HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2001-03-07'1--t 37i /ELD I The lollowing project as submitted has zoning, and-does not require specilic approval. Zonlng 2U ETFIE StfEET Date SPEII{GETBID. OREGON 97477urspEcrroll izouzsti - Tturgj?c!, sisnature 726-3759 1 JOB DESCRIPCTON DATE: 3. @IOT.ETI FEE SCEBDU!! EBII}IT A. Ncv i616.ntlal-Slogle orilultt-Fully per dvelling unlr.Srrvicl Included:Itcns Cost 1000 sq.tt. or lcss S 85.00 Erch eddlrlonal 500 sq. fl cr porttonth:reof S 15.00 Eeeh llanuf,d llone. or - lloduhr 'Dnelltng Sertlcc or Fcedir _ S 40.00 .B- S*vlecs or PaGdGrsfnstrlletlon, Altcratlons or Brlocrtlon: Pcraits .rG non-tranrstereblc rnd cxpircIC vork ls nor :rtrrcd ylthln 180 diysof issuance or lf vork ls suspended ior 180 drys. 2. CONTR/I|qIOB INSf,ALIATTON ONLI Electricel Contrec gss Securccom. lnc OSNEN INSTALIATION the lnstallatlon ls belng uade onproP.r(y I oyn rrhtth is not intendedfor sale, Ieesc or rcnt. 0Yncrs Slgnegurc: land use -Or City Job llunber PEN'GT APPLICATION 0 Sun Address I 1.t () ffi\5TAeET:T E . \CD Ci ty SPdngliclO phone 988-3565 Supervlsor Lleense Nuaber 794JLE EXP iratton Date t0l0u02 Constr Conrr. prr6..3.353CLE ExPlretion Dere 10/01/00 Slgnature of Supervlslng ElectrlclanH ?"' Ovnrrs l_ Address eBSo C.-?ao Cl ty -41tr C. tclporrr! Scrvlces or Fcedcrsfnstallatlon, Alteretion or gclocetton 200 anps'or less S 4O.OO 201 r.rps to 4oO arps - S S5.OOovcr 4Ol to 600 alps - S SO.OOOver 600 rtlps or 1000-Gl=s sGG oB" affi D. Brench Circuits Nev, Alttr.tion or BrCcnsien per pancl one Cireulr S 35.ooEadr Addltlonal Circuit or vith Serviceor Fceder Perruit S 2.OO lltsccllincous (Servlcc/fccdcr nor lncluded) -Each Installatlon 200 raps or lrsr S 50 201 anps to 400 rnps - S 60401 raps to 600 rups - Sloo 601 ups to 1000 aaps- S13oovcr 1000 tnps/volts - S3OOReconncctOnly _ SaO Purp or irrlgrtlon Slgn/Outllne Llghtlng-Lidted Energy/ResLlrltcd Enrr2y/Conu oo 00 00 00 oo o0 t- s 40.00 s 40.00 s 20.00s 36.00 WD 5. su8rotAl oF ABovE 1U Sttte Sureharge3f Adrtnlstrative Fee IOTAL 1fil:,r,{IT l0' il $: ?'6t I I: ilX],I $lU 00i 1,0 -,$rrll: llufl iirf il0il-itl: *5NUHi FIEL OFEGOruTY OF SP 5L l.WIrL DESCRIITf0N B