HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2002-09-24Oct- la-O1 Ot :43P 22-i FIFTH STREET SPRINCFIELD. OREGON 9?177 INSPECTION REQUEST: 116ai6, oFFICE 726-37i9 I. LOCATION OF T TION Aiitnorlzed signature E LEC.TR]CAL PERJVI T APPLJCATION Citl,Joh Numhcr 32 -o t St 3. COIV{PLETE FEE SCF{EDL'LE BELCW A. Nel' Rc.sldentiirl$ingle or P-O1 _ $ l9.oo $ i0.()u _._$63.00_ '- $ 75.00 _ -_ $ 125.00 --.- sl63 o0 __ sr75 00 _ $ 50.00 -*- $50_00 _- _ $69.00 --$lco oo _ LEGAL I)IONa010 o?80c) JOB DES oN lollowingProi ecr as sb iiPPrOval Pernr i t.s il rc llori -ltitnsferable a nd eErotsng rf *'ork is u(,1 stitrtcd ryithitr ISu days ol issttirncc or if rlork ts ItlO days. Multi-Fumil.v pcr <lrlelling unit. Sen icc lncluilcrt: Itenrs Cost Strrn the tollowing lHH0 nQSt, or less $ lffJ (,0 Eactr addtional 500 therccI ;ubmitted has' gire sPecific 2 CON]'RASTOR INSTALI-ATION ONLY Illcctriqtl Contraclo 1 Alert tlectric Address 7970 N. .2 th Street Cir.r s l-n f ie1dp56 7 47 -2273 Srrpervisor License Nunrber 243-S Expiration o*tu ]0# Constr Contr. Nurnber L27 7 2 Expirarioo Darc_ 5-22-03 aturr: of Supcn'ising Ek:ctricitn ,B; Ad ?o Gn 3/o Citl'Phone 3q { -4t t,+t OWNER INSTALLATION The installatron is being rrrade on properq l o*'n which is llot intclded for sele, lease or rent. Orrncrs Signature 0?- liornc or ing Sen ice or Feer]er B. Sen'iccs or Fcetlcrs Instirl lltion, Altcrttions or f nC. Rclocntion 2UJ anrps or less 2.1)l anrps to 400 amps iOl anrps ro 6Ut) lrnpg (riJl anrirs tc l0{10 anrps Over lt)00 amPVvoits Reccrurect Cnlv C. femporarS. Scrvices or Feerler.s Installation, Altcration or Rclocstion , 2Cl0 anrps or less 201 a.'nps rc 400 amps Over 401 to 500 amps Ol.er 600 emps or 1000 lolis scc "B" abc.re D. Branch Circuits Netv Alteration or Extension I)er Panei Orte Circuit Each Additional Crrcuit or *'ith or Feeder Perrnit \t E. l\{i.scellnneans fiv go $43.00 _ s50.oo -_ $5o,oo __ s25.00 -_. s45.00 Permit Inspccrion fec is S{5.0(t + SrrIIi J. SUBTOT.{L OF ABOVE i9zo Stltr Surcharge 8 %o Arlrnini-ttrative Fcc TOTAL Sz 12