HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sewer Connection Record 1970-04-20APPL I CA TION T c!r' _-_ SPLINGEIEE ACRE-El.E FoR TRUNK LINE Application is hereby,,ade by the undersigned property owner for permission to connect to ths followlng descrlbed proparty to a trunk llne sower owned and maintained by the City of Springfield, and I agree to pay such a hookup charge of $3.40 per front of the property for the first 150 feet in depth to be served by such trunk Iine sewer in Iieu of an assessment against the described property. An additional $0.02 per square foot will be charged for any additional property beyonci the fi rst 150 feet. Property Description:Address 694 North 32nd See Attached Sewer hookup charge: ($:.qO per front foot)$ 3.40 x 82 = $278.80 This agreement has been conputed as being one-half (*) o of an eighi (S) inch lateral sanitary sewer at the rate of'$ front foot and does not include the cost of a house connecti sewer user charges, plumbing permits or other such costs to perty owner. f the equivalent cost 1.40 per abutting on to said trunk sewer, be assumed by the pro- S PB.NGF I ELD U By D ate: STATE OF OREGON County of Lane ) BE lT REMEMBERED, That on the undersigned, a Notary appeared the within name PROPERTY OI,/NERS: this 2,.:d^y of 4PRIt-, 192, Public in and for the said County and State, before me, persona I ly known to me to be the identical individua t_described in and who executed the t-< /.f- executed the same freely andwithin instrument and acknowledged to me tha voluntari Iy. WITNESS my hand and seal this day and year last above written. No;nry Publ ic //, My Comrni ss i on Exp i res I /rt- o,* t- -:'d O'Jfa [-sa I II --l- I I I /G\\{-/ KNOW ALL I,lEN BY THESE PRESE/VI S, That...........PHILLIP.0..IORES.T..P.RODUCT.$., .....INCOX.P.0BATEDr.........-....(d,;r. .........., a corpotation duly orfanized, and exisfing under the law#(the Sfafe of.-....--.0.f99.9-I-l-.-.-,..--..,......-....--......., hereinalter called the frantor,inconsid,erationof{,ff\*ffiE.,iei+inu''*o-e;D:niriv:xNr::.tiq/1c6:=.i...1...|'.|...ooItars(( to !,rantor paid byiIARoLD...S....ELLER..e.qd-..WOINE..R.....-EI,I.,EB,...ltii-g.h.e.nL..g,lg...YL{9.r............................, hereinalter called the frantee, does hereby Qrant, bar$ain, sell and convey unto the said grantee and franCee's successors, heirs and assrgns, that certain real property, with the tenements, hereditamenfs and appurtenances lfiereunto belongin{ or appertainin!,, situated in the Sfafe of Ore$on and the county therc rn narned below, descilbed as follows, to-wit: Lot.67, OLD WINDI,IILL TRACT, as platted and recorded in Book 13' Page 24, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane county, 0regon. SubJecE to easenents, reservat,ions and restrictions of record. To Have and to HoId the above described lranted premises unto the said S,rantee and lTantee's successors, heirs and assl4lns forever. And said Qrantot hereby covenants to and with said Erantee and Srantee's successors, heirs and assr6ins, that Srantor is lawtully seized in lee simple of the above lranted premises, free trom all encum- brances .. -.-. Exg-eP-!. -. -q.axes for L969-70. and that ltantor will and lrantols successors shall warrant and torever detend the above p,ranted prcm- ises and every part and parcel thereol aElainsf the lawtul c/aims and d.emands of a// persons whomsoever. ' In construinS this deed and where the context so regurtres, the sinpular includes the plutal. . .. ,. -'n^- - 1.. ^;A^- ^l )h^ .Ataatanro .,ac-.l nl di.onloeo-.w;]h :t< aataatola,aapt altoaLo) tA:a.