROLL, SUBGRADE SHALL BE OVEREXCAVATED TO UNDISTURBED SOIL AND BACKFILLED WITH BASEROCK OVER MIN. 8.0 -OZ. NON -WOVEN FABRIC AS REQUIRED TO ALLOW COMPACTION OF UPPER (DESIGN) BASEROCK SECTION AND TO MAINTAIN STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY OF NATIVE SUBGRADE SOILS. TYPICAL MIN. OVEREXCAVATION REQUIRED IS 12 -INCHES. NO RUBBER TIRED EQUIPMENT ALLOWED ON SUBGRADE FOLLOWING OVEREXCAVATION. 4. SUBGRADE TO BE PROOFROLLED IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO PLACING BASEROCK. BASEROCK TO BE PROOFROLLED IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO PAVING. LAST REVISION DATE: Jo # 5. CONTRACTION JOINTS SHALL BE PLACED AT DEC 1999 X 15'. MIN. INTERVALS AND SHALL EXTEND AT LEAST 50% THROUGH THE CURB SECTION. PAVEMENT AND 6. ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE 3300 PSI @ 28 DAYS. TYPE 'C' CURB DETAIL 7. CURBS TO CURE A MINIMUM OF 7 DAYS PRIOR TO PLACING FINAL BASEROCK AND PAVING. NTS USE TYPE 1 OR 1-D CLEAR CURING COMPOUND. DETAIL No, WESTECH ENG. 2390 5 4 3 A A COUPLING PIPE—SEE PLAN FOR PIPE LOCATION INTO CATCH BASIN PLAN MIN/MAX CLEARANCE CLASS 3 NATIVE BACKFILL — 85% OPTIMUM PER AASHTO T-180 TYPICAL FINISH GRADE RIM ELEV, 12"/18" PER PLANS cr 0 � v> I04 >30" x W M Z (SEE DTLS 3020-3040 FOR REQ'MTS) ,Received Q J-- JAW QOrigg z 0 o i 95% COMPACTION REQ'D FOR TOP LIFT IN STREET N a 30° 00 (STREET BASEROCK THICKNESS) PER AASHTO T-180 a TOP PIPE — a _j g„ MIN. I 4 dh �d< m ' CLASS 3 BACKFILL: BELOW RIM , Q CAPPED PERF. PIPE d ; (COLOR 3/4"-0" GRANULAR IBACKFILL ABOVE > W/ THREADED CAP, SEE & WORDS AS REQ'D BACKFILL ; PIPE ZONE U_ PLAN FOR DRILLED ORIFICE 92% COMPACTION ( ) (85% COMPACTION) `- 0-0 -.,I- STORM, ETC.) DIA. M a 6„ O0 a �-- COUPLING OUTLET FLOW ;a a PER N_ TEF;S ABOVE) , _ PERF. PIPE Q e a d _..:_ .. (INV PER PLANS) ° SOLID WALL WI W a PIPE d 12" MIN. ABOVE w n Q z OUTSIDE OF PIPE 0 o m > CV N v C�f o SECTION A PIPE TYPES) w Q LAST REVISION DATE: °- z o Q „A„ D'EC. 2019 TRACER WIRE TRENCH COMPACTION: CLASS 1 GRANULAR BACKFILL — 92% OPTIMUM PER AASHTO T-180 (MODIFIED PROCTOR) MIN/MAX CLEARANCE CLASS 3 NATIVE BACKFILL — 85% OPTIMUM PER AASHTO T-180 10"/18" 12"-16" 12"/18" 18"-21" cr 0 � v> SURFACE RESTORATION CLASS - >30" x W M Z (SEE DTLS 3020-3040 FOR REQ'MTS) ,Received Q J-- JAW QOrigg z 0 o Y - 95% COMPACTION REQ'D FOR TOP LIFT IN STREET N flo, °o O 00 (STREET BASEROCK THICKNESS) PER AASHTO T-180 ' CLASS 3 BACKFILL: UNDERGROUND CLASS 1 BACKFILL: CLEAN NATIVE o WARNING TAPE (COLOR 3/4"-0" GRANULAR IBACKFILL ABOVE & WORDS AS REQ'D BACKFILL ; PIPE ZONE U_ FOR WATER, SEWER, 92% COMPACTION ( ) (85% COMPACTION) `- 0-0 -.,I- STORM, ETC.) M m O0 (� TRENCH ICOMPACTION PER N_ TEF;S ABOVE) a J ° WI W Q 12" MIN. ABOVE w n Q OUTSIDE OF PIPE 0 o m > BELL (TYPICAL ALL N v C�f o PIPE TYPES) w Q °- z o Q „A„ TRACER WIRE � ft: I- "B" NOMINAL "g" ALONG ALL NON-METALLIC MIN/MA PIPE DIA. MIN/MAX PIPE & LATERALS o < J 6" MIN BEDDING w o W I BELOW PIPE a � d Q v (TYPICAL ALL PIPE yr) m fln ( TYPES) 1=1 11=1 I l—f I I—I l 1—I 11=1 11=1 I I—I 11=1 I I—III-1 III—I 11=1 I I—I 1 I—III—I 1 I—III—I 11=1 I I-1 11=1 STABLE SUBGRADE, OR TRENCH FOUNDATION STABILIZATION AS REQUIRED 24" MIN. (SEE TABLE) NOTES: 1. CLASS 1 REQ'D. UNDER ALL EXIST. OR FUTURE. IMPROVED AREAS INCLUDING SIDEWALKS. 2. WHERE NEW PIPING IS IN SAME ALIGNMENT AS EXISTING PIPING, THE PIPE EMBEDMENT SHALL EXTEND TO A MIN. OF 6" BELOW THE NEW PIPING OR 6" BELOW EXISTING PIPING, WHICHEVER IS DEEPER. 3. FOR FLEXIBLE PIPE, BOTTOM OF TRENCH SHORING SHALL BE LAST REVISION ABOVE PIPE SPRINGLINE PRIOR TO COMPACTING BACKFILL JAN BELOW THE PIPE SPRINGLINE AND UNDER THE PIPE HAUNCHES: TF 4. MINIMUM CLEARANCES SHOWN ("B") ASSUMES STANDARD 6" WALL TRENCH BOXES SET ON TRENCH BOTTOM, AND REPRESENTS WIDTH REQUIRED TO CONSOLIDATE GRANULAR MATERIAL UNDER PIPE HAUNCHES (TO AVOID LOSS OF SIDE SUPPORT WHEN TRENCH BOX IS MOVED OR PULLED FORWARD). TRENCH WIDTH REDUCTION REQUIRES PRIOR APPROVAL BASED ON ACTUAL TRENCH SHORING PROPOSED. WESTECI "A„ NOM. PIPE DIAMETER MIN/MAX CLEARANCE <10 10"/18" 12"-16" 12"/18" 18"-21" 16"/24" 24"-30" 18"/30" >30" 24"/36" (SEE NOTE 4) �N �O S� o� _�o NCARB CERTIFIED MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS ���p PROFS RENEWS: 6/30/2020 PROJECT: THE ESTHER AT RIVER BEND ASSISTED LIVING COMMUNITY 3535 GAME FARM ROAD SPRINGFIELD, OREGON Uq ARCHITECT: PATRICK BICKLER, LLC 1313 Mill St. SE, Ste. 201 Salem, Oregon 97301 503.588.7046 0 503.316.0455 t) NOTICE: All drawings and written material appearing herein constitute the original and unpublished work of the Architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the prior written consent of the Architect. SHEET: C5.0 OF: WE JOB# 3172.0000.0 PROJECT NO.: 1910 DRAWN: AR CHECKED: SAW SHEET TITLE: CIVIL DETAILS ,Received JAW QOrigg i°l ��� DATE: 12.15.2019 REVISIONS: NOTICE: All drawings and written material appearing herein constitute the original and unpublished work of the Architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the prior written consent of the Architect. SHEET: C5.0 OF: WE JOB# 3172.0000.0 ■ CAST IRON GRATE AS MANUFACTURED - BY NYLOPLAST OR EQUAL. (SEE DETAIL) ,/--SEE PLANS FOR RIM ELEVATIONS ----� D 15" DRAIN AS MANUFACTURED COMPACTED BY NYLOPLAST OR EQUAL z_ BACKFILLR PIPE SPOOL, LENGTH AS REQUIRED. RISER TO BE SAME SIZE AS 00 (TYP ALL) HORIZONTAL OUTLET PIPE. TEE OR TEE W/PLUGGED INLET SEE PLANS FOR ORIENTATION °.:. AND SIZE °o •-- FLOW -- IN_ STABLE SUBGRADE SEE PLANS FOR INVERT ELEVATION PIPE SIZE 6" MIN COMPACTED ORIENTATION & SLOPE. PIPE MATERIAL ' GRANULAR BEDDING TYPE AS SHOWN OR SPECIFIED ON DRAWINGS CONNECT TO MAINLINE OR AREA DRAIN MANHOLE AS SHOWN ON NTS DRAWINGS 16.25" 16.25" s 10 HINGED GRATE COVER FOR ACCESS & SECURITYLO c� C=D LO LO n N cc'l o r � C= C= C STANDARD REDESTRIAN AREAS 15" CAST IRON GRATE DETAIL NOTES: NTS 1. AREA DRAIN NOT FOR USE IN AREAS SUBJECT TO VEHICLE TRAFFIC. 2. USE WATERTIGHT GASKETED FITTINGS AND ADAPTOR LAST REVISION DATE7 Jo # SEP 2005 STANDARD FOR ALL PIPE CONNECTIONS. 3. ALL GRATES IN PEDESTRIAN AREAS SHALL CONFORM AREA DRAIN, LANDSCAPE WITH ADA REQUIREMENTS, INCLUDING GRATE AND PEDESTRIAN AREAS OPENING SIZE. (NON -TRAFFIC) N TS DETAIL NO. WESTECH FNG. 3550 M�N NOTE: PER ORS 92.044(7), __ _ PROVIDE GASKETED PVC CAP ON ALL STUBSFOR MANHOLE MUST BE SET 1' FUTURE CONNECTION SHOWN ON DWGS (EXTEND PIPE MINIMUM CLEAR FROM ANY 2' MIN BEYOND MH WALL), SLOPE PER DWGS. SURVEY MONUMENT INVERT _ a • • z A o ELEVATIONS A O-RING 0 PER orfj t�J? ° BUTYL RESIN... J DRAWINGS MASTIC Q AS SPEC'O s( a - . p \ _ VACUUM TESTING OF EXTG < 0 MANHOLES REQUIRED � m STEPS. ."° AFTER NEW CONNECTIONS. OFFSET VERIFY LOCATION TO ° SEAL MH AS REQUIRED JOINT U_ ry AVOID CONFLICTS TO PASS. ~ O WITH INSIDE OR Q m OUTSIDE DROPS t SLOPE SHELVESUJ j BUTYL => _' 1:12 TO DRAIN RESIN w MASTIC Q ry • S' a f ALL INSIDE w • • MANPAN MH LID INSERT PLAN JOINTS & WALL ; q x U AS REQ'D (SEE DTL 4070) PENETRATIONS TO w p UJI MANHOLE FRAME BE OWING MH d 0 v AND COVER SET FRAME IN KEYLOCK 3 NON -SHRINK ASSEMBLY (TYP). JOINT PAVED GROUT SURFACE UNPAVED MANHOLE BARREL JOINT ONIONS Q MASTIC GRADE RINGS (VARIABLE) WRAP 18 MAX. -TOP OF FLAT o AS a TOP TO RIM REQ'D FLAT TOP SECTION, 8" MIN THICKNESS N n ° " 48" " INSIDE DIA. 5" MIN. THICK ALL PIPE PENETRATIONS ON SANITARY ALL OPENINGS Ali SEWER MANHOLES TO HAVE RUBBER CORED DRILLED. BOOTS AS SPECIFIED. Q� ROUTE TONING WIRE UP 4 OUTSIDE OF MH AS SHOWN 0 FLOWN- (TYP ALL PIPES), PRECAST BASE, 6" MIN THICKNESS �, ° 18 6" MIN COMPACTED MAX obGRANULAR BEDDING If (TYP)ilw=iii iiTiii--i- STABLE SUBGRADE LAST RE SECTION A A VISION DATE: COPYRIGHT 1996 MAY 2019 WESTECH ENGINEERING, INC. NOTES: PRECAST SECTIONS SHALL MEET OR EXCEED ASTM FLAT TOP MANHOLE C-478• FOR 21" PIPE AND SMALLER 2. WATERTIGHT 0 -RING OR MASTIC KEYLOCK JOINTS (SEWER & STORM) REQUIRED, EXTERNAL SEAL AT JOINTS & PICKHOLES. 3. STEPS TO BE POLYPROPYLENE PLASTIC WITH GRADE NTS 60 REINFORCING ROD. ADD STEPS TO EXTG I DETAIL No. CONNECTION MH IF EXTG STEPS ARE ABSENT. WESTECH ENG. 4020 5 1 CL _j W�- p L.J 0,W Zo oW z Z as 01 W co �Z Z W UO W LL Q Z O Ca W z CL Q w Q W W x Oa W o W ct O� W ` Z U) C� W fl. U CO Z O w o SHEET TITLE: M Z ZzC� LL. w EQUALLY SPACED acne � M L \ CL _j W�- p L.J 0,W Zo oW z Z as 01 W co �Z Z z UO W LL Q Z O o - Q. CL Q w Q W W W cn m Z, LL O W O~ CL m W Z _5W�H_ cw�nZ0^ C,4 W DOW Vovo w z LU �opU U) (%) z N / Z ozg W _j C) W D [L I— <'T d to N�¢w wo inzUj z -- w � cn O z � cn _, Ll.I < \\// //\\// //\\//\\// U X j r a O W Ix i> 1=1 x\//\ii\� O =1111 ° ,x 1-1 / W Z O IxO U F- fjC U w©W _j ILL wZ 4 I-2 - Z�0Qz UZW =Wo° Ham_ Z Z w 0 17 W W W 0LL�m Y U LL D oo? rrlrrr_... • ! BOLTED !ACCESS COVERS. fi/i�• r�11� IMPRESSIONS A ! iir� fig RISERS & SLAB T&G iii riiifir►_ vi. FIELD POURED • •LLAR REQUIREDrir ilrrii� fru Iii. s1r rii�i�t ✓u Ii�� BY jrl1�� r�ili . . 1fI� lrl: OTHERS.• GULD.If.� rill rri rwii_Ilir. 1_ f. TOP SLAB RISER T&G IMPRESSION, AS REQUIRED. BASE. VENTED OUTLET HOOD. cop 024" MAXIMUM. SEE NOTE 3. PERK FILTER "" ' •' CARTRIDGES. ,t CONCRETE FALSE FLOOR. OUTLET CHAMBER. 024" MAXIMUM. SEE NOTE 3. CONCRETE DIVIDER WALL. INLET GALLERY. 3X INLET WEIR/BYPASS ASSEMBLY. Notes: 1 Precast concrete structure shall be manufactured in accordance with ASTM Designation C857 and C858. 2. Filter system shall be supplied with traffic rated (1-120) bolted & gasketed 036" circular access covers with risers as required. Shallow applications may require configurations with (H20) bolted & gasketed square/rectangular access C hatches. Field poured concrete collars required, by others. 3. Inlet & outlet pipe(s) (0 24" maximum) may enter device on all three sides of the inlet & outlet chambers respectively. 4. Inlet chamber shall be supplied with a drain -down device designed to remove standing water between storm events. 5. For depths less than specified minimums contact Oldcastle® Stormwater Solutions for engineering assistance. �k Treatment Flow Rates shown conform to Washington State GULD Specifications Perk Filter TIM tlldcae° 'Wide Concrete Vault Stormwater Solutions _ 4 7921 Southpark Plaza, Suite 2001 Littleton QO 1801201 Ph: 800.579.88191 oldcastiestormwater.com Washington State G UL D THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF OLDCASTLE PRECAST; INC. IT IS SUBMITTED FOR REFERENCE PURPpSESONLY AND SHALL NOT BE USED IN ANYWAY INJURIOUS TOTHE INTERESTS OF SAID COMPANY. COPYRIGHT 02010OLDCASTLE PRECAST, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Filtration rix to Thirty One Cartridges I Stacks PF -V -8 -WA -0001 E &R .10 IWOO�, j'JPR 3/2/11 SFEET I OF 2 N L6 A J 0 c0 A 0 LO N O N ca M r_ ca n 0 o MANHOLE STEPS PER STD. MH DETAIL. ..-4 24" MANHOLE ACCESS. A ° ORIFICE CLEANING ACCESS -HOLE CENTERED 40.8/0.091 e I % ON OVERFLOW RISER, SEE SECTION A -A. 12.7 81.6/0.182 14.5 102.0/0.227 19.3 FLOW A INFLOW 47.6/0.106 LINES ° 24" MANHOLE FRAME & COVER W/16 (SEE PLAN HOLE LID. GRADE RINGS (VARIABLE) FOR � 18" MAX. -TOP OF FLAT TOP TO RIM LOCATION) 8"4 C.I. CLEANOUT CASTING (M1007, PLAN- LID TO READ "CO"). SET IN LIFT HANDLE SHALL BE GROUT/CONCRETE PAD AS SHOWN. SUPPORTED TO ENSURE IT 6"0 CORE HOLE CENTERED OVER REMAINS ACCESSIBLE FROM PAVED OVERFLOW & ORIFICE. MH OPENING. SURFACE ANCHOR STAINLESS OR ALUM STRAP UNPAVED v W/1 /2" EXPANSION ANCHORS (TYP 3) ° • ° 91.8/0.205 OVERFLOW RISER (DIAMETER >_ OUTLET •�: r PIPE, VERIFY BASED ON OVERFLOW REQ'D 8" MIN. (48"0); 10 ° FABRICATED HDPE N-12 CORRUGATED 8.7 102.0 / 0.227 6" MIN 136.0 / 0.303 CROSS WITH 8" CLEANOUT/SHEAR 10" MIN. (60"&72"s� HDPE ORIFICE 19.6 SEE NOTE (AlPIPE W 9 GATE AS MFG. BY ADVANCED DRAINAGE TURNDOWN WELDED 112.210.250 12.9 49.6/0.334 q: SYSTEMS (ADS) OR EQUAL, WITH HDPE TO CROSS. SEE PLAN : > 81.6/0.182 8.7 TAPER CONNECTION SIZED TO SEAL TO FOR PIPE SI 63.2/0.364 14.7 .. OUTLET PIPE. ORIFICE LETS 11 88.4/0.197 EE SEE NOTE 3 RE: X" SEE DWGS. SIZE & PIPE 1 00 OUTLET & MH SIZES FOR PIPE SIZE ELEV. 19.8 14 11 95.210.212 8.8 a . c° ---- 14.9 STORM PIPE 8" WATERTIGHT ° 11 102.0/0.227 X" a_ 153.0/0,341 CLEANLY CUT PIPE END SQUARE & 04.0/0.455 15.0 55.0/0.569 19.9 16 13108.8 FLUSH WITH INSIDE MH WALL, SEAL ALUMINUM " 13.1 °• 15.0 OUTLET TEE TAPER TO OUTLET PIPE. CLEANOUT/SHEAR 17 N 115.6/0.268 8.9 GROUT ALL OPENINGS AND GATE W/LIFT :. 48" MIN.INSIDE 289.0/0.644 20.1 JOINTS AFTER ASSEMBLY HANDLE 122.4 / 0.273 SEE NOTE3 183.6 / 0.409 13.2 44.810.546 15.1 1: 20.1 19 13 COMPACTED GRANULAR MATERIAL 5" MIN. a ° = 13.2 PRECAST BASE, 6" MIN THICKNESS (48"0) 6" MIN. 323.0/0.720 6" MIN THICKNESS (48"0) (fi0;;�) 7" MIN. .::.:. :: 4'.:::: . 8" MIN. THICKNESS (60"0 8c 72"0) _ (72 �) 1 8.9 _�` 6" MIN COMPACTED FLOW CONTROL ORIFICE PLATE,! STABEE GRANULAR WELD TO BOTTOM OF RISER WHERE SUBGRADE BEDDING REQUIRED FOR FLOW CONTROL. 15.2 SECTION A A 20.3 LAST REVISION DATE: 15 NOTES: 9.0 AUG 2014 STANDARD 1. PRECAST SECTIONS SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM C--478. 15.3 357.0 / 0.7961 2. DISTANCE FROM TOP OF OVERFLOW TO MH RIM SHALL BE POLLUTION/FLOW CONTROL BASED ON OVERFLOW CAPACITY CALC'S BY DESIGN 149.6 / 0.334 9.0 ENGINEER (ASSUME ORIFICE CONTROL). 13.4 MANHOLE W/OVERFLOW 3. 60" MINIMUM DIA. MANHOLE REQUIRED FOR OUTLET PIPE 74.0 / 0.8341 LARGER THAN 15" OR INLET > 21". 23 15 4. ORIFICE CLEANING ACCESS TO BE 6" CORE HOLE THROUGH NTS FLAT -TOP (CENTERED ON OVERFLOW) WITH Cl CLEANOUT 312.810.698 DETAIL No. 3200 BOX GROUTED TO SLAB. 20.5 WESTECH ENG. 1 18 WIN Ohl �,, int l��,�S� h+►� l�{{��a� �.- ��_/) i '� =� lir,' �.,.I `�"�`��� : • i � �� 1��ir'�J' lei►'/ '1�i1►v1` '��i�l a , . , «• a . . a, Washington Oil 11111 1,1111AWN-Ma .i 11 r & NOTE 6. .024' MAXIMUM. TREATED OUTLETS. SEE NOTE 3. j DRAIN-D� flir 4. SECTION A -A CONCRETE FALSE FLOOR. �k Treatment Flow Rates shown conform to Washington State GULD Specifications. Perk miter TM 01dc s e 8' Wide Concrete Vault Stormwater Solutions ® ® 7921 Southpark Plaza, Suite 200 I Littleton, CO 1801201 Ph: 800.579.88191 oldcastlestormwater.com Washington State G UL D THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF OLDCASTW PRECAST, INC. IT IS SUBMITTED FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY AND SHALL NOT BE USED IN ANY WAY INJURIOUS TO THE INTERESTS OF SAID COMPANY. COPYRIGHT 02010 OIDCASTLE PRECAST INC, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, Media Six to ThirtyOne Cartrid es / Stacks ECO -0122 Filtration g PF -V -8 -WA -0004 Er_Jnt 10/31114 11PR 3/2/111 SFW 2 OF 2 5 � 4 3 OUT L22x22x06 FRAME 53" NOTES: BOX FABRICATED FROM 10 GA. MATERIAL DUCTILE IRON SOLID LID & DUCTILE IRON GRATE PLAN VIEW BIKE PROOF, HEAVY DUTY TRAFFIC GRATE 53" SUPPORTS AASHTO H25 LOADS SEDIMENT ' ` I TRAP ttt OUTLET I I {+tt tt tt � }t t ttt i�1 t•t t tt tt tt` I I-02 tt SEDIMENT TRA' W/ HINGED d- LID I I 48" SIDE VIEW ISOMETRIC STATE APPROVED - ASPHALT D[P=P,ED 24"x42 - 6"0 OUTLET SAND COLLECTOR CATCH BASIN DWG # Gibson Steel Basins PROD. MAN. DOUG P. DWN. PAUL G. I SCALE NONE D2 SIMCE 1972 DATE: JAN. 23, 06 MODEL: scB10- 42H8-6 247 Washington St. Eugene, Or. 97401 ph: (541) 687 -- 8672 fax:344-0207- 2 Fs"Ie C�eu, C)(.,^1,)0CA_ 2evico 2.5 mf- dl Date Received s AINI'9�,:. Oenal Submiffal 7 0% oc� �0 S� � �GO �O NCARB CERTIFIED MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS RENEWS: 6/30/2020 PROJECT: THE ESTHER AT RIVER BEND ASSISTED LIVING COMMUNITY 3535 GAME FARM ROAD SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ARCHITECT: PATRICK BICKLER, LLC 1313 Mill St. SE, Ste. 201 Salem, Oregon 97301 503.588,7046 Ili 503.316.0455 0 PROJECT NO.: 1910 DRAWN: AR CHECKED: SAW SHEET TITLE: CIVIL DETAILS DATE: 12.15.2019 REVISIONS: NOTICE: All drawings and written material appearing herein constitute the original and unpublished work of the Architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the prior written consent of the Architect. SHEET: C5.2 OF: WE JOB# 3172.0000.0 N E 8' VAULT TREATMENT FLOW RATES, TOTAL FLOW CAPACITIES & MAXIMUM HEAD LOSS CARTRIDGE A CARTRIDGE STACK CONFIGURATION STACK DIMENSION 12" 18" 12" & 12" 12"& 18" QUANTITY -LENGTH- TREATMENT TOTAL FLOW TREATMENT TOTALFLOW TREATMENT TOTAL FLOW TREATMENT TOTAL FLOW FLOW RATE CAPACITY FLOW RATE CAPACITY FLOW RATE CAPACITY FLOW RATE CAPACITY (ID -FEET) (GPM / CFS) (CFS) (GPM 1 CFS) (CFS) (GPM / CFS) (CFS) (GPM / CFS) (CFS) 6 7 40.8/0.091 8.6 61.2/0.136 12.7 81.6/0.182 14.5 102.0/0.227 19.3 7 7 47.6/0.106 8.6 71.4/0.159 12.8 95.2/0.212 14.5 119.0/0.265 19.4 8 9 54.4 / 0.121 8.6 81.6/0.182 12.8 08.8/0.243 14.6 136.010.303 19.5 9 9 61,2/0.136 8.6 91.8/0.205 12.8 122.4/0.273 14.6 1153.0 /0.341 19.5 10 9 68.0/0.152 8.7 102.0 / 0.227 12.9 136.0 / 0.303 14.7 170.0/0.379 19.6 11 9 74.810.167 8.7 112.210.250 12.9 49.6/0.334 14.7 87.0/0.417 19.7 12 11 81.6/0.182 8.7 122.4 / 0.273 12.9 63.2/0.364 14.7 04.0/0.465 19.7 13 11 88.4/0.197 8.8 132.610.296 13.0 76.8/0.394 14.8 21 .0/0.493 19.8 14 11 95.210.212 8.8 142.8 /0,318 13.0 190.4/0,42 14.9 238.0/0.531 19.9 15 11 102.0/0.227 8.8 153.0/0,341 13.1 04.0/0.455 15.0 55.0/0.569 19.9 16 13108.8 / 0.243 8.8 163.2/0.364 13.1 217.6/0.485 15.0 72.0/0.607 20.0 17 13 115.6/0.268 8.9 173.4/0.387 13.2 31.2/0.516 15.1 289.0/0.644 20.1 18 13 122.4 / 0.273 8.9 183.6 / 0.409 13.2 44.810.546 15.1 306.0/0.682 20.1 19 13 129.2 / 0,288 8.9 193.8 / 0.432 13.2 58.4/0.576 15.2 323.0/0.720 20.2 20 15 136.0 / 0.303 8.9 04.010.45 13.3 272.010.607 15.2 0.0/0.7581 20.3 21 15 142.8 /0,1318 9.0 14.2/0.47 13.3 285.6 / 0.637 15.3 357.0 / 0.7961 20.3 22 15 149.6 / 0.334 9.0 4.4 / 0.500 13.4 299.2/ 0.667 15.3 74.0 / 0.8341 20.4 23 15 156.410.34 9.0 34.6/0,52 13.4 312.810.698 15.4 391.0 / 0.8721 20.5 24 1 18 163.2 / 0.364 9.0 .8/0.546 13.4 326.4 / 0.728 15.4 08.0 /0.9101 20.5 25 1 18 170.010.379 9.1 55.010.569 13.5 340.0 / 0.758 15.5 25.0 /0.9481 20.6 26 1 18 176,810.394 9.1 265.2/0.591 13.5 53.6 / 0.7891 15.5 42.0 / 0.9861 20.7 27 1 18 183.6 /0.409 9.1 75.410.614 13.6 367210.81 15.6 59-0/1-024 20.7 28 18 190.4 / 0.425 9.2 85.6/0.637 13.6 0.8/0.8491 15.6 476.0 /1.0611 20.8 29 18 197.2/0.440 9.2 95.8 / 0.660. 13.6 394.4/0.8801 15.7 493.01.1.0991 20.9 30 18 04.0/0.455 9.2 306.0 / 0.682 13.7 08.0/0.91 15.8 510.0 /1.134 20.9 31 18 10.8/0,470 9.2 16.2 / 0.7051 13:7 21.6/0.9401 15.8 527.011.175 21.0 IF MAXIMUM HEAD LOSS 1.7 FEET 2.3 FEET 2.9 FEET 111 3.5 FEET �k Treatment Flow Rates shown conform to Washington State GULD Specifications. Perk miter TM 01dc s e 8' Wide Concrete Vault Stormwater Solutions ® ® 7921 Southpark Plaza, Suite 200 I Littleton, CO 1801201 Ph: 800.579.88191 oldcastlestormwater.com Washington State G UL D THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF OLDCASTW PRECAST, INC. IT IS SUBMITTED FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY AND SHALL NOT BE USED IN ANY WAY INJURIOUS TO THE INTERESTS OF SAID COMPANY. COPYRIGHT 02010 OIDCASTLE PRECAST INC, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, Media Six to ThirtyOne Cartrid es / Stacks ECO -0122 Filtration g PF -V -8 -WA -0004 Er_Jnt 10/31114 11PR 3/2/111 SFW 2 OF 2 5 � 4 3 OUT L22x22x06 FRAME 53" NOTES: BOX FABRICATED FROM 10 GA. MATERIAL DUCTILE IRON SOLID LID & DUCTILE IRON GRATE PLAN VIEW BIKE PROOF, HEAVY DUTY TRAFFIC GRATE 53" SUPPORTS AASHTO H25 LOADS SEDIMENT ' ` I TRAP ttt OUTLET I I {+tt tt tt � }t t ttt i�1 t•t t tt tt tt` I I-02 tt SEDIMENT TRA' W/ HINGED d- LID I I 48" SIDE VIEW ISOMETRIC STATE APPROVED - ASPHALT D[P=P,ED 24"x42 - 6"0 OUTLET SAND COLLECTOR CATCH BASIN DWG # Gibson Steel Basins PROD. MAN. DOUG P. DWN. PAUL G. I SCALE NONE D2 SIMCE 1972 DATE: JAN. 23, 06 MODEL: scB10- 42H8-6 247 Washington St. Eugene, Or. 97401 ph: (541) 687 -- 8672 fax:344-0207- 2 Fs"Ie C�eu, C)(.,^1,)0CA_ 2evico 2.5 mf- dl Date Received s AINI'9�,:. Oenal Submiffal 7 0% oc� �0 S� � �GO �O NCARB CERTIFIED MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS RENEWS: 6/30/2020 PROJECT: THE ESTHER AT RIVER BEND ASSISTED LIVING COMMUNITY 3535 GAME FARM ROAD SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ARCHITECT: PATRICK BICKLER, LLC 1313 Mill St. SE, Ste. 201 Salem, Oregon 97301 503.588,7046 Ili 503.316.0455 0 PROJECT NO.: 1910 DRAWN: AR CHECKED: SAW SHEET TITLE: CIVIL DETAILS DATE: 12.15.2019 REVISIONS: NOTICE: All drawings and written material appearing herein constitute the original and unpublished work of the Architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the prior written consent of the Architect. SHEET: C5.2 OF: WE JOB# 3172.0000.0 N E M 6 U 0 c� 0 B a O O 6 0 a. C.? z a� a> CL a� W1 U m 0 a A T 0 N O N tU C 0 j 0 _o NOTE: 13.5" LOCAL JURISDICTION REI MNT. 22 1/2* BEND 0 INSTALL STORZ ADAPTER (HPHA) WITH 2 2 1 2" ( ) / 4 1 /2" UMPER SNAP-TITE STORZ BLIND CAP & CABLE HOSE A FINISH GRADE 6"VALVE NOZZLES BOX TO BE CONCRETE 4 1.7 JURISDICTION REQUIREMENTS). (NST) 8„ WITH RETAINER GLAND CENTERED IN CONCRETE 6 ENCASED IF NOT IN PAVED AREA. 5.3 2.9 1.5 (TYPICAL BOTH ENDS) NOTE: PER ORS 92.044(7), FIRE 6.7 9.5 USE 3300 PSI CONCRETE. HYDRANT MUST BE SET 1' 1.3 10 10.5 MINIMUM CLEAR FROM ANY STD. VALVE BOX 8 (ROUND OR SQUARE PAD) 2 SURVEY MONUMENT (VANCOUVER 910 STYLE) 15.1 21.3 811 5.9 0 W/VC212 VB BASE 26.8 37.9 20.5 12" MIN. BEHINDS W 3' 2" MIN MAX ` 17. o z 0 o,_ 12.8 6" MAX LARGER ROOK NO. 1 RT VALVE BOX _ * * * * CY wwz N z z LL .. s ft. D LID 'TRAFFIC' STYLE „- o U_ cri (2) 6" BOLLARDS MIN 00 w N o z (DETAIL 226) FOR _ 8" PVC SEWER PIPE, j LOCP TONER WIRE ` • :°• ° _a HYDRANTS SUBJECT UJI m z z3: TYPE GASKETS UP INTO VALVE a 44 = 4 ASTM D3034, SDR 35, M�N'T1 REQUIRED ON ---- BOX (PER DTL 5010) � I- m > 0 ANY PUSH -ON SHOWN ON DWGS. LENGTH AS REQUIRED JOINTS 6" FL X MJ x- Uj 4, z x C) 0 X -r __- RESILIENT WEDGE SEE NOTE 3 !i- �- - � z M 0 GATE VALVE VC212 VALVE BOX BASE Axa W (n> J z N 0 Q � 4'' CL. 52 Q.I. FLG X MJ ADAPTER AUTHORITY, DRINKING WATER SERVICES (DWS). BY 3DC, OR EQUALz 8'FDI -..- 1-12 � a THRUST O o w LL- ry 8"DI -.. v o BLOCK, O 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE DCDA TESTED AND Qw = ' - : " NOTE 5 RESILIENT WEDGE.,t°CK Ci- ro ~ GATE VALVE (GV) d D n " EPDXY COATED PER 4 .4 = p .� 6" - 4. AWWA C-550 RETAINER GLANDS LOOP TONER WIRE UP INTO d 12" X 12" (TYP ALL JOINTS) UNDISTURBED NOTES: CONC. BLOCKEARTH 6" FLG X MJ -(TYP) 1. HYDRANTS TO BE MUELLER SUPER CENTURION 250, SHOE MODEL A-423 WITH FULL SIZE VALVE BOX (TYP ALL). 2. ALL FITTINGS IN CONTACT WITH CONCRETE SHALL MAINLINE TEE BE WRAPPED IN PLASTIC. HYDRANT DRAIN HOLES TO 6" SIDE OUTLET REMAIN OPEN TO DRAIN ROCK AND OPERATIONAL. FLANGED 3. 1-1/2" TO 3/4" CLEAN DRAIN ROCK SHALL BE PLACED A MIN. OF 6" ABOVE- DRAIN OUTLET. 9. PAINT -CURB YELLOW 10 FEET 4. PLANTER STRIP. EXISTS, HYDRANT SHALL BE EACH WAY FROM HYDRANT & ROUTE WIRE OUTSIDE RISER MIN. OF 24" BEHIND INSTALL REFLECTIVE BLUE TRAFFIC FACE OF CURB. MARKER @STREET CENTERLINE. 5. THRUST BLOCK AT STANDARD 6" FIRE HYDRANT TEE LAST REVISION DATE: JO # SHALL HAVE MIN. 3.7 SQ. FT. PIPE & INSIDE OF VALVE AUG 2019 STANDARD PIPELINE PLUMB. REQUIRED BY FIRE DEPT. 7. FOR HYDRANT LEADS LONGER THAN 30', AN STANDARD PIPELINE BOX AS SHOWN. FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY 3 FT. OF THE HYDRANT. FINISH GRADE UTILITY 8. RESTRAIN ALL JOINTS ON ALL HYDRANT LEADS. 6" MIN COMPACTED RETAINER GLANDS SHALL TO BE USED IN LOU OF NOTCH 1/8" DEEP / _ INDICATING DIRECTION LPI GRANULAR BEDDING 1% MSN: DETAIL NO. OF FLOW THROUGH 'r- STABLE SUBGRADE WESTECH EVIG. 5030 VALVE (BOTH SIDES) 2" SQUARE OPERATING NUT, - Imo;,- 6" MIN. CLEARANCE WHEN 11 2 NUT HEIGHT TO BE 2" MIN. 12" MIN 2 4" MAX 1" SCHED 80 STEEL PIPE SHAFT OR GRANULAR. -BACKFILL g" CAST IRON 1" SOLID STEEL ROD (1 PIECE). O.S.&Y. VALVE IS FULLY OPEN FACE OF STREET CURB OR OTHER DISPOSALIN RING WITH P n CENTERING PLATE, 1/4" STEEL, SIZED LIFTING 4" POWER CONDUIT FOR SUMP PUMP & CONTROL FOR 1/8" TO 1/4" CLEARANCE TO ; < 0010, SOCKETS CAST IRON II RISER PIPE, LOCATED 6" BELOW NUT. ,w.. TRAFFIC COVER SUPPORT COLLARS, OAR 333-061-0071.3.f). (TYP. BOTH ENDS) WELDED TO SHAFT ~ 9- 5/8" 11. SUMP PUMP POWER SHALL BE INSTALLED IN BALL VALVE 2%" SQUARE SOCKET, C SCHEDULE 40 RIGID CONDUIT PER NEC ALUMINUM SIDEWALLS - 1/4" MIN THICK '< ry 3-1 4" REQMNTS. TOP - 1/4" MIN THICK (FULL ° a LADDER & FILLET WELD TO SOCKET) LINE. PLUMB TO FACE STREET CURB OR 12. THRUST COLLAR CONCRETE SHALL BE 3300 OSBcY SOCKET DEPTH ==- 2%" MIN AFETY EXT �i8>> 1-3/4" STEM EXTENSION OTHER APPROVED DISPOSAL POINT. PSI @ 28 DAYS. GATE LAST REVISION DATE: JO # BROOKS NO. 1 RT VALVE BO'X JULY 2017 STANDARD PROVIDE 30" MINIMUM COVER. 13: IF REQUIRED BY LOCAL STANDARDS, PROVIDE. NOTES: GATE VALVE AND 1. GV SHALL CONFORM TO AWWA C-509. VALVE BOX DETAIL - 8" DOUBLE CHECK DETECTOR ASSY 2. VALVE BOXES SHALL BE PLUMB AND CENTERED DIRECTLY , - 4 OVER THE VALVE NUT. - 3. VALVE BOX TOP SHALL BE ADJUSTED TO FINISHED GRADE. NTS - 4. PVC SHALL BE ONE CONTINUOUS PIECE, NO BELLS OR DETAIL NO. COUPLERS. WESTLE_ C; I ENG. 5011 M 6 U 0 c� 0 B a O O 6 0 a. C.? z a� a> CL a� W1 U m 0 a A T 0 N O N tU C 0 j 0 _o NOTE: HYDRANT COLOR TO BE ONFROM T0 - LOCAL JURISDICTION REI MNT. 22 1/2* BEND 0 INSTALL STORZ ADAPTER (HPHA) WITH 2 2 1 2" ( ) / 4 1 /2" UMPER SNAP-TITE STORZ BLIND CAP & CABLE HOSE A NOZZLE (NST) WHERE REQUIRED (SIZE PER LOCAL NOZZLES CAST -IN-PLACE CONCRETE THRUST COLLAR 4 1.7 JURISDICTION REQUIREMENTS). (NST) WITH RETAINER GLAND CENTERED IN CONCRETE 6 0 5.3 2.9 1.5 (TYPICAL BOTH ENDS) NOTE: PER ORS 92.044(7), FIRE 6.7 9.5 5.1 HYDRANT MUST BE SET 1' 1.3 10 10.5 MINIMUM CLEAR FROM ANY STD. VALVE BOX 8 4.1 2 SURVEY MONUMENT (VANCOUVER 910 STYLE) 15.1 21.3 11.6 5.9 0 W/VC212 VB BASE 26.8 37.9 20.5 12" MIN. BEHINDS W 3' 2" MIN 18 33.9 24" MIN. BEHIND CURB 12.8 6" MAX LARGER * * * * * * * * TYP 12" BEARING AREA OF THRUST BLOCKS s ft. URY 2. DCDA SHALL CONFORM TO REQUIREMENTS OF (2) 6" BOLLARDS is x j S/W 4: (DETAIL 226) FOR _ a FIELD-LOK LOCP TONER WIRE ` • :°• ° _a HYDRANTS SUBJECT JURISDICTION. z TYPE GASKETS UP INTO VALVE a 44 = 4 TO VEHICLE DAMAGE M�N'T1 REQUIRED ON ---- BOX (PER DTL 5010) (PAINT YELLOW), AS 4 PIPE LOWER HALF - ANY PUSH -ON SHOWN ON DWGS. = JOINTS 6" FL X MJ DRAIN ROCK > VARIES __- RESILIENT WEDGE SEE NOTE 3 - j GATE VALVE Axa _ 4'' CL. 52 Q.I. FLG X MJ ADAPTER AUTHORITY, DRINKING WATER SERVICES (DWS). P-0 8'FDI -..- a THRUST O o 8"DI -.. v o BLOCK, O 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE DCDA TESTED AND 6" D.I. ' - : " NOTE 5 CL 52 o D d D n " 4 .4 = p .� 6" - 4. 4" GLOBE OR WAFER STYLE SILENT RETAINER GLANDS d 12" X 12" (TYP ALL JOINTS) UNDISTURBED NOTES: CONC. BLOCKEARTH 6" FLG X MJ -(TYP) 1. HYDRANTS TO BE MUELLER SUPER CENTURION 250, SHOE MODEL A-423 WITH FULL SIZE (51/") FOOT VALVE. 2. ALL FITTINGS IN CONTACT WITH CONCRETE SHALL MAINLINE TEE BE WRAPPED IN PLASTIC. HYDRANT DRAIN HOLES TO 6" SIDE OUTLET REMAIN OPEN TO DRAIN ROCK AND OPERATIONAL. FLANGED 3. 1-1/2" TO 3/4" CLEAN DRAIN ROCK SHALL BE PLACED A MIN. OF 6" ABOVE- DRAIN OUTLET. 9. PAINT -CURB YELLOW 10 FEET 4. PLANTER STRIP. EXISTS, HYDRANT SHALL BE EACH WAY FROM HYDRANT & .WHERE PLACED SO FRONT PORT IS A MIN. OF 24" BEHIND INSTALL REFLECTIVE BLUE TRAFFIC FACE OF CURB. MARKER @STREET CENTERLINE. 5. THRUST BLOCK AT STANDARD 6" FIRE HYDRANT TEE LAST REVISION DATE: JO # SHALL HAVE MIN. 3.7 SQ. FT. BEARING AREA. AUG 2019 STANDARD 6. ALL HYDRANTS SHALL BE SET PLUMB. REQUIRED BY FIRE DEPT. 7. FOR HYDRANT LEADS LONGER THAN 30', AN STANDARD ADDITIONAL GATE VALVE SHALL BE PROVIDED WITHIN FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY 3 FT. OF THE HYDRANT. FINISH GRADE UTILITY 8. RESTRAIN ALL JOINTS ON ALL HYDRANT LEADS. GRADE 60. RETAINER GLANDS SHALL TO BE USED IN LOU OF NTS THRUST ;BLOCK BEHIND HYDRANT. 1% MSN: DETAIL NO. W/RETAINER GLAND 1% Ml INSTALLED UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY WESTECH EVIG. 5030 FITTING SIZE (Inches) TEE, WYE, & Q HYDRANTS 90° BEND Q PLUGGED CROSS TEE PLUGGED -RUNS 45` BEND © 22 1/2* BEND 0 11 1/4* BEND 1 2 * * * * CAST -IN-PLACE CONCRETE THRUST COLLAR 4 1.7 2.4 1.3 WITH RETAINER GLAND CENTERED IN CONCRETE 6 3.7 5.3 2.9 1.5 (TYPICAL BOTH ENDS) 8 6.7 9.5 5.1 2.7 1.3 10 10.5 14.8 8 4.1 2 12 15.1 21.3 11.6 5.9 2.9 16 26.8 37.9 20.5 10.4 5.2 18 33.9 47.9 25.9 12.8 6.7 LARGER * * * * * * * * * * 12" BEARING AREA OF THRUST BLOCKS s ft. 1. ALL VALUES ARE BASEDON THE FOLLOWING ASSUMPTIONS: AVG. PRESSURE = 100 PS1 x 2 (safety factor); 1500 PSF SOIL BEARING CAPACITY; NORMAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM DESIGN VELOCITY NOT TO EXCEED 5 FPS. 2. ALL FITTINGS SHALL BE WRAPPED IN PLASTIC PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF CONCRETE. 3. BEARING SURFACE OF THRUST BLOCKING SHALL BE AGAINST UNDISTURBED SOIL. 4. TRUCK -MIXED CONCRETE MIX SHALL HAVE A MIN. 28 DAY STRENGTH OF 3300 PSI (5" MAX SLUMP). USE OF HAND -MIXED SACK -CRETE TYPE CONCRETE REQUIRES WRITTEN CITY APPROVAL PRIOR TO USE, AND SHALL BE 4000 PSI MIX, MIXED WITH MIN AMOUNT OF WATER NECESSARY FOR WORKABILITY (5" MAX SLUMP). USE OF DRY. SACK -CRETE MIX (BAGS OR LOOSE MIX) IS PROHIBITED FOR PERMANENT THRUST RESTRAINT. 5. ALL PIPE ZONES SHALL BE BACKFILLED WITH GRANULAR BACKFILL AND. COMPACTED. 6. THRUST BLOCKS FOR PLUGGED CROSS AND PLUGGED TEE SHALL HAVE #4 REBAR 'LIFTING LOOPS INSTALLED AS SHOWN.. 7. VERTICAL THRUST DETAILS -SEE DWG. 512. 8. STRADDLE BLOCK DETAILS -SEE DWG. 511. * BLOCK TO UNDISTURBED TRENCH WALLS * * THRUST BLOCKS FOR PIPES LARGER THAN 18" WILL BE INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNED BY THE ENGINEER. SEE DETAIL 511 STD. 6" F.H. Hv. Q 3.7 FT.2 __ - __ e on rFT. 2 f i 41 rM IN. Q© 012 2Q - z x_ a _ UNDISTURBED ' ... SOIL 8" FEBCO 856 DOUBLE CHECK DETECTOR PROVIDE BALI... DRIP DRAIN VALVE TO DRAIN FDC, EITHER ON UTILITY VAULT 5106 -WA (5'0" UPPER 18" MIN. HALF 'h- ASSEMBLY WITH 2 OS&Y GATE VALVES, CHECK VALVE OR WITH HORIZONTAL TAPPING SADDLE x 10'6" �'�� ID) W/H-20 RATED OR APPROVED EQUAL. LID, OR EQUIVALENT. CHECKED: CAST -IN-PLACE CONCRETE THRUST COLLAR 4" SCH: 80 GALV. STEEL PIPE CONDUITS FOR SUMP PUMP _ _ WITH RETAINER GLAND CENTERED IN CONCRETE a. ° d d d Q O . G d <} d. POWER & VALVE TAMPER -_ __________ (TYPICAL BOTH ENDS) INST ."FORWARD 4' 4 FLOW"TEST LADDER REVISIONS: s SWITCH WIRES _____ _ __________ - - - - 0e i @ Sub m a l a PART R DTL 5590 U LESS & SAFETY F.D.C. PER FIRE DEPT. -- -- - - Architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the prior written consent of the Architect. .NOTES: AL .LOCATION APP OVED. EXTENSION -..--- 4 O REQMNTS. LOCATE AS __________ _------------- 1. DCDA- DOUBLE CHECK DETECTOR ASSEMBLY 1. SHOWN ON PLANS. - ----- ----_ - ______________________ FDC -FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION. 12" -- - ------------ ------ - 2. DCDA SHALL CONFORM TO REQUIREMENTS OF d GROUT VAULT SOLID FOAM PUBLIC/PRIVATE AGENCIES HAVING _ a „ 6 a CORE INSULATION JURISDICTION. a 44 = 4 d. M�N'T1 __ 4 PIPE LOWER HALF 3. DCDA & VAULT INSTALLATION SHALL MEET = > __- 4: 4" CL. 52 D.I. PIPE TO FINISH GRADE REQUIREMENTS OF OREGON HEALTH - _ 4'' CL. 52 Q.I. FLG X MJ ADAPTER AUTHORITY, DRINKING WATER SERVICES (DWS). P-0 8'FDI -..- 8"DI -.. W/RETAINER GLAND 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE DCDA TESTED AND CERTIFIED PRIOR TO ACCEPTANCE BY OWNER. 4 .4 = 6" -- 4 ° 4 4" GLOBE OR WAFER STYLE SILENT 5. FDC SHALL NOT EXIT THROUGH THE TOP OF = " z N MIN. d __ .. p `' CHECK VALVE W/BALL DRIP VALVE. THE VAULT. - d MEGAFLANGE (TYP. BOTH ENDS) a 4 1.5" SOLID FOAM INSULATION, FOIL SIDE 6. ALL PIPE OPENINGS SHALL BE SEALED WITH 44 4 °. Q d TOWARD VAULT. INSTALL IN TWO HALVES. NON -SHRINK WATERTIGHT GROUT. PLAN SEE ABOVE RIGHT. (TYP BOTH ENDS} 7. BENDS, CROSSES AND TEES SHALL NOT BE INSTALLED WITHIN 5 FEET OF THE OUTSIDE ALUMINUM HATCH NTS FIRE DEPT. CONNECTION SET MIN. 36" VAULT WALL. (SEE NOTE 14) SET TOP 1" MIN. ABOVE FG. OUTSIDE PAVED ABOVE GRADE UNLESS OTHERWISE 8. ALL VAULTS SHALL MEET OR EXCEED ASTM AREAS. USE H-20 RATED HATCH IF LID IS REQUIRED BY FIRE DEPT. C-857. ALL VAULT CONCRETE TO BE 4500 SET TOP AT LESS THAN 9" ABOVE FG ON ALL SIDES. 4" SCH, 80 GALV. STEEL NIPPLE PSI @ 28 DAYS. REBAR TO BE ASTM A-615 FINISH GRADE UTILITY 4" GALV. STEEL COMPANION FLANGE GRADE 60. IN PAVED AREAS VAULT 4" CL. 52 D.I. FLG X MJ ADAPTER 9. SUMP PUMP WITH POWER SUPPLY SHALL BE 1% MSN: W/RETAINER GLAND 1% Ml INSTALLED UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY :�._ Q.. d ° e.d ° d Q 'd d 4 - Imo;,- 6" MIN. CLEARANCE WHEN PUBLIC WORKS. 10. SUMP DISCHARGE SHALL BE PLUMBED TO GRANULAR. -BACKFILL CORE VAULT TO O.S.&Y. VALVE IS FULLY OPEN FACE OF STREET CURB OR OTHER DISPOSALIN `IMPROVED AREAS .. PIPE DIA +3" MIN, 4" POWER CONDUIT FOR SUMP PUMP & CONTROL POINT APPROVED BY LOCAL JURISDICTION (SEE ; < KOR-N-SEAL BOOT„ CONDUIT TO CONNECT OS&Y VALVE TAMPER OAR 333-061-0071.3.f). (TYP. BOTH ENDS) 2 TRUE UNION SWITCHES TO FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT. (SEE 11. SUMP PUMP POWER SHALL BE INSTALLED IN BALL VALVE ELEC. PLANS, 30" TYP COVER). SCHEDULE 40 RIGID CONDUIT PER NEC ALUMINUM 2" SCH 40 PVC SUMP PUMP DISCHARGE REQMNTS. ° a LADDER & LINE. PLUMB TO FACE STREET CURB OR 12. THRUST COLLAR CONCRETE SHALL BE 3300 OSBcY AFETY EXT OTHER APPROVED DISPOSAL POINT. PSI @ 28 DAYS. GATE (SEE NOTE PROVIDE 30" MINIMUM COVER. 13: IF REQUIRED BY LOCAL STANDARDS, PROVIDE. : VALVE 15 } - 8" DOUBLE CHECK DETECTOR ASSY REMOTE READER FOR DETECTOR LOOP PER (TYf) , - 4 2" BALL CHECK VALVE CONTRACTOR TO LOCAL JURISDICTION REQUIREMENTS. - VERIFY ALL VAULT 14. ALUMINUM ANGLE FRAME HATCH (3'0"x 56" __ -_ UNION DIMENSIONS PRIOR MIN) SHALL BE BY SYRACUSE CASTINGS WEST - MEGAFLANGE TO ORDERING & OR APPROVED EQUAL (SAND BLASTED 8"DI -- 8"D (TYP. BOTH ENDS) PROVIDE RISER IF NON -SLIP). (1) TO BE 300 PSF PEDESTRIAN ` _ 12►, __ RE UIRED. RATED EXKD-3666-RPC WHERE LID IS SET _ MiN. LAST REVISION DATE: JO # MIN. OF 9 ABOVE GRADE. (2) TO BE H-20 d _ d a d.a °. ` ° __ AUG 2019 STANDARD RATED ECHO -3666 -RPC IF -LID IS LESS THANk N 9" ABOVE GRADE, OR IS IN TRAFFIC AREA. 8" DOUBLE CHECK 15. OSHA APPROVED GALVANIZED STEEL LADDER6" i�� MIN. COMPACTED MIN 5 GPM SUMP PUMP WITH POWER DETECTOR ASSEMBLY & ALUMINUM LADDER SAFETY EXTENSION. GRANULAR BASEROCK SECTION SUPPLY. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE W/FDC STANDON MODEL S89 NTS WITH BUILDING CONTRACTOR TO CONNECT NTS 16. PER OFC 903.4 INSTALL APPROVED TAMPER SWITCH ON BOTH FLANGE SUPPORT OR SUMP PUMP TO BUILDING POWER. OS&Y VALVES IN VAULT, WIRED TO A LISTED FIRE ALARM APPROVED EQUAL (TYP). WESTECH ENG. DETAIL No. 5561 CONTROL UNIT, UNLESS EXEMPTION IS GRANTED BY FIRE DEPT. P/L OR WATER METER (SEE DWG. FOR LOCATION) _N__7 2" MIN. WATER 24" MAX METER (NTS) POLYMER AS MANU OLD CAS' 3/4"-2" FEBCO MODEL 850 DOUBLE CHECK ASSEMBLY (OR EQUAL) (SEE PLANS FOR SPECIFIED SIZE) INCREASER ON DOWN STREAM SIDE (_SEE DWG. FOR SIZE) 3" DUCT --J z TERMINATOR AT _ � o o >_ EACH END MIN. 6" CRUSHED ELEVATION ROCK UNDER BOX FOOTPRINT. NOTES: DCA BOX BOX 1. DCA- DOUBLE CHECK ASSEMBLY DIA. MODEL NO. NOMINAL DIMENSIONS AT TOP 2. DCA SHALL CONFORM TO REQUIREMENTS 3/4" S13241326AA 13" X 24" (26"D) OF PUBLIC/PRIVATE AGENCIES HAVING JURISDICTION. 1 " S13241326AA 13" X 24" (26"D) 3. DCA & VAULT INSTALLATION SHALL 1 1 /2" S1730B26AA 17" X 30" (26"D) MEET STATE OF OREGON, DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES, AND HEALTH DIVISION REQUIREMENTS. 2 S1730B26AA 17 X 30 (26» D) 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE DCA TESTED AND CERTIFIED PRIOR TO ACCEPTANCE BY OWNER. I 5. VERIFY ADEQUATE CLEARANCES FOR LAST REVISION DATE: JO # TESTING AND REPAIR. DEC 2004 STANDARD 6. BRASS PLUGS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN TEST COCKS. 2" AND SMALLER 7. LOCK DOWN COVER WITH HEX HEAD BOLTS. DOUBLE CHECK COVER SHALL READ "WATER" ASSEMBLY 8. DCA SHALL NOT BE INSTALLED IN AREAS NTS SUBJECT TO VEHICLE TRAFFIC AND PEDESTRIAN SIDEWALK AREAS.oErAi� No. WESTECH` ENG. _ 5310 I S� 0%`1 �0 S� o� NCARB CERTIFIED MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS RENEWS: 6/30/2020 PROJECT: THE ESTHER AT RIVER BEND ASSISTED LIVING COMMUNITY 3535 GAME FARM ROAD SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ARCHITECT: PATRICK BICKLER, LLC 1313 Mill St. SE, Ste. 201 Salem, Oregon 97301 503.588.7046 0 503.316.0455 Q PROJECT NO.: 1910 DRAWN: AR CHECKED: SAW d SHEET TITLE: CIVIL DETAILS DATE: 12.15.2019 REVISIONS: nived JANNO 9 202 - - - - 0e i @ Sub m a l a NOTICE: All drawings and written material appearing herein constitute the original and unpublished work of the Architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the prior written consent of the Architect. SHEET: C5.3 OF: WE JOB# 3172.0000.0 � 2 � 1 BOUDARY AND TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY FOR FALL INVESTMENTS SE 114, SECTION 15., T 17 S., R 3 W .t W. M. SPRINGFIELD., LANE COUNTY, ., OREGON SURVEYEDO DECEMBER 3, 2018 STM CL RIM EL=436.40' STM MH- M Ty CL IMADMUNU PLKKY 10 FL IN (S) 432.15 VAI/ 4 F GAS 4,11 RIM EL=4J5.08' STM CL w H2O 12 -GAS 4 RIM EL=4J5.24' :H2O 12 12 L OUT (W) 432.05' H20 12 -GAS 4" FND J" BRASS CAP--,,*-* r R�/ EL=4J4.J8' 10- FL OUT (S) 4Jl.J6' STV MH J 52037 LEGEND MARKED "ODOT" 10 FL OUT 9.88' M -M EL=U_6.501 STY MH 1 5204 )p 12" FL IN (E) 429.87' STM 12 _.'�w MH1 24886 BOUNDARY LINE RIM EL=4J4.79' _ww 10 - Ww 10 60' FL (SE 427.20' RIM EL=4J6.96' _ww 10"TING CENTERLINE -STV 60" 10"' FL OUT (W) 420.56' 60" FL 425.79' MHJ 24885 cz� : STY 60 EXISTING ROADWAY _L =4J7 J' (S 42 OUT "50 �87' ' 0 .2 10" FL IN (E) 420.66' STM CL. RIM EL=4J4.79' EXISTING PUE fNQ REBA R STM STM CL -1 C _ L 8" FL IN (W) 420.59' 41 1 RIM EL=4J4.02' '90, _2111 28 ELECTRIC POLE 19 1z 8" FL OUT (N) 420.49 YPC MARKED JJ RIM EL=4J5. RIM EL=4J6. 10- FL OUT (NE) 429.92' 11 10" FL OUT (N) 4JO.89' 10 FL OUT (N) 4J2.4J GUY WIRE LEVATION=4J5 70' p p 8" FL IN (E) 420.59 \.6 E FND BRASS CAP,, mailBox rpi TELEPHONE PEDISTAL MARKED "GF/DF OEL . .... .. . . .... .. . ... ... OEL E S89* ... QUIP x CED ELECTRIC VAULT DA TUM BASED ON ar 1111 594j 'E' 510.60 CITY OF - - I I p � STREET SIGN 275.99' 174.80 59.81 BENCHMARK IJ75 - - 518 REBA R 0 STORYWATER INLET *07 STY MH 4606 147E 9.30 r YPC MARKED *"PLS 655 FND 518 REBA R FIRE HYDRANT S RIM EL=4J4.71' ELEVATION=4J6.79' MARKED FIRE & ASSOC." WYC 10" FL UT (NE) 429.51' mw WATER METER *54J2t 2700' 518 REBA R WATER VALVE WW MH 2569 YPC MARKED 'POAGE" FNS 5/8" REBA R RIM EL=4J4.60' 11 ELEV=4J6.75' YP(,;' MARKED 'POAGE OEL OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE 8 FL IN (SW) 420.95' __4 1 \' \ N,) 24 CUL X\ 8- FL OUT (N) 420.78" SUBJEC T PROPERTY EL=429.82' 8 SHED - FL IN (SE) 420.90' Qx5.25 65,407 SQFT 1] 1� 12 EXISTING' SUBJECT Curve Table 1 ( DRI VEAA Y j 2489 �11 1. 5 ACRES A / I % �D I \ PROPERTY 24891 WW MH STY MH 5J15 0 3r I Curve Length Radius Delta "11c1qrd 0 1 `& '?�� �ED4J10 RIM EL=4J4.99' Ir RIM EL=4J5.041 14,228 SOFT 8 " FL OUT (NE) 421.89' 6.x5,25 NOTES MAIL 1 32.44 20.00 9T56'02" S43037'28)N 2q,.00 \1 N-"" 8 FL IN (SE) 421.99' 0. JJ ACRES 1) ACCORDING TO FIRM MAPS 41039C 1134F AND 410390 I 133F THERE IS NO 100 YEAR Cpir SUBJECT PROPERTY\ 2 74.69 273.00 15'40'31 S10*53'17"E 74.46' FLOOD ZONE ON ANY OF THE LOTS SURVEYED. CLOSEST 100 YEAR FLOOD ZONE IS FND 518 REBA ► 4 1; 555 SQFT APPROXIMATELY 500 FEET TO THE EAST. v�;or YPC MARKED 'POAGE 518 - REBA R 1_7 i EXISTING BUILDING __J \ \ T� ED GE" APPROXIMATE HE�GHT. 4,56.28 EXISTING BUILDIN6 YPC IRKED 0. 95 ACRES 2) PUBLIC SANITARY PIPES AND INVERTS WERE NOT VISIBLE AFTER UTILITY LOCATES WERE FF- 4J9. 01 - 454.19' - FF- 4J9.51 CONDUCTED. 6" SEWER LATERALS HEREON WERE TAKEN FROM THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD'S HEIGHT' I \ ,o EXISTING DRAINAGE HT SJ2'JJ'JO't 1 1.JJ EX FLOWS SOUTH EAST AS -BUILT DRAWINGS OF THE SEWER LINES '' ` \ \ ''� � � , � � AS � � 3) ALL UTILITY LOCATES ARE BASED ON GROUND LOCATE MARKINGS OR MAPS PROVIDED BY SHED THE RESPECTIVE UTILITY FRANCHISE BEST EFFORT WAS MADE TO ACCURATELY DEPICT UTILITY HEIGH LOCATES. 70' kAj �o EXISTING EXISTING 01 0 DRI VEWA Y BUIL 4) AMENDED TO INCLUDE GAS LINE HEREON, APRIL 12, 2019 DING "�'• \ FF 4J724' 5) RELABELED TOTAL TANGENT DISTANCE ALONG DEADMOND FERRY ROAD, APRIL 12, 2019 N, �a CP EXISTING BUILDING- WW MH j 2569 N., SHED. FF 4J8.6,51 Irl) \ \ j I '�' N I 1 23 3xI6, RIM EL=436.07' 8" FL OUT (N) 429.72' C-4 SHED. - re) L IN (E) 430,22' 518 REBA R 11.00x20.00 F FND 00 ;Ir IN, 8' kF OUT (S) 429.79' ELEVATION=4J6 4 5&1 in F � e,-, U)p CN "lu HICK Q 112 IP STM 4 COUP `'�® �-�(A OW RIM EL =4 '58' WETLAND BOUNDARY DERIVED .08 N89 54 V �fl. 68 ow e. 02 175.02' 60. FL OUT (W) 4 J8' . � I--- FROM GIS DATA PROVIDED BY 10" WETLAND AND WILDLIFE LLC N89*57'18"E 2J5.04' WETLAND E '11' BOUNDARY 518 REBA R YPC MARKED 'POAGE" '_--SPOT SO*OJ'04'W 1230 ELEI/=4J7 09' �SPOT FND 518 - REBA R YPC ELEVAT1ON=4J6.14' SPOT L) ELEV=436.64' EL EVA T1ON=4J6WJ' ELEV=437.36' Z SPO 12 ELEV=4J6.71 rec-soved SCALE- I "=JO' a, 30, op 30, ELEV=4J6.90 60 ­_ \ 430 - RIM 0 2 EM 24 CUL VE I OEM Fmm op EL=425.22'- P19 SN 111:21 24 CUL VSR-Z1 .................... .................... .................... 11 1 " ko' EL=425.65* \ 3;rp (:p L h REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL �JN D S U RVEYYRIN. OREGON JULY 10, 1964 DATUM BASED ON NAVD88 (434.85') LAWRENCE B. OLSON 655 o/ JOB # 5115 PLANNING NUMBER XXXXXXXXXXXXXX RENEWS: 12-31-2020 ASSESSORS MAP: 17-03-15-40 TAX LOTS: 2300, 2400, & 2500 OLSON & MORRIS 380 Q STREET SUITE