HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2000-01-12t OFEGO'UC'TY OFS Ju'l - l4-99 09: l9A 225 FIFTE STREBT SP&INCPEEIT' 0RBG(&IB Zoning INSPECTION 7 oFtICB: 726-3739 Signature I...EGAT DESCRIPIION JOB DESCRIPTION Peratts ire non-trensferablc and explrolt york lg not started $lthln 180 daysof lssuance or t[ vork ls suspended for 180 daye. 2. COtnr.tctoE tNsf,aIl^f,troll onLy Electrical ContrrctorAlert Electric Address 1970 28th s CltySprinqfield Phone lat-ZZIZ Supervisor Llccnse Number 243s Erplration Date 10-:9.L-01_ Coostr Contr, Nunbcr 2055C Expi ratlon Date s-22-0L ture of,Electrlclan Nane tddrcss &21) fu+'-.-d.- c1 Phone OII!I8 TNSTALI.ATION The lnstallrtton ts belng acde onpropcrty f osn chlch ls not {ntendedfor sale, lcase or rent. Omerg SlEnaturct T,ATE: Rzcr.rff F' *",[ ":lt::?xl i Ax*,:;:,T:lHj"ky* o*' utt::: firfifiui! BIJcIRTcAL PEErlrr APPLrcATrou IAEHiEH : 0iI P. Ot .tb DATE:JAN 1I IOOO t7 ll@Clty Job Nugber COTTPI.ETE PBE SCEEDI'LE BEI'V A. Nov Besidentlal-Single or HuIti-Family per duelling unlt. Servlce Included: I tems Sum 1000 so.ft. or lcss uactr addltlonal 500 sq. ft or portlon thercof Each l{anuf 'd f,oue. or -llodular.'Drrelling Serirtce or Feedcr .8. Servlces or Feeders Installatlon, AlterationsInc.or Relocationt suBro'l'AL or' A8ovli ''l%Stn(c Surcharge 3f, Adtrrinistratlve Fce TOTAL Pump or lrrigotlon S igil /Ou t I I ne- Lt gh t lng:Linlted Encrgy/Ros 200 anrps or less 201 aups to 400 anrps -401 aups to 600 eops 601 erps to l00O anps_ over 1000 auos/volts Reconnect Only C. Tenpos*ry Se.rviccs or FeedersInstallatlon, Altorltion or Belocation 200 anps"or lcss S 40.00 orii ooo iiei or-tbooWs see nBi aE66 tlev, ilteratlon or Extension Per Panel OneClrcuir / - $35.00 35-- Each Addltioaal -Circult or vlth Service, .i --or Feeder Peruit + $ 2.00 5'TE. ltiscellancoue (Servlce/fecder not tncludef) -Eqch lnstallatlon Ccs t s 8s.00 $ 15.00 . s 40.00 5 $ 50.00 $ 60.00 $100. o0 s130.00 $300.00$ 40.00 s 40,00 $ qo.oo $ 20.00 s 35.00 R.ECEIVET' UT -1,;'a% I. IN.CATION OF INSTALIATION5.tO -fu*lb-*"t- - l-l 63*J lo t o.'z3trrO--., -